public void InetersectsRectangleF(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool expected)
            var rect = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);
            var sut  = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-2), new Vector3(2));

            Assert.Equal(expected, sut.Intersects(rect));
        public void IntersectsPlane(float x, float y, float z, float d, PlaneIntersectionType expected)
            var plane = new Plane(x, y, z, d);
            var sut   = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-2), new Vector3(2));

            Assert.Equal(expected, sut.Intersects(plane));
예제 #3
        bool IsBlockPlacementSafe(IndexPosition blockPos, IndexPosition chunkPos)
            Vector3 pos                 = Chunk.ChunkBlockToWorldCoords(chunkPos, blockPos);
            Vector3 halfSize            = Block.CUBE_3D_SIZE / 2f;
            AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(pos - halfSize, pos + halfSize);

        public void IntersectsAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, bool expected)
            var sut = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-2), new Vector3(2));

            var other = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(min, max);

            Assert.Equal(expected, sut.Intersects(other));
 bool CanIntersect(bool p1Static, AxisAlignedBoundingBox c1, AxisAlignedBoundingBox b1,
                   bool p2Static, AxisAlignedBoundingBox c2, AxisAlignedBoundingBox b2)
     if (p1Static && p2Static)
     else if (p1Static && !p2Static)
     else if (!p1Static && p2Static)
        /// <summary>
        /// WARNING: Not finalized!
        /// </summary>
        public bool AABBIntersectsTerrain(AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb, out float highestY)
            highestY = float.MinValue;
            bool intersects = false;

            for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++)
                for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++)
                    for (int z = -2; z <= 2; z++)
                        Vector3       off  = new Vector3(Block.CUBE_SIZE * x, Block.CUBE_SIZE * y, Block.CUBE_SIZE * z);
                        IndexPosition bpos = Chunk.WorldToBlockCoords(aabb.Center + off);
                        IndexPosition cpos = Terrain.WorldToChunkCoords(aabb.Center + off);
                        bpos = Chunk.BlockToChunkBlockCoords(cpos, bpos);

                        Chunk chunk;
                        if (Terrain.Chunks.TryGetValue(cpos, out chunk))
                            if (chunk.Blocks[bpos.Z, bpos.Y, bpos.X].HasCollision())
                                Vector3 cubeWorldPos = chunk.Position + (bpos * Block.CUBE_3D_SIZE) - Block.HALF_CUBE_3D_SIZE;
                                AxisAlignedBoundingBox AABoundingBox =
                                    new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(cubeWorldPos, cubeWorldPos + Block.CUBE_3D_SIZE);

                                if (aabb.Intersects(AABoundingBox))
                                    intersects = true;
                                    highestY   = Math.Max(highestY, AABoundingBox.Max.Y);

        public IEnumerable <PhysicsBodyComponent> GetBroadphaseIntersections(AxisAlignedBoundingBox broad)

            // Convert the broad AABB to an IndexPosition AABB
            IndexPosition min = new IndexPosition(
                Maths.NegativeRound(broad.Min.X / Block.CUBE_SIZE),
                Maths.NegativeRound(broad.Min.Y / Block.CUBE_SIZE),
                Maths.NegativeRound(broad.Min.Z / Block.CUBE_SIZE));

            IndexPosition max = new IndexPosition(
                (int)Math.Ceiling(broad.Max.X / Block.CUBE_SIZE),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(broad.Max.Y / Block.CUBE_SIZE),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(broad.Max.Z / Block.CUBE_SIZE));

            // Calculate the chunk index to use as reference
            IndexPosition chunkIndex = Terrain.WorldToChunkCoords(broad.Center);

            // Try each block
            for (int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++)
                for (int y = min.Y; y <= max.Y; y++)
                    for (int z = min.Z; z <= max.Z; z++)
                        // Calculate the index positions for the current block
                        IndexPosition blockIndexWorld = new IndexPosition(x, y, z);
                        IndexPosition blockChunkIndex = Chunk.BlockToChunkBlockCoords(chunkIndex, blockIndexWorld);

                        // Find the block
                        Chunk chunk;
                        int   fx, fy, fz;
                        Block block = Terrain.FindBlock(chunkIndex, blockChunkIndex.X, blockChunkIndex.Y, blockChunkIndex.Z,
                                                        out fx, out fy, out fz, out chunk);

                        // If this block has collision, process it
                        if (block.HasCollision())
                            IndexPosition blockIPos = new IndexPosition(fx, fy, fz);
                            // Calculate the blocks world position and create a PhyicsBlock from it
                            Vector3      blockWorldPosition = Chunk.ChunkBlockToWorldCoords(chunk.Position, blockIPos);
                            PhysicsBlock physBlock          = GetNewPhysicsBlock(block, blockWorldPosition, blockIPos, chunk);

                            // Grab its collider
                            PhysicsBodyComponent   physicsBody       = physBlock.GetComponent <PhysicsBodyComponent>();
                            AxisAlignedBoundingBox physBlockCollider = physicsBody.GetCollider();
                            //DebugAABBs.Add(physBlockCollider as AABoundingBox);

                            // Check if the block intersects the broad,
                            // if it does this block is valid for collision response
                            // TODO: Might be able to remove the intersect check
                            if (broad.Intersects(physBlockCollider))

        void CollisionResponse(float deltaTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Length; i++)
                Intersection           intersection    = intersections[i];
                PhysicsBodyComponent   p1              = intersection.Object1;
                PhysicsBodyComponent   p2              = intersection.Object2;
                AxisAlignedBoundingBox p1Collider      = p1.GetCollider();
                AxisAlignedBoundingBox p1DeltaCollider = p1.GetColliderAt(p1.Delta.FinalPosition);
                AxisAlignedBoundingBox p2Collider      = p2.GetCollider();
                AxisAlignedBoundingBox p2DeltaCollider = p2.GetColliderAt(p2.Delta.FinalPosition);

                if (intersection.Type == IntersectionType.Rigid)
                    // Update the intersection data, so that previous updates for
                    // these objects are applied

                    // If both entry times are invalid, the objects aren't intersecting anymore,
                    // so ignore the collision.
                    if (intersection.Object1EntryTime == 1 && intersection.Object2EntryTime == 1)

                    // Handle the collision based on static states
                    if (intersection.Object2.IsStatic)
                        // If we are past the first sweep pass for this object,
                        // and this intersection is no longer valid, then ignore it.
                        if (p1.Delta.DeltaPass > 0)
                            if (!p1DeltaCollider.Intersects(p2Collider))

                        // Gather intersection data
                        Vector3 surfaceNormal = intersection.Object2Normal;
                        float   collisionTime = intersection.Object1EntryTime;
                        float   remainingTime = 1f - collisionTime;
                        float   stepDist      = intersection.Resolver.StepDistance(p1DeltaCollider, p2Collider);

                        //if (surfaceNormal.Y == 0)
                        //    Diagnostics.DashCMD.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", stepDist.ToString(), Math.Min(p1.Delta.MaxStep, p1.MaxStep));
                        // Try to step on object
                        if (p1.CanStep && p2.CanBeSteppedOn && surfaceNormal.Y == 0 &&
                            stepDist >= 0 && stepDist <= Math.Min(p1.Delta.MaxStep, p1.MaxStep))
                            // Step onto object
                            p1.Delta.FinalPosition.Y += stepDist + 0.001f;
                            p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.Y  = 0;
                            p1.Delta.IsGrounded       = p1.Delta.IsGrounded || true;
                            p1.Delta.Stepped          = true;
                        else // Normal collision resolve
                            // Calculate the compensation in position from the collision
                            Vector3 compensation = surfaceNormal * (Maths.Abs(p1.Delta.FinalVelocity * deltaTime)) * remainingTime;
                            p1.Delta.FinalPosition += compensation;

                            // If this normal moved the object anywhere upward,
                            // that object is now considered grounded
                            if (surfaceNormal.Y > 0)
                                p1.Delta.IsGrounded = p1.Delta.IsGrounded || true;

                            // Fix the velocity
                            if (p1.BounceOnWallCollision || p1.BounceOnVerticalCollision)
                                if ((surfaceNormal.X != 0 || surfaceNormal.Z != 0) && p1.BounceOnWallCollision)
                                    if (surfaceNormal.X != 0)
                                        p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.X *= -(1f - p1.HorizontalBounceFalloff);
                                    if (surfaceNormal.Z != 0)
                                        p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.Z *= -(1f - p1.HorizontalBounceFalloff);
                                else if (surfaceNormal.Y != 0 && p1.BounceOnVerticalCollision)
                                    p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.Y *= -(1f - p1.VerticalBounceFalloff);
                                    p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.X *= p1.InverseFriction;
                                    p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.Z *= p1.InverseFriction;
                                    intersection.Resolver.FixVelocity(ref p1.Delta.FinalVelocity, surfaceNormal);
                                intersection.Resolver.FixVelocity(ref p1.Delta.FinalVelocity, surfaceNormal);

                        // Another delta pass has occured

                    else if (intersection.Object1.IsStatic)
                        // If we are past the first sweep pass for this object,
                        // and this intersection is no longer valid, then ignore it.
                        if (p2.Delta.DeltaPass > 0)
                            if (!p2DeltaCollider.Intersects(p1Collider))

                        // Gather intersection data
                        Vector3 surfaceNormal = intersection.Object1Normal;
                        float   collisionTime = intersection.Object2EntryTime;
                        float   remainingTime = 1f - collisionTime;
                        float   stepDist      = intersection.Resolver.StepDistance(p2DeltaCollider, p1Collider);

                        // Try to step on object
                        if (p2.CanStep && p1.CanBeSteppedOn && surfaceNormal.Y == 0 &&
                            stepDist >= 0 && stepDist <= Math.Min(p2.Delta.MaxStep, p2.MaxStep))
                            // Step onto object
                            p2.Delta.FinalPosition.Y += stepDist + 0.001f;
                            p2.Delta.FinalVelocity.Y  = 0;
                            p2.Delta.IsGrounded       = p2.Delta.IsGrounded || true;
                            p2.Delta.Stepped          = true;
                        else // Normal collision resolve
                            // Calculate the compensation in position from the collision
                            Vector3 compensation = surfaceNormal * (Maths.Abs(p2.Delta.FinalVelocity * deltaTime)) * remainingTime;
                            p2.Delta.FinalPosition += compensation;

                            // If this normal moved the object anywhere upward,
                            // that object is now considered grounded
                            if (surfaceNormal.Y > 0)
                                p2.Delta.IsGrounded = p2.Delta.IsGrounded || true;

                            // Fix the velocity
                            if (p2.BounceOnWallCollision || p2.BounceOnVerticalCollision)
                                if ((surfaceNormal.X != 0 || surfaceNormal.Z != 0) && p2.BounceOnWallCollision)
                                    if (surfaceNormal.X != 0)
                                        p2.Delta.FinalVelocity.X *= -(1f - p2.HorizontalBounceFalloff);
                                    if (surfaceNormal.Z != 0)
                                        p2.Delta.FinalVelocity.Z *= -(1f - p2.HorizontalBounceFalloff);
                                else if (surfaceNormal.Y != 0 && p2.BounceOnVerticalCollision)
                                    p2.Delta.FinalVelocity.Y *= -(1f - p2.VerticalBounceFalloff);
                                    p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.X *= p1.InverseFriction;
                                    p1.Delta.FinalVelocity.Z *= p1.InverseFriction;
                                    intersection.Resolver.FixVelocity(ref p2.Delta.FinalVelocity, surfaceNormal);
                                intersection.Resolver.FixVelocity(ref p2.Delta.FinalVelocity, surfaceNormal);

                        // Another delta pass has occured

                    // If we are past the first sweep pass for this object,
                    // and this intersection is no longer valid, then ignore it.
                    if ((!p1DeltaCollider.Intersects(p2Collider)) &&

                    float   p1DeltaMiddleX = p1.Delta.FinalPosition.X + p1.Size.X / 2f;
                    float   p2DeltaMiddleX = p2.Delta.FinalPosition.X + p2.Size.X / 2f;
                    float   p1DeltaMiddleZ = p1.Delta.FinalPosition.Z + p1.Size.Z / 2f;
                    float   p2DeltaMiddleZ = p2.Delta.FinalPosition.Z + p2.Size.Z / 2f;
                    Vector3 p1Move         = new Vector3((p2DeltaMiddleX - p1DeltaMiddleX), 0, (p2DeltaMiddleZ - p1DeltaMiddleZ));
                    Vector3 p2Move         = new Vector3((p1DeltaMiddleX - p2DeltaMiddleX), 0, (p1DeltaMiddleZ - p2DeltaMiddleZ));

                    if (p1Move.X == p2Move.X)
                        p1Move.X += Maths.Random.Next((int)-p2.Size.X, (int)p2.Size.X) / deltaTime;

                    Vector2 masses = new Vector2((p2.Mass / p1.Mass), (p1.Mass / p2.Mass)) * 0.5f;

                    if (p1.CanBePushedBySoft)
                        p1.Delta.FinalVelocity -= p1Move * masses.X;
                        p1.Delta.FinalPosition  = p1.Transform.Position + p1.Delta.FinalVelocity * deltaTime;

                    if (p2.CanBePushedBySoft)
                        p2.Delta.FinalVelocity -= p2Move * masses.Y;
                        p2.Delta.FinalPosition  = p2.Transform.Position + p2.Delta.FinalVelocity * deltaTime;
