public static Room ToLadybugTools(this Space space, AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = null, double silverSpacing = Core.Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { if (space == null) { return(null); } int index = -1; List <Panel> panels = null; AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel?.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster != null) { index = adjacencyCluster.GetIndex(space); panels = adjacencyCluster.UpdateNormals(space, false, silverSpacing, tolerance); } if (panels == null || panels.Count == 0) { return(null); } string uniqueName = Query.UniqueName(space); List <Face> faces = null; if (panels != null) { faces = new List <Face>(); foreach (Panel panel in panels) { if (panel == null) { continue; } bool reverse = true; List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster?.GetSpaces(panel); if (spaces != null && spaces.Count > 1) { reverse = adjacencyCluster.GetIndex(spaces[0]) != index; } Face face = panel.ToLadybugTools_Face(analyticalModel, index, reverse); if (face == null) { continue; } faces.Add(face); } } RoomPropertiesAbridged roomPropertiesAbridged = new RoomPropertiesAbridged(); Room result = new Room(uniqueName, faces, roomPropertiesAbridged, space.Name); InternalCondition internalCondition = space.InternalCondition; if (internalCondition != null) { string uniqueName_InternalCondition = Core.LadybugTools.Query.UniqueName(internalCondition); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueName_InternalCondition)) { roomPropertiesAbridged = result.Properties; RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged roomEnergyPropertiesAbridged = roomPropertiesAbridged.Energy; if (roomEnergyPropertiesAbridged == null) { roomEnergyPropertiesAbridged = new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged(programType: uniqueName_InternalCondition); } result.Properties.Energy = roomEnergyPropertiesAbridged; } } return(result); }
public static Face ToLadybugTools_Face(this Panel panel, AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = null, int index = -1, bool reverse = true) { if (panel == null || panel.PanelType == PanelType.Shade) { return(null); } Face3D face3D = panel.PlanarBoundary3D.ToLadybugTools(); if (face3D == null) { return(null); } AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel?.AdjacencyCluster; Space space_Adjacent = null; int index_Adjacent = -1; if (adjacencyCluster != null && index != -1) { List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(panel); if (spaces != null && spaces.Count != 0) { foreach (Space space in spaces) { int index_Temp = adjacencyCluster.GetIndex(space); if (!index_Temp.Equals(index)) { space_Adjacent = space; index_Adjacent = index_Temp; break; } } } } string adjacentPanelUniqueName = null; string adjacentSpaceUniqueName = null; if (space_Adjacent != null && index_Adjacent != -1) { adjacentPanelUniqueName = Query.UniqueName(panel, index_Adjacent); adjacentSpaceUniqueName = Query.UniqueName(space_Adjacent); } AnyOf <Ground, Outdoors, Adiabatic, Surface> boundaryCondition = panel.ToLadybugTools_BoundaryCondition(adjacentPanelUniqueName, adjacentSpaceUniqueName); FaceType faceType; PanelType panelType = panel.PanelType; PanelGroup panelGroup = panelType.PanelGroup(); if (panelGroup == PanelGroup.Floor && Analytical.Query.PanelType(panel.Normal) == PanelType.Roof) { faceType = FaceType.RoofCeiling; } else { faceType = Query.FaceTypeEnum(panelType); } FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged faceEnergyPropertiesAbridged = new FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged(); if (faceType != FaceType.AirBoundary) { faceEnergyPropertiesAbridged.Construction = Query.UniqueName(panel.Construction, reverse); } Face face = new Face(Query.UniqueName(panel, index), face3D, faceType, boundaryCondition, new FacePropertiesAbridged(faceEnergyPropertiesAbridged), panel.Name); List <Aperture> apertures = panel.Apertures;//Analytical.Query.OffsetAperturesOnEdge(panel, 0.1); if (apertures != null && apertures.Count > 0) { MaterialLibrary materialLibrary = analyticalModel?.MaterialLibrary; face.Apertures = apertures.ConvertAll(x => x.ToLadybugTools(materialLibrary, index, index_Adjacent, adjacentPanelUniqueName, adjacentSpaceUniqueName)).FindAll(x => x != null); face.Doors = apertures.ConvertAll(x => x.ToLadybugTools_Door(materialLibrary, index, index_Adjacent, adjacentPanelUniqueName, adjacentSpaceUniqueName)).FindAll(x => x != null); } return(face); }
public static Campus TogbXML_Campus(this AnalyticalModel analyticalModel, double silverSpacing = Core.Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { if (analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } Campus campus = new Campus(); = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(analyticalModel, typeof(Campus)); campus.Location = Core.gbXML.Convert.TogbXML(analyticalModel.Location, analyticalModel.Address, tolerance); AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster != null) { adjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.SplitByInternalEdges(tolerance); adjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.UpdateNormals(false, silverSpacing, tolerance); campus.Buildings = new Building[] { adjacencyCluster.TogbXML(analyticalModel.Name, analyticalModel.Description, tolerance) }; List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(); if (panels != null) { int count_opening = 1; List <Surface> surfaces = new List <Surface>(); for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { Panel panel = panels[i]; if (panel == null) { continue; } List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetRelatedObjects <Space>(panel); if (spaces != null && spaces.Count > 1) { //Spaces have to be in correct order! // SortedDictionary <int, Space> sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary <int, Space>(); spaces.ForEach(x => sortedDictionary[adjacencyCluster.GetIndex(x)] = x); spaces = sortedDictionary.Values.ToList(); } Surface surface = panel.TogbXML(spaces, i + 1, count_opening, tolerance); if (surface != null) { surfaces.Add(surface); } if (surface.Opening != null) { count_opening += surface.Opening.Length; } } campus.Surface = surfaces.ToArray(); } } return(campus); }