void Update()
        input = MappedInput.InputDevices[_controllerId];
        Vector3 leftStick      = input.GetAxis2DCircleClamp(MappedAxis.Horizontal, MappedAxis.Vertical);
        var     fixedLeftStick = Camera.main.transform.rotation * new Vector3(leftStick.x, 0, leftStick.y);

        fixedLeftStick = new Vector3(fixedLeftStick.x, 0, fixedLeftStick.z);
        if (fixedLeftStick.magnitude > 0)
            animator.SetBool("Running", true);
            Move(fixedLeftStick * Time.deltaTime);
            animator.SetBool("Running", false);

        Vector3 rightStick = input.GetAxis2DCircleClamp(MappedAxis.AimX, MappedAxis.AimY);

        var aimDir      = new Vector3(rightStick.x, 0, rightStick.y).normalized;
        var fixedAimDir = Camera.main.transform.rotation * aimDir;

        fixedAimDir = new Vector3(fixedAimDir.x, 0, fixedAimDir.z);

        if (rightStick.magnitude != 0)
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(fixedAimDir.normalized);
            fixedAimDir = transform.forward;

        _aimingReticle.transform.position = transform.position + fixedAimDir;

        if (input.GetAxis(MappedAxis.ShootGravGun) != 0 && fixedAimDir.magnitude > 0 && ShootingCooldownCoroutine == null)
            ShootingCooldownCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ShootOnCooldown());
            animator.SetBool("Shooting", true);
        else if (input.GetAxis(MappedAxis.ShootGravGun) == 0)
            animator.SetBool("Shooting", false);

        if (input.GetAxis(MappedAxis.ChangeCameraAngle) != 0)
            float changeCameraDir = input.GetAxis(MappedAxis.ChangeCameraAngle);
예제 #2
    private void UpdateInput()
        inputPreviousToggleWalkieOn = inputToggleWalkieOn;

        Vector2 keyboardMoveMult = new Vector2(1, 1);
        Vector2 xboxMoveMult     = new Vector2(1, -1); // xbox gives the y-axis for movement negated
        Vector2 finalMoveMult    = xboxMoveMult;

        Vector2 keyboardLookMult = new Vector2(1, -1); // keyboard gives the y-axis for looking negated
        Vector2 xboxLookMult     = new Vector2(1, 1);
        Vector2 finalLookMult    = xboxLookMult;

        finalInputBindings = xboxInputBindings;

        if (inputDevice.Type == InputDevice.InputDeviceType.KEYBOARD)
            finalMoveMult      = keyboardMoveMult;
            finalLookMult      = keyboardLookMult;
            finalInputBindings = keyboardInputBindings;

        inputMove           = new Vector2(inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputMoveX"]) * finalMoveMult.x, inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputMoveY"]) * finalMoveMult.y);
        inputLook           = new Vector2(inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputLookX"]) * finalLookMult.x, inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputLookY"]) * finalLookMult.y);
        inputJump           = inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputJump"]);
        inputToggleWalkieOn = inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputToggleWalkieOn"]);
        inputAntennaIn      = inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputAntennaIn"]);
        inputAntennaOut     = inputDevice.GetAxis(finalInputBindings["inputAntennaOut"]);
예제 #3
    private void Gamepad()
        float rightSitckX = InputDevice.GetAxisRaw(MappedAxis.AimX);
        float rightSitckY = InputDevice.GetAxisRaw(MappedAxis.AimY);

        Vector2 aimDir = new Vector2(rightSitckX, rightSitckY);

        if (aimDir == Vector2.zero)
            aimDir = _lastAimDir;
            _lastAimDir = aimDir;


        if (InputDevice.GetIsAxisTappedPos(MappedAxis.ChangeGravAxis, .5f))

        if (InputDevice.GetIsAxisTappedNeg(MappedAxis.ChangeGravAxis, -.5f))

        if (InputDevice.GetIsAxisTappedPos(MappedAxis.ChangeGrav) && InputDevice.GetAxis(MappedAxis.ChangeGrav) > 0)

        if (InputDevice.GetIsAxisTappedPos(MappedAxis.ShootGravGun) && aimDir.magnitude > 0)
            ShootGravityGun(aimDir, ProjectileControllerType.Normal);

        if (InputDevice.GetButtonDown(MappedButton.Special))
예제 #4
    void FixedUpdate()
        float verticalAxis       = attachedDevice.GetAxis(MappedAxis.MoveVertical);
        float horizontalLeftAxis = attachedDevice.GetAxis(MappedAxis.MoveHorizontal);
        float horizontalAxis     = horizontalLeftAxis;

        //float horizontalAxis = attachedDevice.GetAxis (MappedAxis.LookHorizontal);
        //float verticalRightAxis = attachedDevice.GetAxis (MappedAxis.LookVertical);

        if (playerRBody == null)
        if (playerRBody.velocity.sqrMagnitude <= float.Epsilon)
            isCharging = false;
        if (playerRBody.velocity.y < -1.0f && playerBelow == null)
        {//bounce issue
            isGrounded = false;
        if (isCharging)
        // MOVEMENT
        if (isGrounded)
            Quaternion a = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward, transform.up);
            if (horizontalAxis != 0.0f || verticalAxis != 0.0f)
                Vector3    targetV = (new Vector3(horizontalLeftAxis, 0.0f, verticalAxis)).normalized;
                Quaternion b       = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetV, transform.up);
                Quaternion rot     = Quaternion.Lerp(a, b, Time.fixedDeltaTime * rotateSpeed);
                if (playerAbove != null)
                    playerAbove.SendMessage("OnPlayerBelowRotate", rot * Quaternion.Inverse(a), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                if (Vector3.Dot(targetV, transform.forward) > 0.95f && playerRBody.velocity.magnitude < maxVelocity)
                    Vector3 movingForce = movementSpeed * transform.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime * 100.0f;
                    playerRBody.AddForce(movingForce, ForceMode.Force);

             * float pressedAngle = getAngle(verticalAxis, horizontalLeftAxis);
             * if (pressedAngle >= 1.0f || pressedAngle <= 0.0f)
             * {
             * float pressedOpposite = pressedAngle + 180;
             * float currentOpposite = currentAngle + 180;
             * if (pressedOpposite >= 360)
             * {
             * pressedOpposite -= 360;
             * }
             * if (currentOpposite >= 360)
             * {
             * currentOpposite -= 360;
             * }
             * if (Mathf.Abs(currentAngle - pressedAngle) > 5.0f)
             * {
             * bool isPressedOpposite = false;
             * bool isCurrentOpposite = false;
             * // check if pressedAngle is between 0 - 180
             * if (pressedAngle >= 180 && pressedAngle < 360)
             * {
             * isPressedOpposite = true;
             * }
             * // check if current is between 0 - 180
             * if (currentAngle >= 180 && currentAngle < 360)
             * {
             * isCurrentOpposite = true;
             * }
             * if (isPressedOpposite && isCurrentOpposite)
             * {
             * if (currentOpposite >= pressedOpposite)
             * {
             * // turn cw
             * turnClockWise();
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // turn acw
             * turnAntiClockWise();
             * }
             * }
             * else if (isPressedOpposite && !isCurrentOpposite)
             * {
             * if (currentAngle >= pressedOpposite)
             * {
             * // turn acw
             * turnAntiClockWise();
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // turn cw
             * turnClockWise();
             * }
             * }
             * else if (!isPressedOpposite && isCurrentOpposite)
             * {
             * if (currentOpposite >= pressedAngle)
             * {
             * // turn acw
             * turnAntiClockWise();
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // turn cw
             * turnClockWise();
             * }
             * }
             * else if (!isPressedOpposite && !isCurrentOpposite)
             * {
             * if (currentAngle >= pressedAngle)
             * {
             * // turn cw
             * turnClockWise();
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // turn acw
             * turnAntiClockWise();
             * }
             * }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // stop rotation
             * //stopRotation();
             * }
             * if (playerRBody.velocity.magnitude < maxVelocity)
             * {
             * Vector3 movingForce = movementSpeed * transform.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime * 100;
             * playerRBody.AddForce(movingForce, ForceMode.Force);
             * }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // stop rotation
             * //stopRotation();
             * }*/

            /*if (pressedAngle > currentAngle && pressedAngle < currentOpposite) {
             *                        if (Mathf.Abs (currentAngle - pressedAngle) > 5.0f) {
             *                                // acw
             *                                Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Euler (transform.up * -3.0f);
             *                                playerRBody.MoveRotation (playerRBody.rotation * newRotation);
             *                        }
             *                } else {
             *                        if (Mathf.Abs (currentAngle - pressedAngle) > 5.0f) {
             *                                //cw
             *                                Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Euler (transform.up * 3.0f);
             *                                playerRBody.MoveRotation (playerRBody.rotation * newRotation);
             *                        }
             *                }*/

            /*if (verticalAxis != 0.0f && playerRBody.velocity.magnitude < maxVelocity) {
             *                        Vector3 movingForce = verticalAxis * movementSpeed * transform.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
             *                        playerRBody.AddForce (movingForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
             *                }*/
        float mag = playerRBody.velocity.magnitude;

        // Velocity Check
        if (mag < 0.01f || playerBelow == null)
            animator.SetFloat("velocity", mag);

        // ROTATION
        //Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Euler( transform.up * horizontalAxis * rotateSpeed);
        //playerRBody.MoveRotation (playerRBody.rotation * newRotation);

        //		print ("drag " + playerRBody.drag);
        //		print ("isBouncing " + isBouncing);
        //		print ("isJumping " + isJumping);
        //		print ("isGrounded " + isGrounded);
예제 #5
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        InputDevice device = (InputDevice)target;

        GUILayout.Label("Type: " + device.GetType().ToString());

        GUILayout.Label("Mapped Axes", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        for (int i = 0; i < InputDevice.allMappedAxisTypes.Count; i++)
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("{0} ({1}): {2}", InputDevice.allMappedAxisTypes[i], device.GetAxisName(InputDevice.allMappedAxisTypes[i]), device.GetAxis(InputDevice.allMappedAxisTypes[i])));


        GUILayout.Label("Mapped Buttons", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        for (int i = 0; i < InputDevice.allMappedButtonTypes.Count; i++)
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("{0} ({1}): {2}", InputDevice.allMappedButtonTypes[i], device.GetButtonName(InputDevice.allMappedButtonTypes[i]), device.GetButton(InputDevice.allMappedButtonTypes[i])));