예제 #1
    private void declareAuctionResults()
        App            app         = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <App>();
        int            playerIndex = app.GetHumanIndex();
        Nation         player      = State.getNations()[playerIndex];
        AuctionHandler auction     = State.getAuctionHandler();
        Nation         winner      = State.getNations()[auction.getHighestBidderSoFar()];
        Nation         item        = State.getNations()[0];

        item = State.getNations()[auction.getIndexCurrentCol()];
        if (winner.getIndex() == player.getIndex())
            ministerText.text = "Congratulations! We may now bring the light of civilization to the people of " + item.getNationName() +
                                " asking for nothing in return other than unrestricted access to their resources and labour!";
            //  ministerPanel.SetActive(true);
            ministerText.text = "It looks like " + winner.getNationName() + " has managed to seal control of " + item.getNationName() +
                                " for now.... Not that we really wanted anything to do with that insignifigant nation anyway.";