public IEnumerator LoadData() { AudioManager.instance.ChangeMusic(AudioManager.ThemeType.nexus1); yield return(StartCoroutine(LoadScenes())); Debug.Log("Calling retrieve save data"); RetrieveSaveData(); //TODO // ---- General ---- // if (pGenerator == null) { pGenerator = PathGenerator.instance; } if (pGenerator == null) { Debug.LogError("No PathGenerator found when trying to load data"); } pGenerator.floor = act; if (statistics == null) { statistics = StatisticsEnd.instance; } if (statistics == null) { Debug.LogError("No StatisticsEnd found when trying to load data"); } statistics.SetElapsedTime(gameTime); if (gManager == null) { gManager = GameManager.instance; } if (gManager == null) { Debug.LogError("No GameManager found when trying to load data"); } if (gBuffs == null) { gBuffs = GlobalBuffs.instance; } if (gBuffs == null) { Debug.LogError("No GlobalBuffs found when trying to store data"); } gBuffs.SetupFromSave(globalHotDots); if (goldManager == null) { goldManager = GoldManager.instance; } if (goldManager == null) { Debug.LogError("No GoldManager found when trying to store data"); } goldManager.LoadFromSave(gold); if (aManager == null) { aManager = AscensionManager.instance; } if (aManager == null) { Debug.LogError("No AscensionManager found when trying to store data"); } aManager.currentAscension = chapter; //Team loading if (PlayerCharactersUnlockeables.instance == null) { Debug.LogError("No PlayerCharactersUnlockeables found when trying to load data"); } PlayerCharactersUnlockeables.instance.RetrieveUnlocks(); int i = 0; List <Fighter> fighters = new List <Fighter>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, bool> characters in PlayerCharactersUnlockeables.instance.GetUnlockeables()) { if (team[i]) { fighters.Add(characters.Key.GetComponent <Fighter>()); } i++; } gManager.teamA = fighters.ToArray(); gManager.SetupFromSave(); //Relics if (rStorage == null) { rStorage = RelicStorage.instance; } if (rStorage == null) { Debug.LogError("No RelicStorage found when trying to store data"); } rStorage.EnableRelicsFromSave(relics); // World ------// pGenerator.GenerateNewWorlds(worldTypes, worldWeatherTypes); if (pSelector == null) { pSelector = PathSelector.instance; } if (pSelector == null) { Debug.LogError("No PathSelector found when trying to load data"); } pSelector.SetCurrentWorld(playerPos); //Characters ---- // i = 0; foreach (Fighter f in gManager.teamA) { f.GetComponent <FighterExperience>().SetLevel(levels[f.fUnlockIndex], i + 1); f.GetComponent <FighterExperience>().SetCurrentExperience(experience[f.fUnlockIndex]); f.GetComponent <FighterExperience>().SetPerkPoints(unusedPerks[f.fUnlockIndex]); f.hp = stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 0]; f.str = stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 2]; f.def = stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 3]; f.spd = stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 4]; = stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 1]; f._hp = _stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 0]; f._str = _stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 2]; f._def = _stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 3]; f._spd = _stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 4]; f._energy = _stats[f.fUnlockIndex, 1]; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PasiveSkill> skills in f.GetComponentInChildren <SkillTree>().characterSkillTree) { if (talents[f.fUnlockIndex, skills.Key]) { skills.Value.LoadFromSave(); } } int attackLength = 0; for (int k = 0; k < attacks.GetLength(1); k++) { if (attacks[f.fUnlockIndex, k] != -1) { attackLength++; } } f.attacks = new FighterAttack[attackLength]; for (int k = 0; k < f.attacks.Length; k++) { if (attacks[f.fUnlockIndex, k] != -1) { f.attacks[k] = new FighterAttack(AttackStorage.instance.GetAllSkills() [attacks[f.fUnlockIndex, k]].GetComponent <UpgradedAttack>() , attackLevels[f.fUnlockIndex, k]); //AttackStorage.instance.GetSkills()[attacks[f.fUnlockIndex, k]].GetComponent<Attack>(); } } f.Get3DUI().UpdateManaAndHealth(); i++; } SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("Loader"); SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("Loading"); SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("Menu"); }