public void switchLeverNoPropagation() { if (activated == false) { targetHeight = maxHeight; activated = true; if (level_N != null) { if (activateSound_N != null) { level_N.playSound(activateSound_N); } } } else { targetHeight = minHeight; activated = false; if (level_N != null) { if (activateSound_N != null) { level_N.playSound(deactivateSound_N); } } } }
public void activate() { state = 1; image.raycastTarget = true; image.enabled = true; level.playSound(waterSound); }
IEnumerator SpawnShoper() { GameObject shoper = shopers [Random.Range(0, shopers.Length)].gameObject; path = Random.Range(0, paths.Length); if (doors [path] != null) { doors [path].GetComponent <BetterDoor2> ()._wm_open(); } else if (CalculatePlayerPos()) { lvl.playSound(openSound); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); shoper.GetComponent <NPCGoInPath> ().pathName = paths [path].name; shoper.GetComponent <NPCGoInPath> ().cont = 0; Instantiate(shoper, paths [path].transform.position, shoper.transform.rotation); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); if (doors [path] != null) { doors [path].GetComponent <BetterDoor2> ()._wm_close(); } else if (CalculatePlayerPos()) { lvl.playSound(closeSound); } }
public void _wm_open() { bool canOpen = true; if (!permissionVariable.Equals("")) { canOpen = level.retrieveBoolValue(permissionVariable); } if (!canOpen) { if (cannotOpenSound != null) { level.playSound(cannotOpenSound); } return; } level.storeBoolValue("Is" + + "Open", true); isOpen = true; targetAngle = openAngle; if (calculatePos && CalculatePlayerPos() || !calculatePos) { if (openSound != null) { level.playSound(openSound); } } if (secondaryDoor != null) { secondaryDoor._wm_open(); } }
public void openDrawer() { targetZ = openZ; isOpen = true; if ((lvl != null) && (openSound != null)) { lvl.playSound(openSound); } }
public void _wm_close() { targetX = 0; if ((level != null) && (dragSound != null)) { //level.playSound (dragSound); level.playSound(dragSound, level.player.transform.position, this.transform.position, 0.00025f); } }
public void openCloset() { targetAngle = openAngle; if ((level != null) && (openSound != null)) { level.playSound(openSound); } isOpen = true; }
public void _wm_open() { level.storeBoolValue("Is" + + "Open", true); targetAngle = openAngle; if (openSound != null) { level.playSound(openSound); } }
public void immediateBreak() { //roca.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false; anim.SetBool("Roto", true); //Destroy (roca.gameObject, tiempoDesaparece); markedForHiding = true; hidingTimer = 2.0f; level.playSound(sonido); }
public void _wm_open() { if (state == DoorState.Closed) { state = DoorState.Opening; } if ((openSound != null) && (level != null)) { level.playSound(openSound); } masterController.getStorage().storeBoolValue("IsDoor" + + "Open", true); }
public void open() { if ((level != null) && (sound != null)) { level.playSound(sound); } targetAngle = openAngle; if (level == null) { level = GameObject.Find("LevelController").GetComponent <LevelControllerScript> (); } level.storeBoolValue(, true); }
public void alert(string msg) { text = msg; if (chispaIsOut == false) { chispaIsOut = true; if (chispaWorld != null) { chispaWorld._wa_appear(this); if ((level != null) && (openSound != null)) { level.playSound(openSound); } this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; } else { this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = false; } state = UIChispAlertState.waitingForAppearance; return; } alphaRect.transform.position = new Vector3(-Screen.width / 20.0f - 160.0f - Screen.width - 600.0f, 0, 0); theText.text = text; theText.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); backdrop.setFadeColor(1, 1, 1); backdrop.fadeOut(); backdrop.GetComponent <Image> ().raycastTarget = true; theText.raycastTarget = true; if (ChispaLeftToRight) { chispa.swipeLeftToRight(); if ((level != null) && (lToR != null)) { level.playSound(lToR); } } else { chispa.swipeRightToLeft(); if ((level != null) && (rToL != null)) { level.playSound(rToL); } } ChispaLeftToRight = !ChispaLeftToRight; }
public void open() { targetDisplacement = openDisplacement; if ((level != null) && (closeSound != null)) { if (state == 0) { level.playSound(openSound, this.gameObject); } } state = 1; if (reentrant) { level.storeBoolValue( + "Open", true); } }
public void twist() { targetAngle += angleDelta; if ((level != null) && (sounds.Length > 0) && (soundIndex < sounds.Length) && (sounds [soundIndex] != null)) { level.playSound(sounds [soundIndex]); soundIndex = (soundIndex + 1) % sounds.Length; } }
public void _wm_elevate() { targetY = topY; if ((level != null) && (elevateClip != null)) { level.playSound(elevateClip); } if (level != null) { level.storeBoolValue(reentryVariable, true); } }
// Update is called once per frame new void Update() { if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.cracking) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > nextTimeToCrack) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; nextTimeToCrack = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(minTimeToCrack, maxTimeToCrack); if (frame < crackedGlass.Length - 1) { ++frame; theImage.sprite = crackedGlass [frame]; levelController.playSound(crackAudio [frame]); } else { state = HUDCrackGlassState.cracked; } } } if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.cracked) { } if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.changingActivity) { --waitFrames; if (waitFrames == 0) { ds.storeStringValue("ReturnLocation", levelController.locationName); levelController.storeStringValue("CurrentLevel", levelController.locationName); levelController.storePlayerCoordinates(); SceneManager.LoadScene("Scenes/QA"); } } }
public void _wm_checkFerfufloAccess() { level.blockPlayerControls(); int correct = level.retrieveIntValue("FerfufloCorrect"); int completed = level.retrieveIntValue("FerfufloCompleted"); Debug.Log("Correct answers: " + correct); Debug.Log("Completed answers: " + completed); if (correct >= numberOfFerfufloTests) { level.playSound(openSound); level.player.blockControls(); level.storeBoolValue("FerfuflosDone", true); level._wm_alert("Puerta abierta"); state = 1; } else { if (completed >= numberOfFerfufloTests) { level.playSound(noOpenSound); level.player.blockControls(); level._wm_alert("El código configurado en las tarjetas no es válido. Como medida de seguridad, se han reiniciado las tarjetas."); state = 2; } else { percent = (int)(((float)level.retrieveIntValue("FerfufloCompleted") / 41.0f) * 100.0f); percent = percent > 100 ? 100 : percent; level.player.blockControls(); level.playSound(noOpenSound); state = 3; } } }
public void lightButton() { unlitPiece.GetComponent <Renderer> ().enabled = false; litPiece.GetComponent <Renderer> ().enabled = true; state = 1; elapsedTime = 0.0f; if (lightRef != null) { lightRef.intensity = litIntensity; } if ((level != null) && (sound != null)) { level.playSound(sound); } }
public void select1() { response = 1; multiDigitResponse += response * ((int)Mathf.Pow(10, (float)multiDigitResponsePosition)); if (multiDigitResponsePosition > 0) { --multiDigitResponsePosition; } responseAvailable = true; if (alertController != null) { alertController.close(); } if ((level != null) && (userInputSound != null)) { level.playSound(userInputSound); } }
public void activate() { if (state == MirrorState.activated) { return; } elapsedTime = 0.0f; state = MirrorState.activating; ds.storeBoolValue(level.locationName + MirrorColor + "MirrorActivated", true); interactEnabled = true; interactIcon(); if (activationSound) { level.playSound(activationSound); } }
public void action() { int leverOK = 0; for (int i = 0; i < levers.Length; ++i) { if (levers [i].isActivated()) { ++leverOK; } } if (leverOK == levers.Length) { if ((level != null) && (prizeSound != null)) { level.playSound(prizeSound); if (prizeProgram != null) { prizeProgram.startProgram(0); } } } }
new void Update () { if(meditatingRemaining > 0.0f) { meditatingRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; return; } if (remainingBlinks > 0) // orthogonal blinking state { remainingBlinkTime -= Time.deltaTime; if(remainingBlinkTime <= 0.0f) { BlinkShow = !BlinkShow; remainingBlinkTime = 0.08f; --remainingBlinks; if(remainingBlinks == 0) { BlinkShow = true; } spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = BlinkShow; } } if (mustSnapToPlayerStart > 0) { if (GameObject.Find ("PlayerStart")) { Vector3 newPos = GameObject.Find ("PlayerStart").transform.position; this.transform.position = newPos; } mustSnapToPlayerStart--; } if (!started) return; if (state == PlayerState.idling) { materializated = true; } if (state2 == PlayerState.enteringMirror) { lerp += Time.deltaTime; if (lerp > 1.0f) { lerp = 1.0f; } if (blink) { spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false; mirroredPlayer.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true; mirroredPlayer.gameObject.SetActive(true); } blink = !blink; Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp (enterMirrorStartPosition, enterMirrorPosition, lerp); this.transform.position = pos; this.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.0f - lerp, 1.0f - lerp, 1.0f - lerp); mirroredPlayer.transform.localScale = this.transform.localScale; } if (mirrorActivationDelaying) { // Reentry condition: showing mirror activation if (elapsedTime > mirrorActivationDelay) { ds.storeStringValue ("ReentryCondition", ""); string returnLocation = ds.retrieveStringValue ("ReturnLocation"); SceneManager.LoadScene (returnLocation); } return; } if (state2 == PlayerState.seekingMirrorPoint1) { if((agent.remainingDistance < 0.25f) && agent.velocity.magnitude == 0) { Vector3 target = agent.destination + new Vector3 (0, 0, 0.25f); agent.destination = target; elapsedTime = 0.0f; directionFromVector (target, false); state2 = PlayerState.seekingMirrorPoint2; camRef.GetComponent<CameraUtils>().grab(); } } if (state2 == PlayerState.seekingMirrorPoint2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 9.0f) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Scenes/WordFight"); } } if (state == PlayerState.dematerialized) { ++dematDelayFrames; blockedElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (blockedElapsedTime > dematerializationDelay) { blockedElapsedTime = 0.0f; state = PlayerState.materializing; GameObject AuraGO = (GameObject)Instantiate (auraPrefab, this.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.16f, -0.5f), Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, 0)); levelRef.playSound (matSound); } else return; } if (state == PlayerState.materializing) { blockedElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; float newOpacity = elapsedTime / materializationDuration; if (newOpacity > 1.0f) newOpacity = 1.0f; iTween.ColorUpdate(spriteQuadRef, new Color (1, 1, 1, 1), 4); if (blockedElapsedTime > materializationDuration) { blockedElapsedTime = 0.0f; playerMatRef.color = new Color (1, 1, 1, 1); state = PlayerState.idling; blocked = false; ds.storeBoolValue ("PlayerMustMaterialize", false); materializated = true; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && interaction != Interaction.None) { contador = 1; } if (Input.GetMouseButton (0)) { contador += Time.deltaTime; } if (!blocked && Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0)) { if (!canInteract) { if (canOpenInventory) { if (contador < 0.5f) { Ray ray = camRef.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition); //Physics.RaycastAll (ray, out hit); RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll (ray, 2000); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { RaycastHit hit = hits [i]; if (hit.collider != null) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { blockControls (); //inventory._wm_open (); (1); } } } } } } contador = 0; } if (state2 == PlayerState.spinning) { angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; angleSpeed += angleAccel * Time.deltaTime; if (angleSpeed > maxAngleSpeed) angleSpeed = maxAngleSpeed; directionFromAngle (angle); playerRendRef.sprite = images [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = images [0]; if (angle > angleThreshold) { state2 = PlayerState.spinning2; elapsedTime = 0.0f; frame = 0; } } if (state2 == PlayerState.spinning2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > (1.0f / descendingAnimationSpeed)) { if (frame < Descending.Length) { frame++; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } else { //levelRef.fadeout (this); //this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; camRef.GetComponent<CameraUtils>().grab(); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeBoolValue ("IsChangingPlanes", true); setOrientation (0); idlePose (); state2 = PlayerState.spinning3; return; } } } if (state2 == PlayerState.spinning3) { //if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) // return; string loc = levelRef.lowerFloorName; mcsRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue ("InhibitVignette", true); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "X", this.transform.position.x); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "Y", this.transform.position.y); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "Z", this.transform.position.z); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.lowerFloorName + "X", this.transform.position.x); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.lowerFloorName + "Y", this.transform.position.y); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.lowerFloorName + "Z", this.transform.position.z); mcsRef.getStorage().storeIntValue ("Orientation", 0); SceneManager.LoadScene (levelRef.lowerFloorName); } if (state2 == PlayerState.ascending) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; state2 = PlayerState.ascending2; // if (elapsedTime > (1.0f / ascendingAnimationSpeed)) { // elapsedTime = 0.0f; // if (meditationFrame < Ascending.Length) { // //playerRendRef.sprite = Ascending [meditationFrame]; // //otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = Ascending [meditationFrame++]; // } else { // state2 = PlayerState.ascending2; // ascendPos = 0.0f; // ascendSpeed = 0.0f; // ascendStartPos = spriteQuadRef.transform.localPosition; // } // } } if (state2 == PlayerState.ascending2) { //Vector3 newPos = new Vector3 (ascendStartPos.x, ascendStartPos.y + ascendPos, ascendStartPos.z); ascendPos += ascendSpeed * Time.deltaTime; ascendSpeed += ascendAccel * Time.deltaTime; //spriteQuadRef.transform.localPosition = newPos; if ((ascendPos > 90.0f) && !grabbedFrame) { camRef.GetComponent<CameraUtils> ().grab (); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeBoolValue ("IsChangingPlanes", true); mcsRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue ("InhibitVignette", true); grabbedFrame = true; //levelRef.fadeout (); } if(ascendPos > 100.0f) { string loc = levelRef.upperFloorName; // mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "X", this.transform.position.x); // mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "Y", this.transform.position.y); // mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + loc + "Z", this.transform.position.z); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.upperFloorName + "X", this.transform.position.x); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.upperFloorName + "Y", this.transform.position.y); mcsRef.getStorage ().storeFloatValue ("Coords" + levelRef.upperFloorName + "Z", this.transform.position.z); //levelRef.storePhysicalCameraPosition (levelRef.upperFloorName); // ds.storeFloatValue ("Pos" + loc + "X", cam.gameObject.transform.position.x); // ds.storeFloatValue ("Pos" + loc + "Y", cam.gameObject.transform.position.y); // ds.storeFloatValue ("Pos" + loc + "Z", cam.gameObject.transform.position.z); // ds.storeFloatValue ("Rot" + loc + "Y", cam.pivotY.transform.localEulerAngles.y); // ds.storeFloatValue ("Rot" + loc + "X", cam.pivotX.transform.localEulerAngles.x); // ds.storeFloatValue ("PosIn" + loc + "Z", cam.pivotZ.transform.localPosition.z); //ds.storeFloatValue ("PosIn" + loc + "M", cam.mainCamera.transform.localPosition.z); //SceneManager.LoadScene (levelRef.upperFloorName); levelRef.loadScene(levelRef.upperFloorName); } } if (state2 == PlayerState.spawningShadow1) { blockedElapsedTime = 0.0f; state2 = PlayerState.spawningShadow2; } if (state2 == PlayerState.spawningShadow2) { blockedElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if(blockedElapsedTime > 1.0f) { // WARNING constantize blockedElapsedTime = 0.0f; blinkRemainingTime = 0.0f; state2 = PlayerState.spawningShadow3; } } if (state2 == PlayerState.spawningShadow3) { blockedElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (blockedElapsedTime > 1f) { if (blocked) { unblockControls (); } } if (blockedElapsedTime > blinkingTime) { blockedElapsedTime = 0.0f; state2 = PlayerState.spawningShadow4; spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true; } blinkRemainingTime += Time.deltaTime; if (blinkRemainingTime > (1.0f / shadowBlinkAnimationSpeed)) { blinkRemainingTime = 0.0f; blink = !blink; if (blink) spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false; else spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true; } } if (state2 == PlayerState.spawningShadow4) { spriteQuadRef.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true; state = PlayerState.idling; state2 = PlayerState.idling; iNetRef.frozen = false; } spawningShadowElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) return; }
new void Update() { bool change = Utils.updateSoftVariable(ref sparkScale, sparkTargetScale, 30.0f); if (change) { spark1.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sparkScale, sparkScale, sparkScale); spark2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sparkScale, sparkScale, sparkScale); spark3.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sparkScale, sparkScale, sparkScale); } if (state == QAControllerState.idle) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > initialDelay) { letterOutputSpeed = slowletterOutputSpeed; state = QAControllerState.idle2; } } if (state == QAControllerState.idle2) { /* extract question and answers */ ab = qa.getNextBank(); correctAnswer = qb.correntAnswer [currentQuestion]; ab.rosetta = rosetta; qb.rosetta = rosetta; ab.reset(); burn [currentQuestion].lightUp(); question = qb.getNextString(); state = QAControllerState.printingQuestion; questionLetterOutput = 0.0f; } if (state == QAControllerState.printingQuestion) { int letters = (int)questionLetterOutput; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { letterOutputSpeed = fastletterOutputSpeed; } if ((letters > 2) && (letters < question.Length - 2)) { questionText.text = "<color=" + color1 + ">" + question.Substring(0, letters) + "</color>" + "<color=" + color2 + ">" + question.Substring(letters, 1) + "</color>" + "<color=" + color3 + ">" + question.Substring(letters + 1, 1) + "</color>" + "<color=" + color4 + ">" + question.Substring(letters + 2, question.Length - 1 - letters - 2) + "</color>"; } if (letters == question.Length) { questionText.text = question; } questionLetterOutput += letterOutputSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (letters > question.Length - 1) { letters = question.Length - 1; questionText.text = "" + question; state = QAControllerState.waitingForAnswer; for (int i = 0; i < maxAnswers; ++i) { answerGO [i] = null; } float yPos = YAdjust - (question.Length / QuestionLettersPerLine) * QuestionLineHeight; for (int i = 0; i < ab.nItems(); ++i) { GameObject newAnswer; newAnswer = Instantiate(QAnswerPrefab); newAnswer.transform.SetParent(answerPanel.transform); newAnswer.transform.localScale =; newAnswer.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(800, 45); newAnswer.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition =; newAnswer.GetComponent <Text> ().alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; newAnswer.GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().initialize(yPos); newAnswer.GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().answerNumber = i + 1; int nLines; newAnswer.GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().setText(StringUtils.chopLines(ab.getNextString(), 85, out nLines)); newAnswer.GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().setDelay(i * 0.3f); yPos -= (InterAnswerDistance + AnswerLineHeight * (nLines - 1)); answerGO [i] = newAnswer; } } } if (state == QAControllerState.waitingForAnswer) { bool waiting = true; for (int i = 0; i < ab.nItems(); i++) { if (answerGO [i].GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().state != QAAnswerState.idle) { waiting = false; } else { waiting = true; } } if (waiting) { for (int i = 0; i < ab.nItems(); i++) { answerGO [i].GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().state = QAAnswerState.ready; state = QAControllerState.waitingForAnswer2; } } } if (state == QAControllerState.waitingForAnswer2) { } if (state == QAControllerState.answered) { letterOutputSpeed = slowletterOutputSpeed; for (int i = 0; i < ab.nItems(); ++i) { if (answerGO [i].GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().answerNumber != selectedAnswer) { answerGO [i].GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().dispose(); } else { answerGO [i].GetComponent <QAAnswer> ().blink(selectedAnswer == correctAnswer); if (selectedAnswer == correctAnswer) { levelRef.playSound(hitSound); } else { levelRef.playSound(missSound); } } } elapsedTime = 0.0f; state = QAControllerState.preparingNextQuestion; } if (state == QAControllerState.preparingNextQuestion) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > postAnswerTimeOut) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; state = QAControllerState.preparingNextQuestion2; if (selectedAnswer == correctAnswer) { burn [currentQuestion].burstInFlames(); } else { ++nMisses; if (nMisses > 1) { fader._wa_fadeOut(this); keyChannel = -1; // mark this flame for resurrection, please string lvl = ds.retrieveStringValue("CurrentLevelFlame"); int FlameIndex = ds.retrieveIntValue("CurrentFlameIndex"); string FlameName = ds.retrieveStringValue("FlameResurrectionName" + lvl + FlameIndex); string FlameLocation = ds.retrieveStringValue("FlameResurrectionLocation" + lvl + FlameIndex); ds.storeIntValue("Flame" + (FlameIndex) + "Resurrect" + FlameLocation, 3); ds.storeStringValue("Flame" + (FlameIndex) + "Resurrect" + FlameLocation, FlameName); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; state = QAControllerState.exitting3; } } if (currentQuestion == numQuestions - 1) { //fader._wa_fadeOut (this); //this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; /* do the flower thing */ flowerRenderQuad.GetComponent <GameObjectFader> ().fadeIn(); flowerAnim.SetBool("open", true); spark1Anim.SetBool("open", true); spark2Anim.SetBool("open", true); spark3Anim.SetBool("open", true); levelRef.dipMusic(4); levelRef.playSound(sparksSound); sparkTargetScale = 60.0f; elapsedTime = 0.0f; state = QAControllerState.exitting1; } } } if (state == QAControllerState.preparingNextQuestion2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > postAnswerTimeOut) { questionText.text = ""; ++currentQuestion; state = QAControllerState.idle; } } if (state == QAControllerState.exitting1) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 5.6f) { fader.setFadeColor(1, 1, 1); fader._wa_fadeOut(this); keyImageFader.fadeIn(); youGotAKeyTextFader.fadeIn(); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; state = QAControllerState.exitting2; } } if (state == QAControllerState.exitting2) { if (!isWaitingForActionToComplete) { levelRef.playSound(winSound); elapsedTime = 0.0f; state = QAControllerState.exitting3; } } if (state == QAControllerState.exitting3) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 2.0f) { secondFader.setFadeValue(1.0f); secondFader.setFadeColor(0, 0, 0); secondFader._wa_fadeOut(this); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; state = QAControllerState.exitting4; } } if (state == QAControllerState.exitting4) { string rLoc = mcRef.getStorage().retrieveStringValue("ReturnLocation"); string lvl = rLoc.Substring(0, 6); if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { } else { switch (keyChannel) { case 0: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "RedKey", true); break; case 1: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "OrangeKey", true); break; case 2: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "BlueKey", true); break; case 3: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "GreenKey", true); break; case 4: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "YellowKey", true); break; case 5: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "PurpleKey", true); break; case 6: mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("Has" + lvl + "BrownKey", true); break; } mcRef.getStorage().storeBoolValue("IsHUDCracked", false); // return HUD crack to non-crcked // increment number of keys string curLev = mcRef.getStorage().retrieveStringValue("CurrentLevel"); int n = mcRef.getStorage().retrieveIntValue(curLev + "NumberOfKeys"); ++n; mcRef.getStorage().storeIntValue(curLev + "NumberOfKeys", n); SceneManager.LoadScene(rLoc); } } }