// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { lvlload.LoadLevel(1); } }
public void PutSpelerInTeam() { btnJoin.gameObject.SetActive(false); btnGo.gameObject.SetActive(false); //get selected item from dropdown var menuIndex = dropdown.GetComponent <Dropdown>().value; var menuValue = dropdown.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[menuIndex].text; Debug.Log(menuValue); //get teamid from the team dictionary throug the teamname var teamId = teamlijst[menuValue]; //create the url for adding player var url = "Team/" + teamId + "/AddSpeler?spelerID=" + Info.spelerId; if (teamId == -1) //team id -1 => developer bypass (offline mode) { //Debug.Log("bypassing"); Info.TeamNaam = menuValue; Info.TeamId = teamId; levelLoader.LoadLevel(nextLevel); } StartCoroutine(api.Get2(url, NextLevel)); }
void OnGUI() { // Make a background box Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); GUI.Box(rect, ""); GUIStyle centeredStyle = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label"); centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; centeredStyle.fontSize = 48; centeredStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; // centered and at top of screen GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.center[0] - 100, rect.center[1] - 200, 200, 150), "Final Score"); GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.center[0] - 100, rect.center[1] - 80, 200, 100), "5/5"); string victory = ""; victory = "Winner"; GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.center[0] - 100, rect.center[1] + 100, 200, 100), victory); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.center[0] - 50, rect.center[1], 110, 20), "Return To Base")) { loader.LoadLevel("level_select"); } // Make the second button. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.center[0] - 50, rect.center[1] + 40, 110, 20), "Quit")) { loader.LoadLevel("start_menu"); } }
public void Quit() { Time.timeScale = 1; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; Cursor.visible = true; pauseMenu.SetActive(false); loader.LoadLevel(0); }
public void PlayGame() { StartCoroutine(LD.LoadLevel(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1)); //SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1); Time.timeScale = 1f; Health.health = 3; ScoreScript.scoreValue = 0; //health reset }
private void Start() { //Elizabeth's note: 0 is the tutorial scene, so no facts needed. If the scene index is not 0, pop open the fact box. /*if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 0) * { * FactManager.instance.openFactBox(); * }*/ levelLoader.LoadLevel(currentLevel); }
public void BackToMenuNextLevel() { LevelProgressManager.SaveLevelProgress(LevelProgressManager.levelProgress + 1); gameFinishUIObject.SetActive(false); gameOverUIObject.SetActive(false); gameUIObject.SetActive(false); levelLoader.LoadLevel(0); //SceneManager.LoadScene(0); }
public void EndLevel() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Score", score); PlayerPrefs.SetString("Level", Application.loadedLevelName); if (winState) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Win", 1); loader.LoadLevel("game_over"); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Win", 0); loader.LoadLevel("game_over"); } }
protected override void Start() { this.OnPointerClickAsObservable() .First() .Subscribe(_ => levelLoader.LoadLevel()) .AddTo(this); }
void OnMouseUp() { //switch to main_game scene LevelLoader loader = GameObject.Find("Utilities").GetComponent <LevelLoader> (); loader.LoadLevel("level_select"); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Debug.Log(other); GameObject target = other.gameObject; Debug.Log(target); Debug.Log(target.layer); if (target.tag == "player") { Debug.Log("Collision with player at: " + transform.position); Destroy(target); Debug.Log("ending..."); //StartCoroutine(gameEnd()); levelLoader.LoadLevel("StartMenu"); } else if (target.tag == "brick") { Debug.Log("Transform of explosion: " + transform.position); Tilemap bricks = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); Debug.Log("Tilemap at: " + bricks.WorldToCell(transform.position)); Debug.Log("Tilemap is: " + bricks.GetType()); Tile brick = bricks.GetTile <Tile>(bricks.WorldToCell(transform.position)); //if (brick != null) { // Debug.Log("brick is: " + brick.GetType()); //} } }
IEnumerator Fading(string sceneName) { anim.SetBool("Fade", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); loader.LoadLevel(sceneName); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.anyKey) { levelLoader.LoadLevel(1); } }
public void StartAgain() { playerPrefsManager.SetUnlockedLevels(1); LevelLoader loader = new LevelLoader(); loader.LoadLevel(0); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D Col) { if (Col.CompareTag("Player")) { levelLoader.LoadLevel(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex, 0); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { MaxHearts = GlobalDataScript.MaxAccelerant; CurrentHearts = GlobalDataScript.AccelerantInHand; MaxFireValue = GlobalDataScript.MaxHealth; PlayerObj.GetComponent <PlayerController>().MeleeDamage = GlobalDataScript.MeleeWeaponDmg; PlayerObj.GetComponent <PlayerController>().RangedDamage = GlobalDataScript.RangeWeaponDmg; //speed is handled in playercontroller start fadeWhiteGroup = FadeWhitePanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); fadeWhiteTextGroup = FadeWhiteTextPanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); fadeBlackGroup = FadeBlackPanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); fadeBlackTextGroup = FadeBlackTextPanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); fireController = FireObj.GetComponent <FireController>(); fireController.MaxValue = MaxFireValue; fireMeterController = FireMeterObj.GetComponent <FireMeterController>(); fireMeterController.MaxValue = MaxFireValue; FireValue = MaxFireValue; if (GlobalDataScript.Day >= 4) { AudioSource audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); audio.clip = audioBossMusic; audio.Play(); } Level level = LevelLoader.LoadLevel(Levels[GlobalDataScript.Day]); FindLastEnemySpawnTime(level); LaunchLevel(level); Egg.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = EggSprits[GlobalDataScript.Day]; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (col.gameObject.name == "Player") { levelLoader.LoadLevel("SelectMenu"); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks the conditionList to see if it satisfys any TransitionStates. /// If it does, then the associated scene is loaded /// </summary> public void checkState() { foreach (TransitionState t in transitionStates) { bool check = true; foreach (Precondition c in t.transitionConditions) { if (!c.checkCondition()) { //transition state not statisfied check = false; break; } } if (!check) { //transition state not statisfied continue; } //change scene to specified scene Debug.Log("Transition state achieved, loading scene: " + t.sceneName); loader.LoadLevel(t.sceneName); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { levelLoader = new LevelLoader(); levelLoader.LoadLevel(GameProperties.levelFilePath); playgroundController.ConstructLevel(levelLoader.LoadedLevel, levelLoader.LevelLength, levelLoader.LevelWidth); environmentManager.UpdateEnvironment(levelLoader.LevelWidth, levelLoader.LevelLength, playgroundController.obstaclesGridTiles); var randomSnakeDirection = Utils.GenerateRandomDirection(); playgroundController.AddSnake(randomSnakeDirection, GameProperties.initialSnakeLength); snakeController.InitSnake(randomSnakeDirection); SetupListeners(); GameProperties.playerScore = 0; OnGameResumed(); }
public IEnumerator TestLoadScene_NetworkManager_NonNullObjectExpected() { SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenuScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); MainMenuSceneInit initializer = GameObject.Find("Initializer").GetComponent <MainMenuSceneInit>(); initializer.ChangeScene("NewGameMapScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); GameApp gameApp = GameObject.Find("GameApp").GetComponent <GameApp>(); gameApp.PersistAllParameters(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); gameApp.Parameters.Remove("ServerAddress"); gameApp.Parameters.Remove("ServerPort"); gameApp.Parameters.Add("ServerAddress", ""); gameApp.Parameters.Add("ServerPort", "9994"); LevelLoader levelLoader = GameObject.Find("LevelLoader").GetComponent <LevelLoader>(); levelLoader.LoadLevel("NewGameScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); NewGameSceneInit newGameSceneInit = GameObject.Find("Initializer").GetComponent <NewGameSceneInit>(); newGameSceneInit.AddPlayer(); newGameSceneInit.AddPlayer(); ServerNetworkManager serverNetworkManager = GameObject.Find("ServerNetworkManager").GetComponent <ServerNetworkManager>(); Assert.IsNotNull(serverNetworkManager); }
//Load the next level public void GameStart() { Time.timeScale = 1f; loader.LoadLevel(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1); gameOver = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public IEnumerator TestYear_Next2Turns_2401Expected() { SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenuScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); MainMenuSceneInit initializer = GameObject.Find("Initializer").GetComponent <MainMenuSceneInit>(); initializer.ChangeScene("NewGameMapScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); GameApp gameApp = GameObject.Find("GameApp").GetComponent <GameApp>(); gameApp.PersistAllParameters(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); gameApp.Parameters.Remove("ServerAddress"); gameApp.Parameters.Remove("ServerPort"); gameApp.Parameters.Add("ServerAddress", ""); gameApp.Parameters.Add("ServerPort", "9981"); LevelLoader levelLoader = GameObject.Find("LevelLoader").GetComponent <LevelLoader>(); levelLoader.LoadLevel("NewGameScene"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); NewGameSceneInit newGameSceneInit = GameObject.Find("Initializer").GetComponent <NewGameSceneInit>(); newGameSceneInit.AddPlayer(); newGameSceneInit.AddPlayer(); List <GameApp.PlayerMenu> playerMenuList = new List <GameApp.PlayerMenu>(); GameApp.PlayerMenu player1 = new GameApp.PlayerMenu { name = "player1", password = "******", race = "human", playerType = "L" }; GameApp.PlayerMenu player2 = new GameApp.PlayerMenu { name = "player12", password = "******", race = "human", playerType = "L" }; playerMenuList.Add(player1); playerMenuList.Add(player2); gameApp.SavePlayersFromMenu(playerMenuList); ServerNetworkManager serverNetworkManager = GameObject.Find("ServerNetworkManager").GetComponent <ServerNetworkManager>(); serverNetworkManager.SetupNewGame(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); GameController gameController = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>(); gameController.NextTurn(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); gameController.NextTurn(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); Assert.AreEqual(gameController.year, 2401); }
public void LoadLevel() { int[] eqStat = FindObjectOfType <PlayerData_Battle> ().GetEqStatus(); if (eqStat[0] != -1 && eqStat[1] != -1) { if (selectedLevel != -1) { ResourcesUIControl.TurnUION(false); SceneLoader.LoadScene(3); LevelLoader.LoadLevel(selectedLevel); } else { PopUpControler.CallPopUp( "notice", "Select A Level", "Please select Avaiable level before battle Start", ""); } } else { PopUpControler.CallPopUp( "notice", "Check Equipment", "Please wear some equipment before battle, wear a WEAPON and ARMOR", ""); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { currentTime = 0; spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); SpriteLayer.CollisionLayer = new CollisionLayer(this); SpriteLayer.GameOverLayer = new GameOverLayer(this); SpriteLayer.YouWinLayer = new YouWinLayer(this); SpriteLayer.HuDLayer = new HuDLayer(this); this.Layers = new List <SpriteLayer>(); //Ideally, the layers are drawn in this order this.Layers.Add(SpriteLayer.BackgroundLayer); this.Layers.Add(SpriteLayer.CollisionLayer); this.Layers.Add(SpriteLayer.GameOverLayer); this.Layers.Add(SpriteLayer.YouWinLayer); this.Layers.Add(SpriteLayer.HuDLayer); LevelLoader.LoadLevel(this, LEVEL); SpriteLayer.CollisionLayer.AddSprite(this.Mario = SpriteFactory.CreateMario(this)); this.backgroundSong = Content.Load <Song>("Music/background"); this.invincibleSong = Content.Load <Song>("Music/invincible"); this.spedBackgroundSong = Content.Load <Song>("Music/spedbackground"); MediaPlayer.Play(this.backgroundSong); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; MediaPlayer.Volume = 0.3f; pointGenerator = new PointTextGenerator(this); }
void ReloadLevel() { Manager_Battle.SelectedWeaponManager.UnscribeFromGlobalEvents(); Manager_Battle.UnscribeFromGlobalevents(); LevelLoader.LoadLevel(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); }
private void Update() { if (videoPlayer.time / 1 + 1 >= videoPlayer.clip.length) { StartCoroutine(levelLoader.LoadLevel(timeScale: timeScale)); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { // при срабатывание тригера проверяется тег , если нож попал в бревно // - нож становится дочерним объектом бревна // - создается система частиц // - уничтожается компонент у ножа ,что бы не выполнять лишний update if (collision.tag == "Log") { transform.SetParent(collision.transform); GameObject particle = Instantiate(shavings, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1.2f), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(particle, 5f); speed = 0; collision.GetComponent <LogRotate>().CountKnife(); Destroy(kc); } else if (collision.tag == "Knife") { // Удаление ножа и загрузка нового уровня Destroy(gameObject); LevelLoader levelLoader = new LevelLoader(); levelLoader.LoadLevel(1); } }
// return current level public float newPoints(float XP, float currentLevel, float XPgained) { //if your current points is higher than those required to level up if (XPgained >= (pointsReqdForNextLevel(XP))) { // get the next level float newlevel = ++currentLevel; // what to do if this is the final level if (newlevel == 4) { ll.LoadLevel("EndGame"); return(newlevel); } else { // start next scene StartCoroutine(UIManager.Instance.NewLevel(newlevel)); string strlevel = newlevel.ToString(); StartCoroutine(ll.LoadNextLevel(strlevel)); return(newlevel); } } else { return(currentLevel); } }
void LoadMap(string path) { try { if (File.Exists(path)) { FileStream fStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); //Deserialize from xml DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(CompleteLevel), null, 1000, false, true, null); CompleteLevel cl = serializer.ReadObject(fStream) as CompleteLevel; fStream.Close(); List <SerializableTile> temp = cl.MapTiles; foreach (SerializableTile item in temp) { Tile tempTile = new Tile(item.Index, levelLoader.tileIndexer[item.Index].Obj, item.Name, item.Rotation, item.Layer, item.X, item.Y, item.Dimensions, item.Category); levelTiles.Add(new CombinedTile(tempTile, null)); } levelLoader.LoadLevel(levelTiles); Debug.Log("Loaded " + path); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Failure during loading the level. Error: " + ex); ReturnToMenu("Failure during loading the level. Error: " + ex); } }
public GameController(string levelName, string levelString, string namesFileContent) : this() { this.levelName = levelName; level = LevelLoader.LoadLevel(levelString); CharName.BuildCache(namesFileContent); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all the variables in the level ready for play. /// </summary> public void Initialize() { GRID_SCALE = 1.0f; Tiles = new List<Tile>(); selectedTile = null; ActivateLevel(); #region Testing /* // Add a Tile to the Grid GridPiece gp1 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp2 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp3 = new GridPiece(); Grid[1, 6].PutInPiece(gp1); Grid[1, 7].PutInPiece(gp2); Grid[0, 7].PutInPiece(gp3); gp3.AddHitBox(new HitBox((int)(gp3.gSlot.Position.X + 50), (int)(gp3.gSlot.Position.Y + 100), 200, 50, 0)); Tile t = new Tile(this); t.Add(gp1); t.Add(gp2); t.Add(gp3); Tiles.Add(t); // Add a second tile to test further GridPiece gp4 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp5 = new GridPiece(); Grid[3, 3].PutInPiece(gp4); Grid[3, 2].PutInPiece(gp5); Tile t2 = new Tile(this); t2.Add(gp4); t2.Add(gp5); Tiles.Add(t2); // Add a third Tile to test even further GridPiece gp6 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp7 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp8 = new GridPiece(); GridPiece gp9 = new GridPiece(); Grid[12, 4].PutInPiece(gp6); Grid[12, 5].PutInPiece(gp7); Grid[12, 6].PutInPiece(gp8); Grid[12, 7].PutInPiece(gp9); Tile t3 = new Tile(this); t3.Add(gp6); t3.Add(gp7); t3.Add(gp8); t3.Add(gp9); Tiles.Add(t3); * */ #endregion // LoadLevel testing LevelLoader loader = new LevelLoader("1-1.xml", Content, this); loader.LoadLevel(); SetGridStart(GRID_DEFAULT_X, GRID_DEFAULT_Y); }