public void EquipWeapon(Item itemToEquip)
        /* This is where we destroy the item in the players hand to swap/remove weapons. */
        if (EquippedWeapon != null)
        /* Going inside our 'Resources' folder and searching our weapon  */
        EquippedWeapon = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Weapons/" + itemToEquip.ObjectSlug),
                                     playerHand.transform.position, playerHand.transform.rotation);

        /* And we now know that this equipped weapon will contain stas from IWeapon*/
        equippedWeapon = EquippedWeapon.GetComponent <IWeapon>();

        /* Not all weapons are projectile weapons, hence we need to check the type of weapon is being equipped. */
        if (EquippedWeapon.GetComponent <IProjectileWeapon>() != null)
            EquippedWeapon.GetComponent <IProjectileWeapon>().ProjectileSpawn = spawnProjectile;
        /* Setting Parent to parent it to playersHand (changes Parents) and becomes parented to players hand. */
        equippedWeapon.Stats  = itemToEquip.Stats;
        currentlyEquippedItem = itemToEquip;
        /* After equipping, we add the stat bonuses. */