예제 #1
        public async Task StartCombatAsync()
            log.Debug("[ac:{id}] Start combat {a} vs {b}", CombatId, Attacker.Name, Defender.Name);
            log.Debug("{name} bonus (a/d) {a}/{d}", Attacker.Name, Attacker.GetEquipmentBonusses().AttackBonus, Attacker.GetEquipmentBonusses().DefenceBonus);
            log.Debug("{name} bonus (a/d) {a}/{d}", Defender.Name, Defender.GetEquipmentBonusses().AttackBonus, Defender.GetEquipmentBonusses().DefenceBonus);

            while (Attacker.HpCurrent > 0 && Defender.HpCurrent > 0)
                await DoRoundAsync();

            if (Attacker.HpCurrent <= 0 && Defender.HpCurrent <= 0)
                Outcome = CombatOutcome.Tie;
            else if (Attacker.HpCurrent > 0 && Defender.HpCurrent <= 0)
                Outcome = CombatOutcome.Attacker;
            else if (Attacker.HpCurrent <= 0 && Defender.HpCurrent > 0)
                Outcome = CombatOutcome.Defender;

            await StoreCombatLogAsync();

            log.Debug("[ac:{id}] Combat ended", CombatId);
예제 #2
        async Task DoRoundAsync()
            await Task.Run(() =>
                CombatLog.Add($"Begin round {Round}");

                // Issue attacks
                // TODO: Players: Allow to set when to heal etc..
                // TODO: Monsters: Heal when < x% hp (have setting to be able to heal in EncounterTemplate)
                AttackerAttacks.Add(new Attack($"{Attacker.Name} sword strike",
                                               Attacker.GetEquipmentBonusses().AttackBonus + DiceNotation.Dice.Roll("1d6"),
                                               Attack.DamageTypes.Physical, 1));

                DefenderAttacks.Add(new Attack($"{Defender.Name} claw strike",
                                               Defender.GetEquipmentBonusses().AttackBonus + DiceNotation.Dice.Roll("1d6"),
                                               Attack.DamageTypes.Physical, 1));

                // Execute all attacks with duration > 1

                foreach (var a in AttackerAttacks)
                    if (a.Duration == 0)
                    CombatLog.Add($"   {Defender.Name} got hit by {a.Name} for {a.DamageAmount} {a.DamageType} damage. {Defender.HpCurrent}hp remaining");

                foreach (var a in DefenderAttacks)
                    if (a.Duration == 0)
                    CombatLog.Add($"   {Attacker.Name} got hit by {a.Name} for {a.DamageAmount} {a.DamageType} damage. {Attacker.HpCurrent}hp remaining");

                // Remove all attacks with duration 0
                AttackerAttacks.RemoveAll(a => a.Duration == 0);
                DefenderAttacks.RemoveAll(a => a.Duration == 0);