protected string getHeader() { string header = ""; connect.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand(); //Check if the ID exists in the database: cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from topics where topicId = '" + topicId + "' "; int countTopic = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (countTopic > 0)//if ID exists, countTopic = 1 { //Get topic_createdBy: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_createdBy from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; string topic_createdBy = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get creator's email: cmd.CommandText = "select user_email from users where userId = '" + topic_createdBy + "' "; string email = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get creator's fullname: cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + topic_createdBy + "' "; string creator = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + topic_createdBy + "' "; creator = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get topic_type: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_type from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; string topic_type = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get topic_title: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_title from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; string topic_title = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get topic_time: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_time from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; string topic_time = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get topic_description: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_description from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; string topic_description = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Get "Yes" or "No" for topic_hasImage: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_hasImage from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; int topic_hasImage = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //Get topic_isDeleted ?: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isDeleted from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; int int_topic_isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //Get topic_isApproved ?: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isApproved from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; int int_topic_isApproved = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //Get topic_isDenied ?: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isDenied from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; int int_topic_isDenied = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //Get topic_isTerminated ?: cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isTerminated from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' "; int int_topic_isTerminated = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //Get tags: string tagNames = ""; cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TagsForTopics where topicId = '" + topicId + "' "; int totalTags = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (totalTags == 0) { tagNames = "There are no tags for the selected topic"; } for (int i = 1; i <= totalTags; i++) { cmd.CommandText = "select [tagId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY tagId ASC), * FROM [TagsForTopics] where topicId = '" + topicId + "') as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'"; string tagId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); cmd.CommandText = "select tag_name from Tags where tagId = '" + tagId + "' "; if (totalTags == 1) { tagNames = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } else if (totalTags > 1) { if (i == 0) { tagNames = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } else { tagNames = tagNames + ", " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } } } //Create an informative message containing all information for the selected user: string imagesHTML = ""; if (topic_hasImage == 1) { cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from ImagesForTopics where topicId = '" + topicId + "' "; int totalImages = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); for (int i = 1; i <= totalImages; i++) { cmd.CommandText = "select [imageId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY imageId ASC), * FROM [ImagesForTopics] where topicId = '" + topicId + "') as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'"; string imageId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); cmd.CommandText = "select image_name from Images where imageId = '" + imageId + "' "; string image_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); imagesHTML = imagesHTML + "<img src='../../images/" + image_name + "'></img> <br />"; } } //Get userId of current user viewing: cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' "; string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); header = Layouts.postHeader(creator, topic_type, topic_title, topic_time, topic_description, imagesHTML, roleId, userId, topicId, topic_createdBy); } else { addSession(); Response.Redirect("Home"); } connect.Close(); return(header); }