private void Kick(string arg, string arg2) { GameObject hit = GetRaycastObject(); if (hit == null) { if (arg == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You kick out wildly into the air. Not sure that is helping anyone."); return; } DialogueScript.ErrorText("Somehow, you fail to kick anything."); return; } if (arg2 == null) { if (string.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject.tag, arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You kick the " + arg + ". Did it help you?"); return; } } if (arg.ToUpper() == "THE") { if (string.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject.tag, arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You kick " + arg + " " + arg2 + ". Did it help you?"); return; } } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("What exactly are you trying to kick?"); } }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Hide". Can take none, one or two arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">Players first argument</param> /// <param name="arg2">Players second argument</param> private void Hide(string arg, string arg2) { if (arg == null && arg2 == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("The big bad warrior tries to hide."); } }
public void Cleave() { if (OnCooldown("cleave")) { return; } lastMove = "Cleave"; //Do a vertical cleave for x damage if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") < 4) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("You're not quite sure how to do that yet."); DialogueScript.ErrorText("Maybe after a couple more battles"); DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("You space out a bit, and the enemy strikes!"); ChangeTurn(null, null); return; } if (chargeAmount <= 0) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You fill up with rage."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Next turn you can do the attack!"); EndOfTurn("Cleave", 1, 0); chargeAmount = 3; } else { chargeAmount = 0; DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You strike the enemy with a heavy hit!"); EndOfTurn("Cleave", 3, Random.Range(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strength") + chargeAmount, PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strenght") + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") + chargeAmount)); } }
public void CounterAttack() { if (OnCooldown("counterattack")) { return; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") < 6) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("Oh, that is something you havn't learnt to do yet."); DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("The enemy sees an opening, and stikes!"); ChangeTurn(null, null); return; } if (lastMove != "ShieldBlock") { DialogueScript.ErrorText("You need to block first!"); } else { int cm = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level"); if (cm > 3) { cm = 3; } //cant do more than three times stored damage DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You see an opening, and strike!"); EndOfTurn("CounterAttack", 1, Random.Range(storedDamage, storedDamage * cm)); } //Do a quick attack for x damage after blocking an attack lastMove = "CounterAttack"; storedDamage = 0; }
public void StrainSlash() { if (OnCooldown("strainslash")) { return; } lastMove = "StrainSlash"; if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") < 8) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("While you grasp the consept, you still don't know how to do it"); DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("The enemy sees your uncertainty, and strikes!"); ChangeTurn(null, null); return; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strength") > 5) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You strain yourself in the attack!"); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You feel weaker."); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Strenght", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strenght") - 1); //-1 permanent strenght EndOfTurn("StrainSlash", 3, Random.Range((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strength") + 1) * 2, (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strenght") + 1 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level")) * 2)); } else { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You are not strong enough for this anymore."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Try a different attack"); } }
/// <summary> /// Rest for 4x5% of total health. Calls an IEnumerator that in turn calls AddRestingHealth x 4 every 1.5 seconds. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The argument.</param> public void Rest(string arg) { MovementHappening = true; DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You rest to regain health."); ClearCommandPool(); StartCoroutine("Resting"); }
IEnumerator Darken() { if (GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <LevelScript>().TorchNumber == 0) //if all torches are dead, don't do anything but speak { DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("The darkness is the best isn't it?"); } else { int randomText = Random.Range(0, 3); //for picking a text if (randomText == 1) { DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("Dagur shall stay here forever!"); } else if (randomText == 2) { DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("The sun will never rise!"); } else { DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("Let there be darkness!"); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("One of the torches flickers"); GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <LevelScript>().TorchCountdown += 20; //add to the tourchcounter GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <LevelScript>().TorchCounter(); //dim one light } FinishTurn(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the health to PlayerPrefs /// </summary> /// <param name="amountHealth">The amount of health to add.</param> private void AddRestingHealth(int amountHealth) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Resting...."); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Health", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Health") + amountHealth); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Health") > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Constitution") * 10) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Health", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Constitution") * 10); } }
/// <summary> /// Prints out the Players current stats /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The argument.</param> public void Stats(string arg) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Your stats are :\n" + "Strength: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strength") + "\n" + "Dexterity: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Dexterity") + "\n" + "Constitution: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Constitution")); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You currently have " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Health") + " out of maximum " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Constitution") * 10 + " health!"); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You are carrying " + Keys + " keys."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You have " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CommandsPool") + " free command slots."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You're currently level " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") + "."); }
//Special Abilities public void Shield(string arg) { if (OnCooldown("shield")) { return; } lastMove = "ShieldBlock"; DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You raise your shield."); EndOfTurn("ShieldBlock", 1, 0); //You block all attacks for 5 seoconds }
private void Wear(string arg, string arg2) { if (arg2 == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You try to wear a " + arg + ". You look really pretty."); return; } if (arg.ToUpper() == "A") { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You try to wear " + arg + " " + arg2 + ". You look really pretty."); } }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Jump". Can take none, one or two arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">Players first argument</param> /// <param name="arg2">Players second argument</param> private void Jump(string arg, string arg2) { GameObject stairs = GetRaycastObject("Stairs"); GameObject hit = GetRaycastObject(); if (arg == null && arg2 == null) { if (stairs != null && hit == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You should be careful jumping around ladders like that."); return; } if (hit != null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Are you trying to jump on the " + hit.tag + "?"); return; } if (stairs == null && hit == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Pretending to be a balloon, you jump up in the air."); return; } } if (arg != null && arg2 == null) { if (hit != null) { if (string.Equals(hit.tag, arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You'd like to jump on the " + arg + "?"); return; } DialogueScript.GameInformationText("That's not a " + arg + "!"); return; } if (string.Equals(arg, "up", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Barely getting off your feet, you jump up."); return; } if (hit == null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("There's no " + arg + " that you can jump on."); return; } } if (arg != null && arg2 != null) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("I haven't taken two arguments into account yet."); } }
public void GettingLoot(string potionType) { StopCoroutine("ActivatingCommands"); ClearCommandPool(); if (LootedPermPotion) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You looted a " + potionType + " potion!"); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("If you want to use it, write yes! Otherwise write anything else."); InterfaceScript.IsGettingLoot = true; InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; return; } StartChain(); }
/// <summary> /// Activates the instant command. /// </summary> /// <param name="instantCommand">The instant command.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerator ActivateInstantCommand(string instantCommand) { //Change the state to CommandChain if (GameTurnController.CurrentState == GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn) { GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.CommandChain; } //Deactivate the input and run the command through the dissecting script InterfaceScript.DeActivateInput(); DissectingScript.DissectPlayerInput(instantCommand, 2); //For the commands that needs it (like Rest), wait until they are done before moving on if (MovementCommands.MovementHappening) { while (MovementCommands.MovementHappening) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); //Check if it is dark, and check of rest was used which will take up the entire turn then move to enemyturn if (LevelScript.Darkness) { LevelScript.DarknessHealthLoss(); } if (instantCommand.ToUpper() == "REST") { if (CheckForEnemies() == 0 || SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Level20") { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("It's your turn."); GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); yield break; } DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Enemies are moving."); GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.EnemyTurn; yield break; } //Or return to playerturn and activate the input if (GameTurnController.CurrentState == GameTurnController.PlayerState.CommandChain) { GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; } InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); }
private IEnumerator Resting() { int amountHealed = ((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Constitution") * 10) * 5) / 100; AddRestingHealth(amountHealed); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); AddRestingHealth(amountHealed); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); AddRestingHealth(amountHealed); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); AddRestingHealth(amountHealed); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You finish resting."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You regained " + amountHealed * 4 + " health."); MovementHappening = false; RaycastHit hit; //FindPositonForEnemy(randPos); if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3) == 0) { GameObject[] spawnPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spawner"); if (spawnPoints.Length > 0) { GameObject pickedSpawnpoint = spawnPoints[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length - 1)]; if (!Physics.Raycast(pickedSpawnpoint.transform.position, pickedSpawnpoint.transform.up, out hit, 1)) { if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") > 5) { Instantiate(troll, pickedSpawnpoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); } else { Instantiate(skeleton, pickedSpawnpoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Examine an object. Distance is up to 9 meters (5 blocks ahead). /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">Object to examine</param> void Examine(string arg) { //TODO: Add option to examine items on floor that are not showing, i.e. weapon. RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(PlayerScript.PlayerCamera.transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 9)) { //Find if the Player is using a valid word, then place that list into a new list. List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); foreach (List <string> list in ItemNameListScript.AllItemNamesList) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (!string.Equals(list[i], arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } nameList = list; } } //If nothing was placed in the list, i.e. the player didn't use a valid command if (nameList.Count == 0) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("I'm not sure what you want to examine..."); return; } //Go through the now filled up list to make sure that the tag matches a string from it if (nameList.Any(s => string.Equals(s, hit.transform.gameObject.tag, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { //Round the distance to what the Player is examining up to an int. int distance = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)hit.distance); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You attempt to examine what's " + distance + " meters ahead."); StartCoroutine(ReturnExamination(hit.transform.gameObject, hit.transform.tag)); } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("I think you have the wrong name of that."); } } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("There nothing ahead of you."); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the object. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">Object to get</param> public void Get(string arg) { //TODO: Need to rewrite a bit to allow for the player to get the stone piece. GameObject hit = GetRaycastObject(); if (arg.ToUpper() == "KEY") { if (hit == null) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("There's nothing there"); return; } if (hit.transform.tag == "Key") { hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You picked up a shiny key!"); hit.transform.position = * 99999f; Destroy(hit.transform.gameObject, 2); MovementCommands.Forward("1"); Keys += 1; InterfaceScript.InfoKeyText.text = "Your Keys: " + Keys; } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("You can't get that"); } } if (ItemNameListScript.StoneNameList.Any(s => s.Equals(arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { if (hit.tag == "Tablet") { MovementCommands.Forward("1"); } } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("Get what?"); } }
private void Lick(string arg, string arg2) { GameObject hit = GetRaycastObject(); if (hit == null) { if (arg == null) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("You lick your lips..."); return; } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("There's nothing in front of you, so your tongue licks your nose..."); return; } } if (arg2 == null) { if (string.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject.tag, arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You lick the " + arg + ". Taste good?"); return; } } if (arg.ToUpper() == "THE") { if (string.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject.tag, arg, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You lick " + arg + " " + arg2 + ". Taste good?"); return; } } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("You might not understand how licking works..."); } }
public void Slam() { if (OnCooldown("slam")) { return; } lastMove = "Slam"; int damageToWeapon = Random.Range(0, 2); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") < 2) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("I think you're trying to do something you've not learned yet."); DialogueScript.CombatTextEnemy("Your confusing face makes the foe ready to strike."); ChangeTurn(null, null); return; } DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You slam your weapon hard into the enemy, stunning him!"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("StrenghtWeaponBuff") > 0 && damageToWeapon > 2) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("StrengthWeaponBuff", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("StrenghtWeaponBuff") - damageToWeapon); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Your weapon dulls in with your attack."); } EndOfTurn("Slam", 3, Random.Range(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strength") / 2, PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Strenght"))); }
/// <summary> /// Enters the specified argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The argument.</param> public void Enter() { //CheckString("Enter", arg); GameObject hit = CommandScript.GetRaycastObject(); if (hit == null) { DialogueScript.ErrorText("There's nothing in front of you to enter"); return; } if (hit.transform.tag == "Hatch") { if (LevelScript.ExitOpen || SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Tutorial") { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PlayedTutorial", 1); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You slowly descend into the darkness."); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <LevelChanger>().ChangeLevel(); LevelFinished = true; return; } DialogueScript.ErrorText("You can't enter something that isn't open."); } }
/// <summary> /// Print out a list of argument /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The argument.</param> new public void List(string arg) { CheckString("List", arg); if (NoInput) { return; } if (arg.ToUpper() == "ALIAS") { //Make sure that the Player has actually saved an alias if (CommandListScript.AliasDictionary.Count != 0) { //Inform the Player that these are the aliases created DialogueScript.GameInformationText( "Here's a list of aliases. "); //Iterate through the dictionary and print out each alias alongside the function foreach (string s in CommandListScript.AliasDictionary.Keys) { string value = CommandListScript.AliasDictionary[s]; DialogueScript.MovementText(s + " : " + value); } } else { DialogueScript.ErrorText("No aliases saved."); } } if (arg.ToUpper() == "COMMANDS") { StringBuilder builtString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var list in CommandListScript.ValidCommandsList) { foreach (string s in list) { builtString.Append(s).Append(" | "); } } foreach (string s in CommandListScript.CommandsList) { builtString.Append(s).Append(" | "); } foreach (string s in CommandListScript.CombatCommands) { builtString.Append(s).Append(" | "); } InterfaceScript.PlaceText(builtString.ToString(), new Color(0, 255, 200), 15); } if (string.Equals(arg, "emotes", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { var builtString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in CommandListScript.EmoteList) { builtString.Append(s).Append(" - "); } InterfaceScript.PlaceText(builtString.ToString(), new Color(0, 255, 200), 15); } if (GameTurnController.CurrentState == GameTurnController.PlayerState.Combat) { InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); } }
/// <summary> /// Move the Player forward 'steps' blocks. /// </summary> /// <param name="steps"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator MoveForward(int steps) { for (int i = 0; i < (steps * 20); i++) { if (i % 20 == 0 || i == 0 && steps > 0) { CorrectPosition(); GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); GameObject hit = CommandScript.GetRaycastObject(); bool canContinue = false; if (hit == null) { continue; } switch (hit.transform.tag) { case "Tablet": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You swoop up a piece of interesting stone on your way past..."); hit.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>().WalkedOverPiece(); canContinue = true; break; case "Hatch": if (LevelScript.ExitOpen) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You almost trip and fall into the black void...."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Maybe you should try to enter it instead?"); MovementHappening = false; } if (!LevelScript.ExitOpen) { canContinue = true; } break; case "Enemy": case "Door": case "Chest": case "Wall": case "PushableWall": case "Button": case "Torch": DialogueScript.ErrorText("You can't move further that direction"); MetObstacle = true; MovementHappening = false; break; case "Stairs": DialogueScript.ErrorText("That'd make you walk into the ladder."); DialogueScript.ErrorText("Maybe try to climb it?"); MetObstacle = true; MovementHappening = false; break; case "Key": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You pick up a key as you walk past it."); hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); hit.transform.position = * 99999f; Destroy(hit.transform.gameObject, 2); Keys += 1; InterfaceScript.InfoKeyText.text = "Your Keys: " + Keys; canContinue = true; break; } if (!canContinue) { yield break; } } transform.Translate(0, 0, 0.1f); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } CorrectRotation(); MovementHappening = false; }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Dance" /// </summary> private void Dance() { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("What are you, a ballerino?"); }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Clap" /// </summary> private void Clap() { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You clap wildly about the situation."); }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Cheer" /// </summary> private void Cheer() { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("I'm not sure that you have anything to cheer about."); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the examination. /// </summary> /// <param name="hit">GameObject to be examined</param> /// <param name="objectTag">Tag of object.</param> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator ReturnExamination(GameObject hit, string objectTag) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); switch (objectTag) { case "Enemy": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("There is some sort of foe ahead of you."); if (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().Level < PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level")) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText( "By closer examination, it appears to be somewhat weaker than you."); } else if (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().Level == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level")) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText( "You appear to be on equal footing. This might be an even match."); } else if (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().Level > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level")) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText( "You feel that it is stronger than you. You consider your options..."); } break; case "Hatch": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Looking closely, you think that it is a trapdoor,"); if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Tutorial") { bool isPressed = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Button").GetComponent <Button>().IsPressed; DialogueScript.GameInformationText(isPressed ? "and it appears to be open." : "and it appears to be closed. There should be something that opens it somewhere."); break; } DialogueScript.GameInformationText(LevelScript.ExitOpen ? "and it appears to be open." : "and it appears to be closed. There should be something that opens it somewhere."); break; case "Torch": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Judging by what you see, it seems to be a torch."); GameObject torchChildLight = hit.transform.FindChild("Point light").gameObject; DialogueScript.GameInformationText(torchChildLight.GetComponent <Light>().intensity < 4 ? "It doesn't shine as brightly as it perhaps could." : "It's shining brightly just as it should."); break; case "Chest": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("It's golden and has a heavy lid. You logically consider it to be a chest."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText(Keys > 0 ? "Feeling your pockets, you notice the key you picked up earlier. Maybe it could be useful..." : "It appears to be locked. Now how do one unlock something locked..."); break; case "Key": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Floating in the air with sparkles seems unnatural, but it also looks like a key."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You could try to pick it up by walking to it."); break; case "Wall": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Nothing but an empty wall up front..."); break; case "Button": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("It appears to be a button carved into the wall."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText(hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Button>().IsPressed ? "You have pressed this button previously." : "It is most likely used to open something in the dungeon..."); break; case "PushableWall": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("The wall in this area seems to stand out from the rest."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Perhaps you'll be able to push it out of the way."); break; case "Door": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Looks like an old door."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText(hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <WoodenDoor>().IsLocked ? "You shake the handle only to find that it's locked" : "You gently push the door and it appears open."); break; case "Tablet": DialogueScript.GameInformationText("The stone piece in front of you seem to be a part of some sort of tablet."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("There's also some strange language on it. Might be important."); break; } MovementHappening = false; }
/// <summary> /// Emote "Strut" /// </summary> private void Strut() { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Is appearing arrogant going to scare your enemies?"); }
//\\//CHEAT COMMANDS FOR DEVS\\//\\ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\\ /// <summary> /// Give the Player enough XP to gain a level /// </summary> void GainLevel() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentXP", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CurrentXP") + 123456789); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You cheat and gain way too much XP."); GetComponent <LevelUP>().CheckForLevelUp(); }
/// <summary> /// Show current XP and how much is needed for the next level. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The argument.</param> private void Experience(string arg) { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("You currently have " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CurrentXP") + " XP. Next level is at " + GetComponent <LevelUP>().NextLevel() + "."); DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Currently you are level " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level") + "."); }
/// <summary> /// IEnumerator that will go through the command chain until it is done, then reset everything that needs resetting to be ready for next turn. /// This is called from the function Start in the in-game commands list /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerator ActivatingCommands() { GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.CommandChain; int textToRemove = 0; InterfaceScript.DeActivateInput(); if (DialogueScript.CommandHistoryList.Count > 0) { foreach (string s in DialogueScript.CommandHistoryList) { DialogueScript.MovementText("You perform " + s); DissectingScript.DissectPlayerInput(s, 2); InterfaceScript.CommandPoolTexts[textToRemove].color =; if (MovementCommands.MovementHappening) { while (MovementCommands.MovementHappening) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } } if (MetObstacle) { DialogueScript.MovementText("You appear too disoriented to continue."); MetObstacle = false; break; } if ( CommandListScript.EmoteList.Any( x => string.Equals(InterfaceScript.CommandPoolTexts[textToRemove].text, x, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { InterfaceScript.CommandPoolTexts[textToRemove].text = ""; textToRemove++; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.7f)); } else { InterfaceScript.CommandPoolTexts[textToRemove].text = ""; textToRemove++; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.7f)); } } } ClearCommandPool(); if (LevelScript.Darkness) { LevelScript.DarknessHealthLoss(); } if (GameTurnController.CurrentState == GameTurnController.PlayerState.Combat || GameTurnController.CurrentState == GameTurnController.PlayerState.EnemyCombatTurn) { yield break; } if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Tutorial") { GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); yield break; } if (LevelFinished) { GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; yield break; } if (CheckForEnemies() == 0 || SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Level20") { DialogueScript.GameInformationText("It's your turn."); GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.PlayerTurn; InterfaceScript.ActivateInput(); yield break; } DialogueScript.GameInformationText("Enemies are moving."); GameTurnController.CurrentState = GameTurnController.PlayerState.EnemyTurn; }