public override void Init() { filePath = Def.Get <string>("filePath"); volume = Def.Get("volume", 1f); string format = Def.Get("format", "OGGVORBIS"); if (!Enum.TryParse <AudioType>(format.Trim(), true, out var formatEnum)) { Core.Error($"Failed to parse audio format '{format}'."); Array arr = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AudioType)); object[] args = arr.Cast <object>().ToArray(); Core.Error($"Valid values are: {string.Join(", ", args)}"); Core.Error("Note: .mp3 is NOT SUPPORTED. I recommend using .ogg (OGGVORBIS) or .wav (WAV)"); Remove(); return; } // Resolve the file path. ModContentPack mcp = Def.modContentPack; if (mcp == null) { string[] split = filePath.Split('/'); split[0] = split[0].ToLowerInvariant(); Core.Warn($"Song player program def '{Def.defName}' has been added by a patch operation. Attempting to resolve filepath..."); var found = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.FirstOrFallback(mod => mod.PackageId.ToLowerInvariant() == split[0]); if (found == null) { Core.Error($"Failed to resolve mod folder path from id '{split[0]}'. See below for how to solve this issue."); Core.Error("If you mod's package ID is '' and your song file is in 'MyModFolder/Songs/Song.mp3' then the correct filePath would be ''"); Remove(); return; } Core.Warn("Successfully resolved file path."); mcp = found; } filePath = Path.Combine(mcp.RootDir, filePath); if (clipCache.TryGetValue(filePath, out var clip)) { FlagLoadedForClip(clip); } else { Task.Run(async() => { try { Core.Log($"Loading '{filePath}' as {formatEnum} ..."); var c = await AudioLoader.TryLoadAsync(filePath, formatEnum); clipToAdd = c; // Push to main thread, see Tick() Core.Log("Done"); } catch (Exception e) { Core.Error($"Failed loading song clip from '{filePath}' in format {formatEnum}", e); Remove(); } }); } string msg = "DSC.NowPlaying".Translate(Def.Get("credits", "Unknown")); Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); }