예제 #1
        private CubeGridCache(IMyCubeGrid grid)
            myLogger = new Logger("CubeGridCache", () => grid.DisplayName);
            CubeGrid = grid;
            List<IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List<IMySlimBlock>();
            CubeGrid.GetBlocks_Safe(allSlims, slim => slim.FatBlock != null);

            foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)

            CubeGrid.OnBlockAdded += CubeGrid_OnBlockAdded;
            CubeGrid.OnBlockRemoved += CubeGrid_OnBlockRemoved;
            CubeGrid.OnClosing += CubeGrid_OnClosing;

            Registrar.Add(CubeGrid, this);
            myLogger.debugLog("built for: " + CubeGrid.DisplayName, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
예제 #2
        private CubeGridCache(IMyCubeGrid grid)
            CubeGrid = grid;
            List <IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

            CubeGrid.GetBlocks_Safe(allSlims, slim => slim.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock);

            foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)

            CubeGrid.OnBlockAdded   += CubeGrid_OnBlockAdded;
            CubeGrid.OnBlockRemoved += CubeGrid_OnBlockRemoved;
            CubeGrid.OnClose        += CubeGrid_OnClose;

            registry.Add(CubeGrid, this);             // protected by GetFor()
            log("built for: " + CubeGrid.DisplayName, ".ctor()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
예제 #3
        private CubeGridCache(IMyCubeGrid grid)
            CubeGrid = grid;
            List <IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List <IMySlimBlock>();


            using (lock_blocks.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)

            CubeGrid.OnBlockAdded   += CubeGrid_OnBlockAdded;
            CubeGrid.OnBlockRemoved += CubeGrid_OnBlockRemoved;
            CubeGrid.OnClosing      += CubeGrid_OnClosing;

            Registrar.Add(CubeGrid, this);
            Log.DebugLog("built for: " + CubeGrid.DisplayName, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
예제 #4
        private bool getClosestBlock(IMyCubeGrid grid, out IMyEntity closestBlock)
            List <IMySlimBlock> allBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

            grid.GetBlocks_Safe(allBlocks, slim => slim.FatBlock != null);

            double closestDistanceSquared = myTurretBase.Range * myTurretBase.Range;

            closestBlock = null;

            foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allBlocks)
                double distanceSquared = (slim.FatBlock.GetPosition() - turretPosition).LengthSquared();
                if (distanceSquared < closestDistanceSquared && canLase(slim.FatBlock))
                    closestDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
                    closestBlock           = slim.FatBlock;

            return(closestBlock != null);
예제 #5
        /// <param name="offenders">entities to test</param>
        /// <param name="myGridShape">iff null, skip rejection test</param>
        private IMyEntity TestEntities(ICollection <IMyEntity> offenders, Capsule path, GridShapeProfiler myGridShape, out Vector3?pointOfObstruction, IMyCubeGrid GridDestination)
            foreach (IMyEntity entity in offenders)
                myLogger.debugLog("testing offender: " + entity.getBestName() + " at " + entity.GetPosition(), "TestEntities()");

                IMyCubeGrid asGrid = entity as IMyCubeGrid;
                if (asGrid != null)
                    if (asGrid == GridDestination)
                        myLogger.debugLog("grid is destination: " + asGrid.DisplayName, "TestEntities()");

                    if (!path.IntersectsAABB(entity))
                        myLogger.debugLog("no AABB intersection: " + asGrid.DisplayName, "TestEntities()");

                    myLogger.debugLog("searching blocks of " + entity.getBestName(), "TestEntities()");
                    uint cellCount = 0, cellRejectedCount = 0;

                    // foreach block
                    float GridSize = asGrid.GridSize;
                    List <IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List <IMySlimBlock>();
                    foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)
                        bool    blockIntersects = false;
                        Vector3 cellPosWorld    = new Vector3();
                        //myLogger.debugLog("slim = " + slim.getBestName() + ", fat = " + slim.FatBlock + ", cell = " + slim.Position, "TestEntities()");
                        //if (slim.FatBlock != null)
                        //	myLogger.debugLog("fatblock min = " + slim.FatBlock.Min + ", fatblock max = " + slim.FatBlock.Max, "TestEntities()");
                        //	//myLogger.debugLog("fatblock AABB min = " + slim.FatBlock.LocalAABB.Min + ", fatblock AABB max = " + slim.FatBlock.LocalAABB.Max, "TestEntities()");
                        slim.ForEachCell((cell) => {
                            cellPosWorld = asGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(cell);

                            //myLogger.debugLog("slim = " + slim.getBestName() + ", cell = " + cell + ", world position = " + cellPosWorld, "TestEntities()");
                            // intersects capsule
                            if (!path.Intersects(cellPosWorld, GridSize))

                            // rejection
                            if (myGridShape == null || myGridShape.rejectionIntersects(RelativeVector3F.createFromWorldAbsolute(cellPosWorld, myCubeGrid), myCubeGrid.GridSize))
                                myLogger.debugLog("obstructing grid = " + asGrid.DisplayName + ", cell = " + cellPosWorld + ", block = " + slim.getBestName(), "TestEntities()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                                blockIntersects = true;
                            //myLogger.debugLog("rejection: no collision, cell = " + cellPosWorld + ", block = " + slim.getBestName(), "TestEntities()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                        if (blockIntersects)
                            //myLogger.debugLog("closest point on line: {" + path.get_Line().From + ", " + path.get_Line().To + "} to " + cellPosWorld + " is " + path.get_Line().ClosestPoint(cellPosWorld), "TestEntities()");
                            pointOfObstruction = path.get_Line().ClosestPoint(cellPosWorld);
                    myLogger.debugLog("no obstruction for grid " + asGrid.DisplayName + ", tested " + cellCount + " against capsule and " + cellRejectedCount + " against rejection", "TestPath()");

                // not a grid
                if (IgnoreAsteroids && entity is IMyVoxelMap)
                    myLogger.debugLog("Ignoring asteroid: " + entity.getBestName(), "TestEntities()");

                myLogger.debugLog("not a grid, testing bounds", "TestEntities()");
                if (!path.IntersectsAABB(entity))

                if (!path.IntersectsVolume(entity))

                myLogger.debugLog("no more tests for non-grids are implemented", "TestEntities()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                //myLogger.debugLog("closest point on line: {" + path.get_Line().From + ", " + path.get_Line().To + "} to " + entity.GetCentre() + " is " + path.get_Line().ClosestPoint(entity.GetCentre()), "TestEntities()");
                pointOfObstruction = path.get_Line().ClosestPoint(entity.GetCentre());

            myLogger.debugLog("no obstruction was found", "TestPath()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            pointOfObstruction = null;
예제 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the best block to target from a grid.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="grid">The grid to search</param>
		/// <param name="tType">Checked for destroy</param>
		/// <param name="target">The best block fromt the grid</param>
		/// <param name="distanceValue">The value assigned based on distance and position in blocksToTarget.</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Decoy blocks will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared to weapon.</para>
		/// <para>Blocks from blocksToTarget will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared * (2 + index)^2.</para>
		/// <para>Other blocks will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared * (1e12).</para>
		/// </remarks>
		private bool GetTargetBlock(IMyCubeGrid grid, TargetType tType, out IMyCubeBlock target, out double distanceValue)
			myLogger.debugLog("getting block from " + grid.DisplayName + ", target type = " + tType, "GetTargetBlock()");

			Vector3D myPosition = ProjectilePosition();
			CubeGridCache cache = CubeGridCache.GetFor(grid);

			target = null;
			distanceValue = double.MaxValue;

			if (cache.TotalByDefinition() == 0)
				myLogger.debugLog("no terminal blocks on grid: " + grid.DisplayName, "GetTargetBlock()");
				return false;

			// get decoy block
				var decoyBlockList = cache.GetBlocksOfType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Decoy));
				if (decoyBlockList != null)
					foreach (IMyTerminalBlock block in decoyBlockList)
						if (!block.IsWorking)

						if (!CanRotateTo(block.GetPosition()))

						if (Blacklist.Contains(block))

						double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, block.GetPosition());
						if (distanceSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)

						if (distanceSq < distanceValue && CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(block as IMyCubeBlock))
							target = block as IMyCubeBlock;
							distanceValue = distanceSq;
				if (target != null)
					myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", found a decoy block: " + target.DisplayNameText + ", distanceValue: " + distanceValue, "GetTargetBlock()");
					return true;

			// get block from blocksToTarget
			int multiplier = 1;
			foreach (string blocksSearch in Options.blocksToTarget)
				var master = cache.GetBlocksByDefLooseContains(blocksSearch);
				foreach (var blocksWithDef in master)
					foreach (IMyCubeBlock block in blocksWithDef)
						if (!TargetableBlock(block, true))
							myLogger.debugLog("not targetable: " + block.DisplayNameText, "GetTargetBlock()");

						if (Blacklist.Contains(block))
							myLogger.debugLog("blacklisted: " + block.DisplayNameText, "GetTargetBlock()");

						double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, block.GetPosition());
						if (distanceSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)
							myLogger.debugLog("too far: " + block.DisplayNameText + ", distanceSq = " + distanceSq + ", TargetingRangeSquared = " + Options.TargetingRangeSquared, "GetTargetBlock()");
						distanceSq *= multiplier * multiplier * multiplier;

						//myLogger.debugLog("blocksSearch = " + blocksSearch + ", block = " + block.DisplayNameText + ", distance value = " + distanceSq, "GetTargetBlock()");
						if (distanceSq < distanceValue && CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(block))
							target = block;
							distanceValue = distanceSq;
						//	myLogger.debugLog("have a closer block than " + block.DisplayNameText + ", close = " + target.getBestName() + ", distance value = " + distanceValue, "GetTargetBlock()");
				if (target != null) // found a block from blocksToTarget
					myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", blocksSearch = " + blocksSearch + ", target = " + target.DisplayNameText + ", distanceValue = " + distanceValue, "GetTargetBlock()");
					return true;

			// get any terminal block
			if (tType == TargetType.Moving || tType == TargetType.Destroy)
				List<IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List<IMySlimBlock>();
				grid.GetBlocks_Safe(allSlims, (slim) => slim.FatBlock != null);

				foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)
					if (TargetableBlock(slim.FatBlock, false))
						if (Blacklist.Contains(slim.FatBlock))

						double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, slim.FatBlock.GetPosition());
						if (distanceSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)
						distanceSq *= 1e12;

						if (CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(slim.FatBlock))
							target = slim.FatBlock;
							distanceValue = distanceSq;
							myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", found a block: " + target.DisplayNameText + ", distanceValue = " + distanceValue, "GetTargetBlock()");
							return true;

			return false;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the best block to target from a grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid to search</param>
        /// <param name="tType">Checked for destroy</param>
        /// <param name="target">The best block fromt the grid</param>
        /// <param name="distanceValue">The value assigned based on distance and position in blocksToTarget.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Decoy blocks will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared to weapon.</para>
        /// <para>Blocks from blocksToTarget will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared * (index + 1)^3.</para>
        /// <para>Other blocks will be given a distanceValue of the distance squared * (1e12).</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool GetTargetBlock(IMyCubeGrid grid, TargetType tType, out IMyCubeBlock target, out double distanceValue, bool doRangeTest = true)
            //myLogger.debugLog("getting block from " + grid.DisplayName + ", target type = " + tType, "GetTargetBlock()");

            Vector3D myPosition = ProjectilePosition();
            CubeGridCache cache = CubeGridCache.GetFor(grid);

            target = null;
            distanceValue = double.MaxValue;

            if (cache.TerminalBlocks == 0)
                //myLogger.debugLog("no terminal blocks on grid: " + grid.DisplayName, "GetTargetBlock()");
                return false;

            // get decoy block
                var decoyBlockList = cache.GetBlocksOfType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Decoy));
                if (decoyBlockList != null)
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock block in decoyBlockList)
                        if (!TargetableBlock(block, true))

                        double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, block.GetPosition());
                        if (doRangeTest && distanceSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)

                        if (distanceSq < distanceValue && CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(block))
                            target = block;
                            distanceValue = distanceSq;
                if (target != null)
                    //myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", found a decoy block: " + target.DisplayNameText + ", distanceValue: " + distanceValue, "GetTargetBlock()");
                    return true;

            // get block from blocksToTarget
            if (!Options.blocksToTarget.IsNullOrEmpty())
                int index = 0;
                IMyCubeBlock in_target = target;
                double in_distValue = distanceValue;

                Options.listOfBlocks.ForEach(cache, ref index, block => {
                    if (!TargetableBlock(block, true))

                    double distSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, block.GetPosition());
                    if (doRangeTest && distSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)

                    int multiplier = index + 1;
                    distSq *= multiplier * multiplier * multiplier;

                    if (distSq < in_distValue && CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(block))
                        in_target = block;
                        in_distValue = distSq;

                target = in_target;
                distanceValue = in_distValue;

                if (target != null) // found a block from blocksToTarget
                    //myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", target = " + target.DisplayNameText +
                    //	", distance = " + Vector3D.Distance(myPosition, target.GetPosition()) + ", distanceValue = " + distanceValue);
                    return true;

            // get any IMyTerminalBlock
            bool destroy = (tType & TargetType.Moving) != 0 || (tType & TargetType.Destroy) != 0;
            if (destroy || Options.blocksToTarget.IsNullOrEmpty())
                List<IMySlimBlock> allSlims = new List<IMySlimBlock>();
                grid.GetBlocks_Safe(allSlims, (slim) => slim.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock);

                double closest = double.MaxValue;

                foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in allSlims)
                    if (TargetableBlock(slim.FatBlock, !destroy))
                        double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(myPosition, slim.FatBlock.GetPosition());
                        if (doRangeTest && distanceSq > Options.TargetingRangeSquared)
                        distanceSq *= 1e12;

                        if (distanceSq < closest && CubeBlock.canConsiderHostile(slim.FatBlock))
                            target = slim.FatBlock;
                            distanceValue = distanceSq;

                if (target != null)
                    //myLogger.debugLog("for type = " + tType + " and grid = " + grid.DisplayName + ", found a block: " + target.DisplayNameText + ", distanceValue = " + distanceValue);
                    return true;

            return false;