예제 #1
        private void CheckDecision(long matID, string iType, string counter, bool inspect, DateTime now, bool forced = false)
            int decisionCnt = 0;
            int forcedCnt   = 0;

            foreach (var d in _insp.LookupInspectionDecisions(matID))
                if (d.InspType == iType)
                        new JobLogDB.Decision()
                        MaterialID = matID,
                        InspType   = iType,
                        Counter    = d.Forced ? "" : counter,
                        Inspect    = inspect,
                        Forced     = d.Forced,
                        CreateUTC  = now
                        options =>
                        .Using <DateTime>(ctx => ctx.Subject.Should().BeCloseTo(ctx.Expectation, 1000))
                        .WhenTypeIs <DateTime>()
                    if (d.Forced)
                        forcedCnt += 1;
                        decisionCnt += 1;
            Assert.Equal(1, decisionCnt);
            Assert.Equal(forcedCnt, forced ? 1 : 0);

            var log          = _insp.GetLogForMaterial(matID);
            int inspEntries  = 0;
            int forceEntries = 0;

            foreach (var entry in _insp.GetLogForMaterial(matID))
                if (entry.LogType == LogType.Inspection && entry.ProgramDetails["InspectionType"] == iType)
                    inspEntries += 1;
                    entry.EndTimeUTC.Should().BeCloseTo(now, 1000);
                else if (entry.LogType == LogType.InspectionForce && entry.Program == iType)
                    forceEntries += 1;
            forceEntries.Should().Be(forced ? 1 : 0);
예제 #2
        private int FindNextProcess(long matId)
            var matLog   = _log.GetLogForMaterial(matId);
            var lastProc =
                .SelectMany(e => e.Material)
                .Where(m => m.MaterialID == matId)
                .Select(m => m.Process)

            return(lastProc + 1);
예제 #3
        public static void CreateSerial(long matID, string jobUniqe, string partName, int process, string face,
                                        JobLogDB _log, FMSSettings Settings)
            foreach (var stat in _log.GetLogForMaterial(matID))
                if (stat.LogType == LogType.PartMark &&
                    stat.LocationNum == 1)
                    foreach (LogMaterial mat in stat.Material)
                        if (mat.Process == process)
                            //We have recorded the serial already

            var serial = Settings.ConvertMaterialIDToSerial(matID);

            //length 10 gets us to 1.5e18 which is not quite 2^64
            //still large enough so we will practically never roll around
            serial = serial.Substring(0, Math.Min(Settings.SerialLength, serial.Length));
            serial = serial.PadLeft(Settings.SerialLength, '0');

            Log.Debug("Recording serial for matid: {matid} {serial}", matID, serial);

            var logMat = new JobLogDB.EventLogMaterial()
                MaterialID = matID, Process = process, Face = face

            _log.RecordSerialForMaterialID(logMat, serial);
예제 #4
        public static CurrentStatus Build(JobDB jobDB, JobLogDB log, FMSSettings fmsSettings, IMachineGroupName machineGroupName, IQueueSyncFault queueSyncFault, MazakDbType dbType, MazakAllData mazakData, DateTime utcNow)
            //Load process and path numbers
            Dictionary <string, int> uniqueToMaxPath;
            Dictionary <string, int> uniqueToMaxProcess;

            CalculateMaxProcAndPath(mazakData, out uniqueToMaxPath, out uniqueToMaxProcess);

            var currentLoads = new List <LoadAction>(mazakData.LoadActions);

            var curStatus = new CurrentStatus();

            foreach (var k in fmsSettings.Queues)
                curStatus.QueueSizes[k.Key] = k.Value;
            if (mazakData.Alarms != null)
                foreach (var alarm in mazakData.Alarms)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alarm.AlarmMessage))
            if (queueSyncFault.CurrentQueueMismatch)
                curStatus.Alarms.Add("Queue contents and Mazak schedule quantity mismatch.");

            var jobsBySchID = new Dictionary <long, InProcessJob>();
            var pathBySchID = new Dictionary <long, MazakPart.IProcToPath>();

            foreach (var schRow in mazakData.Schedules)
                if (!MazakPart.IsSailPart(schRow.PartName))

                MazakPartRow partRow = null;
                foreach (var p in mazakData.Parts)
                    if (p.PartName == schRow.PartName)
                        partRow = p;
                if (partRow == null)

                //Parse data from the database
                var partName = partRow.PartName;
                int loc      = partName.IndexOf(':');
                if (loc >= 0)
                    partName = partName.Substring(0, loc);
                string jobUnique = "";
                MazakPart.IProcToPath procToPath = null;
                bool manual = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partRow.Comment))
                    MazakPart.ParseComment(partRow.Comment, out jobUnique, out procToPath, out manual);

                if (!uniqueToMaxProcess.ContainsKey(jobUnique))

                int numProc      = uniqueToMaxProcess[jobUnique];
                int maxProc1Path = uniqueToMaxPath[jobUnique];

                InProcessJob job;

                //Create or lookup the job
                if (curStatus.Jobs.ContainsKey(jobUnique))
                    job = curStatus.Jobs[jobUnique];
                    var jobPaths = new int[numProc];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
                        jobPaths[i] = maxProc1Path;
                    job                   = new InProcessJob(jobUnique, numProc, jobPaths);
                    job.PartName          = partName;
                    job.JobCopiedToSystem = true;
                    curStatus.Jobs.Add(jobUnique, job);
                jobsBySchID.Add(schRow.Id, job);
                pathBySchID.Add(schRow.Id, procToPath);

                //Job Basics
                job.SetPlannedCyclesOnFirstProcess(procToPath.PathForProc(proc: 1), schRow.PlanQuantity);
                AddCompletedToJob(schRow, job, procToPath);
                job.Priority = schRow.Priority;
                if (((HoldPattern.HoldMode)schRow.HoldMode) == HoldPattern.HoldMode.FullHold)
                    job.HoldEntireJob.UserHold = true;
                    job.HoldEntireJob.UserHold = false;

                AddRoutingToJob(mazakData, partRow, job, machineGroupName, procToPath, dbType);

            var loadedJobs = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var j in jobsBySchID.Values)
                if (loadedJobs.Contains(j.UniqueStr))
                AddDataFromJobDB(jobDB, j);

            //Now add pallets

            foreach (var palRow in mazakData.Pallets)
                if (palRow.PalletNumber > 0 && !curStatus.Pallets.ContainsKey(palRow.PalletNumber.ToString()))
                    var palName = palRow.PalletNumber.ToString();
                    var palLoc  = FindPalletLocation(machineGroupName, mazakData, dbType, palRow.PalletNumber);

                    //Create the pallet
                    PalletStatus status = new PalletStatus()
                        Pallet = palName,
                        CurrentPalletLocation = palLoc,
                        FixtureOnPallet       = palRow.Fixture,
                        NumFaces = 1,
                        OnHold   = false
                    curStatus.Pallets.Add(status.Pallet, status);

                    var oldCycles = log.CurrentPalletLog(palName);

                    //Add the material currently on the pallet
                    foreach (var palSub in mazakData.PalletSubStatuses)
                        if (palSub.PalletNumber != palRow.PalletNumber)
                        if (palSub.FixQuantity <= 0)
                        if (!jobsBySchID.ContainsKey(palSub.ScheduleID))

                        status.NumFaces = Math.Max(status.NumFaces, palSub.PartProcessNumber);

                        var job        = jobsBySchID[palSub.ScheduleID];
                        var procToPath = pathBySchID[palSub.ScheduleID];

                        var matIDs = new Queue <long>(FindMatIDsFromOldCycles(oldCycles, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber));

                        for (int i = 1; i <= palSub.FixQuantity; i++)
                            int  face  = palSub.PartProcessNumber;
                            long matID = -1;
                            if (matIDs.Count > 0)
                                matID = matIDs.Dequeue();

                            var matDetails = log.GetMaterialDetails(matID);
                            var inProcMat  = new InProcessMaterial()
                                MaterialID          = matID,
                                JobUnique           = job.UniqueStr,
                                PartName            = job.PartName,
                                Process             = palSub.PartProcessNumber,
                                Path                = procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber),
                                Serial              = matDetails?.Serial,
                                WorkorderId         = matDetails?.Workorder,
                                SignaledInspections =
                                    .Where(x => x.Inspect)
                                    .Select(x => x.InspType)
                                LastCompletedMachiningRouteStopIndex =
                                        c => c.LogType == LogType.MachineCycle &&
                                        !c.StartOfCycle &&
                                        c.Material.Any(m => m.MaterialID == matID && m.Process == palSub.PartProcessNumber)
                    ? (int?)0
                    : null,
                                Location = new InProcessMaterialLocation()
                                    Type   = InProcessMaterialLocation.LocType.OnPallet,
                                    Pallet = status.Pallet,
                                    Face   = face
                                Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Waiting

                            //check for unloading or transfer
                            var loadNext = CheckLoadOfNextProcess(currentLoads, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber, palLoc);
                            var unload   = CheckUnload(currentLoads, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber, palLoc);

                            if (loadNext != null)
                                var start = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type                  = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Loading,
                                    LoadOntoFace          = palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1,
                                    LoadOntoPallet        = status.Pallet,
                                    ProcessAfterLoad      = palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1,
                                    PathAfterLoad         = procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1),
                                    ElapsedLoadUnloadTime = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null
                            else if (unload != null)
                                var start = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type =
                                        palSub.PartProcessNumber == job.NumProcesses
                            ? InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.UnloadToCompletedMaterial
                            : InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.UnloadToInProcess,
                                    UnloadIntoQueue = job.GetOutputQueue(
                                        process: palSub.PartProcessNumber,
                                        path: procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber)),
                                    ElapsedLoadUnloadTime = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null
                                // detect if machining
                                var start = FindMachineStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                if (start != null)
                                    var machStop    = job.GetMachiningStop(inProcMat.Process, inProcMat.Path).FirstOrDefault();
                                    var elapsedTime = utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC);
                                    inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                        Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Machining,
                                        ElapsedMachiningTime           = elapsedTime,
                                        ExpectedRemainingMachiningTime =
                                            machStop != null?machStop.ExpectedCycleTime.Subtract(elapsedTime) : TimeSpan.Zero

                    if (palLoc.Location == PalletLocationEnum.LoadUnload)
                        var start       = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles);
                        var elapsedLoad = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null;
                        AddLoads(log, currentLoads, status.Pallet, palLoc, elapsedLoad, curStatus);
                        AddUnloads(log, currentLoads, status, elapsedLoad, oldCycles, curStatus);

            //now queued
            var seenMatIds = new HashSet <long>(curStatus.Material.Select(m => m.MaterialID));

            foreach (var mat in log.GetMaterialInAllQueues())
                // material could be in the process of being loaded
                if (seenMatIds.Contains(mat.MaterialID))
                var matLogs  = log.GetLogForMaterial(mat.MaterialID);
                int lastProc = 0;
                foreach (var entry in log.GetLogForMaterial(mat.MaterialID))
                    foreach (var entryMat in entry.Material)
                        if (entryMat.MaterialID == mat.MaterialID)
                            lastProc = Math.Max(lastProc, entryMat.Process);
                var matDetails = log.GetMaterialDetails(mat.MaterialID);
                curStatus.Material.Add(new InProcessMaterial()
                    MaterialID          = mat.MaterialID,
                    JobUnique           = mat.Unique,
                    PartName            = mat.PartName,
                    Process             = lastProc,
                    Path                = 1,
                    Serial              = matDetails?.Serial,
                    WorkorderId         = matDetails?.Workorder,
                    SignaledInspections =
                        .Where(x => x.Inspect)
                        .Select(x => x.InspType)
                    Location = new InProcessMaterialLocation()
                        Type          = InProcessMaterialLocation.LocType.InQueue,
                        CurrentQueue  = mat.Queue,
                        QueuePosition = mat.Position,
                    Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                        Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Waiting

            var notCopied = jobDB.LoadJobsNotCopiedToSystem(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-WriteJobs.JobLookbackHours), DateTime.UtcNow);

            foreach (var j in notCopied.Jobs)
                if (curStatus.Jobs.ContainsKey(j.UniqueStr))
                    //The copy to the cell succeeded but the DB has not yet been updated.
                    //The thread which copies jobs will soon notice and update the database
                    //so we can ignore it for now.
                    curStatus.Jobs.Add(j.UniqueStr, new InProcessJob(j));

            foreach (var j in curStatus.Jobs)
                foreach (var d in jobDB.LoadDecrementsForJob(j.Value.UniqueStr))
