public IEnumerator Load(int numberOfFrames, float timeScale = 0f) { LevelLoader.loadingCount++; float oldFixedTime = Time.fixedDeltaTime; Time.fixedDeltaTime = 9f; for (;;) { if (LevelSerializer.LevelLoadingOperation == null || LevelSerializer.LevelLoadingOperation.isDone) { int num; numberOfFrames = (num = numberOfFrames) - 1; if (num <= 0) { break; } } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } LevelSerializer.LevelLoadingOperation = null; if (LevelSerializer.ShouldCollect && timeScale == 0f) { GC.Collect(); } LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Initializing", 0f); if (this.Data.rootObject != null) { Debug.Log((!this.Data.StoredObjectNames.Any((LevelSerializer.StoredItem sn) => sn.Name == this.$this.Data.rootObject)) ? ("Not found " + this.Data.rootObject) : ("Located " + this.Data.rootObject)); } if (!this.DontDelete) { foreach (UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier in UniqueIdentifier.AllIdentifiers.Where(delegate(UniqueIdentifier n) { LevelLoader $this = this.$this; return(this.$this.Data.StoredObjectNames.All((LevelSerializer.StoredItem sn) => sn.Name != n.Id)); }).ToList <UniqueIdentifier>()) { try { bool flag = false; LevelLoader.OnDestroyObject(uniqueIdentifier.gameObject, ref flag); if (!flag) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(uniqueIdentifier.gameObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { Radical.LogWarning("Problem destroying object " + + " " + ex.ToString()); } } } List <UniqueIdentifier> flaggedObjects = new List <UniqueIdentifier>(); flaggedObjects.AddRange(from c in this.Data.StoredObjectNames select UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(c.Name) into c where c != null select c.GetComponent <UniqueIdentifier>()); LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Initializing", 0.25f); Vector3 position = new Vector3(0f, 2000f, 2000f); foreach (LevelSerializer.StoredItem storedItem in from c in this.Data.StoredObjectNames where UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(c.Name) == null select c) { try { if (storedItem.createEmptyObject || storedItem.ClassId == null || !LevelSerializer.AllPrefabs.ContainsKey(storedItem.ClassId)) { storedItem.GameObject = new GameObject("CreatedObject"); storedItem.GameObject.transform.position = position; EmptyObjectIdentifier emptyObjectIdentifier = storedItem.GameObject.AddComponent <EmptyObjectIdentifier>(); storedItem.GameObject.AddComponent <StoreMaterials>(); storedItem.GameObject.AddComponent <StoreMesh>(); emptyObjectIdentifier.IsDeserializing = true; emptyObjectIdentifier.Id = storedItem.Name; if (emptyObjectIdentifier.Id == this.Data.rootObject) { Debug.Log("Set the root object on an empty"); } flaggedObjects.Add(emptyObjectIdentifier); } else { GameObject gameObject = LevelSerializer.AllPrefabs[storedItem.ClassId]; bool flag2 = false; LevelLoader.CreateGameObject(gameObject, ref flag2); if (flag2) { Debug.LogWarning("Cancelled"); continue; } UniqueIdentifier[] componentsInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UniqueIdentifier>(); foreach (UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier2 in componentsInChildren) { uniqueIdentifier2.IsDeserializing = true; } storedItem.GameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(gameObject, position, Quaternion.identity); storedItem.GameObject.GetComponent <UniqueIdentifier>().Id = storedItem.Name; if (storedItem.GameObject.GetComponent <UniqueIdentifier>().Id == this.Data.rootObject) { Debug.Log("Set the root object on a prefab"); } foreach (UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier3 in componentsInChildren) { uniqueIdentifier3.IsDeserializing = false; } flaggedObjects.AddRange(storedItem.GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UniqueIdentifier>()); } position += Vector3.right * 50f; storedItem.GameObject.GetComponent <UniqueIdentifier>().Id = storedItem.Name; = storedItem.GameObjectName; if (storedItem.ChildIds.Count > 0) { List <UniqueIdentifier> list4 = storedItem.GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UniqueIdentifier>().ToList <UniqueIdentifier>(); int num2 = 0; while (num2 < list4.Count && num2 < storedItem.ChildIds.Count) { list4[num2].Id = storedItem.ChildIds[num2]; num2++; } } if (storedItem.Children.Count > 0) { List <StoreInformation> componentsInChildrenWithClause = LevelSerializer.GetComponentsInChildrenWithClause(storedItem.GameObject); this._indexDictionary.Clear(); foreach (StoreInformation storeInformation in componentsInChildrenWithClause) { if (storedItem.Children.ContainsKey(storeInformation.ClassId)) { if (!this._indexDictionary.ContainsKey(storeInformation.ClassId)) { this._indexDictionary[storeInformation.ClassId] = 0; } storeInformation.Id = storedItem.Children[storeInformation.ClassId][this._indexDictionary[storeInformation.ClassId]]; this._indexDictionary[storeInformation.ClassId] = this._indexDictionary[storeInformation.ClassId] + 1; } } } } catch (Exception ex2) { Radical.LogWarning(string.Concat(new object[] { "Problem creating an object ", storedItem.GameObjectName, " with classID ", storedItem.ClassId, " ", ex2 })); } } HashSet <GameObject> loadedGameObjects = new HashSet <GameObject>(); LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Initializing", 0.75f); foreach (LevelSerializer.StoredItem storedItem2 in this.Data.StoredObjectNames) { GameObject byName = UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(storedItem2.Name); if (byName == null) { Radical.LogNow("Could not find " + storedItem2.GameObjectName + " " + storedItem2.Name, new object[0]); } else { loadedGameObjects.Add(byName); if (storedItem2.Components != null && storedItem2.Components.Count > 0) { List <Component> list2 = (from c in byName.GetComponents <Component>() where !typeof(UniqueIdentifier).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()) select c).ToList <Component>(); foreach (Component component in list2) { if (!storedItem2.Components.ContainsKey(component.GetType().FullName)) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(component); } } } LevelLoader.SetActive(byName, storedItem2.Active); if (storedItem2.setExtraData) { byName.layer = storedItem2.layer; byName.tag = storedItem2.tag; } } } LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Initializing", 0.85f); if (this.rootObject != null && UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(this.Data.rootObject) == null) { Debug.Log("No root object has been configured"); } foreach (LevelSerializer.StoredItem storedItem3 in from c in this.Data.StoredObjectNames where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ParentName) select c) { GameObject byName2 = UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(storedItem3.ParentName); GameObject byName3 = UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(storedItem3.Name); if (byName3 != null && byName2 != null) { byName3.transform.parent = byName2.transform; } } Time.timeScale = timeScale; LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Initializing", 1f); int count = 0; int currentProgress = 0; UnitySerializer.FinalProcess process; try { if (this.useJSON) { UnitySerializer.ForceJSONSerialization(); } using (new UnitySerializer.SerializationSplitScope()) { using (new UnitySerializer.SerializationScope()) { foreach (var <> __AnonType in this.Data.StoredItems.GroupBy((LevelSerializer.StoredData i) => i.Name, (string name, IEnumerable <LevelSerializer.StoredData> cps) => new { Name = name, Components = (from cp in cps where cp.Name == name select cp).GroupBy((LevelSerializer.StoredData cp) => cp.Type, (string type, IEnumerable <LevelSerializer.StoredData> components) => new { Type = type, List = components.ToList <LevelSerializer.StoredData>() }).ToList() })) { count++; GameObject byName4 = UniqueIdentifier.GetByName(< > __AnonType.Name); if (byName4 == null) { Radical.LogWarning(< > __AnonType.Name + " was null"); } else { foreach (var <> __AnonType2 in < > __AnonType.Components) { try { if (++currentProgress % 100 == 0) { LevelSerializer.RaiseProgress("Loading", (float)currentProgress / (float)this.Data.StoredItems.Count); } Type type = UnitySerializer.GetTypeEx(< > __AnonType2.Type); if (type != null) { this.Last = byName4; bool flag3 = false; LevelLoader.LoadData(byName4, ref flag3); LevelLoader.LoadComponent(byName4, type.Name, ref flag3); if (!flag3) { List <Component> list = (from c in byName4.GetComponents(type) where c.GetType() == type select c).ToList <Component>(); while (list.Count > < > __AnonType2.List.Count) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(list.Last <Component>()); list.Remove(list.Last <Component>()); } if (type == typeof(NavMeshAgent)) { < > __AnonType2 <string, List <LevelSerializer.StoredData> > cp1 = < > __AnonType2; < > __AnonType3 <string, List <<> __AnonType2 <string, List <LevelSerializer.StoredData> > >> item1 = < > __AnonType; int l; Action action = delegate {