protected void AddHai(Hai hai, int index) { int line = Mathf.Max(0, (index - this.yama_start) % MaxLines); int indexInLine = Mathf.Max(0, (index - this.yama_start) / MaxLines); Transform parent = top; if (line == 0) { parent = top; } else { parent = bottom; } // set position. align right. float posX = AlignRightLocalPos.x - MahjongPai.Width * indexInLine; Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(posX, 0, 0); MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(parent, localPos, hai, false); string name = ResManager.getMahjongTextureName(hai.Kind, hai.Num); //Debug.Log ("AddHai("+hai.ID+","+name+")"); mahjongYama.Add(index, pai); //if(index == 0 || index == 2 || index == Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX-2) pai.Show(); }
public MahjongPai PickUp(int index) { if (mahjongYama.ContainsKey(index)) { MahjongPai pai = mahjongYama[index]; mahjongYama.Remove(index); return(pai); } else { string indexList = ""; foreach (var maj in mahjongYama) { indexList += maj.Key.ToString() + ","; } if (mahjongYama.Count > 0) { //Debug.LogWarningFormat ("No such mahjong in index {0}, range is [{1}] ", index, indexList.Substring (0, indexList.Length - 1)); } else { //Debug.Log ("mahjongYama.Count="+mahjongYama.Count); } return(null); } }
public void Show() { Hai[] init_hais = new Hai[4] { new Hai(Hai.ID_TON), new Hai(Hai.ID_NAN), new Hai(Hai.ID_SYA), new Hai(Hai.ID_PE), }; Hai temp; for (int i = 0; i < init_hais.Length; i++) { int index = Random.Range(0, init_hais.Length); temp = init_hais[i]; init_hais[i] = init_hais[index]; init_hais[index] = temp; } gameObject.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < init_hais.Length; i++) { MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(transform, new Vector3(leftPosX + i * offset, posY, 0), init_hais[i], false); pai.SetOnClick(OnClickMahjong); pai.EnableInput(); kazePaiList.Add(pai); } }
protected void AddHai(Hai hai, int index) { int line = Mathf.Max(0, (index - this.yama_start) % MaxLines); int indexInLine = Mathf.Max(0, (index - this.yama_start) / MaxLines); Transform parent = top; if (line == 0) { parent = top; } else { parent = bottom; } // set position. align right. float posX = AlignRightLocalPos.x - MahjongPai.Width * indexInLine; Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(posX, 0, 0); MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(parent, localPos, hai, false); mahjongYama.Add(index, pai); //if(index == 0 || index == 2 || index == Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX-2) pai.Show(); }
public void AddPai(MahjongPai pai, bool newPicked = false, bool isShow = false) { int index = tehaiList.Count; float posX = AlignLeftLocalPos.x + MahjongPai.Width * index + HaiPosOffsetX * index; pai.transform.parent = transform; pai.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, AlignLeftLocalPos.y, 0); if (isShow) { pai.Show(); } else { pai.Hide(); } if (OwnerPlayer.IsAI == false) { pai.SetOnClick(OnClickMahjong); } = pai.ID.ToString(); tehaiList.Add(pai); if (newPicked) { pai.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(NewHaiPosOffsetX, 0, 0); } }
IEnumerator MoveMahjongPaiToKaze(int startID) { for (int i = 0, id = startID; i < kazePaiList.Count; i++, id++) { if (id > Hai.ID_PE) { id = Hai.ID_TON; } MahjongPai pai = kazePaiList.Find(mp => mp.ID == id); pai.Show(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.4f)); TweenPosition tweener = TweenPosition.Begin(pai.gameObject, 0.3f, kazePosList[i]); = UITweener.Style.Once; if (i == kazePaiList.Count - 1) { tweener.SetOnFinished(OnMoveEnd); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } }
void InitDoraHais(Hai[] allOmoteDoras, Hai[] allUraDoras) { if (_omoteDoraHais != null) { ClearMahjongList(_omoteDoraHais); for (int i = 0; i < DoraHaisColumn; i++) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(-i * (MahjongPai.Width + haiOffset), 0f, 0f); Hai hai = allOmoteDoras[i]; MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(omoteDoraRoot, pos, hai, false); _omoteDoraHais.Add(pai); } } if (_uraDoraHais != null) { ClearMahjongList(_uraDoraHais); for (int i = 0; i < DoraHaisColumn; i++) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(-i * (MahjongPai.Width + haiOffset), 0f, 0f); Hai hai = allUraDoras[i]; MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(uraDoraRoot, pos, hai, false); _uraDoraHais.Add(pai); } } }
protected void OnClick() { if (current == null && enabled) { current = this; if (_onClick != null) { _onClick(); } current = null; } }
//出牌 public MahjongPai SuteHai(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < tehaiList.Count) { MahjongPai pai = tehaiList[index]; tehaiList.RemoveAt(index); pai.transform.parent = null; return(pai); } return(null); }
public bool setTedashi(bool isTedashi) { if (_allHais.Count <= 0) { return(false); } // set last hai tedashi. MahjongPai lastHai = _allHais[_allHais.Count - 1]; lastHai.SetTedashi(isTedashi); return(true); }
public bool setShining(bool isShining) { if (_allHais.Count <= 0) { return(false); } // set last hai shining. MahjongPai lastHai = _allHais[_allHais.Count - 1]; lastHai.setShining(isShining); return(true); }
public override void Clear() { base.Clear(); // clear all pai. for (int i = 0; i < fuuroHais.Count; i++) { MahjongPai pai = fuuroHais[i]; PlayerUI.CollectMahjongPai(pai); } fuuroHais.Clear(); curMaxPosX = 0; }
public bool setNaki(bool isNaki) { if (_allHais.Count <= 0) { return(false); } // set last hai naki. MahjongPai lastHai = _allHais[_allHais.Count - 1]; lastHai.SetNaki(isNaki); setShining(false); return(true); }
public bool SetReach(bool isReach) { if (_allHais.Count <= 0) { return(false); } // set last hai reach. MahjongPai lastHai = _allHais[_allHais.Count - 1]; lastHai.SetReach(isReach); _curLineRightAligPosX += (MahjongPai.Height - MahjongPai.Width); return(true); }
//public override void SetParentPanelDepth( int depth ) { // for( int i = 0; i < lineParents.Count; i++ ) { // UIPanel panel = lineParents[i].GetComponent<UIPanel>(); // // panel.depth = depth + (lineParents.Count - i); // } //} public void AddHai(MahjongPai pai) { int inLine = _allHais.Count / MaxCoutPerLine; //inLine=0,1,2. >2 has a small chance. int indexInLine = _allHais.Count % MaxCoutPerLine; int EndingLine = Max_Lines - 1; if (inLine != _curLine) { if (inLine <= EndingLine) { _curLine = inLine; _curLineRightAligPosX = AlignLeftLocalPos.x; } else if (inLine > EndingLine) { _curLine = EndingLine; indexInLine += MaxCoutPerLine; _curLineRightAligPosX += MahjongPai.Width + HaiPosOffsetX; } } else { if (indexInLine > 0) { _curLineRightAligPosX += MahjongPai.Width + HaiPosOffsetX; } } //pai.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Hou"); Utils.SetLayerRecursively(pai.gameObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer("Hou")); //pai.transform.parent = lineParents[_curLine]; //pai.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_curLineRightAligPosX, 0, 0); pai.transform.parent = AllHouUI.instance.GiveHouParent(); pai.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(AllHouUI.instance.GiveHouPoistion(_allHais.Count), 0, 0); pai.DisableInput(); pai.SetEnableStateColor(true); _allHais.Add(pai); pai.Show(); //轉90度 //lineParents[_curLine].GetComponent<UIPanel>().Update(); }
public static bool CollectMahjongPai(MahjongPai pai) { if (pai == null) { return(false); } pai.Clear(); if (poolRoot == null) { poolRoot = new GameObject("MahjongPoolRoot").transform; } pai.transform.parent = poolRoot; Utils.SetLayerRecursively(pai.gameObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")); pai.gameObject.SetActive(false); _mahjongPaiPool.Add(pai.gameObject); return(true); }
public void SuteHai(int index) { //Debug.Log (this._ownerPlayer.Name+" SuteHai("+index+")"); MahjongPai pai = tehai.SuteHai(index); if (pai != null) { Hai hai = pai.GetInfo(); string name = ResManager.getMagjongName(hai.Kind, hai.Num); string wind = ResManager.getString("kaze_" + _ownerPlayer.JiKaze.ToString().ToLower()); Debug.Log("[" + wind + "]" + this._ownerPlayer.Name + " 出牌(" + name + ")"); RecordPreTedasi._instance.PreTedasiPlayerIndex = this._ownerPlayer.Order; Speak(ECvType.Throw, hai); //Speak( ECvType.Reach ); AddSuteHai(pai); } else { Debug.LogError("沒有這個牌 index" + index); } }
public static bool CollectMahjongPai(MahjongPai pai) { if (pai == null) { return(false); } pai.Clear(); if (poolRoot == null) { poolRoot = new GameObject("MahjongPoolRoot").transform; } pai.transform.parent = poolRoot; pai.gameObject.SetActive(false); _mahjongPaiPool.Add(pai.gameObject); return(true); }
public void AddHai(MahjongPai pai) { int inLine = _allHais.Count / MaxCoutPerLine; //inLine=0,1,2. >2 has a small chance. int indexInLine = _allHais.Count % MaxCoutPerLine; int EndingLine = Max_Lines - 1; if (inLine != _curLine) { if (inLine <= EndingLine) { _curLine = inLine; _curLineRightAligPosX = AlignLeftLocalPos.x; } else if (inLine > EndingLine) { _curLine = EndingLine; indexInLine += MaxCoutPerLine; _curLineRightAligPosX += MahjongPai.Width + HaiPosOffsetX; } } else { if (indexInLine > 0) { _curLineRightAligPosX += MahjongPai.Width + HaiPosOffsetX; } } pai.transform.parent = lineParents[_curLine]; pai.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_curLineRightAligPosX, 0, 0); pai.DisableInput(); pai.SetEnableStateColor(true); _allHais.Add(pai); pai.Show(); lineParents[_curLine].GetComponent <UIPanel>().Update(); }
public static MahjongPai CreateMahjongPai(Transform parent, Vector3 localPos, Hai info, bool isShow = true) { if (Hai.IsValidHai(info) == false) { Debug.LogError("PlayerUI: Invalid hai for ID == " + info.ID); return(null); } GameObject newInst = ResManager.CreateMahjongObject(); newInst.transform.parent = parent; newInst.transform.localScale =; newInst.transform.localPosition = localPos; // set component info. MahjongPai pai = newInst.GetComponent <MahjongPai>(); if (pai == null) { pai = newInst.AddComponent <MahjongPai>(); } pai.SetInfo(info); pai.Init(); pai.UpdateImage(); if (isShow) { pai.Show(); } else { pai.Hide(); } return(pai); }
public void AddPai(MahjongPai pai, bool newPicked = false, bool isShow = false) { int index = tehaiList.Count; float posX = AlignLeftLocalPos.x + MahjongPai.Width * index + HaiPosOffsetX * index; pai.transform.parent = transform; pai.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, AlignLeftLocalPos.y, 0); if (isShow) { pai.Show(); } else { pai.Hide(); } if (OwnerPlayer.IsAI == false) { //pai.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlayerTehai"); Utils.SetLayerRecursively(pai.gameObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlayerTehai")); pai.SetOnClick(OnClickMahjong); pai.isPlayer = true; } else { Utils.SetLayerRecursively(pai.gameObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")); } = pai.ID.ToString(); tehaiList.Add(pai); if (newPicked) { pai.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(NewHaiPosOffsetX, 0, 0); } }
// handle ui event. public void OnHandleEvent(UIEventType evtID, object[] args) { switch (evtID) { case UIEventType.Init_Game: // game init / { Clear(); Init(); HideAllHudPanel(); } break; case UIEventType.Select_ChiiCha: { selectChiiChanPanel.Show(); } break; case UIEventType.Init_PlayerInfoUI: { List <Player> players = Model.PlayerList; for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { Player player = players[i]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict[i]; ui.SetKaze(player.JiKaze); ui.SetTenbou(player.Tenbou); ui.Reach(false); ui.SetOyaKaze(i == Model.OyaIndex); ui.BindPlayer(player); if (player.JiKaze == Model.getManKaze()) { playerInputPanel.BindPlayer(player); playerInputPanel.SetOwnerPlayerUI(ui); } } } break; case UIEventType.SetYama_BeforeHaipai: { // Yama. Hai[] yamaHais = Model.Yama.getYamaHais(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Dictionary <int, Hai> haiDict = new Dictionary <int, Hai>(); int[] indexRange = getStartEndOfYamaUIOfPlayer(i); for (int h = indexRange[0]; h <= indexRange[1]; h++) { haiDict.Add(h, yamaHais[h]); } playerUIDict[i].SetYamaHais(haiDict, indexRange[0], indexRange[1]); } //TestYama(); } break; case UIEventType.DisplayKyokuInfo: { string kyokuStr = (string)args[0]; string honbaStr = (string)args[1]; kyokuInfoPanel.Show(kyokuStr, honbaStr); } break; case UIEventType.Select_Wareme: { Sai[] sais = Model.Saifuri(); saifuriPanel.Show(sais[0].Num, sais[1].Num); } break; case UIEventType.SetUI_AfterHaipai: // 配牌 / { /// set game info. gameInfo.SetKyoku(Model.getBaKaze(), Model.Kyoku); gameInfo.SetReachCount(Model.ReachBou); gameInfo.SetHonba(Model.HonBa); gameInfo.SetRemain(Model.getTsumoRemainCount()); int totalPickHaiCount = (4 * 3 + 1) * Model.PlayerList.Count; /// set yama. int waremeIndex = Model.Wareme; int tsumoHaiStartIndex = waremeIndex + totalPickHaiCount; //Debug.Log(string.Format("remove yamahai in range[{0},{1}]", waremeIndex+1, tsumoHaiStartIndex % Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX)); for (int i = waremeIndex + 1; i <= tsumoHaiStartIndex; i++) { int index = i % Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX; int p = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(index); MahjongPai pai = playerUIDict[p].PickUpYamaHai(index); PlayerUI.CollectMahjongPai(pai); } /// set tehais. int PlayerCount = Model.PlayerList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < PlayerCount; i++) { Player player = Model.PlayerList[i]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict[i]; ui.SetTehai(player.Tehai.getJyunTehai()); ui.SetTehaiVisiable(!player.IsAI); playerUIDict_Kaze[player.JiKaze] = ui; } /// set init Dora. int showIndex = waremeIndex - 5; if (showIndex < 0) { showIndex += Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX; } int pi = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(showIndex); playerUIDict[pi].ShowYamaHai(showIndex); // set Wareme. showIndex = waremeIndex - 13; if (showIndex < 0) { showIndex += Yama.YAMA_HAIS_MAX; } pi = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(showIndex); playerUIDict[pi].SetWareme(showIndex); } break; case UIEventType.DisplayMenuList: { // TODO: shouldn't use Model too frequently // if menu is for HandleSuteHai, set sute hai shining. if (Model.CurrentRequest == ERequest.Handle_SuteHai && Model.ActivePlayer.Action.MenuList.Count > 0) { if (hasShining == false) { shiningKaze = Model.FromKaze; playerUIDict_Kaze[shiningKaze].SetShining(true); hasShining = true; } } playerInputPanel.Show(); } break; case UIEventType.HideMenuList: { playerInputPanel.Hide(); // if menu is for HandleSuteHai, set sute hai not shining. if (hasShining) { playerUIDict_Kaze[shiningKaze].SetShining(false); hasShining = false; } } break; case UIEventType.PickTsumoHai: { gameInfo.SetRemain(Model.getTsumoRemainCount()); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; int lastPickIndex = (int)args[1]; Hai newHai = (Hai)args[2]; int yamaPlayerIndex = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(lastPickIndex); MahjongPai pai = playerUIDict[yamaPlayerIndex].PickUpYamaHai(lastPickIndex); PlayerUI.CollectMahjongPai(pai); PlayerUI playerUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; playerUI.PickHai(newHai, true, !activePlayer.IsAI); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI && !activePlayer.IsReach); } break; case UIEventType.PickRinshanHai: { Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; int lastPickRinshanIndex = (int)args[1]; Hai newHai = (Hai)args[2]; int newDoraHaiIndex = (int)args[3]; int yamaPlayerIndex = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(lastPickRinshanIndex); MahjongPai pai = playerUIDict[yamaPlayerIndex].PickUpYamaHai(lastPickRinshanIndex); PlayerUI.CollectMahjongPai(pai); PlayerUI playerUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; playerUI.PickHai(newHai, true, !activePlayer.IsAI); // open a omote dora hai int omoteDoraPlayerIndex = findPlayerForYamahaiIndex(newDoraHaiIndex); playerUIDict[omoteDoraPlayerIndex].ShowYamaHai(newDoraHaiIndex); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI && !activePlayer.IsReach); } break; case UIEventType.SuteHai: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(SuteHaiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; int sutehaiIndex = (int)args[1]; //Hai suteHai = (Hai)args[2]; bool isTedashi = (bool)args[3]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.SuteHai(sutehaiIndex); ui.SetTedashi(isTedashi); // needn't sort hais if sute the last one. if (sutehaiIndex < activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehaiCount()) { ui.SortTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), SuteHaiAnimationTime); } SetManInputEnable(false); // play a sute hai sound AudioManager.Get().PlaySFX(AudioConfig.GetSEPath(ESeType.SuteHai)); } break; case UIEventType.Reach: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(ReachAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; int sutehaiIndex = (int)args[1]; //Hai suteHai = (Hai)args[2]; bool isTedashi = (bool)args[3]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.SuteHai(sutehaiIndex); ui.SetTedashi(isTedashi); ui.Reach(); ui.Speak(ECvType.Reach); // needn't sort hais if sute the last one. if (sutehaiIndex < activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehaiCount()) { ui.SortTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), SuteHaiAnimationTime); } ui.Info.SetReach(true); ui.Info.SetTenbou(activePlayer.Tenbou); gameInfo.SetReachCount(Model.ReachBou); SetManInputEnable(false); } break; case UIEventType.Kakan: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(NakiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; //Hai kakanHai = (Hai)args[1]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.UpdateFuuro(activePlayer.Tehai.getFuuros()); ui.SetTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Kan); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI); } break; case UIEventType.Ankan: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(NakiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.UpdateFuuro(activePlayer.Tehai.getFuuros()); ui.SetTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Kan); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI); } break; case UIEventType.DaiMinKan: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(NakiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; EKaze fromKaze = (EKaze)args[1]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.UpdateFuuro(activePlayer.Tehai.getFuuros()); ui.SetTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Kan); PlayerUI fromUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[fromKaze]; fromUI.SetNaki(); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI); } break; case UIEventType.Pon: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(NakiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; EKaze fromKaze = (EKaze)args[1]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.UpdateFuuro(activePlayer.Tehai.getFuuros()); ui.SetTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Pon); PlayerUI fromUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[fromKaze]; fromUI.SetNaki(); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI); } break; case UIEventType.Chii_Left: case UIEventType.Chii_Center: case UIEventType.Chii_Right: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(NakiAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; EKaze fromKaze = (EKaze)args[1]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.UpdateFuuro(activePlayer.Tehai.getFuuros()); ui.SetTehai(activePlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(), true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Chii); PlayerUI fromUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[fromKaze]; fromUI.SetNaki(); SetManInputEnable(!activePlayer.IsAI); } break; case UIEventType.Ron_Agari: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(AgariAnimationTime); List <EKaze> ronPlayers = (List <EKaze>)args[0]; EKaze fromKaze = (EKaze)args[1]; Hai ronHai = (Hai)args[2]; for (int i = 0; i < ronPlayers.Count; i++) { PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[ronPlayers[i]]; ui.PickHai(ronHai, true, false); ui.SetTehaiVisiable(true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Ron); } PlayerUI fromUI = playerUIDict_Kaze[fromKaze]; fromUI.SetNaki(); // show out all players' tehai ShowAllPlayerTehai(); } break; case UIEventType.Tsumo_Agari: { UIAnimWillEndAfter(AgariAnimationTime); Player activePlayer = (Player)args[0]; PlayerUI ui = playerUIDict_Kaze[activePlayer.JiKaze]; ui.SetTehaiVisiable(true); ui.Speak(ECvType.Tsumo); // show out all players' tehai ShowAllPlayerTehai(); } break; case UIEventType.Display_Agari_Panel: { List <AgariUpdateInfo> agariList = (List <AgariUpdateInfo>)args[0]; agariPanel.Show(agariList); } break; case UIEventType.RyuuKyoku: { ERyuuKyokuReason reason = (ERyuuKyokuReason)args[0]; List <AgariUpdateInfo> agariList = (List <AgariUpdateInfo>)args[1]; ShowAllPlayerTehai(); ryuuKyokuPanel.Show(reason, agariList); } break; case UIEventType.End_Game: { List <AgariUpdateInfo> agariList = (List <AgariUpdateInfo>)args[0]; gameOverPanel.Show(agariList); } break; } }
public void SuteHai(int index) { MahjongPai pai = tehai.SuteHai(index); AddSuteHai(pai); }
public static int MahjongPaiCompare(MahjongPai x, MahjongPai y) { return(x.ID - y.ID); }
public void AddPai(Hai hai, bool newPicked = false, bool isShow = false) { MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(transform,, hai, isShow); AddPai(pai, newPicked, isShow); }
void OnClickMahjong() { //Debug.Log ("OnClickMahjong()"); int index = tehaiList.IndexOf(MahjongPai.current); //int index = 0; //Debug.Log("OnClickMahjong(" + index.ToString()+")"); //index = OwnerPlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehaiCount() - 1; // Test: the last one. switch (PlayerAction.State) { case EActionState.Select_Agari: case EActionState.Select_Sutehai: { //丟牌 PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.SuteHai; PlayerAction.SutehaiIndex = index; EventManager.Instance.RpcSendEvent(UIEventType.HideMenuList); OwnerPlayer.OnPlayerInputFinished(); } break; case EActionState.Select_Reach: { //聽牌 PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Reach; PlayerAction.ReachSelectIndex = PlayerAction.ReachHaiIndexList.FindIndex(i => i == index); SetEnableStateColor(true); EventManager.Instance.RpcSendEvent(UIEventType.HideMenuList); OwnerPlayer.OnPlayerInputFinished(); } break; case EActionState.Select_Kan: { //槓 Hai kanHai = new Hai(MahjongPai.current.ID); //Hai kanHai = new Hai( 0); if (OwnerPlayer.Tehai.validKaKan(kanHai)) { PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Kakan; } else { PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Ankan; } PlayerAction.KanSelectIndex = PlayerAction.TsumoKanHaiList.FindIndex(h => h.ID == kanHai.ID); SetEnableStateColor(true); EventManager.Instance.RpcSendEvent(UIEventType.HideMenuList); OwnerPlayer.OnPlayerInputFinished(); } break; case EActionState.Select_Chii: { //吃 MahjongPai curSelect = MahjongPai.current; //MahjongPai curSelect = new MahjongPai(); if (chiiPaiSelectList.Contains(curSelect)) { chiiPaiSelectList.Remove(curSelect); curSelect.transform.localPosition -= SelectStatePosOffset; // check to enable select other chii type pai. List <int> enableIndexList = new List <int>(); Hai[] jyunTehais = OwnerPlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(); for (int i = 0; i < PlayerAction.AllSarashiHais.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < jyunTehais.Length; j++) { if (jyunTehais[j].ID == PlayerAction.AllSarashiHais[i].ID) { enableIndexList.Add(j); } } } EnableInput(enableIndexList); } else { chiiPaiSelectList.Add(curSelect); if (curSelect) { curSelect.transform.localPosition += SelectStatePosOffset; } if (chiiPaiSelectList.Count >= 2) // confirm Chii. { chiiPaiSelectList.Sort(MahjongPaiCompare); if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight.Count >= 2) { PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight.Sort(Tehai.Compare); if (chiiPaiSelectList[0].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight[0].ID && chiiPaiSelectList[1].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight[1].ID) { PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Chii_Right; PlayerAction.ChiiSelectType = PlayerAction.Chii_Select_Right; Debug.Log("Chii type is Chii_Right"); } } if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter.Count >= 2) { PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter.Sort(Tehai.Compare); if (chiiPaiSelectList[0].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter[0].ID && chiiPaiSelectList[1].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter[1].ID) { PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Chii_Center; PlayerAction.ChiiSelectType = PlayerAction.Chii_Select_Center; Debug.Log("Chii type is Chii_Center"); } } if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft.Count >= 2) { PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft.Sort(Tehai.Compare); if (chiiPaiSelectList[0].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft[0].ID && chiiPaiSelectList[1].ID == PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft[1].ID) { PlayerAction.Response = EResponse.Chii_Left; PlayerAction.ChiiSelectType = PlayerAction.Chii_Select_Left; Debug.Log("Chii type is Chii_Left"); } } EventManager.Instance.RpcSendEvent(UIEventType.HideMenuList); OwnerPlayer.OnPlayerInputFinished(); chiiPaiSelectList.Clear(); } else // check to disable select other chii type pai. { List <int> enableIndexList = new List <int>(); Hai[] jyunTehais = OwnerPlayer.Tehai.getJyunTehai(); int curSelectID = chiiPaiSelectList[0].ID; enableIndexList.Add(index); if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight.Exists(h => h.ID == curSelectID)) { Hai otherHai = PlayerAction.SarashiHaiRight.Find(h => h.ID != curSelectID); for (int i = 0; i < jyunTehais.Length; i++) { if (jyunTehais[i].ID == otherHai.ID && !enableIndexList.Contains(i)) { enableIndexList.Add(i); } } } if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter.Exists(h => h.ID == curSelectID)) { Hai otherHai = PlayerAction.SarashiHaiCenter.Find(h => h.ID != curSelectID); for (int i = 0; i < jyunTehais.Length; i++) { if (jyunTehais[i].ID == otherHai.ID && !enableIndexList.Contains(i)) { enableIndexList.Add(i); } } } if (PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft.Exists(h => h.ID == curSelectID)) { Hai otherHai = PlayerAction.SarashiHaiLeft.Find(h => h.ID != curSelectID); for (int i = 0; i < jyunTehais.Length; i++) { if (jyunTehais[i].ID == otherHai.ID && !enableIndexList.Contains(i)) { enableIndexList.Add(i); } } } EnableInput(enableIndexList); } } } break; } }
public void PickPai(MahjongPai hai, bool newPicked = false, bool isShow = false) { tehai.AddPai(hai, newPicked, isShow); }
// 河. 打牌. protected void AddSuteHai(MahjongPai hai) { hou.AddHai(hai); }
public static void CollectMahjongPai(MahjongPai pai) { ResManager.CollectMahjongPai(pai); }
public void UpdateFuuro(Fuuro[] fuuros) { if (fuuros == null) { return; } // clear all fuuro. Clear(); // create new. for (int i = 0; i < fuuros.Length; i++) { Fuuro fuu = fuuros[i]; EFuuroType fuuroType = fuu.Type; if (i > 0) { curMaxPosX -= FuuroOffsetX; } int newPickIndex = fuu.NewPickIndex; Hai[] hais = fuu.Hais; //int relation = fuu.Relation; bool shouldSetLand = false; switch (fuuroType) { case EFuuroType.MinShun: //Chii. case EFuuroType.MinKou: // Pon. case EFuuroType.KaKan: // 加杠. case EFuuroType.DaiMinKan: // 大明杠. { for (int j = 0; j < hais.Length; j++) { if (hais[j].ID < 0) { continue; } shouldSetLand = (j == newPickIndex); float posX = curMaxPosX - GetMahjongRange(shouldSetLand) * 0.5f; Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(posX, 0, 0); MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(transform, localPos, hais[j], true); if (shouldSetLand) { pai.SetOrientation(EOrientation.Landscape_Left); pai.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, MahjongPai.LandHaiPosOffsetY, 0); } pai.DisableInput(); fuuroHais.Add(pai); // update curMaxPosX. curMaxPosX -= GetMahjongRange(shouldSetLand); } } break; case EFuuroType.AnKan: // 暗杠. { for (int j = 0; j < hais.Length; j++) { if (hais[j].ID < 0) { continue; } shouldSetLand = false; float posX = curMaxPosX - GetMahjongRange(shouldSetLand) * 0.5f; Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(posX, 0, 0); bool isShow = (j != 0 && j != hais.Length - 1); // 2 sides hide. MahjongPai pai = PlayerUI.CreateMahjongPai(transform, localPos, hais[j], isShow); fuuroHais.Add(pai); // update curMaxPosX. curMaxPosX -= GetMahjongRange(shouldSetLand); } } break; } } // end for(). }