public static FGUISystem createFGUISystem(FuzzySystem system) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabFGUISystem); FGUISystem gui = go.GetComponent<FGUISystem>(); gui.setSystem(system); return gui; }
private void TypeBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { // If Mamdani/Larsen selected if ((FuzzyType)e.AddedItems[0] == FuzzyType.Mamdani || (FuzzyType)e.AddedItems[0] == FuzzyType.Larsen) { if (FuzzySystem.StringToImpMethod(ImpBox.Text) == { ImpBox.SelectedItem = ImpMethodType.min; } if (FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.wtaver || FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.wtsum) { DefuzzBox.SelectedItem = DefuzzMethodType.COG; } } // If Sugeno selected if ((FuzzyType)e.AddedItems[0] == FuzzyType.Sugeno) { if (FuzzySystem.StringToImpMethod(ImpBox.Text) == ImpMethodType.min || FuzzySystem.StringToImpMethod(ImpBox.Text) == ImpMethodType.max) { ImpBox.SelectedItem =; } if (FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.COA || FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.COG || FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.MOM || FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.LOM || FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text) == DefuzzMethodType.SOM) { DefuzzBox.SelectedItem = DefuzzMethodType.wtaver; } } }
private void CalculateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { FuzzySystem fuzzy = FuzzyReader.GetFuzzySystemFromFile(FuzzySystemText.Text); fuzzy.LoadInputsAndSaveOutputs(InputValuesText.Text, "FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del"); float MSE = FuzzySystem.GetOutputFilesMSE(OutputValuesText.Text, "FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del"); if (File.Exists("FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del")) { File.Delete("FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del"); } MSEText.Text = MSE.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); RMSEText.Text = Math.Sqrt(MSE).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); RMSEPText.Text = (Math.Sqrt(MSE) / (fuzzy.Outputs[0].Range[1] - fuzzy.Outputs[0].Range[0]) * 100.0f).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); if (File.Exists("FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del")) { File.Delete("FuzzySystemTemporaryTestOutputFile.temp.del"); } return; } }
private double FitnessFunctionMSE(ArrayList ActualParameters) { FuzzySystem tempFuz = GetModifiedFuzzySystem(ActualParameters); float MSE = 0.0f; bool readFailed = false; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { try { tempFuz.LoadInputsAndSaveOutputs(InputFileTextBox.Text, OutputFileTextBox.Text.Replace(".txt", ".generated.txt")); MSE = FuzzySystem.GetOutputFilesMSE(OutputFileTextBox.Text, OutputFileTextBox.Text.Replace(".txt", ".generated.txt")); } catch (Exception exc) { readFailed = true; Optimizer.Stop = true; MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }); if (readFailed) { return(double.NaN); } //return (double)Math.Sqrt((double)MSE); return((double)MSE); }
public FuzzyRule(string ruleStr, FuzzySystem fuzzySystem) { // To Uppercase ruleStr = ruleStr.ToUpper(); // Split premises and conclusion String[] rule = ruleStr.Split(new String[] { " THEN " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (rule.Length == 2) { // Compute and add premises rule[0] = rule[0].Remove(0, 2); // On enlève "IF" String[] prem = rule[0].Trim().Split(new String[] { " AND " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Premises = new List <FuzzyExpression>(); foreach (String exp in prem) { String[] res = exp.Split(new String[] { " IS " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (res.Length == 2) { FuzzyExpression fexp = new FuzzyExpression(fuzzySystem.LinguisticVariableByName(res[0]), res[1]); Premises.Add(fexp); } } // Add conclusion String[] conclu = rule[1].Split(new String[] { " IS " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (conclu.Length == 2) { Conclusion = new FuzzyExpression(fuzzySystem.LinguisticVariableByName(conclu[0]), conclu[1]); } } }
// <DELAYER> /*private int delayer() * { * System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000); * return 0; * }*/ // </DELAYER> private void OnNewGeneration(object sender, ArrayList Antibodies, double[] affinities) { // Update output window text string text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Antibodies.Count; i++) { text += ("Parameters: " + List(((IElement)Antibodies[i]).Position) + " \tFitness: " + affinities[i].ToString() + "\r\n"); } ProgressWindow.UpdateText(text); ProgressWindow.UpdateImage(affinities[0]); // Update graphical windows FuzzySystem tempFuz = GetModifiedFuzzySystem(((IElement)Antibodies[0]).Position); for (int i = 0; i < tempFuz.Inputs.Length; i++) { IoputMfWindows[i].ShowNewIoput(tempFuz.Inputs[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < tempFuz.Outputs.Length; i++) { IoputMfWindows[tempFuz.Inputs.Length + i].ShowNewIoput(tempFuz.Outputs[i]); } float RMSEP = (float)affinities[0] / (tempFuz.Outputs[0].Range[1] - tempFuz.Outputs[0].Range[0]) * 100.0f; }
private Dictionary<string, FuzzyVariable> variables; // TODO: maybe put this in the Fuzzy system? #endregion Fields #region Methods public void Start() { this.system = new FuzzySystem("TestFuzzySystem"); this.variables = new Dictionary<string, FuzzyVariable>(); testRead(); testGUI(); //testFuzzy(); //testWrite(); }
public void LoadFuzzyFile(string FileName) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName); FuzzyBox.Text = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); SaveButton.IsEnabled = true; UseButton.IsEnabled = true; //fuzzySystem = new FuzzySystem(); try { fuzzySystem = FuzzyReader.GetFuzzySystemFromFile(FileName); } catch (Exception exc) { fuzzySystem = null; MessageBox.Show("Failed to load fuzzy system.\r\n" + (exc != null ? exc.Message : ""), "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } StringReader strRead = new StringReader(FuzzyBox.Text); string str = ""; while ((str = strRead.ReadLine()) != null) { if (str.StartsWith("MF")) { if (str.Contains("!")) { IncludeValuesCheckBox.IsChecked = true; } else { IncludeValuesCheckBox.IsChecked = false; } break; } } strRead.Close(); CheckPreparation(null, null); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { fuzzySystem = GetComponent <FuzzySystem>(); fuzzySystem.FunctionCurve = inputCurve; fuzzySystem.FuzzyRulesList = rulesList; }
private async void OptimizeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { /*if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Sugeno && CheckOutput.IsChecked == true) * { * MessageBox.Show("Output optimization is not valid for Sugeno-type fuzzy systems.", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); * return; * }*/ // Disable the optimize button and the optimization parameters OptimizeButton.IsEnabled = false; UseButton.IsEnabled = false; RadioBaseRatio.IsEnabled = false; RadioRefPoint.IsEnabled = false; CheckInput.IsEnabled = false; CheckOutput.IsEnabled = false; // Initialize variables ArrayList initParams = new ArrayList(); ArrayList lbp = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ubp = new ArrayList(); // Set up initial parameters if (CheckInput.IsChecked == true) { foreach (InputOutput input in fuzzySystem.Inputs) { foreach (MembershipFunction MF in input.MFs) { if (RadioRefPoint.IsChecked == true) { initParams.Add((double)(MF.GetReferencePoint())); lbp.Add((double)(input.Range[0])); ubp.Add((double)(input.Range[1])); } if (RadioBaseRatio.IsChecked == true) { initParams.Add((double)(MF.GetTrapBaseRatio())); lbp.Add(0.0); ubp.Add(0.95); } } } } if (CheckOutput.IsChecked == true) { foreach (InputOutput output in fuzzySystem.Outputs) { foreach (MembershipFunction MF in output.MFs) { if (RadioRefPoint.IsChecked == true) { initParams.Add((double)(MF.GetReferencePoint())); lbp.Add((double)(output.Range[0])); ubp.Add((double)(output.Range[1])); } if (RadioBaseRatio.IsChecked == true) { initParams.Add((double)(MF.GetTrapBaseRatio())); lbp.Add(0.0); ubp.Add(0.95); } } } } bool[] ints = new bool[initParams.Count]; // Set up the optimizer object depending on the settings switch (MethodId) { case 0: //Firework Optimizer = new Firework { // Number of particles in the swarm. NumberOfElements = NA, m = m, ymax = double.MaxValue, a = a, b = b, Amax = Amax, mhat = mhat, Slow = false }; break; case 1: //Particle Swarm Optimizer = new ParticleSwarm { // Number of particles in the swarm. NumberOfElements = NA, c0 = c0, // Multiplication factor for the distance to the personal best position. cp = cp, // Multiplication factor for the distance to the global best position. cg = cg, Slow = false }; break; case 2: //Clonal generation if (cgn > NA) { MessageBox.Show("Number of antibodies selected for cloning at the end of each generation greater than the number of antibodies.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK); OptimizeButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } Optimizer = new ClonalGeneration { // Size of the antibody pool. NumberOfElements = NA, // Number of antibodies selected for cloning. NumberSelectedForCloning = cgn, // Parameter determining the number of clones created for an antibody that was selected for cloning. (0,1] Beta = beta, // Number of antibodies created with random parameters in each new generation. RandomAntibodiesPerGeneration = d, // Mutation coefficient (0,1]. Ro = ro, Slow = false }; break; case 3: Optimizer = new GeneticAlgorithm { // Size of the individual pool. NumberOfElements = NA, // Number of parents in each generation. ParentsInEachGeneration = P, // The probability of mutation. MutationProbability = pm, // The number of crossovers in each generation. CrossoverPerGeneration = crossoverCount, Slow = false }; break; case 4: //Clonal generation if (cgn > NA) { MessageBox.Show("Number of antibodies selected for cloning at the end of each generation greater than the number of antibodies.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK); OptimizeButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } Optimizer = new ClonalGenerationLocal { // Size of the antibody pool. NumberOfElements = NA, // Number of antibodies selected for cloning. NumberSelectedForCloning = cgn, // Parameter determining the number of clones created for an antibody that was selected for cloning. (0,1] Beta = beta, // Number of antibodies created with random parameters in each new generation. RandomAntibodiesPerGeneration = d, // Mutation coefficient (0,1]. Ro = ro, // Local searches per generation LocalSearchesPerGeneration = cgln, Slow = false }; break; } // Set common parameters Optimizer.InitialParameters = initParams; Optimizer.LowerParamBounds = lbp; Optimizer.UpperParamBounds = ubp; // Bounds are required before setting this value if (MethodId == 4) { ((ClonalGenerationLocal)Optimizer).StepSizeRelative = cglssr; } Optimizer.Integer = ints; Optimizer.FitnessFunction = FitnessFunctionMSE; Optimizer.StoppingNumberOfGenerations = StopGenerationNumber; Optimizer.StoppingNumberOfEvaluations = StopAffinityEvaluation; Optimizer.StoppingFitnessTreshold = StopFitnessTreshold; Optimizer.StoppingType = StopType; // Output string string outstr = "Initial parameters: " + List(initParams) + "\r\n"; // Open progress window and begin the optimization ProgressWindow = new OptimizationProgressWindow(); ProgressWindow.OptWindow = this; ProgressWindow.Show(); if (IoputMfWindows != null) { foreach (MFsPreviewWindow window in IoputMfWindows) { window.Close(); } } IoputMfWindows = new List <MFsPreviewWindow>(); foreach (InputOutput input in fuzzySystem.Inputs) { IoputMfWindows.Add(new MFsPreviewWindow(input)); IoputMfWindows[IoputMfWindows.Count - 1].Show(); } foreach (InputOutput output in fuzzySystem.Outputs) { IoputMfWindows.Add(new MFsPreviewWindow(output)); IoputMfWindows[IoputMfWindows.Count - 1].Show(); } Optimizer.GenerationCreated += OnNewGeneration; // <DELAYER> /*var z = Task.Run(() => (delayer())); * int y = await z;*/ // </DELAYER> var x = Task.Run(() => (Optimizer.Optimize())); var Results = await x; ProgressWindow.Close(); // Add results to output string outstr += "Initial MSE: " + Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.InitialFitness] + "\r\n" + "Final parameters: " + List(Results.OptimizedParameters) + "\r\n" + "Final MSE: " + $"{Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.FinalFitness],10:F6}" + "\r\n" + "Number of generations: " + Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.Generations] + "\r\n" + "Number of fitness evaluations: " + Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.Evaluations] + "\r\n" + "Best affinities in each generation: " + List((ArrayList)Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.Affinities]) + "\r\n" + "Optimization time in milliseconds: " + Results.InfoList[InfoTypes.ExecutionTime]; fuzzySystem = GetModifiedFuzzySystem(Results.OptimizedParameters); FuzzyBox.Text = fuzzySystem.ToString(); // Display results and reenable the optimize button MessageBox.Show(outstr, "Optimization finished", MessageBoxButton.OK); OptimizeButton.IsEnabled = true; UseButton.IsEnabled = true; RadioBaseRatio.IsEnabled = true; RadioRefPoint.IsEnabled = true; CheckInput.IsEnabled = true; CheckOutput.IsEnabled = true; }
private void InitializeFuzzySystem() { switch (FuzzySystem.StringToFuzzyType(TypeBox.Text)) { case FuzzyType.Mamdani: fuzzySystem = new MamdaniFS(); break; case FuzzyType.Larsen: fuzzySystem = new LarsenFS(); break; case FuzzyType.Sugeno: fuzzySystem = new SugenoFS(); break; case FuzzyType.Sparse: break; default: break; } //fuzzySystem = new FuzzySystem(); // Load fuzzysystem data fuzzySystem.Name = NameBox.Text; //fuzzySystem.Type = FuzzySystem.StringToFuzzyType(TypeBox.Text); fuzzySystem.Version = VersionBox.Text; fuzzySystem.AndMethod = FuzzySystem.StringToAndMethod(AndBox.Text); fuzzySystem.OrMethod = FuzzySystem.StringToOrMethod(OrBox.Text); fuzzySystem.AggMethod = FuzzySystem.StringToAggMethod(AggBox.Text); fuzzySystem.ImpMethod = FuzzySystem.StringToImpMethod(ImpBox.Text); fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod = FuzzySystem.StringToDefuzzMethod(DefuzzBox.Text); // Set up the data and declare the arrays fuzzySystem.NumInputs = InputTemplates.Count; for (int i = 0; i < fuzzySystem.NumInputs; i++) { fuzzySystem.Inputs[i] = new InputOutput { Name = InputTemplates[i].Name, IsInput = true, Index = i + 1 }; } fuzzySystem.NumOutputs = OutputTemplates.Count; for (int i = 0; i < fuzzySystem.NumOutputs; i++) { fuzzySystem.Outputs[i] = new InputOutput { Name = OutputTemplates[i].Name, IsInput = false, Index = i + 1 }; } // Set the ranges and NumMF-s for (int inputId = 0; inputId < InputTemplates.Count; inputId++) { try { fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].Range = new float[] { float.Parse(InputTemplates[inputId].RangeMin.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(InputTemplates[inputId].RangeMax.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; } catch (Exception exc) { if (exc != null) { throw exc; } throw new Exception("Failed to read range from" + fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].Name); } if (fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].Range[0] >= fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].Range[1]) { throw new Exception("Incorrect range for" + fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].Name); } fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].NumMFs = InputTemplates[inputId].NumMF; } for (int outputId = 0; outputId < OutputTemplates.Count; outputId++) { try { fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].Range = new float[] { float.Parse(OutputTemplates[outputId].RangeMin.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(OutputTemplates[outputId].RangeMax.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; } catch (Exception exc) { if (exc != null) { throw exc; } throw new Exception("Failed to read range from" + fuzzySystem.Inputs[outputId].Name); } if (fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].Range[0] >= fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].Range[1]) { throw new Exception("Incorrect range for" + fuzzySystem.Inputs[outputId].Name); //MessageBox.Show("Incorrect range for " + fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].Name, "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].NumMFs = OutputTemplates[outputId].NumMF; } fuzzySystem.GenerateTrapezoidMFs(1.0f / 3.0f, true, fuzzySystem.Type != FuzzyType.Sugeno); //if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Sugeno) //fuzzySystem.GenerateConstantOutputMFs(); }
public void setSystem(FuzzySystem system) { this.system = system; =; }
private FuzzySystem GetModifiedFuzzySystem(ArrayList ActualParameters) { // Clone fuzzysystem FuzzySystem tempFuz = (FuzzySystem)Activator.CreateInstance(fuzzySystem.GetType()); tempFuz.CopyDataFrom(fuzzySystem); /*FuzzySystem tempFuz = null; * switch (fuzzySystem.Type) * { * case FuzzyType.Mamdani: * tempFuz = new MamdaniFS(); * break; * case FuzzyType.Larsen: * tempFuz = new LarsenFS(); * break; * case FuzzyType.Sugeno: * tempFuz = new SugenoFS(); * break; * case FuzzyType.Sparse: * default: * throw new NotImplementedException(); * break; * }*/ // Read settings bool In = false; bool Out = false; bool RP = false; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { In = CheckInput.IsChecked == true; Out = CheckOutput.IsChecked == true; RP = RadioRefPoint.IsChecked == true; }); // Store the number of MFs handled by the optimization int finishedMfCount = 0; if (In) { for (int inputId = 0; inputId < tempFuz.Inputs.Length; inputId++) { for (int mfId = 0; mfId < tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs.Length; mfId++) { if (RP) { tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId] = tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId].GetAtRefPoint( (float)((double)ActualParameters[finishedMfCount + mfId])); } else { tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId] = MembershipFunction.CreateTrapezoid( tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapReferencePoint(), tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapBottomBase(), tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapBottomBase() * (float)((double)ActualParameters[finishedMfCount + mfId])); } } finishedMfCount += tempFuz.Inputs[inputId].NumMFs; } } if (Out) { for (int outputId = 0; outputId < tempFuz.Outputs.Length; outputId++) { for (int mfId = 0; mfId < tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs.Length; mfId++) { if (RP) { tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId] = tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId].GetAtRefPoint( (float)((double)ActualParameters[finishedMfCount + mfId])); } else { tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId] = MembershipFunction.CreateTrapezoid( tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapReferencePoint(), tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapBottomBase(), tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfId].GetTrapBottomBase() * (float)((double)ActualParameters[finishedMfCount + mfId])); } } finishedMfCount += tempFuz.Outputs[outputId].NumMFs; } } return(tempFuz); }
private void GenerateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { InitializeFuzzySystem(); // Make sure the selected values are compatible { bool invalid = true; if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Mamdani || fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Larsen) { if (fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.COA || fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.COG || fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.MOM || fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.LOM || fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.SOM) { if (fuzzySystem.ImpMethod == ImpMethodType.min || fuzzySystem.ImpMethod == ImpMethodType.max) { invalid = false; } } } if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Sugeno) { if (fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.wtaver || fuzzySystem.DefuzzMethod == DefuzzMethodType.wtsum) { if (fuzzySystem.ImpMethod == { invalid = false; } } } if (invalid) { MessageBox.Show("Incompatible fuzzy system type and defuzzification method.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } } var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <Rule> rules = new List <Rule>(); // Generate the rules if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Sugeno) { // Get a list of inputMF-combinations int ruleCount = 1; for (int inputId = 0; inputId < fuzzySystem.Inputs.Length; inputId++) { ruleCount *= fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].NumMFs; } for (int i = 0; i < ruleCount; i++) { rules.Add(new Rule()); rules[rules.Count - 1].Inputs = new int[fuzzySystem.Inputs.Length]; rules[rules.Count - 1].Inputs[0] = -1; // Uninitialized rule indicator rules[rules.Count - 1].Outputs = new int[fuzzySystem.Outputs.Length]; rules[rules.Count - 1].Outputs[0] = i + 1; } // Prepare outputs fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].NumMFs = ruleCount; for (int mfId = 0; mfId < fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].NumMFs; mfId++) { fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs[mfId] = new MembershipFunction(); fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs[mfId].Type = MFtype.constant; } Random RNG = new Random(); for (int ruleId = 0; ruleId < rules.Count; ruleId++) { bool newRuleFound = true; do { for (int i = 0; i < rules[ruleId].Inputs.Length; i++) { rules[ruleId].Inputs[i] = RNG.Next(fuzzySystem.Inputs[i].NumMFs) + 1; } newRuleFound = true; for (int r = 0; r < ruleId; r++) { if (rules[r].SameInput(rules[ruleId])) { newRuleFound = false; } } }while (!newRuleFound); // For each input combination we calculate their weights at each of the given coordinates List <int> itrValues = new List <int>(); List <float> weights = new List <float>(); for (int itr = 0; itr < InputCoords[0].Count; itr++) { float weight = 1.0f; for (int inputId = 0; inputId < fuzzySystem.NumInputs; inputId++) { weight = Math.Min(weight, fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].MFs[rules[ruleId].Inputs[inputId] - 1].GetMembershipValue(InputCoords[inputId][itr])); } // If both weights are >0, we store these weigths (or their min/avg) and the itr value for this combination if (weight > 0.0f) { weights.Add(weight); itrValues.Add(itr); } } // We get the weighed average of the outputs for each combination // Add a new MF to the output with this value, and set the rule to it float result = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++) { result += weights[i] * OutputCoords[0][itrValues[i]]; } result /= weights.Sum(); fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs[ruleId].Params[0] = result; } // Remove invalid rules/outputs (NaN output -> no matching input-output values were found) // Make new lists of the valid entries List <Rule> validRules = new List <Rule>(); List <MembershipFunction> validOutputMFs = new List <MembershipFunction>(); for (int i = 0; i < ruleCount; i++) { if (!float.IsNaN(fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs[i].Params[0])) { validRules.Add(rules[i]); validRules[validRules.Count - 1].Outputs[0] = validRules.Count; validOutputMFs.Add(fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs[i]); } } // Overwrite original arrays with the new ones rules = validRules; fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].NumMFs = validOutputMFs.Count; fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].MFs = validOutputMFs.ToArray(); } else if (fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Mamdani || fuzzySystem.Type == FuzzyType.Larsen) { // for each input-output data we have (rows in the txt) for (int itr = 0; itr < InputCoords[0].Count; itr++) { // Get the value of each input's MFs at the specified points List <List <float> > MFvalues = new List <List <float> >(); //MFvalues[input id][MF id] // Add a list foreach ioput for (int i = 0; i < fuzzySystem.NumInputs + fuzzySystem.NumOutputs; i++) { MFvalues.Add(new List <float>()); } // for each input for (int inputId = 0; inputId < InputCoords.Count; inputId++) { // for each MF for (int mfID = 0; mfID < fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].NumMFs; mfID++) { // Get the membership value at the given coordinate MFvalues[inputId].Add(fuzzySystem.Inputs[inputId].MFs[mfID].GetMembershipValue(InputCoords[inputId][itr])); } } // for each output for (int outputId = 0; outputId < OutputCoords.Count; outputId++) { // for each MF for (int mfID = 0; mfID < fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].NumMFs; mfID++) { // Get the membership value at the given coordinate MFvalues[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + outputId].Add(fuzzySystem.Outputs[outputId].MFs[mfID].GetMembershipValue(OutputCoords[outputId][itr])); } } // Check if we have a NaN bool hasNaN = false; foreach (List <float> MFlist in MFvalues) { foreach (float f in MFlist) { if (float.IsNaN(f)) { hasNaN = true; } } } if (hasNaN) { continue; } // Get each input's MF where the membership was the highest (randomly chosen if equal) int[] highestMF = new int[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + fuzzySystem.NumOutputs]; for (int k = 0; k < fuzzySystem.NumInputs; k++) { // Find highest membership value float highestVal = MFvalues[k][0]; for (int l = 1; l < fuzzySystem.Inputs[k].NumMFs; l++) { highestVal = Math.Max(MFvalues[k][l], highestVal); } // Find MFs that have the highest membership value we just found List <int> MFsWithHighestVal = new List <int>(); for (int l = 0; l < fuzzySystem.Inputs[k].NumMFs; l++) { if (MFvalues[k][l] == highestVal) { MFsWithHighestVal.Add(l); } } // Choose a random one of them highestMF[k] = MFsWithHighestVal[(new Random()).Next(MFsWithHighestVal.Count)]; } // Get each output's highest MF index for (int k = 0; k < fuzzySystem.NumOutputs; k++) { // Find highest membership value float highestVal = MFvalues[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + k][0]; for (int l = 1; l < fuzzySystem.Outputs[k].NumMFs; l++) { highestVal = Math.Max(MFvalues[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + k][l], highestVal); } // Find MFs that have the highest membership value we just found List <int> MFsWithHighestVal = new List <int>(); for (int l = 0; l < fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].NumMFs; l++) { if (MFvalues[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + k][l] == highestVal) { MFsWithHighestVal.Add(l); } } // Choose a random one of them highestMF[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + k] = MFsWithHighestVal[(new Random()).Next(MFsWithHighestVal.Count)]; } // Create rule Rule newRule = new Rule() { ConnectionType = 1, Inputs = new int[fuzzySystem.NumInputs], Outputs = new int[fuzzySystem.NumOutputs], Weight = 1.0f }; for (int i = 0; i < fuzzySystem.NumInputs; i++) { newRule.Inputs[i] = highestMF[i] + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < fuzzySystem.NumOutputs; i++) { newRule.Outputs[i] = highestMF[fuzzySystem.NumInputs + i] + 1; } // Add to rule list if the inputs don't match any existing rule bool isRuleNew = true; foreach (Rule rule in rules) { if (rule.SameInput(newRule)) { isRuleNew = false; break; } } if (isRuleNew) { rules.Add(newRule); } } } foreach (Rule rule in rules) { rule.ConnectionType = 1; rule.Weight = 1.0f; } fuzzySystem.Rules = rules.ToArray(); watch.Stop(); GeneratedFuzzyBox.Text = fuzzySystem.ToString(IncludeValuesCheckBox.IsChecked == true); SaveButton.IsEnabled = true; OptimizeButton.IsEnabled = true; UseButton.IsEnabled = true; float MSE; try { fuzzySystem.LoadInputsAndSaveOutputs(InputFileTextBox.Text, OutputFileTextBox.Text.Replace(".txt", ".generated.txt")); MSE = FuzzySystem.GetOutputFilesMSE(OutputFileTextBox.Text, OutputFileTextBox.Text.Replace(".txt", ".generated.txt")); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } MessageBox.Show("MSE: " + MSE.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\r\nRMSE: " + Math.Sqrt(MSE).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\r\nRMSEP: " + (Math.Sqrt(MSE) / (fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].Range[1] - fuzzySystem.Outputs[0].Range[0]) * 100.0f).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "%\r\nGeneration time in milliseconds: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Generation successful!", MessageBoxButton.OK); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Création du système WriteLine("Gestion du zoom GPS", true); FuzzySystem system = new FuzzySystem("Gestion du zoom GPS"); WriteLine("1) Ajout des variables", true); // Ajout de la variable linguistique "Distance" (de 0 à 500 000 m) WriteLine("Ajout de la variable Distance"); LinguisticVariable distance = new LinguisticVariable("Distance", 0, 500000); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Faible", new LeftFuzzySet(0, 500000, 30, 50))); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Moyenne", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 500000, 40, 50, 100, 150))); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Grande", new RightFuzzySet(0, 500000, 100, 150))); system.addInputVariable(distance); // Ajout de la variable linguistique "Vitesse" (de 0 à 200) WriteLine("Ajout de la variable Vitesse"); LinguisticVariable vitesse = new LinguisticVariable("Vitesse", 0, 200); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Lente", new LeftFuzzySet(0, 200, 20, 30))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("PeuRapide", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 200, 20, 30, 70, 80))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Rapide", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 200, 70, 80, 90, 110))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("TresRapide", new RightFuzzySet(0, 200, 90, 110))); system.addInputVariable(vitesse); // Ajout de la variable linguistique "Zoom" (de 1 à 5) WriteLine("Ajout de la variable Zoom"); LinguisticVariable zoom = new LinguisticVariable("Zoom", 0, 5); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Petit", new LeftFuzzySet(0, 5, 1, 2))); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Normal", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4))); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Gros", new RightFuzzySet(0, 5, 3, 4))); system.addOutputVariable(zoom); WriteLine("2) Ajout des règles", true); // Création des règles selon la matrice suivante : // Plus le zoom est petit, plus on voit loin (mais moins détaillé) // V \ D || F | M | G | // Lent || N | P | P | // Peu Ra || N | N | P | // Rapide || G | N | P | // Très R || G | G | P | system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Grande THEN Zoom IS Petit"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Faible AND Vitesse IS Lente THEN Zoom IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Faible AND Vitesse IS PeuRapide THEN Zoom IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Faible AND Vitesse IS Rapide THEN Zoom IS Gros"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Faible AND Vitesse IS TresRapide THEN Zoom IS Gros"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Moyenne AND Vitesse IS Lente THEN Zoom IS Petit"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Moyenne AND Vitesse IS PeuRapide THEN Zoom IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Moyenne AND Vitesse IS Rapide THEN Zoom IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Distance IS Moyenne AND Vitesse IS TresRapide THEN Zoom IS Gros"); WriteLine("9 règles ajoutées \n"); WriteLine("3) Résolution de cas pratiques", true); // Cas pratique 1 : vitesse de 35 kms/h, et prochain changement de direction à 70m WriteLine("Cas 1 :", true); WriteLine("V = 35 (peu rapide)"); WriteLine("D = 70 (moyenne)"); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 35); system.SetInputVariable(distance, 70); WriteLine("Attendu : zoom normal, centroïde à 2.5"); WriteLine("Résultat : " + system.Solve() + "\n"); // Cas pratique 2 : vitesse de 25 kms/h, et prochain changement de direction à 70m system.ResetCase(); WriteLine("Cas 2 :", true); WriteLine("V = 25 (50% lente, 50% peu rapide)"); WriteLine("D = 70 (moyenne)"); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 25); system.SetInputVariable(distance, 70); WriteLine("Attendu : zoom normal à 50% + zoom petit à 50%"); WriteLine("Résultat : " + system.Solve() + "\n"); // Cas pratique 3 : vitesse de 72.5 kms/h, et prochain changement de direction à 40m system.ResetCase(); WriteLine("Cas 3 :", true); WriteLine("V = 72.5 (75% peu rapide + 25% rapide)"); WriteLine("D = 40 (50% faible)"); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 72.5); system.SetInputVariable(distance, 40); WriteLine("Attendu : zoom normal à 50% + zoom gros à 25%"); WriteLine("Résultat : " + system.Solve() + "\n"); // Cas pratique 4 : vitesse de 100 kms/h, et prochain changement de direction à 110m system.ResetCase(); WriteLine("Cas 4 :", true); WriteLine("V = 100 (50% rapide + 50% très rapide)"); WriteLine("D = 110 (80% moyenne, 20% grande)"); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 100); system.SetInputVariable(distance, 110); WriteLine("Attendu : zoom petit à 20% + zoom normal à 50% + zoom gros à 50%"); WriteLine("Résultat : " + system.Solve() + "\n"); // Cas pratique 5 : vitesse de 45 kms/h, et prochain changement de direction à 160m system.ResetCase(); WriteLine("Cas 5 :", true); WriteLine("V = 45 (100% peu rapide)"); WriteLine("D = 160 (100% grande)"); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 45); system.SetInputVariable(distance, 160); WriteLine("Attendu : zoom petit à 100%"); WriteLine("Résultat : " + system.Solve() + "\n"); while (true) { ; } }
void Update() { distanciaCentro = Vector3.Distance(centro.position, playerPosition.position); if (tiempoRest > 0) { tiempoRest -= Time.deltaTime; } // Creación del sistema WriteLine("Gestión de la velocidad de los enemigos", true); FuzzySystem system = new FuzzySystem("Gestión de la velocidad de los enemigos"); WriteLine("1) Agregar las variables", true); // Agregar la variable lingüística "Proximidad" (de 0 a 95 m) WriteLine("Agregar la variable Proximidad"); LinguisticVariable proximidad = new LinguisticVariable("Proximidad", 0, 95); proximidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Cerca", new LeftFuzzySet(0, 95, 0, 30))); proximidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Media", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 95, 0, 30, 20, 50))); proximidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Lejos", new RightFuzzySet(0, 95, 40, 65))); system.addInputVariable(proximidad); // Agregar la variable lingüística "Tiempo" (de 0 a 200 s) WriteLine("Agregar la variable Tiempo"); LinguisticVariable tiempo = new LinguisticVariable("Tiempo", 0, 200); tiempo.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Muy Poco", new LeftFuzzySet(0, 200, 40, 60))); tiempo.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Poco", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 200, 40, 60, 90, 110))); tiempo.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Mitad", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(0, 200, 90, 110, 140, 160))); tiempo.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Mucho", new RightFuzzySet(0, 200, 140, 160))); system.addInputVariable(tiempo); // Agregar la variable lingüística "Velocidad" (de 500 a 5000) WriteLine("Agregar la variable Velocidad"); LinguisticVariable velocidad = new LinguisticVariable("Velocidad", 500, 5000); velocidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Lenta", new LeftFuzzySet(500, 5000, 1000, 2000))); velocidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Normal", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(500, 5000, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000))); velocidad.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("Rápida", new RightFuzzySet(500, 5000, 3000, 4000))); system.addOutputVariable(velocidad); WriteLine("2) Agregar las reglas", true); // Creación de las reglas en función de la matriz siguiente: // Cuanto mayor sea la Proximidad y menor sea el Tiempo, más Velocidad tendrán. // P \ T || L | M | C | // Muy Poco || N | R | R | // Poco || N | N | R | // Mitad || L | N | N | // Mucho || L | L | N | system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Lejos AND Tiempo IS Muy Poco THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Lejos AND Tiempo IS Poco THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Lejos AND Tiempo IS Mitad THEN Velocidad IS Lenta"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Lejos AND Tiempo IS Mucho THEN Velocidad IS Lenta"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Media AND Tiempo IS Muy Poco THEN Velocidad IS Rápida"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Media AND Tiempo IS Poco THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Media AND Tiempo IS Mitad THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Media AND Tiempo IS Mucho THEN Velocidad IS Lenta"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Cerca AND Tiempo IS Muy Poco THEN Velocidad IS Rápida"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Cerca AND Tiempo IS Poco THEN Velocidad IS Rápida"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Cerca AND Tiempo IS Mitad THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); system.addFuzzyRule("IF Proximidad IS Cerca AND Tiempo IS Mucho THEN Velocidad IS Normal"); WriteLine("12 reglas agregadas \n"); WriteLine("3) Resolución de casos prácticos", true); WriteLine("Caso 1:", true); WriteLine("T = 30 (Muy Poco)"); WriteLine("P = 800 (Cerca)"); system.SetInputVariable(tiempo, tiempoRest); system.SetInputVariable(proximidad, distanciaCentro); WriteLine("Resultado: " + system.Solve() + "\n"); enemyVelocity = system.Solve(); system.ResetCase(); //// Caso práctico 2: Tiempo de 180s, proximidad a la meta de 280m //system.ResetCase(); //WriteLine("Caso 2:", true); //WriteLine("T = 180 (Mucho)"); //WriteLine("P = 280 (Lejos)"); //system.SetInputVariable(tiempo, 180); //system.SetInputVariable(proximidad, 280); //WriteLine("Resultado: " + system.Solve() + "\n"); //// Caso práctico 3: Tiempo de 70s, proximidad a la meta de 530m //system.ResetCase(); //WriteLine("Caso 3:", true); //WriteLine("T = 70 (Poco)"); //WriteLine("P = 530 (Media)"); //system.SetInputVariable(tiempo, 70); //system.SetInputVariable(proximidad, 530); //WriteLine("Resultado: " + system.Solve() + "\n"); //// Caso práctico 4: Tiempo de 120s, proximidad a la meta de 120m //system.ResetCase(); //WriteLine("Caso 4:", true); //WriteLine("T = 120 (Mitad)"); //WriteLine("P = 120 (Lejos)"); //system.SetInputVariable(tiempo, 120); //system.SetInputVariable(proximidad, 120); //WriteLine("Resultado: " + system.Solve() + "\n"); //// Caso práctico 5 : Tiempo de 10s, proximidad a la meta de 450m //system.ResetCase(); //WriteLine("Caso 5:", true); //WriteLine("T = 10 (Muy Poco)"); //WriteLine("P = 450 (Media)"); //system.SetInputVariable(tiempo, 10); //system.SetInputVariable(proximidad, 450); //WriteLine("Resultado: " + system.Solve() + "\n"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Point2D pt1 = new Point2D(0, 0); //Point2D pt2 = new Point2D(15, 0); //Point2D pt3 = new Point2D(17, 1); //Point2D pt4 = new Point2D(20, 1); //Point2D pt5 = new Point2D(25, 0); //Point2D pt6 = new Point2D(15, 0); //Console.WriteLine("Test Classe Point2D :"); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) == (15;0)" + (pt2 == pt6)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) != (17;0)" + (pt2 != pt3)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) > (17;1)" + (pt2 > pt3)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) < (17;1)" + (pt2 < pt3)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) > (15;0)" + (pt2 > pt6)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) < (15;0)" + (pt2 < pt6)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) >= (15;0)" + (pt2 >= pt6)); //Console.WriteLine("(15;0) <= (15;1)" + (pt2 <= pt6)); //Console.WriteLine("\nTest Classe FuzzySet :"); //Point2D[] array = { pt5, pt2, pt6, pt4, pt1, pt3 }; //FuzzySet fs = new FuzzySet(array); //Console.WriteLine("\n" + fs.ToString()); //List<Point2D> list = new List<Point2D>(); //list.Add(pt5); //list.Add(pt2); //list.Add(pt6); //list.Add(pt4); //list.Add(pt1); //list.Add(pt3); //FuzzySet fs2 = new FuzzySet(list); //fs2.Max = 53; //Console.WriteLine("\n" + fs2.ToString()); //fs2.AddPoint(-9, 0.98); //fs2.Min = -8; //Console.WriteLine("\n" + fs2.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Egalité des 2 ensembles flous ? " + (fs == fs2)); //Console.WriteLine("Différence entre les 2 ensembles flous ? " + (fs != fs2)); //FuzzySet fs3 = fs * 0.5; //FuzzySet fs4 = 0.5 * fs; //Console.WriteLine("Multiplication par 0.5 de fs : " + fs3.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Multiplication par 0.5 de fs (autre sens) : " + fs4.ToString()); //FuzzySet fs5 = !fs; //Console.WriteLine("Opération NON flou sur fs : " + fs5.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Valeur d'appartenance de fs à x=15,5 (0,25 normalement) : " + fs.DegreeAtValue(15.5)); //Console.WriteLine("Calcul du barycentre pour fs : " + fs.Barycenter); //RampFuzzySet rfs = new RampFuzzySet(11.54, 26.56); //Console.WriteLine("Test classe RampFuzzySet : \n" + rfs.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Calcul du barycentre pour lfs : " + rfs.Barycenter); //TriangularFuzzySet tfs = new TriangularFuzzySet(52.25, 12.56, 25.89); //Console.WriteLine("Test classe TriangularFuzzySet : \n" + tfs.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Calcul du barycentre pour tfs : " + tfs.Barycenter); //TrapezoidalFuzzySet trfs = new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(25.2, 5, 89.45, 39.45); //Console.WriteLine("Test classe TrapezoidalFuzzySet : \n" + trfs.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Calcul du barycentre pour trfs : " + trfs.Barycenter); //Console.WriteLine("\nTest classe LinguisticVariable :"); //LinguisticValue lv1 = new LinguisticValue("LV1", rfs); //LinguisticValue lv2 = new LinguisticValue("LV2", tfs); //LinguisticValue lv3 = new LinguisticValue("LV3", trfs); //List<LinguisticValue> listeLv1 = new List<LinguisticValue>(); //listeLv1.Add(lv1); //listeLv1.Add(lv2); //listeLv1.Add(lv3); //LinguisticVariable lVar1 = new LinguisticVariable("Variable linguistique 1", listeLv1, 3.56, 141.25); //Console.WriteLine("MinValue = " + lVar1.MinValue + ", MaxValue = " + lVar1.MaxValue); // Test algorithme flou avec problème de gestion du zoom GPS // Définition variable linguistique 1 (Premisse) LinguisticVariable distance = new LinguisticVariable("Distance"); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("faible", new RampFuzzySet(30, 50, 0, 500000))); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("moyenne", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(40, 50, 100, 150, 0, 500000))); distance.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("grande", new RampFuzzySet(150, 100, 0, 500000))); Console.WriteLine("Contrôle de la variable linguistique distance : " + distance.MinValue + " " + distance.MaxValue); // Définition variable linguistique 2 (Premisse) LinguisticVariable vitesse = new LinguisticVariable("Vitesse"); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("lente", new RampFuzzySet(20, 30, 0, 200))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("peu rapide", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(20, 30, 70, 80, 0, 200))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("rapide", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(70, 80, 90, 110, 0, 200))); vitesse.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("très rapide", new RampFuzzySet(110, 90, 0, 200))); Console.WriteLine("Contrôle de la variable linguistique vitesse : " + vitesse.MinValue + " " + vitesse.MaxValue); // Définition variable linguistique 3 (Conclusion) LinguisticVariable zoom = new LinguisticVariable("Zoom"); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("petit", new RampFuzzySet(1, 2, 0, 5))); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("normal", new TrapezoidalFuzzySet(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5))); zoom.AddValue(new LinguisticValue("gros", new RampFuzzySet(4, 3, 0, 5))); Console.WriteLine("Contrôle de la variable linguistique zoom : " + zoom.MinValue + " " + zoom.MaxValue); List <LinguisticVariable> listeLinguisticVariable = new List <LinguisticVariable>(); listeLinguisticVariable.Add(distance); listeLinguisticVariable.Add(vitesse); // Définition des FuzzeExpression FuzzyExpression exp11 = new FuzzyExpression(distance, "faible"); FuzzyExpression exp12 = new FuzzyExpression(distance, "moyenne"); FuzzyExpression exp13 = new FuzzyExpression(distance, "grande"); FuzzyExpression exp21 = new FuzzyExpression(vitesse, "lente"); FuzzyExpression exp22 = new FuzzyExpression(vitesse, "peu rapide"); FuzzyExpression exp23 = new FuzzyExpression(vitesse, "rapide"); FuzzyExpression exp24 = new FuzzyExpression(vitesse, "très rapide"); FuzzyExpression exp31 = new FuzzyExpression(zoom, "petit"); FuzzyExpression exp32 = new FuzzyExpression(zoom, "normal"); FuzzyExpression exp33 = new FuzzyExpression(zoom, "gros"); // Définition des règles List <FuzzyExpression> premises = new List <FuzzyExpression>(); FuzzyExpression conclusion; List <FuzzyRule> rules = new List <FuzzyRule>(); // Règle 1 premises.Add(exp11); premises.Add(exp21); conclusion = exp32; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 2 premises.Add(exp12); premises.Add(exp21); conclusion = exp31; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 3 premises.Add(exp11); premises.Add(exp22); conclusion = exp32; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 4 premises.Add(exp12); premises.Add(exp22); conclusion = exp32; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 5 premises.Add(exp11); premises.Add(exp23); conclusion = exp33; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 6 premises.Add(exp12); premises.Add(exp23); conclusion = exp32; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 7 premises.Add(exp11); premises.Add(exp24); conclusion = exp33; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 8 premises.Add(exp12); premises.Add(exp24); conclusion = exp33; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Règle 9 premises.Add(exp13); conclusion = exp31; rules.Add(new FuzzyRule(new List <FuzzyExpression>(premises), conclusion)); premises.Clear(); // Création du FuzzySystem FuzzySystem system = new FuzzySystem("Gestion du zoom GPS", listeLinguisticVariable, zoom, rules); // Cas 1 system.SetInputVariable(distance, 70); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 35); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (70m et 35km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 2 system.SetInputVariable(distance, 70); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 25); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (70m et 25km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 3 system.SetInputVariable(distance, 40); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 72.5); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (40m et 72,5km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 4 system.SetInputVariable(distance, 110); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 100); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (110m et 100km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 5 system.SetInputVariable(distance, 160); system.SetInputVariable(vitesse, 45); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (160m et 45km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Test Parsin fichier XML Console.WriteLine("\n\nTEST PARSING FICHIER XML"); XmlFuzzySystemParser parser = new XmlFuzzySystemParser(); parser.CreateFuzzySystem("Fuzzy System - Gestion zoom GPS.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Résultat parsing = " + parser.ErrorCode.ToString()); List <LinguisticVariable> _inputs = parser.GetInputs(); LinguisticVariable _output = parser.GetOutput(); List <FuzzyRule> _rules = parser.GetRules(); // Création du FuzzySystem system = new FuzzySystem("Gestion du zoom GPS", _inputs, _output, _rules); // Cas 1 system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[0], 70); system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[1], 35); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (70m et 35km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 2 system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[0], 70); system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[1], 25); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (70m et 25km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 3 system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[0], 40); system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[1], 72.5); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (40m et 72,5km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 4 system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[0], 110); system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[1], 100); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (110m et 100km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); // Cas 5 system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[0], 160); system.SetInputVariable(_inputs[1], 45); Console.WriteLine("GPS cas n°1 (160m et 45km/h) : " + system.Solve()); system.ResetCase(); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void CreateSystem() { system = new FuzzySystem("Enemy Damage"); SetLinguisticValues(); SetRules(); }