public void Draw(Renderer cam) { for (int i = 0; i < pt1List.Count; i++) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(this.color, width), pt1List[i], pt2List[i]); } }
public void DrawSimulationResults(ITreeNode n, GLPen p) { for (int i = 0; i < n.SimulationPoints.Count - 1; i++) { GLUtility.DrawLine(p, n.SimulationPoints[i], n.SimulationPoints[i + 1]); } }
public void Draw(Renderer cam) { Vector2 bodyPnt = new Vector2(pose.x, pose.y); Vector2 bodyHeading = new Vector2(bodyPnt.X + Math.Cos(pose.yaw), bodyPnt.Y + Math.Sin(pose.yaw)); GLUtility.DrawLineLoop(new GLPen(color, drawLineWidth), bodyPlygn.ToArray()); // Draw heading GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Red, drawLineWidth), bodyPnt, bodyHeading); // Draw the name GLUtility.DrawString(name, Color.Black, new PointF((float)bodyPnt.X, (float)bodyPnt.Y)); }
public void Draw(Renderer cam) { Vector2 lastPoint = currentPoints.Count > 0 ? currentPoints.ElementAt <Vector2>(0) : new Vector2(); foreach (Vector2 p in currentPoints) { GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Chartreuse, 1.0f), new PointF((float)p.X, (float)p.Y), 0.25f); if (!p.Equals(currentPoints.ElementAt <Vector2>(0))) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Chartreuse, 1.0f), lastPoint, p); lastPoint = p; } } }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { float lineWidth = selected ? 2.0f : 1.0f; PointF bodyPnt = new PointF(x, y); PointF bodyHeading = new PointF(bodyPnt.X + (float)Math.Cos(heading), bodyPnt.Y + (float)Math.Sin(heading)); GLUtility.DrawLineLoop(new GLPen(color, lineWidth), bodyPlygn.ToArray()); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.6f, bodyPlygn[0].ToPointF(), bodyPlygn[1].ToPointF(), bodyPlygn[2].ToPointF()); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.6f, bodyPlygn[2].ToPointF(), bodyPlygn[3].ToPointF(), bodyPlygn[0].ToPointF()); // Draw heading //GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Red, lineWidth), Vector2.FromPointF(bodyPnt), Vector2.FromPointF(bodyHeading)); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Red, lineWidth), bodyPnt, bodyHeading); //// Draw the name //if (modeString.Equals("")) // GLUtility.DrawString(MythName + ": " + name, Color.Black, bodyPnt); //else if (modeQualifier.Equals("")) // GLUtility.DrawString(name + ": " + modeString, Color.Black, bodyPnt); //else// if (defaultRenderer != null) //{ // try // { // GLUtility.DrawStringMultiLine(name + ": " + modeString + '\n' + "NOTE: " + modeQualifier, Color.Black, bodyPnt, r.CurrentCamera); // } // catch { GLUtility.DrawString(name + ": " + modeString, Color.Black, bodyPnt); } //}//else //// GLUtility.DrawString(name + ": " + modeString + "(NOTE: " + modeQualifier + ")", Color.Black, bodyPnt); GLUtility.DrawString(name, Color.Black, bodyPnt); DrawFlagLine(x, y, color); if (drawCameraView && IsSelected) { PointF p1 = bodyPnt; PointF p2 = new PointF(bodyPnt.X + 5 * (float)Math.Cos(heading - 0.5 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180)), bodyPnt.Y + 5 * (float)Math.Sin(heading - 0.5 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180))); PointF p3 = new PointF(bodyPnt.X + 5 * (float)Math.Cos(heading - 0.167 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180)), bodyPnt.Y + 5 * (float)Math.Sin(heading - 0.167 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180))); PointF p4 = new PointF(bodyPnt.X + 5 * (float)Math.Cos(heading + 0.167 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180)), bodyPnt.Y + 5 * (float)Math.Sin(heading + 0.167 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180))); PointF p5 = new PointF(bodyPnt.X + 5 * (float)Math.Cos(heading + 0.5 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180)), bodyPnt.Y + 5 * (float)Math.Sin(heading + 0.5 * (cameraFOVangle * Math.PI / 180))); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.1f, p1, p2, p3); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.1f, p1, p3, p4); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.1f, p1, p4, p5); //GLUtility.FillTriangle(Color.BlueViolet, 0.3f, p1, p2, p3); //GLUtility.FillTriangle(Color.Blue, 0.3f, p1, p3, p4); //GLUtility.FillTriangle(Color.Turquoise, 0.3f, p1, p4, p5); } }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { if (currentPath == null) { return; } if (renderer != null) { //if (renderer.GetBoundingPolygon().Count > 0) // Why do we need this? //GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), renderer.GetBoundingPolygon().Center.ToPointF(), currentPath[0].Start.ToPointF()); } if (draw == true) { foreach (IPathSegment seg in currentPath) { if (seg is BezierPathSegment) { CubicBezier bezier = ((BezierPathSegment)seg).Bezier; GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), seg.Start.ToPointF(), 0.25f); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), seg.End.ToPointF(), 0.25f); GLUtility.DrawBezier(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), bezier.P0, bezier.P1, bezier.P2, bezier.P3); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Pink, 1.0f), bezier.P0.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Pink, 1.0f), bezier.P1.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Pink, 1.0f), bezier.P2.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Pink, 1.0f), bezier.P3.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); } else { GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), seg.Start.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), seg.End.ToPointF(), nodeWidth); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 1.0f), (float)seg.Start.X, (float)seg.Start.Y, (float)seg.End.X, (float)seg.End.Y); } } } if (currentPath.Count != 0 && renderer != null) { IPathSegment ips = currentPath.ElementAt <IPathSegment>(currentPath.Count / 2); /*GLUtility.DrawString(renderer.GetName(), Color.Black, new PointF((ips.End.ToPointF().X + ips.Start.ToPointF().X) / 2, * (ips.End.ToPointF().Y + ips.Start.ToPointF().Y) / 2));//*/ } }
/// <summary> /// This is called whenever the renderer is going to draw stuff. Essentially this is where you put your /// tool drawing code. /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> public void Draw(Renderer r) { #region ruler drawing code if (shouldDraw && isActive) { PointF p1 = r.ScreenToWorld(downPoint); PointF p2 = r.ScreenToWorld(movePoint); GLPen pen = new GLPen(Color.Purple, 1.0f); GLUtility.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p1.X - .1f, p1.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p2.X - .1f, p2.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); distance = Math.Sqrt(((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X)) + ((p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y))); PointF m = new PointF((p1.X + p2.X) / 2.0f + .3f, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2.0f + .3f); GLUtility.DrawString(distance.ToString("F2") + "m", Color.Black, m); } #endregion }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { #region angle drawing code if (IsActive) { if (angleState == 1) { PointF p1 = r.ScreenToWorld(clickPoint); PointF p2 = r.ScreenToWorld(movePoint); GLPen pen = new GLPen(Color.Purple, 1.0f); GLUtility.DrawLine(pen, Vector2.FromPointF(p1), Vector2.FromPointF(p2)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p1.X - .1f, p1.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p2.X - .1f, p2.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); dist12 = Math.Sqrt(((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X)) + ((p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y))); PointF m12 = new PointF((p1.X + p2.X) / 2.0f, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2.0f); GLUtility.DrawString(dist12.ToString("F2") + "m", Color.Black, m12); } if (angleState == 2) { PointF p1 = r.ScreenToWorld(clickPoint); PointF p2 = r.ScreenToWorld(clickPoint2); PointF p3 = r.ScreenToWorld(movePoint); GLPen pen = new GLPen(Color.Purple, 1.0f); GLUtility.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2); GLUtility.DrawLine(pen, p2, p3); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p1.X - .1f, p1.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p2.X - .1f, p2.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF(p3.X - .1f, p3.Y - .1f, .2f, .2f)); dist12 = Math.Sqrt(((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X)) + ((p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y))); PointF m12 = new PointF((p1.X + p2.X) / 2.0f, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2.0f); GLUtility.DrawString(dist12.ToString("F2") + "m", Color.Black, m12); dist23 = Math.Sqrt(((p2.X - p3.X) * (p2.X - p3.X)) + ((p2.Y - p3.Y) * (p2.Y - p3.Y))); PointF m23 = new PointF((p2.X + p3.X) / 2.0f, (p2.Y + p3.Y) / 2.0f); GLUtility.DrawString(dist23.ToString("F2") + "m", Color.Black, m23); dist13 = Math.Sqrt(((p1.X - p3.X) * (p1.X - p3.X)) + ((p1.Y - p3.Y) * (p1.Y - p3.Y))); cosangle = (dist12 * dist12 + dist23 * dist23 - dist13 * dist13) / (2 * dist12 * dist23); angleDEG = Math.Acos(cosangle) * (180.0 / Math.PI); p2.X += .5f; p2.Y += .5f; GLUtility.DrawString(angleDEG.ToString("F2") + " deg", Color.Black, p2); } } #endregion }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { if (wallPoints.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < wallPoints.Count; i++) { List <PointF> wallSegment = wallPoints[i]; for (int j = 0; j < wallSegment.Count - 1; j++) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 5), wallSegment[j], wallSegment[j + 1]); } } } if (homeBase.Count > 0) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 1), homeBase[0], homeBase[1]); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 1), homeBase[1], homeBase[2]); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 1), homeBase[2], homeBase[3]); GLUtility.DrawString("HOME BASE", Color.DarkSlateGray, new PointF(7.6f, -2.4f)); GLUtility.DrawString("HOME BASE", Color.DarkSlateGray, new PointF(8.7f, -0.6f)); } }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { if (type.Equals("circle string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("CIRCLE", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("path start string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("PATH START", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("path end string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("PATH END", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("box string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("SQUARE", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("x string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("X", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("arrow string")) { PointF arrowHead = new PointF((float)(location.X + arrowlength * Math.Cos(angle)), (float)(location.Y + arrowlength * Math.Sin(angle))); GLUtility.DrawString("ARROW TAIL", color, location); GLUtility.DrawString("ARROW HEAD", color, arrowHead); } else if (type.Equals("important string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("EXCLAMATION MARK", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("spiral string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("SPIRAL", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("polygon string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("SHADED AREA", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("triangle string")) { GLUtility.DrawString("TRIANGLE", color, location); } else if (type.Equals("circle")) { PointF upperLeft = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.25), (float)(location.Y - .25)); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(upperLeft, new SizeF(.5f, .5f)); GLUtility.FillEllipse(color, rect); } else if (type.Equals("box")) { PointF upperLeft = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.25), (float)(location.Y - .25)); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(upperLeft, new SizeF(.5f, .5f)); GLUtility.FillRectangle(color, rect); } else if (type.Equals("triangle")) { PointF p1 = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.25), (float)(location.Y - 0.25)); PointF p2 = new PointF((float)(location.X + 0.25), (float)(location.Y - 0.25)); PointF p3 = new PointF((float)(location.X), (float)(location.Y + 0.25)); GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, p1, p2, p3); } else if (type.Equals("spiral")) { double size = 0.8; GLPen spiralPen = new GLPen(color, 3f); GLUtility.DrawCircle(spiralPen, location, (float)(size / 2)); GLUtility.DrawCircle(spiralPen, location, (float)(size * 3 / 8)); GLUtility.DrawCircle(spiralPen, location, (float)(size / 4)); GLUtility.DrawCircle(spiralPen, location, (float)(size * 1 / 8)); } else if (type.Equals("important")) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y + 0.15), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y - .05)); //GLUtility.DrawCross(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y - .12), .1f); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(color, 2f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y - .12), .02f); GLUtility.DrawDiamond(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2((double)location.X, (double)location.Y), .6f); GLUtility.DrawDiamond(new GLPen(Color.Red, 3f), new Vector2((double)location.X, (double)location.Y), .8f); } else if (type.Equals("x")) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2((double)location.X - .2, (double)location.Y + .2), new Vector2((double)location.X + .2, (double)location.Y - .2)); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2((double)location.X + .2, (double)location.Y + .2), new Vector2((double)location.X - .2, (double)location.Y - .2)); } else if (type.Equals("empty circle")) { PointF upperLeft = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.25), (float)(location.Y - .25)); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(upperLeft, new SizeF(.5f, .5f)); GLUtility.DrawEllipse(new GLPen(color, 3f), rect); } else if (type.Equals("arrow")) { Vector2 arrowHead = new Vector2(location.X + 0.7 * Math.Cos(angle), location.Y + 0.7 * Math.Sin(angle)); PointF upperLeft = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.1), (float)(location.Y - .1)); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(upperLeft, new SizeF(.2f, .2f)); GLUtility.FillEllipse(color, rect); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y), arrowHead); } //else if(type.Equals("triangle"))//man //{ // //head // PointF upperLeftHead = new PointF((float)(location.X - 0.25), (float)(location.Y + .25)); // RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(upperLeftHead, new SizeF(.5f, .5f)); // GLUtility.DrawEllipse(new GLPen(color, 3f), rect); // //body // GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y-.25), new Vector2(location.X,location.Y+.25)); // //arms // GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y), new Vector2(location.X+.3,location.Y)); // GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y), new Vector2(location.X-.3,location.Y)); // //legs // GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y-.25), new Vector2(location.X+.25,location.Y-.5)); // GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3f), new Vector2(location.X, location.Y-.25), new Vector2(location.X-.25,location.Y-.5)); //} else if (type.Equals("polygon")) { double maxx = -1.0 / zero; double maxy = -1.0 / zero; double minx = 1.0 / zero; double miny = 1.0 / zero; if (polygonPoints.Count == 0) { polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y + 1))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y - 1))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 2), (float)(location.Y - 2))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 3), (float)(location.Y))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 1), (float)(location.Y + 2))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y + 1))); } for (int i = 0; i < polygonPoints.Count - 1; i++) { if (polygonPoints[i].X > maxx) { maxx = polygonPoints[i].X; } if (polygonPoints[i].Y > maxy) { maxy = polygonPoints[i].Y; } if (polygonPoints[i].X < minx) { minx = polygonPoints[i].X; } if (polygonPoints[i].Y < miny) { miny = polygonPoints[i].Y; } this.location = new PointF((float)(0.5 * (maxx + minx)), (float)(0.5 * (maxy + miny))); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3), polygonPoints[i], polygonPoints[i + 1]); } } else if (type.Equals("fill polygon")) { double maxx = -1.0 / zero; double maxy = -1.0 / zero; double minx = 1.0 / zero; double miny = 1.0 / zero; if (polygonPoints.Count == 0) { polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y + 1))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y - 1))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 2), (float)(location.Y - 2))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 3), (float)(location.Y))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X + 1), (float)(location.Y + 2))); polygonPoints.Add(new PointF((float)(location.X - 1), (float)(location.Y + 1))); } for (int i = 0; i < polygonPoints.Count - 1; i++) { if (polygonPoints[i].X > maxx) { maxx = polygonPoints[i].X; } if (polygonPoints[i].Y > maxy) { maxy = polygonPoints[i].Y; } if (polygonPoints[i].X < minx) { minx = polygonPoints[i].X; } if (polygonPoints[i].Y < miny) { miny = polygonPoints[i].Y; } this.location = new PointF((float)(0.5 * (maxx + minx)), (float)(0.5 * (maxy + miny))); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(color, 3), polygonPoints[i], polygonPoints[i + 1]); } for (int i = 0; i < polygonPoints.Count - 1; i++) { GLUtility.FillTriangle(color, 0.3f, polygonPoints[i], polygonPoints[i + 1], new PointF((float)(0.5 * (maxx + minx)), (float)(0.5 * (maxy + miny)))); } } else { } //GLUtility.DrawString(name,Color.Black, location); }
public void Draw(Renderer r) { if (options.Show == false) { return; } if (scan == null) { return; //nothing to do } GLUtility.DisableNiceLines(); GLUtility.GoToSensorPose(laserToBody); lock (this.drawLock) { //foreach (ILidar2DPoint sp in scan.Points) for (int i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; i++) { PointF p = PointF.Empty; ILidar2DPoint sp = scan.Points[i]; if (options.IsUpsideDown) { p = new PointF((float)(sp.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(-sp.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(sp.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(-sp.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); } else { p = new PointF((float)(sp.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(sp.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(sp.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(sp.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); } GLUtility.DrawCross(new GLPen(options.RenderColor, 1), Vector2.FromPointF(p), .1f); if (options.ShowIndex) { GLUtility.DrawString("Index: " + i, Color.Black, p); } } } if (options.ShowTS) { GLUtility.DrawString("Time: " + scan.Timestamp.ToString(), Color.Black, new PointF(0, 0)); } if (options.ShowOrigin) { GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Red, 1), new PointF(0, 0), .075f); } if (options.ShowBoundary) { PointF p = PointF.Empty, p2 = PointF.Empty; PointF pose = PointF.Empty; ILidar2DPoint spInitial = scan.Points[0]; ILidar2DPoint spEnd = scan.Points[scan.Points.Count - 1]; if (options.IsUpsideDown) { p = new PointF((float)(spInitial.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(-spInitial.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(spInitial.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(-spInitial.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); p2 = new PointF((float)(spEnd.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(-spEnd.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(spEnd.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(-spEnd.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); } else { p = new PointF((float)(spInitial.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(spInitial.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(spInitial.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(spInitial.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); p2 = new PointF((float)(spEnd.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(spEnd.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.x), (float)(spEnd.RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(spEnd.RThetaPoint.theta + robotPose.yaw) + robotPose.y)); } pose.X = (float)robotPose.x; pose.Y = (float)robotPose.y; GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(options.BoundaryColor, options.BoundaryWidth), p, pose); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(options.BoundaryColor, options.BoundaryWidth), p2, pose); } GLUtility.ComeBackFromSensorPose(); GLUtility.EnableNiceLines(); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the waypoints & path (circles & lines) /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> #region path drawing code public void Draw(Renderer r) { //if only one waypoint, draw the waypoint if (newPath.WaypointList.Count == 1 && shouldDraw) { WaypointRenderer wpFirst = newPath.WaypointList[0]; PointF drawPoint = new PointF((float)wpFirst.X, (float)wpFirst.Y); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(wpFirst.Color, 1.0f), drawPoint, 0.2f); if (!shouldMove && tempActive) { GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.LawnGreen, 1.0f), drawPoint, r.ScreenToWorld(mousePoint)); } } // if more than one waypoint, draw waypoints and connect subsequent waypoints with a line else if (newPath.WaypointList.Count > 1 && shouldDraw) { WaypointRenderer wpLast = newPath.WaypointList.First(); foreach (WaypointRenderer wp in newPath.WaypointList) { PointF pathPoint = new PointF((float)wp.X, (float)wp.Y); if (shouldMove && wp.Equals(movePointWP)) { GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Red, 1.0f), pathPoint, 0.2f); } else { GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(wp.Color, 1.0f), pathPoint, 0.2f); } if (!wp.Equals(newPath.WaypointList.First())) { PointF dummyLast = new PointF((float)wpLast.X, (float)wpLast.Y); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(newPath.Color, 1.0f), dummyLast, pathPoint); } wpLast = wp; } // if we are not moving a waypoint, draw a light green line between last waypoint and current mouse location if (!shouldMove && tempActive) { PointF dummyLast = new PointF((float)wpLast.X, (float)wpLast.Y); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.LawnGreen, 1.0f), dummyLast, r.ScreenToWorld(mousePoint)); } } if (newPath.WaypointList.Count > 0) { foreach (ISelectable selectable in r.Selectables) { PointF dummyFirst = new PointF(); RobotRenderer robot = selectable as RobotRenderer; if (robot == null) { continue; } else if (robot.IsSelected) { Polygon p = robot.GetBoundingPolygon(); if (p.points.Count > 0) { dummyFirst = new PointF((float)newPath.WaypointList[0].X, (float)newPath.WaypointList[0].Y); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Green, 1.0f), p.Center.ToPointF(), dummyFirst); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Drawing code /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> public void Draw(Renderer r) { if (pointList.Count == 0) { UpdatePointList(); } if ((gestureName == "CIRCLE") || (gestureName == "SQUARE") || (gestureName == "TRIANGLE")) { //DrawToolOld.ResetRefPoints(); ctrPtWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(0)); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Blue, 0.2f), ctrPtWorld, 0.3f); } else if (gestureName == "X") { //DrawToolOld.ResetRefPoints(); ctrPtWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(0)); GLUtility.DrawCross(new GLPen(Color.Red, 0.2f), new Vector2(ctrPtWorld.X, ctrPtWorld.Y), 0.5f); } else if ((gestureName == "ARROW") || (gestureName == "PATH") || (gestureName == "SENTENCE")) { //DrawToolOld.ResetRefPoints(); pthStartWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(0)); pthEndWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(1)); GLUtility.DrawCircle(new GLPen(Color.Blue, 0.2f), pthStartWorld, 0.3f); GLUtility.DrawCross(new GLPen(Color.Red, 0.2f), new Vector2(pthEndWorld.X, pthEndWorld.Y), 0.5f); } else { //DrawToolOld.ResetRefPoints(); } if ((gestureName == "PATH") || (gestureName == "SENTENCE")) { //DrawToolOld.ResetRefPoints(); ln1StartWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(2)); ln1EndWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(3)); ln2StartWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(4)); ln2EndWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(5)); ln3StartWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(6)); ln3EndWorld = r.ScreenToWorld(pointList.ElementAt(7)); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Black, 1.0f), ln1StartWorld, ln1EndWorld); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Black, 1.0f), ln2StartWorld, ln2EndWorld); GLUtility.DrawLine(new GLPen(Color.Black, 1.0f), ln3StartWorld, ln3EndWorld); } // draw pixels if (pixelList.Count > 0) { foreach (PointF v3 in drawPixelList) { drawPixel.X = ((float)v3.X - (w / 2)); drawPixel.Y = ((float)v3.Y - (h / 2)); drawPixel2.X = ((float)v3.X - (w / 4)); drawPixel2.Y = ((float)v3.Y - (h / 4)); float scale = r.Scale(); pixelRect = new RectangleF((float)drawPixel.X, (float)drawPixel.Y, w, h); RectangleF pixelRect2 = new RectangleF((float)drawPixel2.X, (float)drawPixel2.Y, w / 2, h / 2); GLUtility.DrawRectangle(new GLPen(Color.Black, 0.1f), pixelRect); GLUtility.DrawRectangle(new GLPen(Color.Black, 0.1f), pixelRect2); } } }