protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isValidFile = false; string validExtension = string.Empty; string retFilePath = string.Empty; string retMsg = "fail"; int maxFileSize = 0; int retStatus = -1; string strBaseLocation = string.Empty; string filename = string.Empty; Random rnd = new Random(); if (Request.Form["IsCropping"] == null) { if (Request.Form["ValidExtension"] != null) { validExtension = Request.Form["ValidExtension"].ToString(); } if (Request.Form["BaseLocation"] != null) { strBaseLocation = Request.Form["BaseLocation"].ToString(); } if (Request.Form["MaxFileSize"] != null && Request.Form["MaxFileSize"] != "" && int.Parse(Request.Form["MaxFileSize"].ToString()) > 0) { maxFileSize = int.Parse(Request.Form["MaxFileSize"].ToString()); } if (Request.Files != null) { HttpFileCollection files = Request.Files; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFile file = files[i]; if (file.ContentLength > 0 && file.ContentLength < maxFileSize * 1024) { if (validExtension.Length > 0) { string[] allowExtensions = validExtension.Split(' '); if (allowExtensions.Contains(GetExtension(file.FileName), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { isValidFile = true; retMsg = "Valid file Extension"; } else { retMsg = "Not valid file Extension"; } } else { isValidFile = true; } if (isValidFile) { retFilePath = strBaseLocation; strBaseLocation = Server.MapPath("~/" + strBaseLocation); if (!Directory.Exists(strBaseLocation)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strBaseLocation); } filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string strExtension = GetExtension(filename); filename = filename.Substring(0, (filename.Length - strExtension.Length) - 1); filename = filename + '_' + rnd.Next(111111, 999999).ToString() + '.' + strExtension; string filePath = strBaseLocation + "\\" + filename; retFilePath = retFilePath + "/" + filename; file.SaveAs(filePath); retMsg = "File upload successfully"; retStatus = 1; } } else { retMsg = "Sorry, the file must be less than " + maxFileSize + "KB"; } } } Literal lit = new Literal(); lit.Text = "<pre id='response'>({ 'Status': '" + retStatus + "','Message': '" + retMsg + "','UploadedPath': '" + retFilePath + "' })</pre>"; this.Page.Form.Controls.Add(lit); } else { if (Request.Form["coOrdinates[x]"] != null) { try { double x = double.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[x]"].ToString()); double y = double.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[y]"].ToString()); // int x2 = int.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[x2]"].ToString()); // int y2 = int.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[y2]"].ToString()); double w = double.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[w]"].ToString()); double h = double.Parse(Request.Form["coOrdinates[h]"].ToString()); string filePath = Request.Form["filePath"].ToString(); int storeID = int.Parse(Request.Form["StoreID"].ToString()); int portalID = int.Parse(Request.Form["PortalID"].ToString()); string cultureName = Request.Form["CultureName"]; string path = Server.MapPath("~/" + filePath); FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); string newpath = AspxImageManagerController.CropBannerImage(fs, filePath, new AspxCommonInfo() { StoreID = storeID, PortalID = portalID, CultureName = cultureName }, (int)h, (int)w, (int)x, (int)y); retStatus = 1; retMsg = "successfully cropped image!"; retFilePath = newpath; } catch (Exception) { retStatus = -1; retMsg = "Failed to crop image!"; } } string returnStr = "{ 'Status': '" + retStatus + "','Message': '" + retMsg + "','UploadedPath': '" + retFilePath + "' }"; Response.Clear(); Response.Write(returnStr); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string retMsg = "fail"; int maxFileSize = 0; int retStatus = -1; string oldFile = ""; Random rnd = new Random(); AspxCommonInfo aspxCommonObj = new AspxCommonInfo(); const string path = "~/Modules/AspxCommerce/AspxItemsManagement/uploads/"; if (Request.Form["DeleteImage"] != null) { if (Request.Form["OldFileName"] != null) { try { oldFile = Request.Form["OldFileName"].ToString(); oldFile = Path.GetFileName(oldFile); string largImage = path + "Large/" + oldFile; string midImage = path + "Medium/" + oldFile; string smallImage = path + "Small/" + oldFile; string baseImage = path + oldFile; Thread.Sleep(2000); if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(largImage))) { File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(largImage)); } if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(midImage))) { File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(midImage)); } if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(smallImage))) { File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(smallImage)); } if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(baseImage))) { File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(baseImage)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } else { if (Request.Form["MaxFileSize"] != null && Request.Form["MaxFileSize"] != "" && int.Parse(Request.Form["MaxFileSize"].ToString()) > 0) { maxFileSize = int.Parse(Request.Form["MaxFileSize"].ToString()); } if (Request.Form["StoreID"] != null) { aspxCommonObj.StoreID = int.Parse(Request.Form["StoreID"].ToString()); aspxCommonObj.PortalID = int.Parse(Request.Form["PortalID"].ToString()); aspxCommonObj.CultureName = Request.Form["CultureName"].ToString(); } string strFileName = Path.GetFileName(HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0].FileName); int strSize = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0].ContentLength; string mapPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path); string tempPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/temp/"); if ((strSize > 0) && (strSize < maxFileSize * 1024)) { HttpPostedFile uploadedfile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0]; string filename = uploadedfile.FileName; string strExtension = Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower(); filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - strExtension.Length); filename = filename + '_' + rnd.Next(111111, 999999).ToString() + strExtension; uploadedfile.SaveAs(tempPath + "\\" + filename); FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempPath + "\\" + filename, FileMode.Open); AspxImageManagerController.AddWaterMarksCostVariantItem(fs, path, filename, aspxCommonObj); retMsg = "Modules/AspxCommerce/AspxItemsManagement/uploads/" + filename; retStatus = 1; } else { retMsg = "Sorry, the image must be less than " + maxFileSize + "KB"; } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("({ 'Status': '" + retStatus + "','Message': '" + retMsg + "' })"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } }