private void HandleCollision(GameObject otherObject) { // make sure that we should be sending messages to it if (otherObject.GetComponent <NoMessagesBehavior>() != null) { return; } switch (Type) { case PayloadType.GeneralDamage: otherObject.SendSignal(AllSignals.Damage, new Damage(Amount)); DestroyOwner(); break; case PayloadType.Health: var healing = new Healing(Amount); otherObject.SendSignal(AllSignals.Health, healing); if (healing.Remaining <= 0) { DestroyOwner(); } break; case PayloadType.Money: // TODO move towards target bool wasHandled = otherObject.SendSignal(AllSignals.MoneyTransfer, new MoneyTransfer(Amount)); if (wasHandled) { DestroyOwner(); } break; } }
//Have a constructor that just accepts a premade Healing instance and copies it public ExecHeal(Chr _chrSource, Chr _chrTarget, Healing _heal) : base(_chrSource, _chrTarget) { heal = new Healing(_heal); heal.chrSource = _chrSource; heal.chrTarget = _chrTarget; }
public async Task <bool> HandOfTheProtectordMethod() { if (!Paladin.Settings.PaladinSettings.Instance.UseLightOfTheProtector) { return(false); } var spell = LightOfTheProtector; if (MyTalents.HandOfTheProtector.IsActive()) { spell = HandOfTheProtector; } if (spell.CRSpell.Cooldown) { return(false); } if (Globals.MyHp < Paladin.Settings.PaladinSettings.Instance.LightOfTheProtector) { return(await CastHandOfTheProtector(StyxWoW.Me, spell)); } var target = Healing.HealTarget(Paladin.Settings.PaladinSettings.Instance.LightOfTheProtectorOther); if (target == null) { return(false); } return(await CastHandOfTheProtector(target, spell)); }
public void Heal() { Healing healing = new Healing(_distribution); Logger.LogAction(_id, _id, healing); Hp += healing.GetValue(); }
private Healing CalculateHealing(int minh, int maxh, float critchance, HEALTYPE healtype) { int value = 0; bool isCrit = false; if (minh != maxh) { value = Random.Range(minh, maxh); } else { value = minh; } if (critchance > 0) { if (Random.Range(0, 100) < critchance) { value *= 2; isCrit = true; } } Healing myHeal = new Healing(value, isCrit, healtype); return(myHeal); }
private Healing ApplyHealingModifiersBySource(Healing baseHealing, Caster caster, HEALSOURCE source) { Healing newHealing = baseHealing; if (source == HEALSOURCE.SCROLL_OF_RENEW) { newHealing.value = (int)(maxHealth * 0.5f); return(newHealing); } if (source == HEALSOURCE.SHADOWSONG) { if (caster.myTalentTree.GetTalentByName("Shadowmend").Points > 0) { Buff myb = effectSystem.FindBuff((int)Buff.DB.SOOTHING_VOID); if (myb != null) { newHealing.value = (int)(newHealing.value + newHealing.value * caster.myTalentTree.GetTalentByName("Shadowmend").Points * 0.2f); return(newHealing); } } } return(newHealing); }
private Healing ApplyHealingModifiersByBuff(HEALSOURCE source, Healing baseHeal, Caster _caster) { Healing newHealing = baseHeal; if (source == HEALSOURCE.WOK_LIGHT) { Buff _myb = soldier.effectSystem.FindBuff(BUFF.FAITH); if ((_myb != null)) { SpellInfo spellInfo = GameCore.Core.spellRepository.Get(SPELL.WORD_OF_KINGS_FAITH); int _dur = spellInfo.ticksCount * spellInfo.HoTgap; int _gap = spellInfo.HoTgap; GameCore.Core.paladinSparkHandler.AddSparks(1); soldier.effectSystem.BuffMe(BUFF.WORD_OF_KINGS_FAITH, _dur, _caster, spellInfo, _gap); } CasterBuff _casterBuff = GameCore.Core.buffSystem.FindBuff(CASTERBUFF.DIVINE_INTERVENTION); if (baseHeal.isCrit) { if (_casterBuff != null) { baseHeal.value = (int)((float)baseHeal.value * (1f + (float)_caster.GetFocus() / 100f)); } } } return(newHealing); }
public async Task <bool> LayOnHandsMethod() { // TODO unify methods if (LayOnHands.CRSpell.Cooldown) { return(false); } if (PaladinSettings.Instance.ProtLoHUseOnSelf && !Globals.Forbearance && Globals.MyHp <= PaladinSettings.Instance.ProtLoHUseHp) { return(await CastLayOnHands(StyxWoW.Me)); } if (!PaladinSettings.Instance.ProtLoHUse || !Globals.InParty) { return(false); } // Unit.LayOnHandsTarget already does the checks for tank/healer etc var target = Healing.LayOnHandsTarget(PaladinSettings.Instance.ProtLoHUseHp); if (target == null || target.IsDead) { return(false); } Helpers.Logger.DiagnosticLog("Lay on Hands on {0}, Distance: {1}, LOS: {2}", target.SafeName, target.Distance, target.InLineOfSpellSight); return(await CastLayOnHands(target)); }
public async Task <bool> BlessingOfSanctuaryMethod() { // TODO focus target if (!Helpers.Globals.Arena) { return(false); } if (!Styx.CommonBot.SpellManager.HasSpell(BlessingOfSanctuary.ID)) { return(false); } var target = Healing.BlessingOfSanctuaryTarget(); if (target == null) { return(false); } Helpers.Logger.DiagnosticLog("Blessing of Sanctuary on {0}, Distance: {1}, LOS: {2}", target.SafeName, target.Distance, target.InLineOfSpellSight); if (!await BlessingOfSanctuary.Cast(target)) { return(false); } LastSpell = BlessingOfSanctuary; return(true); }
public async Task <bool> LightOfDawnMethod() { if (StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving) { return(false); } if (!Globals.InParty) { return(false); } if (!Healing.CastLightOfDawn(PaladinSettings.Instance.LightOfDawnHP)) { return(false); } if (!await LightOfDawn.Cast(StyxWoW.Me)) { return(false); } LastSpell = LightOfDawn; return(true); }
public Skill CreateSkill(Player player) { List <Skill> playerSkills = player.ListOfSkills; Skill known = CheckContent(playerSkills); if (known == null) { Healing s1 = new Healing(); StrengthTheft s2 = new StrengthTheft(); ArmorDestruction s3 = new ArmorDestruction(); List <Skill> tmp = new List <Skill>(); if (s1.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s1); // check level requirements } if (s2.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s2); } if (s3.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s3); } if (tmp.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(tmp[Index.RNG(0, tmp.Count)]); } else if (known.decoratedSkill == null) { HealingDecorator s1 = new HealingDecorator(known); StrengthTheftDecorator s2 = new StrengthTheftDecorator(known); ArmorDestructionDecorator s3 = new ArmorDestructionDecorator(known); List <Skill> tmp = new List <Skill>(); if (s1.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s1); // check level requirements } if (s2.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s2); } if (s3.MinimumLevel <= player.Level) { tmp.Add(s3); } if (tmp.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(tmp[Index.RNG(0, tmp.Count)]); } else { return(null); } }
private void OnHealFeedback(Healing hel, Unit unit) { healFeedbackHandlers.ForEach((e) => e.onHealFeedback(hel, unit)); if (HealFeedbackListener != null) { HealFeedbackListener.Invoke(hel, unit); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { script = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Healing>(); script2 = zombieHips.GetComponent <MutantHealth>(); anim = zombie.GetComponent <Animator>(); attackDamage = 25; attacking = false; }
private void OnHealModifier(Healing hel, Unit unit) { healModifierHandlers.ForEach((e) => e.onHealModifier(hel, unit)); if (HealModifierListener != null) { HealModifierListener.Invoke(hel, unit); } }
public void Execute() { int _value = 0; _value = spellInfo.baseValue2 / spellInfo.ticksCount; _value += (int)(GameCore.Core.chosenAccount.statPWR * spellInfo.coeff2 / spellInfo.ticksCount); switch (ID) { case 0: { // no buff } break; case (int)Buff.DB.WORD_OF_KINGS_FAITH: { Healing temp = myParent.Heal((int)(_value * multiplier), (int)((_value + 6) * multiplier), GameCore.Core.criticalStrikeChance, myCaster, spellInfo, HEALSOURCE.WOK_FAITH, HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_SINGLE); if (temp.isCrit) { if (myCaster.myAura[(int)AURA.DIVINITY].isActive) { myParent.Shield((int)(temp.value * VALUES.DIVINITY_PERCENT), HEALSOURCE.DIVNITY_SHIELD); } } if (temp.overhealing > 0) { if (myCaster.myAura[(int)AURA.EMPATHY].isActive) { myParent.Shield((int)(temp.overhealing * VALUES.EMPATHY_PERCENT), HEALSOURCE.EMPATHY); } } } break; case (int)Buff.DB.SHADOWMEND: { myParent.Heal(minv, maxv, 0, myCaster, spellInfo, HEALSOURCE.SHADOWMEND, HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_MULTI); } break; case (int)Buff.DB.SOOTHING_VOID: { myParent.Heal(_value, _value, 0, myCaster, spellInfo, HEALSOURCE.SOOTHING_VOID, HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_SINGLE); } break; case (int)Buff.DB.TWILIGHT_BEAM: { float _pen = 1.5f - (multiplier * 0.1f); int _val = (int)(_value * _pen); Healing _heal = myParent.Heal(_val, _val, GameCore.Core.criticalStrikeChance, myCaster, spellInfo, HEALSOURCE.TWILIGHT_BEAM, HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_SINGLE); multiplier += 1; } break; } }
void DropLoot() { if (Random.Range(0f, 100f) <= 25) { heartDrop = Instantiate(heartDropPrefab); heartDrop.transform.position = transform.position; MonsterSpawner.hearts.Add(heartDrop); } }
private void TakeHealing(Healing hel, Unit healer) { // -- 1 this.OnHealModifier(hel, healer); // -- 2 this.ChangeHp(hel.value); // -- 3 this.OnHealFeedback(hel, healer); }
private void CriticalHealTrigger(Healing myHeal) { if ((myHeal.healtype != HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_SINGLE) && (myHeal.healtype != HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_MULTI)) { if (myHeal.isCrit) { core.CriticalHealOccured(); } } }
public override void Execute(Caster who, Soldier target, int minval = 0, int maxval = 0) { int _value = 0; SpellInfo spellInfo = GameCore.Core.spellRepository.Get(SPELL.SHADOWSONG); _value = spellInfo.baseValue; _value += (int)(GameCore.Core.chosenAccount.statPWR * spellInfo.coeff); Healing _heal = target.Heal(_value, _value + 20, GameCore.Core.criticalStrikeChance, who, spellInfo, HEALSOURCE.SHADOWSONG, spellInfo.healtype); }
void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); healingBar.value = 0.0f; }
private void MaybeApplyVampirism(GameObject caster, Damage damage) { if (damage.Amount < 1 || Mathf.Approximately(this.Data.Vampirism, 0)) { return; } var healing = new Healing(damage * this.Data.Vampirism, HealingFlags.Vampirism); caster.GetComponent <HealthComponent>().Heal(caster, healing); }
/// <inheritdoc /> private void Update(Entity entity, ref Health health, ref Healing healing) { // make sure we heal the given amount if (health.Hp < health.MaxHp) { int maxAmount = Math.Max(health.MaxHp - health.Hp, healing.HitPointsPerTick); health.Hp += maxAmount; } }
public Healing(Healing healToCopy) { //Copy over all the attributes of the original Healing instance chrSource = healToCopy.chrSource; chrTarget = healToCopy.chrTarget; GetBase = healToCopy.GetBase; //Copy the Power fetch method too GetPower = healToCopy.GetPower; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { taken = false; healthBonus = false; ammoBonus = false; Player = GameObject.Find("Player"); FPC = GameObject.Find("Player/FirstPersonCharacter"); script2 = Player.GetComponent <Healing>(); GC = GameObject.Find("GameController"); script3 = FPC.GetComponent <ThrowGrenade>(); script = GC.GetComponent <GameController>(); }
private void WoKLoyaltyBeaconHealing(Healing myHeal, HEALSOURCE source, HEALTYPE healtype) { if ((GameCore.chosenChampion == CHAMPION.PALADIN) && (source != HEALSOURCE.WOK_LOYALTY) && (source != HEALSOURCE.GUIDANCE_OF_RAELA)) { float perc = VALUES.WORD_OF_KINGS_LOYALTY_TRANSFER + core.myCaster.myAura[(int)AURA.SPIRIT_BOND].stacks * VALUES.SPIRIT_BOND_INCREASE; if ((core.myCaster.AuraActive(AURA.SPIRIT_BOND)) && ((healtype == HEALTYPE.DIRECT_MULTI) || (healtype == HEALTYPE.PERIODIC_MULTI))) { perc *= 0.3f; } core.BeaconHeal((int)(myHeal.value * perc), 4, soldier); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Player = GameObject.Find("Player"); script = Player.GetComponent <Healing>(); StartCoroutine("countDown"); secs = time % 60; hours = Mathf.Floor(time / 60); if (10 > secs) { seconds = ("0" + secs); } }
public void TakeHealing(Healing healToTake) { //Fetch the amount of healing we're going to take int nHealingToTake = healToTake.Get(); //If there's healing to be done, then apply it to our health if (nHealingToTake > 0) { ChangeHealth(nHealingToTake); } //maybe notify people that we've been healed }
public SoulSadism(Chr _chrSource, Chr _chrTarget, Skill _skillSource) : base(_chrSource, _chrTarget, _skillSource) { sName = "Sadism"; bVisible = false; bDuration = false; bRecoilWhenApplied = false; nBaseHealing = 5; //Create a base Healing object that this skill will apply heal = new Healing(this.chrSource, this.chrSource, nBaseHealing); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="script"></param> public HealingControl(Healing script) { InitializeComponent(); if (script != null) { Action = script; } else { Action = new Healing(); } }
private Healing ApplyHealingModifiersByBuff(HEALSOURCE source, Healing baseHeal) { Healing newHealing = baseHeal; Buff _myb = effectSystem.FindBuff((int)Buff.DB.FLASH_OF_FUTURE); if ((_myb != null) && (source == HEALSOURCE.WOK_LIGHT)) { newHealing.value = (int)(newHealing.value * 1.5f); _myb.Remove(); return(newHealing); } return(newHealing); }
public static Healing getHealing(int id){ Healing healing = new Healing (); = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].id; = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].name; healing.type = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].type; healing.VIT = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].VIT; healing.PM = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].PM; healing.FRZ = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].FRZ; healing.DEF = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].DEF; healing.SPD = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].SPD; healing.heal = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].heal; healing.ItemTexture = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].ItemTexture; healing.width = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].width; healing.height = ItemsInventory_lvl2.healing_list [id].height; return healing; }
public static Healing setHealing(int id, string name, string type, int VIT, int PM, int FRZ, int DEF, int SPD, int heal, int magic, string icon_name, int slot_x, int slot_y){ Healing healing = new Healing (); = id; = name; healing.type = type; healing.VIT = VIT; healing.PM = PM; healing.FRZ = FRZ; healing.DEF = DEF; healing.SPD = SPD; healing.heal = heal; healing.magic = magic; healing.ItemTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Inventory/"+type+"/"+icon_name); healing.width = slot_x; healing.height = slot_y; return healing; }
void TypeHealing(){ Healing healing = new Healing (); = id; = name; healing.type = type; healing.VIT = VIT; healing.PM = PM; healing.FRZ = FRZ; healing.DEF = DEF; healing.SPD = SPD; healing.heal = heal; healing.ItemTexture = imageTexture; healing.width = slot_x; healing.height = slot_y; ItemsInventory.addHealing (id, healing); inventory.setPotion (1); inventory.addItem (ItemsInventory.getHealing (id)); Destroy (gameObject); }