/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="dataAccess"> /// The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs. /// </param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = null; if (!dataAccess.GetData(0, ref adjacencyCluster)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); return; } SAMObject sAMObject = null; if (!dataAccess.GetData(1, ref sAMObject)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); return; } IEnumerable <SAMObject> result = null; if (sAMObject is Space) { result = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels((Space)sAMObject); } else if (sAMObject is Panel) { result = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces((Panel)sAMObject); } if (result == null) { dataAccess.SetDataList(0, null); return; } if (result.Count() == 0) { dataAccess.SetDataList(0, result); return; } dataAccess.SetDataList(0, result.ToList().ConvertAll(x => new GooJSAMObject <SAMObject>(x))); }
public static Log Log(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, Document document) { if (adjacencyCluster == null || document == null) { return(null); } Log result = new Log(); foreach (Construction construction in adjacencyCluster.GetConstructions()) { result.AddRange(Log(construction, document)); } foreach (ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction in adjacencyCluster.ApertureConstructions()) { result.AddRange(Log(apertureConstruction, document)); } List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(); panels?.ForEach(x => Core.Modify.AddRange(result, Core.Revit.Create.Log(x, document))); List <Architectural.Level> levels = Architectural.Create.Levels(panels); if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0) { result.Add("Could not find proper levels in AdjacencyCluster", LogRecordType.Error); } else { result.AddRange(Architectural.Revit.Create.Log(levels, document)); } foreach (Space space in adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces()) { Core.Modify.AddRange(result, Log(space, document)); } return(result); }
public static AdjacencyCluster AdjacencyCluster(IEnumerable <Space> spaces, IEnumerable <Panel> panels, out List <Topology> topologies, out List <Panel> redundantPanels, double minArea = Tolerance.MacroDistance, bool updatePanels = true, bool tryCellComplexByCells = true, Log log = null, double silverSpacing = Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Method Name: {0}, Tolerance: {1}, Update Panels: {2}", "SAM.Analytical.Topologic.Create.AdjacencyCluster", tolerance, updatePanels); topologies = null; redundantPanels = null; AdjacencyCluster result = new AdjacencyCluster(); result.AddObjects(spaces); result.AddObjects(panels); List <Face> faces = new List <Face>(); int index = 1; foreach (Panel panel in result.GetObjects <Panel>()) { if (panel == null) { continue; } Face face = Convert.ToTopologic(panel); if (face == null) { continue; } faces.Add(face); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Face {0:D4} added. Panel [{1}]", index, panel.Guid); index++; } if (faces == null || faces.Count == 0) { return(null); } topologies = new List <Topology>(); List <Cell> cells = null; if (tryCellComplexByCells) { try { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Trying to make CellComplex By Cells"); Cluster cluster = Cluster.ByTopologies(faces as IList <Topology>); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cluster.ByTopologies Done"); Topology topology = cluster.SelfMerge(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cluster SelfMerge Done"); if (topology.Cells != null && topology.Cells.Count != 0) { cells = topology.Cells?.ToList(); CellComplex cellComplex = null; try { cellComplex = CellComplex.ByCells(cells); } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cells could not be taken from CellComplex"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); } if (cellComplex != null && cellComplex.Cells != null && cellComplex.Cells.Count != 0) { topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } else { topologies.Add(topology); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cells taken from Cluster"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cannot create CellComplex By Cells or Cells form Cluster SelfMerge"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); cells = null; } } if (cells == null) { try { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Trying to make CellComplex By Faces"); CellComplex cellComplex = CellComplex.ByFaces(faces, tolerance); topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "CellComplex By Faces Created"); } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cannot create CellComplex By Faces"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); cells = null; } } if (cells == null || cells.Count == 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "No cells found"); return(null); } List <Geometry.Spatial.Shell> shells = cells.ToSAM(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Single CellComplex converted to shells"); if (shells == null) { return(null); } //Matching spaces with shells Dictionary <Geometry.Spatial.Shell, List <Space> > dictionary_Spaces = new Dictionary <Geometry.Spatial.Shell, List <Space> >(); if (spaces != null) { foreach (Space space in spaces) { if (space == null || space.Location == null || !space.IsPlaced()) { continue; } List <Geometry.Spatial.Shell> shells_Temp = Analytical.Query.SpaceShells(shells, space.Location, silverSpacing, tolerance); if (shells_Temp == null || shells_Temp.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (Geometry.Spatial.Shell shell in shells_Temp) { if (!dictionary_Spaces.TryGetValue(shell, out List <Space> spaces_Shell)) { spaces_Shell = new List <Space>(); dictionary_Spaces[shell] = spaces_Shell; } spaces_Shell.Add(space); } } } HashSet <Guid> guids_Updated = new HashSet <Guid>(); Dictionary <Panel, Face3D> dictionary_Panel_Face3D = new Dictionary <Panel, Face3D>(); result.GetObjects <Panel>().ForEach(x => dictionary_Panel_Face3D[x] = x.GetFace3D()); index = 1; List <Tuple <Panel, Point3D> > tuples_InternalPoint3D = new List <Tuple <Panel, Point3D> >(); for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) { Geometry.Spatial.Shell shell = shells[i]; if (shell == null) { return(null); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Simplifying shell"); //shell.Simplify(tolerance); // Low tolerance cause of rounding issues shell.Simplify(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Extracting faces from shell"); List <Face3D> face3Ds = shell?.Face3Ds; if (face3Ds == null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "No face2Ds found in Shell"); continue; } dictionary_Spaces.TryGetValue(shell, out List <Space> spaces_Shell); if (spaces_Shell == null || spaces_Shell.Count == 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating new Space"); Point3D location = shell.CalculatedInternalPoint3D(silverSpacing, tolerance); if (location == null) { continue; } Space space = new Space("Cell " + index, location); index++; if (!result.AddObject(space)) { continue; } spaces_Shell = new List <Space>() { space }; dictionary_Spaces[shell] = spaces_Shell; } if (spaces_Shell == null || spaces_Shell.Count == 0) { continue; } double volume = double.NaN; if (cells[i] != null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Calculating Volume"); volume = CellUtility.Volume(cells[i]); foreach (Space space_Shell in spaces_Shell) { space_Shell.SetValue(SpaceParameter.Volume, volume); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Upadting Panels"); foreach (Face3D face3D in face3Ds) { if (minArea != 0 && face3D.GetArea() <= minArea) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Face3D is too small"); continue; } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Looking for existing Panel"); Tuple <Panel, Point3D> tuple_InternalPoint3D = tuples_InternalPoint3D.Find(x => face3D.Inside(x.Item2, tolerance)); if (tuple_InternalPoint3D != null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Existing Panel found: {0}", tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1.Guid); foreach (Space space in spaces_Shell) { if (result.AddRelation(space, tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1)) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Space [{0}] and Panel [{1}] relation added", space.Guid, tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1.Guid); } } continue; } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Looking for old Panel"); //Panel panel_Old = Query.SimilarPanel(face3D, dictionary_Panel_Face3D); //if (panel_Old == null) // continue; List <Panel> panels_Old = Query.SimilarPanels(face3D, dictionary_Panel_Face3D); if (panels_Old == null || panels_Old.Count == 0) { continue; } Panel panel_Old = panels_Old.First(); if (panels_Old.Count > 1) { if (redundantPanels == null) { redundantPanels = new List <Panel>(); } panels_Old.RemoveAt(0); redundantPanels.AddRange(panels_Old); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Old Panel found: {0}", panel_Old.Guid); Panel panel_New = null; if (updatePanels) { if (guids_Updated.Contains(panel_Old.Guid)) { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(Guid.NewGuid(), panel_Old, face3D); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating new Panel for Old Panel [{0}]. New Panel [{1}]", panel_Old.Guid, panel_New.Guid); } else { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(panel_Old.Guid, panel_Old, face3D); guids_Updated.Add(panel_Old.Guid); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Updating Panel [{0}] with new geometry", panel_New.Guid); } result.AddObject(panel_New); } else { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(panel_Old.Guid, panel_Old, face3D); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating temporary Panel for Panel [{0}]", panel_New.Guid); } if (panel_New == null) { continue; } tuples_InternalPoint3D.Add(new Tuple <Panel, Point3D>(panel_New, face3D.InternalPoint3D(tolerance))); foreach (Space space in spaces_Shell) { if (result.AddRelation(space, panel_New)) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Space [{0}] and Panel [{1}] relation added", space.Guid, panel_New.Guid); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Adding face finished"); } } if (redundantPanels != null && redundantPanels.Count != 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Solving Redundant Panels"); foreach (Panel panel in redundantPanels) { result.RemoveObject <Panel>(panel.Guid); } } List <Panel> panels_Shading = Analytical.Query.CutShading(result.GetPanels(), panels, tolerance); if (panels_Shading != null || panels_Shading.Count != 0) { foreach (Panel panel_Shading in panels_Shading) { result.AddObject(panel_Shading); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "AdjacencyCluster verification"); Log log_AdjacencyCluster = Analytical.Create.Log(result); if (log != null) { log.AddRange(log_AdjacencyCluster); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Process completed"); return(result); }
public static Model ToLadybugTools(this AnalyticalModel analyticalModel, double silverSpacing = Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance) { if (analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } AnalyticalModel analyticalModel_Temp = new AnalyticalModel(analyticalModel); analyticalModel_Temp.OffsetAperturesOnEdge(0.1, tolerance); analyticalModel_Temp.ReplaceTransparentPanels(0.1); string uniqueName = Core.LadybugTools.Query.UniqueName(analyticalModel_Temp); AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel_Temp.AdjacencyCluster; List <Room> rooms = null; List <AnyOf <IdealAirSystemAbridged, VAV, PVAV, PSZ, PTAC, ForcedAirFurnace, FCUwithDOASAbridged, WSHPwithDOASAbridged, VRFwithDOASAbridged, FCU, WSHP, VRF, Baseboard, EvaporativeCooler, Residential, WindowAC, GasUnitHeater> > hvacs = null; List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster?.GetSpaces(); if (spaces != null) { hvacs = new List <AnyOf <IdealAirSystemAbridged, VAV, PVAV, PSZ, PTAC, ForcedAirFurnace, FCUwithDOASAbridged, WSHPwithDOASAbridged, VRFwithDOASAbridged, FCU, WSHP, VRF, Baseboard, EvaporativeCooler, Residential, WindowAC, GasUnitHeater> >(); rooms = new List <Room>(); Dictionary <double, List <Panel> > dictionary_elevations = Analytical.Query.MinElevationDictionary(adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(), true); List <Level> levels = dictionary_elevations?.Keys.ToList().ConvertAll(x => Architectural.Create.Level(x)); for (int i = 0; i < spaces.Count; i++) { Space space = spaces[i]; if (space == null) { continue; } Room room = space.ToLadybugTools(analyticalModel_Temp, silverSpacing, tolerance); if (room == null) { continue; } if (levels != null && levels.Count > 0) { double elevation_Min = space.MinElevation(adjacencyCluster); if (!double.IsNaN(elevation_Min)) { double difference_Min = double.MaxValue; Level level_Min = null; foreach (Level level in levels) { double difference = System.Math.Abs(elevation_Min - level.Elevation); if (difference < difference_Min) { difference_Min = difference; level_Min = level; } } room.Story = level_Min.Name; } } InternalCondition internalCondition = space.InternalCondition; if (internalCondition != null) { //Michal Idea of filtering Uncondition Spaces string name_InternalCondition = internalCondition.Name; if (name_InternalCondition == null || (name_InternalCondition != null && !name_InternalCondition.ToLower().Contains("unconditioned") && !name_InternalCondition.ToLower().Contains("external"))) { IdealAirSystemAbridged idealAirSystemAbridged = new IdealAirSystemAbridged(string.Format("{0}__{1}", i.ToString(), "IdealAir"), string.Format("Ideal Air System Abridged {0}", space.Name)); hvacs.Add(idealAirSystemAbridged); if (room.Properties == null) { room.Properties = new RoomPropertiesAbridged(); } if (room.Properties.Energy == null) { room.Properties.Energy = new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged(); } room.Properties.Energy.Hvac = idealAirSystemAbridged.Identifier; } } rooms.Add(room); } } List <Shade> shades = null; List <Face> faces_Orphaned = null; List <Panel> panels_Shading = adjacencyCluster.GetShadingPanels(); if (panels_Shading != null) { foreach (Panel panel_Shading in panels_Shading) { if (panels_Shading == null) { continue; } if (panel_Shading.PanelType == PanelType.Shade) { Shade shade = panel_Shading.ToLadybugTools_Shade(); if (shade == null) { continue; } if (shades == null) { shades = new List <Shade>(); } shades.Add(shade); } else { Face face_Orphaned = panel_Shading.ToLadybugTools_Face(); if (face_Orphaned == null) { continue; } if (faces_Orphaned == null) { faces_Orphaned = new List <Face>(); } faces_Orphaned.Add(face_Orphaned); } } } MaterialLibrary materialLibrary = analyticalModel_Temp?.MaterialLibrary; List <Construction> constructions_AdjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.GetConstructions(); List <ApertureConstruction> apertureConstructions_AdjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.GetApertureConstructions(); ConstructionSetAbridged constructionSetAbridged = Core.LadybugTools.Query.DefaultConstructionSetAbridged(); List <HoneybeeSchema.AnyOf <ConstructionSetAbridged, ConstructionSet> > constructionSets = new List <HoneybeeSchema.AnyOf <ConstructionSetAbridged, ConstructionSet> >();// { constructionSetAbridged }; List <AnyOf <OpaqueConstructionAbridged, WindowConstructionAbridged, WindowConstructionShadeAbridged, AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged, OpaqueConstruction, WindowConstruction, WindowConstructionShade, WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged, WindowConstructionDynamic, AirBoundaryConstruction, ShadeConstruction> > constructions = new List <AnyOf <OpaqueConstructionAbridged, WindowConstructionAbridged, WindowConstructionShadeAbridged, AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged, OpaqueConstruction, WindowConstruction, WindowConstructionShade, WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged, WindowConstructionDynamic, AirBoundaryConstruction, ShadeConstruction> >(); Dictionary <string, HoneybeeSchema.Energy.IMaterial> dictionary_Materials = new Dictionary <string, HoneybeeSchema.Energy.IMaterial>(); if (constructions_AdjacencyCluster != null) { foreach (Construction construction in constructions_AdjacencyCluster) { List <ConstructionLayer> constructionLayers = construction.ConstructionLayers; if (constructionLayers == null) { continue; } constructions.Add(construction.ToLadybugTools()); constructions.Add(construction.ToLadybugTools(false)); foreach (ConstructionLayer constructionLayer in constructionLayers) { IMaterial material = constructionLayer.Material(materialLibrary); if (material == null) { continue; } if (dictionary_Materials.ContainsKey(material.Name)) { continue; } if (material is GasMaterial) { List <Panel> panels = Analytical.Query.Panels(adjacencyCluster, construction); List <double> tilts = panels.ConvertAll(x => Analytical.Query.Tilt(x).Round(Tolerance.MacroDistance)); double tilt = tilts.Distinct().ToList().Average(); tilt = Units.Convert.ToRadians(tilt); dictionary_Materials[material.Name] = ((GasMaterial)material).ToLadybugTools(tilt, constructionLayer.Thickness); } else if (material is OpaqueMaterial) { EnergyMaterial energyMaterial = ((OpaqueMaterial)material).ToLadybugTools(); dictionary_Materials[material.Name] = energyMaterial; if (!double.IsNaN(constructionLayer.Thickness)) { energyMaterial.Thickness = constructionLayer.Thickness; } } } } } if (apertureConstructions_AdjacencyCluster != null) { foreach (ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction in apertureConstructions_AdjacencyCluster) { List <ConstructionLayer> constructionLayers = null; constructionLayers = apertureConstruction.PaneConstructionLayers; if (constructionLayers != null) { MaterialType materialType = Analytical.Query.MaterialType(constructionLayers, materialLibrary); if (materialType != MaterialType.Undefined && materialType != MaterialType.Gas) { if (materialType == MaterialType.Opaque) { constructions.Add(apertureConstruction.ToLadybugTools()); constructions.Add(apertureConstruction.ToLadybugTools(false)); } else { constructions.Add(apertureConstruction.ToLadybugTools_WindowConstructionAbridged()); constructions.Add(apertureConstruction.ToLadybugTools_WindowConstructionAbridged(false)); } foreach (ConstructionLayer constructionLayer in constructionLayers) { IMaterial material = constructionLayer.Material(materialLibrary); if (material == null) { continue; } string name = material.Name; if (dictionary_Materials.ContainsKey(name)) { continue; } if (material is TransparentMaterial) { dictionary_Materials[name] = ((TransparentMaterial)material).ToLadybugTools(); } else if (material is GasMaterial) { dictionary_Materials[name] = ((GasMaterial)material).ToLadybugTools_EnergyWindowMaterialGas(); } else { dictionary_Materials[name] = ((OpaqueMaterial)material).ToLadybugTools(); } } } } } } ProfileLibrary profileLibrary = analyticalModel.ProfileLibrary; Dictionary <System.Guid, ProgramType> dictionary_InternalConditions = new Dictionary <System.Guid, ProgramType>(); if (spaces != null) { foreach (Space space in spaces) { InternalCondition internalCondition = space?.InternalCondition; if (internalCondition == null) { continue; } if (dictionary_InternalConditions.ContainsKey(internalCondition.Guid)) { continue; } ProgramType programType = space.ToLadybugTools(adjacencyCluster, profileLibrary); if (programType != null) { dictionary_InternalConditions[internalCondition.Guid] = programType; } } } List <AnyOf <EnergyMaterial, EnergyMaterialNoMass, EnergyWindowMaterialGas, EnergyWindowMaterialGasCustom, EnergyWindowMaterialGasMixture, EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys, EnergyWindowMaterialBlind, EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing, EnergyWindowMaterialShade> > materials = new List <AnyOf <EnergyMaterial, EnergyMaterialNoMass, EnergyWindowMaterialGas, EnergyWindowMaterialGasCustom, EnergyWindowMaterialGasMixture, EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys, EnergyWindowMaterialBlind, EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing, EnergyWindowMaterialShade> >(); HoneybeeSchema.Helper.EnergyLibrary.DefaultMaterials?.ToList().ForEach(x => materials.Add(x as dynamic)); dictionary_Materials.Values.ToList().ForEach(x => materials.Add(x as dynamic)); List <AnyOf <ScheduleRulesetAbridged, ScheduleFixedIntervalAbridged, ScheduleRuleset, ScheduleFixedInterval> > schedules = new List <AnyOf <ScheduleRulesetAbridged, ScheduleFixedIntervalAbridged, ScheduleRuleset, ScheduleFixedInterval> >(); HoneybeeSchema.Helper.EnergyLibrary.DefaultScheduleRuleset?.ToList().ForEach(x => schedules.Add(x)); List <HoneybeeSchema.AnyOf <ProgramTypeAbridged, ProgramType> > programTypes = new List <HoneybeeSchema.AnyOf <ProgramTypeAbridged, ProgramType> >(); HoneybeeSchema.Helper.EnergyLibrary.DefaultProgramTypes?.ToList().ForEach(x => programTypes.Add(x)); dictionary_InternalConditions.Values.ToList().ForEach(x => programTypes.Add(x)); List <ScheduleTypeLimit> scheduleTypeLimits = new List <ScheduleTypeLimit>(); HoneybeeSchema.Helper.EnergyLibrary.DefaultScheduleTypeLimit?.ToList().ForEach(x => scheduleTypeLimits.Add(x)); constructionSets.RemoveAll(x => x == null); constructions.RemoveAll(x => x == null); materials.RemoveAll(x => x == null); ModelEnergyProperties modelEnergyProperties = new ModelEnergyProperties(constructionSets, constructions, materials, hvacs, null, programTypes, schedules, scheduleTypeLimits); ModelProperties modelProperties = new ModelProperties(modelEnergyProperties); Model model = new Model(uniqueName, modelProperties, adjacencyCluster.Name, null, rooms, faces_Orphaned, shades); model.AngleTolerance = Units.Convert.ToDegrees(Tolerance.Angle);// 2; model.Tolerance = Tolerance.MacroDistance; return(model); }
protected override void TrySolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { int index = -1; int index_Elements = -1; int index_Successful = -1; index_Successful = Params.IndexOfOutputParam("successful"); if (index_Successful != -1) { dataAccess.SetData(index_Successful, false); } index_Elements = Params.IndexOfOutputParam("elements"); if (index_Elements != -1) { dataAccess.SetData(index_Elements, null); } bool run = false; index = Params.IndexOfInputParam("_run"); if (index == -1 || !dataAccess.GetData(index, ref run) || !run) { return; } ConvertSettings convertSettings = null; index = Params.IndexOfInputParam("_convertSettings_"); if (index != -1) { dataAccess.GetData(index, ref convertSettings); } convertSettings = this.UpdateSolutionEndEventHandler(convertSettings); SAMObject sAMObject = null; index = Params.IndexOfInputParam("_analytical"); if (index == -1 || !dataAccess.GetData(index, ref sAMObject)) { return; } Document document = RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.ActiveDBDocument; StartTransaction(document); if (!(sAMObject is Panel) && !(sAMObject is Aperture) && !(sAMObject is Space) && !(sAMObject is AdjacencyCluster) && !(sAMObject is AnalyticalModel)) { return; } AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = null; if (sAMObject is AdjacencyCluster) { adjacencyCluster = (AdjacencyCluster)sAMObject; convertSettings.AddParameter("AdjacencyCluster", adjacencyCluster); } else if (sAMObject is AnalyticalModel) { adjacencyCluster = ((AnalyticalModel)sAMObject).AdjacencyCluster; convertSettings.AddParameter("AnalyticalModel", (AnalyticalModel)sAMObject); } if (adjacencyCluster != null) { adjacencyCluster.GetPanels()?.ForEach(x => Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, x)); adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces()?.ForEach(x => Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, x)); } else { Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, sAMObject); } object @object = Analytical.Revit.Convert.ToRevit(sAMObject as dynamic, document, convertSettings); IEnumerable <Element> elements = null; if (@object is IEnumerable) { elements = ((IEnumerable)@object).Cast <Element>(); } else { elements = new List <Element>() { @object as Element } }; //if(elements != null) //{ // foreach(Element element in elements) // { // ElementId elementId = element.Id; // if (elementId == null) // continue; // elementIds.Add(elementId); // } //} if (index_Elements != -1) { dataAccess.SetDataList(index_Elements, elements); } if (index_Successful != -1) { dataAccess.SetData(index_Successful, elements != null && elements.Count() > 0); } } //protected override void OnAfterStart(Document document, string strTransactionName) //{ // base.OnAfterStart(document, strTransactionName); // elementIds = new HashSet<ElementId>(); //} //protected override void OnBeforeCommit(Document document, string strTransactionName) //{ // base.OnBeforeCommit(document, strTransactionName); // if(elementIds != null && elementIds.Count != 0) // { // List<Wall> walls = new FilteredElementCollector(document, elementIds).OfClass(typeof(Wall)).Cast<Wall>().ToList(); // if(walls != null && walls.Count != 0) // { // Dictionary<Wall, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<Wall, int>(); // walls.ForEach(x => dictionary[x] = x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_ATTR_ROOM_BOUNDING).AsInteger()); // using (SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(document)) // { // subTransaction.Start(); // foreach (Wall wall in dictionary.Keys) // wall.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_ATTR_ROOM_BOUNDING).Set(0); // document.Regenerate(); // subTransaction.Commit(); // subTransaction.Start(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<Wall, int> keyValuePair in dictionary) // keyValuePair.Key.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_ATTR_ROOM_BOUNDING).Set(keyValuePair.Value); // subTransaction.Commit(); // } // } // } //} }
public static List <SAMType> UpdateConstructions(this TBDDocument tBDDocument, AnalyticalModel analyticalModel) { if (tBDDocument == null || analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } Building building = tBDDocument.Building; if (building == null) { return(null); } AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster == null) { return(null); } adjacencyCluster.SetConstructionsDefaultPanelType(); List <SAMType> result = new List <SAMType>(); Dictionary <System.Guid, Construction> dictionary_Construction = new Dictionary <System.Guid, Construction>(); foreach (Panel panel in adjacencyCluster.GetPanels()) { if (panel == null || panel.PanelType == PanelType.Air) { continue; } Construction construction = panel.Construction; if (construction == null) { continue; } dictionary_Construction[construction.Guid] = construction; } if (dictionary_Construction != null && dictionary_Construction.Count != 0) { List <Construction> constructions = UpdateConstructions(building, dictionary_Construction.Values, analyticalModel.MaterialLibrary); if (constructions != null && constructions.Count != 0) { constructions.ForEach(x => result.Add(x)); } } List <ApertureConstruction> apertureConstructions = analyticalModel.AdjacencyCluster?.GetApertureConstructions(); if (apertureConstructions != null && apertureConstructions.Count != 0) { apertureConstructions = UpdateConstructions(building, apertureConstructions, analyticalModel.MaterialLibrary); if (apertureConstructions != null && apertureConstructions.Count != 0) { apertureConstructions.ForEach(x => result.Add(x)); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="dataAccess"> /// The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs. /// </param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { bool run = false; if (!dataAccess.GetData(6, ref run)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); dataAccess.SetData(2, false); return; } if (!run) { return; } List <Panel> panels = new List <Panel>(); if (!dataAccess.GetDataList(0, panels) || panels == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); dataAccess.SetData(2, false); return; } List <Space> spaces = new List <Space>(); dataAccess.GetDataList(1, spaces); double tolerance = double.NaN; if (!dataAccess.GetData(2, ref tolerance) || double.IsNaN(tolerance)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); dataAccess.SetData(2, false); return; } bool tryCellComplexByCells = false; if (!dataAccess.GetData(3, ref tryCellComplexByCells)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Invalid data"); dataAccess.SetData(2, false); return; } //string reportPath = null; //if (dataAccess.GetData(4, ref reportPath)) //{ // if (System.IO.File.Exists(reportPath)) // System.IO.File.Delete(reportPath); //} double minArea = Tolerance.MacroDistance; dataAccess.GetData(4, ref minArea); double silverSpacing = Tolerance.MacroDistance; dataAccess.GetData(5, ref silverSpacing); List <Topology> topologies = null; Log log = new Log(); List <Panel> panels_Redundant = null; AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = Analytical.Topologic.Create.AdjacencyCluster(spaces, panels, out topologies, out panels_Redundant, minArea, true, tryCellComplexByCells, log, silverSpacing, tolerance); if (adjacencyCluster != null) { List <Space> spaces_Temp = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(); if (spaces_Temp == null || spaces_Temp.Count == 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "No spaces have been detected"); } else { List <Point3D> locations = spaces_Temp.ConvertAll(x => x.Location); if (locations.RemoveAll(x => x == null) > 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "There are spaces without Location Points"); } List <Space> spaces_Unbounded = new List <Space>(); List <Space> spaces_Multiple = new List <Space>(); HashSet <int> indexes_Multiple = new HashSet <int>(); List <List <Space> > spacesList_Locations = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(locations); for (int i = 0; i < spacesList_Locations.Count; i++) { List <Space> spaces_Locations = spacesList_Locations[i]; Point3D point3D_Location = locations[i]; if (spaces_Locations == null) { spaces_Unbounded.Add(spaces_Temp.Find(x => point3D_Location.AlmostEquals(x.Location))); continue; } if (spacesList_Locations.Count > 2) { indexes_Multiple.Add(i); } } foreach (Space space in spaces_Unbounded) { string text = "There are unbounded spaces in topology model"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(space.Name)) { text += " " + space.Name; } text += " " + "Guid: " + space.Guid; AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, text); } foreach (Space space in spaces_Multiple) { string text = "There are multiple spaces in topology cell"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(space.Name)) { text += " " + space.Name; } text += " " + "Guid: " + space.Guid; AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, text); } } dataAccess.SetData(0, new GooAdjacencyCluster(adjacencyCluster)); } else { dataAccess.SetData(0, null); } dataAccess.SetDataList(1, topologies); dataAccess.SetDataList(2, adjacencyCluster?.GetPanels()); dataAccess.SetDataList(3, adjacencyCluster?.GetSpaces()); dataAccess.SetDataList(4, adjacencyCluster?.GetInternalPanels()); dataAccess.SetDataList(5, adjacencyCluster?.GetExternalPanels()); dataAccess.SetDataList(6, adjacencyCluster?.GetShadingPanels()); dataAccess.SetDataList(7, panels_Redundant); dataAccess.SetData(8, new GooLog(log)); dataAccess.SetData(9, adjacencyCluster != null); }
public static double InfiltrationAirFlowPerExteriorArea(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, Space space) { if (adjacencyCluster == null || space == null) { return(double.NaN); } double volume = double.NaN; space.TryGetValue(SpaceParameter.Volume, out volume); if (double.IsNaN(volume)) { return(double.NaN); } InternalCondition internalCondintion = space.InternalCondition; if (internalCondintion == null) { return(double.NaN); } double airFlow = Analytical.Query.CalculatedInfiltrationAirFlow(space); if (double.IsNaN(airFlow)) { return(double.NaN); } if (airFlow == 0) { return(0); } List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(space); if (panels == null || panels.Count == 0) { return(double.NaN); } panels.RemoveAll(x => !adjacencyCluster.ExposedToSun(x)); double area = 0; foreach (Panel panel in panels) { double area_Temp = panel.GetArea(); if (!double.IsNaN(area_Temp)) { area += area_Temp; } } if (area == 0) { return(0); } return(airFlow / area); }
public static Campus TogbXML_Campus(this AnalyticalModel analyticalModel, double silverSpacing = Core.Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { if (analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } Campus campus = new Campus(); campus.id = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(analyticalModel, typeof(Campus)); campus.Location = Core.gbXML.Convert.TogbXML(analyticalModel.Location, analyticalModel.Address, tolerance); AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster != null) { adjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.SplitByInternalEdges(tolerance); adjacencyCluster = adjacencyCluster.UpdateNormals(false, silverSpacing, tolerance); campus.Buildings = new Building[] { adjacencyCluster.TogbXML(analyticalModel.Name, analyticalModel.Description, tolerance) }; List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(); if (panels != null) { int count_opening = 1; List <Surface> surfaces = new List <Surface>(); for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { Panel panel = panels[i]; if (panel == null) { continue; } List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetRelatedObjects <Space>(panel); if (spaces != null && spaces.Count > 1) { //Spaces have to be in correct order! //https://www.gbxml.org/schema_doc/6.01/GreenBuildingXML_Ver6.01.html#Link7 SortedDictionary <int, Space> sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary <int, Space>(); spaces.ForEach(x => sortedDictionary[adjacencyCluster.GetIndex(x)] = x); spaces = sortedDictionary.Values.ToList(); } Surface surface = panel.TogbXML(spaces, i + 1, count_opening, tolerance); if (surface != null) { surfaces.Add(surface); } if (surface.Opening != null) { count_opening += surface.Opening.Length; } } campus.Surface = surfaces.ToArray(); } } return(campus); }
public static Dictionary <Panel, double> UpdateThermalParameters(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, TBD.Building building) { List <TBD.Construction> constructions_TBD = building?.Constructions(); if (constructions_TBD == null) { return(null); } List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(); if (panels == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <Panel, double> result = new Dictionary <Panel, double>(); foreach (Panel panel in panels) { Construction construction = panel?.Construction; if (construction == null) { continue; } string name = construction.Name; TBD.Construction construction_TBD = constructions_TBD.Find(x => x.name == name); if (construction_TBD == null) { name = Analytical.Query.UniqueName(panel.PanelType, name); construction_TBD = constructions_TBD.Find(x => x.name == name); } if (construction_TBD == null) { continue; } double thermalTransmittance = Query.ThermalTransmittance(construction_TBD, panel.PanelType); if (!double.IsNaN(thermalTransmittance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.ThermalTransmittance, thermalTransmittance); } Query.GlazingValues(construction_TBD, out double lightTransmittance, out double lightReflectance, out double directSolarEnergyTransmittance, out double directSolarEnergyReflectance, out double directSolarEnergyAbsorptance, out double totalSolarEnergyTransmittance, out double pilkingtonShortWavelengthCoefficient, out double pilkingtonLongWavelengthCoefficient); if (!double.IsNaN(lightTransmittance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.LightTransmittance, lightTransmittance); } if (!double.IsNaN(lightReflectance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.LightReflectance, lightReflectance); } if (!double.IsNaN(directSolarEnergyTransmittance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.DirectSolarEnergyTransmittance, directSolarEnergyTransmittance); } if (!double.IsNaN(directSolarEnergyReflectance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.DirectSolarEnergyReflectance, directSolarEnergyReflectance); } if (!double.IsNaN(directSolarEnergyAbsorptance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.DirectSolarEnergyAbsorptance, directSolarEnergyAbsorptance); } if (!double.IsNaN(totalSolarEnergyTransmittance)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.TotalSolarEnergyTransmittance, totalSolarEnergyTransmittance); } if (!double.IsNaN(pilkingtonShortWavelengthCoefficient)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.PilkingtonShadingShortWavelengthCoefficient, pilkingtonShortWavelengthCoefficient); } if (!double.IsNaN(pilkingtonLongWavelengthCoefficient)) { panel.SetValue(PanelParameter.PilkingtonShadingLongWavelengthCoefficient, pilkingtonLongWavelengthCoefficient); } adjacencyCluster.AddObject(panel); result[panel] = thermalTransmittance; } return(result); }
public static AnalyticalModel UpdateT3D(this AnalyticalModel analyticalModel, T3DDocument t3DDocument) { if (analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } Building building = t3DDocument?.Building; if (building == null) { return(null); } Modify.RemoveUnsusedZones(building); double northAngle = double.NaN; if (analyticalModel.TryGetValue(AnalyticalModelParameter.NorthAngle, out northAngle)) { building.northAngle = global::System.Math.Round(Units.Convert.ToDegrees(northAngle), 1); } Location location = analyticalModel.Location; if (location != null) { building.longitude = location.Longitude; building.latitude = location.Latitude; if (location.TryGetValue(LocationParameter.TimeZone, out string timeZone)) { double @double = Core.Query.Double(Core.Query.UTC(timeZone)); if (!double.IsNaN(@double)) { building.timeZone = global::System.Convert.ToSingle(@double); } } } AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel?.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster != null) { //Zones -> Spaces Dictionary <string, Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.SpaceDictionary(); if (spaces != null) { Dictionary <string, TAS3D.Zone> zones = building.ZoneDictionary(); if (zones != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TAS3D.Zone> keyValuePair in zones) { Space space; if (!spaces.TryGetValue(keyValuePair.Key, out space)) { continue; } if (space == null) { continue; } //TODO: Update Zone Space space_New = space.Clone(); space_New.Add(Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, keyValuePair.Value)); adjacencyCluster.AddObject(space_New); } } } //Elements -> Constructions List <Construction> constructions = adjacencyCluster.GetConstructions(); if (constructions != null) { List <Element> elements = building.Elements(); if (elements != null) { foreach (Element element in elements) { Construction construction = element.Match(constructions); if (construction == null) { continue; } //Update Element //Thickness double thickness = construction.GetValue <double>(ConstructionParameter.DefaultThickness); if (double.IsNaN(thickness) || thickness == 0) { thickness = construction.GetThickness(); } if (!double.IsNaN(thickness)) { element.width = thickness; } //if (Core.Query.TryGetValue(construction, Analytical.Query.ParameterName_Thickness(), out thickness, true)) // element.width= thickness; //Colour System.Drawing.Color color = global::System.Drawing.Color.Empty; if (construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.Color, out color)) { element.colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(color); } //Transparent bool transparent = false; MaterialType materialType = Analytical.Query.MaterialType(construction.ConstructionLayers, analyticalModel.MaterialLibrary); if (materialType == MaterialType.Undefined) { materialType = MaterialType.Opaque; if (construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.Transparent, out transparent)) { element.transparent = transparent; } } else { element.transparent = materialType == MaterialType.Transparent; } //InternalShadows bool internalShadows = false; if (construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.IsInternalShadow, out internalShadows)) { element.internalShadows = internalShadows; } else { element.internalShadows = element.transparent; } //BEType string string_BEType = null; PanelType panelType = construction.PanelType(); if (panelType != Analytical.PanelType.Undefined) { string_BEType = panelType.Text(); } else { if (!construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.DefaultPanelType, out string_BEType)) { string_BEType = null; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_BEType)) { int bEType = BEType(string_BEType); if (bEType != -1) { element.BEType = bEType; panelType = PanelType(bEType); } } else { panelType = Analytical.PanelType.Undefined; List <Panel> panels_Construction = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(construction); if (panels_Construction != null && panels_Construction.Count > 0) { Panel panel = panels_Construction.Find(x => x.PanelType != Analytical.PanelType.Undefined); if (panel != null) { panelType = panel.PanelType; } } } if (panelType == Analytical.PanelType.Undefined) { List <Panel> panels_Construction = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(construction); if (panels_Construction != null && panels_Construction.Count != 0) { element.zoneFloorArea = panels_Construction.Find(x => x.PanelType.PanelGroup() == PanelGroup.Floor) != null; } } if (panelType.PanelGroup() == PanelGroup.Floor) { element.zoneFloorArea = true; } //Ground bool ground = false; if (construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.IsGround, out ground)) { element.ground = ground; } //Air bool air = false; if (construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.IsAir, out air)) { element.ghost = air; } List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(construction); if (panels != null && panels.Count > 0) { ParameterSet parameterSet = Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, element); construction.Add(parameterSet); foreach (Panel panel in panels) { Panel panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(panel, construction); adjacencyCluster.AddObject(panel_New); } } } } } //Windows -> ApertureConstruction List <ApertureConstruction> apertureConstructions = adjacencyCluster.GetApertureConstructions(); if (apertureConstructions != null) { List <window> windows = building.Windows(); if (windows != null) { foreach (window window in windows) { if (window == null) { continue; } ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = window.Match(apertureConstructions); if (apertureConstruction == null) { continue; } //Colour System.Drawing.Color color = global::System.Drawing.Color.Empty; if (!apertureConstruction.TryGetValue(ApertureConstructionParameter.Color, out color)) { color = Analytical.Query.Color(apertureConstruction.ApertureType); } if (color != global::System.Drawing.Color.Empty) { window.colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(color); } //Transparent List <ConstructionLayer> constructionLayers = null; if (true) { constructionLayers = apertureConstruction.PaneConstructionLayers; } else { constructionLayers = apertureConstruction.FrameConstructionLayers; } window.transparent = false; //Requested by Michal 2021.03.01 bool transparent = false; MaterialType materialType = Analytical.Query.MaterialType(constructionLayers, analyticalModel.MaterialLibrary); if (materialType == MaterialType.Undefined) { materialType = MaterialType.Opaque; if (apertureConstruction.TryGetValue(ApertureConstructionParameter.Transparent, out transparent)) { window.transparent = transparent; } } else { window.transparent = materialType == MaterialType.Transparent; } if (window.transparent) { //InternalShadows window.internalShadows = false; //Requested by Michal 2021.03.01 bool internalShadows = false; if (apertureConstruction.TryGetValue(ApertureConstructionParameter.IsInternalShadow, out internalShadows)) { window.internalShadows = internalShadows; } else { List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(apertureConstruction); if (panels != null && panels.Count != 0) { window.internalShadows = panels.TrueForAll(x => adjacencyCluster.External(x)); } } } //FrameWidth double frameWidth = double.NaN; if (apertureConstruction.TryGetValue(ApertureConstructionParameter.DefaultFrameWidth, out frameWidth)) { window.frameWidth = frameWidth; } } } } } AnalyticalModel result = new AnalyticalModel(analyticalModel, adjacencyCluster); return(result); }
public static Building TogbXML(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, string name, string description, double tolerance = Tolerance.MicroDistance) { List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster?.GetPanels(); if (panels == null || panels.Count == 0) { return(null); } List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(); if (spaces == null) { return(null); } //Dictionary of Minimal Elevations and List of Panels Dictionary <double, List <Panel> > dictionary_MinElevations = Analytical.Query.MinElevationDictionary(panels, true, Tolerance.MacroDistance); //Dictionary of gbXML BuildingStoreys and its elevations Dictionary <BuildingStorey, double> dictionary_buildingStoreys = new Dictionary <BuildingStorey, double>(); //Dictionary of SAM Panels related buildingSorey, minimal elevation and maximal elevation Dictionary <Panel, Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> > dictionary_Panels = new Dictionary <Panel, Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <double, List <Panel> > keyValuePair in dictionary_MinElevations) { BuildingStorey buildingStorey = Architectural.Create.Level(keyValuePair.Key).TogbXML(tolerance); dictionary_buildingStoreys[buildingStorey] = keyValuePair.Key; foreach (Panel panel in keyValuePair.Value) { dictionary_Panels[panel] = new Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> (buildingStorey, keyValuePair.Key, panel.MinElevation(), panel.MaxElevation()); } } List <gbXMLSerializer.Space> spaces_gbXML = new List <gbXMLSerializer.Space>(); Dictionary <Guid, SpaceBoundary> dictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, SpaceBoundary>(); foreach (Space space in spaces) { List <Panel> panels_Space = adjacencyCluster.GetRelatedObjects <Panel>(space); if (panels_Space == null || panels_Space.Count == 0) { continue; } double elevation_Level = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item2).Min(); double elevation_Min = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item3).Min(); double elevation_Max = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item4).Max(); BuildingStorey buildingStorey = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildingStorey, double> keyValuePair in dictionary_buildingStoreys) { if (keyValuePair.Value.Equals(elevation_Level)) { buildingStorey = keyValuePair.Key; break; } } if (buildingStorey == null) { continue; } List <Panel> panels_PlanarGeometry = panels_Space.FindAll(x => x.PanelType.PanelGroup() == PanelGroup.Floor || (x.Normal.AlmostSimilar(Vector3D.WorldZ.GetNegated()) && dictionary_Panels[x].Item3 == elevation_Min)); panels_PlanarGeometry = panels_PlanarGeometry?.MergeCoplanarPanels(Tolerance.MacroDistance, false, false, Tolerance.MacroDistance); if (panels_PlanarGeometry == null || panels_PlanarGeometry.Count == 0) { continue; } panels_PlanarGeometry.Sort((x, y) => y.GetArea().CompareTo(x.GetArea())); Face3D face3D = panels_PlanarGeometry.First().PlanarBoundary3D?.GetFace3D(); if (face3D == null) { continue; } double area = face3D.GetArea(); if (area < Tolerance.MacroDistance) { continue; } double volume = Math.Abs(elevation_Max - elevation_Min) * area; if (volume < Tolerance.MacroDistance) { continue; } List <SpaceBoundary> spaceBoundaries = new List <SpaceBoundary>(); foreach (Panel panel in panels_Space) { if (panel == null) { continue; } SpaceBoundary spaceBoundary = null; if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(panel.Guid, out spaceBoundary)) { spaceBoundary = panel.TogbXML_SpaceBoundary(tolerance); dictionary[panel.Guid] = spaceBoundary; } spaceBoundaries.Add(spaceBoundary); } gbXMLSerializer.Space space_gbXML = new gbXMLSerializer.Space(); space_gbXML.Name = space.Name; space_gbXML.spacearea = new Area() { val = area.ToString() }; space_gbXML.spacevol = new Volume() { val = volume.ToString() }; space_gbXML.buildingStoreyIdRef = buildingStorey.id; space_gbXML.cadid = new CADObjectId() { id = space.Guid.ToString() }; space_gbXML.PlanarGeo = face3D.TogbXML(tolerance); space_gbXML.id = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(space, typeof(gbXMLSerializer.Space)); space_gbXML.spbound = spaceBoundaries.ToArray(); space_gbXML.ShellGeo = panels_Space.TogbXML(space, tolerance); spaces_gbXML.Add(space_gbXML); } Building building = new Building(); building.id = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(adjacencyCluster, typeof(Building)); building.Name = name; building.Description = description; building.bldgStories = dictionary_buildingStoreys.Keys.ToArray(); building.Area = Analytical.Query.Area(panels, PanelGroup.Floor); building.buildingType = buildingTypeEnum.Office; building.Spaces = spaces_gbXML.ToArray(); return(building); }
protected override void TrySolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { bool run = false; if (!dataAccess.GetData(2, ref run) || !run) { return; } ConvertSettings convertSettings = null; dataAccess.GetData(1, ref convertSettings); convertSettings = this.UpdateSolutionEndEventHandler(convertSettings); SAMObject sAMObject = null; if (!dataAccess.GetData(0, ref sAMObject)) { return; } Document document = RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.ActiveDBDocument; if (sAMObject is AnalyticalModel) { sAMObject = ((AnalyticalModel)sAMObject).AdjacencyCluster; } if (!(sAMObject is Panel) && !(sAMObject is Aperture) && !(sAMObject is Space) && !(sAMObject is AdjacencyCluster)) { dataAccess.SetData(0, null); return; } if (sAMObject is AdjacencyCluster) { AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = (AdjacencyCluster)sAMObject; adjacencyCluster.GetPanels()?.ForEach(x => Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, x)); adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces()?.ForEach(x => Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, x)); } else { Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, sAMObject); } object @object = Analytical.Revit.Convert.ToRevit(sAMObject as dynamic, document, convertSettings); IEnumerable <Element> elements = null; if (@object is IEnumerable) { elements = ((IEnumerable)@object).Cast <Element>(); } else { elements = new List <Element>() { @object as Element } }; dataAccess.SetDataList(0, elements); } }
public static List <Element> ToRevit(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, Document document, ConvertSettings convertSettings) { if (adjacencyCluster == null || document == null) { return(null); } List <Element> result = convertSettings?.GetObjects <Element>(adjacencyCluster.Guid); if (result != null) { return(result); } Dictionary <Space, Shell> dictionary_Shell = adjacencyCluster.ShellDictionary(); if (dictionary_Shell == null) { return(null); } //List<Level> levels = new FilteredElementCollector(document).OfClass(typeof(Level)).Cast<Level>().ToList(); //if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0) // return null; Dictionary <ElementId, Element> dictionary_Element = new Dictionary <ElementId, Element>(); HashSet <System.Guid> guids = new HashSet <System.Guid>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Space, Shell> keyValuePair in dictionary_Shell) { Space space = keyValuePair.Key; List <Panel> panels_Space = adjacencyCluster.GetPanels(space); if (panels_Space != null && panels_Space.Count != 0) { foreach (Panel panel in panels_Space) { if (guids.Contains(panel.Guid)) { continue; } guids.Add(panel.Guid); HostObject hostObject = panel.ToRevit(document, convertSettings); if (hostObject == null) { continue; } dictionary_Element[hostObject.Id] = hostObject; } } Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mechanical.Space space_Revit = space.ToRevit(document, convertSettings); if (space_Revit == null) { continue; } dictionary_Element[space_Revit.Id] = space_Revit; BoundingBox3D boundingBox3D = keyValuePair.Value.GetBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox3D == null) { continue; } Parameter parameter; parameter = space_Revit.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOM_UPPER_LEVEL); Level level = document.ClosestLevel(boundingBox3D.Max.Z); if (level == null) { continue; } parameter.Set(level.Id); if (level.Id != space_Revit.LevelId && level.Elevation > (document.GetElement(space_Revit.LevelId) as Level).Elevation) { parameter = space_Revit.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOM_UPPER_OFFSET); parameter.Set(0); } } List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster.GetShadingPanels(); if (panels != null && panels.Count != 0) { foreach (Panel panel in panels) { HostObject hostObject = panel.ToRevit(document, convertSettings); if (hostObject == null) { continue; } dictionary_Element[hostObject.Id] = hostObject; } } List <Zone> zones = adjacencyCluster.GetObjects <Zone>(); if (zones != null) { foreach (Zone zone in zones) { List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mechanical.Space> spaces = ToRevit(adjacencyCluster, zone, document, convertSettings); spaces?.ForEach(x => dictionary_Element[x.Id] = x); } } List <ZoneSimulationResult> zoneSimulationResults = adjacencyCluster.GetObjects <ZoneSimulationResult>(); if (zoneSimulationResults != null) { foreach (ZoneSimulationResult zoneSimulationResult in zoneSimulationResults) { List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mechanical.Space> spaces = ToRevit(adjacencyCluster, zoneSimulationResult, document, convertSettings); spaces?.ForEach(x => dictionary_Element[x.Id] = x); } } List <SpaceSimulationResult> spaceSimulationResults = adjacencyCluster.GetObjects <SpaceSimulationResult>(); if (zoneSimulationResults != null) { foreach (SpaceSimulationResult spaceSimulationResult in spaceSimulationResults) { List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mechanical.Space> spaces = ToRevit(adjacencyCluster, spaceSimulationResult, document, convertSettings); spaces?.ForEach(x => dictionary_Element[x.Id] = x); } } List <AdjacencyClusterSimulationResult> adjacencyClusterSimulationResults = adjacencyCluster.GetObjects <AdjacencyClusterSimulationResult>(); if (adjacencyClusterSimulationResults != null) { foreach (AdjacencyClusterSimulationResult adjacencyClusterSimulationResult in adjacencyClusterSimulationResults) { ProjectInfo projectInfo = ToRevit(adjacencyClusterSimulationResult, document, convertSettings); if (projectInfo != null) { dictionary_Element[projectInfo.Id] = projectInfo; } } } result = dictionary_Element.Values.ToList(); convertSettings?.Add(adjacencyCluster.Guid, result); return(result); }
public static TBD.Building ToTBD(this AnalyticalModel analyticalModel, TBD.TBDDocument tBDDocument) { if (analyticalModel == null) { return(null); } TBD.Building result = tBDDocument.Building; if (result == null) { return(null); } AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster = analyticalModel.AdjacencyCluster; if (adjacencyCluster == null) { return(null); } List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(); if (spaces == null) { return(result); } MaterialLibrary materialLibrary = analyticalModel.MaterialLibrary; Plane plane = Plane.WorldXY; List <TBD.DaysShade> daysShades = new List <TBD.DaysShade>(); result.ClearShadingData(); Dictionary <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> > dictionary_Panel = new Dictionary <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> >(); Dictionary <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> > dictionary_Aperture = new Dictionary <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> >(); foreach (Space space in spaces) { Shell shell = adjacencyCluster.Shell(space); if (shell == null) { return(null); } TBD.zone zone = result.AddZone(); zone.name = space.Name; zone.volume = System.Convert.ToSingle(shell.Volume()); if (space.TryGetValue(SpaceParameter.Color, out SAMColor sAMColor) && sAMColor != null) { zone.colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(sAMColor.ToColor()); } List <Face3D> face3Ds = Geometry.Spatial.Query.Section(shell, 0.01, false); if (face3Ds != null && face3Ds.Count != 0) { face3Ds.RemoveAll(x => x == null || !x.IsValid()); zone.floorArea = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3Ds.ConvertAll(x => x.GetArea()).Sum()); zone.exposedPerimeter = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3Ds.ConvertAll(x => Geometry.Planar.Query.Perimeter(x.ExternalEdge2D)).Sum()); zone.length = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3Ds.ConvertAll(x => Geometry.Tas.Query.Length(x)).Sum()); } TBD.room room = zone.AddRoom(); List <TBD.buildingElement> buildingElements = result.BuildingElements(); List <TBD.Construction> constructions = result.Constructions(); List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster?.GetPanels(space); if (panels != null || panels.Count != 0) { foreach (Panel panel in panels) { string name_Panel = panel.Name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name_Panel)) { continue; } Face3D face3D_Panel = panel.Face3D; if (face3D_Panel == null) { continue; } BoundingBox3D boundingBox3D_Panel = face3D_Panel.GetBoundingBox(); TBD.zoneSurface zoneSurface_Panel = zone.AddSurface(); zoneSurface_Panel.orientation = System.Convert.ToSingle(Geometry.Spatial.Query.Azimuth(panel, Vector3D.WorldY)); zoneSurface_Panel.inclination = System.Convert.ToSingle(Geometry.Spatial.Query.Tilt(panel)); zoneSurface_Panel.altitude = System.Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox3D_Panel.GetCentroid().Z); zoneSurface_Panel.altitudeRange = System.Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox3D_Panel.Max.Z - boundingBox3D_Panel.Min.Z); zoneSurface_Panel.area = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3D_Panel.GetArea()); zoneSurface_Panel.planHydraulicDiameter = System.Convert.ToSingle(Geometry.Tas.Query.HydraulicDiameter(face3D_Panel)); TBD.RoomSurface roomSurface_Panel = room.AddSurface(); roomSurface_Panel.area = zoneSurface_Panel.area; roomSurface_Panel.zoneSurface = zoneSurface_Panel; Geometry.SolarCalculator.SolarFaceSimulationResult solarFaceSimulationResult = analyticalModel.GetResults <Geometry.SolarCalculator.SolarFaceSimulationResult>(panel)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (solarFaceSimulationResult != null) { List <TBD.SurfaceShade> surfaceShades = Modify.UpdateSurfaceShades(result, daysShades, zoneSurface_Panel, analyticalModel, solarFaceSimulationResult); } TBD.Perimeter perimeter_Panel = Geometry.Tas.Convert.ToTBD(panel.GetFace3D(true), roomSurface_Panel); if (perimeter_Panel == null) { continue; } PanelType panelType = panel.PanelType; TBD.buildingElement buildingElement_Panel = buildingElements.Find(x => x.name == name_Panel); if (buildingElement_Panel == null) { TBD.Construction construction_TBD = null; Construction construction = panel.Construction; if (construction != null) { construction_TBD = constructions.Find(x => x.name == construction.Name); if (construction_TBD == null) { construction_TBD = result.AddConstruction(null); construction_TBD.name = construction.Name; if (construction.Transparent(materialLibrary)) { construction_TBD.type = TBD.ConstructionTypes.tcdTransparentConstruction; } List <ConstructionLayer> constructionLayers = construction.ConstructionLayers; if (constructionLayers != null && constructionLayers.Count != 0) { int index = 1; foreach (ConstructionLayer constructionLayer in constructionLayers) { Material material = analyticalModel?.MaterialLibrary?.GetMaterial(constructionLayer.Name) as Core.Material; if (material == null) { continue; } TBD.material material_TBD = construction_TBD.AddMaterial(material); if (material_TBD != null) { material_TBD.width = System.Convert.ToSingle(constructionLayer.Thickness); construction_TBD.materialWidth[index] = System.Convert.ToSingle(constructionLayer.Thickness); index++; } } } constructions.Add(construction_TBD); } if (panelType == PanelType.Undefined && construction != null) { panelType = construction.PanelType(); if (panelType == PanelType.Undefined && construction.TryGetValue(ConstructionParameter.DefaultPanelType, out string panelTypeString)) { panelType = Core.Query.Enum <PanelType>(panelTypeString); } } } buildingElement_Panel = result.AddBuildingElement(); buildingElement_Panel.name = name_Panel; buildingElement_Panel.colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(Analytical.Query.Color(panelType)); buildingElement_Panel.BEType = Query.BEType(panelType.Text()); buildingElement_Panel.AssignConstruction(construction_TBD); buildingElements.Add(buildingElement_Panel); } if (buildingElement_Panel != null) { zoneSurface_Panel.buildingElement = buildingElement_Panel; } zoneSurface_Panel.type = TBD.SurfaceType.tbdExposed; List <Aperture> apertures = panel.Apertures; if (apertures != null && apertures.Count != 0) { bool @internal = adjacencyCluster.Internal(panel); foreach (Aperture aperture in apertures) { string name_Aperture = aperture.Name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name_Aperture)) { continue; } name_Aperture = string.Format("{0} -pane", aperture.Name); Face3D face3D_Aperture = aperture.Face3D; if (face3D_Aperture == null) { continue; } BoundingBox3D boundingBox3D_Aperture = face3D_Aperture.GetBoundingBox(); float area = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3D_Aperture.GetArea()); TBD.zoneSurface zoneSurface_Aperture = zoneSurface_Panel.AddChildSurface(area); if (zoneSurface_Aperture == null) { continue; } zoneSurface_Aperture.orientation = zoneSurface_Panel.orientation; zoneSurface_Aperture.inclination = zoneSurface_Panel.inclination; zoneSurface_Aperture.altitude = System.Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox3D_Aperture.GetCentroid().Z); zoneSurface_Aperture.altitudeRange = System.Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox3D_Aperture.Max.Z - boundingBox3D_Aperture.Min.Z); zoneSurface_Aperture.planHydraulicDiameter = System.Convert.ToSingle(Geometry.Tas.Query.HydraulicDiameter(face3D_Aperture)); //zoneSurface_Aperture.area = System.Convert.ToSingle(face3D_Aperture.GetArea()); zoneSurface_Aperture.type = @internal ? TBD.SurfaceType.tbdLink : zoneSurface_Panel.type; TBD.RoomSurface roomSurface_Aperture = room.AddSurface(); roomSurface_Aperture.area = zoneSurface_Aperture.area; roomSurface_Aperture.zoneSurface = zoneSurface_Aperture; TBD.Perimeter perimeter_Aperture = Geometry.Tas.Convert.ToTBD(face3D_Aperture, roomSurface_Aperture); if (perimeter_Aperture == null) { continue; } TBD.buildingElement buildingElement_Aperture = buildingElements.Find(x => x.name == name_Aperture); if (buildingElement_Aperture == null) { TBD.Construction construction_TBD = null; ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = aperture.ApertureConstruction; if (apertureConstruction != null) { construction_TBD = constructions.Find(x => x.name == apertureConstruction.Name); if (construction_TBD == null) { construction_TBD = result.AddConstruction(null); construction_TBD.name = name_Aperture; if (apertureConstruction.Transparent(materialLibrary)) { construction_TBD.type = TBD.ConstructionTypes.tcdTransparentConstruction; } List <ConstructionLayer> constructionLayers = apertureConstruction.PaneConstructionLayers; if (constructionLayers != null && constructionLayers.Count != 0) { int index = 1; foreach (ConstructionLayer constructionLayer in constructionLayers) { Core.Material material = materialLibrary?.GetMaterial(constructionLayer.Name) as Material; if (material == null) { continue; } TBD.material material_TBD = construction_TBD.AddMaterial(material); if (material_TBD != null) { material_TBD.width = System.Convert.ToSingle(constructionLayer.Thickness); construction_TBD.materialWidth[index] = System.Convert.ToSingle(constructionLayer.Thickness); index++; } } } constructions.Add(construction_TBD); } } ApertureType apertureType = aperture.ApertureType; buildingElement_Aperture = result.AddBuildingElement(); buildingElement_Aperture.name = name_Aperture; buildingElement_Aperture.colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(Analytical.Query.Color(apertureType)); buildingElement_Aperture.BEType = Query.BEType(apertureType, false); buildingElement_Aperture.AssignConstruction(construction_TBD); buildingElements.Add(buildingElement_Aperture); } if (buildingElement_Aperture != null) { zoneSurface_Aperture.buildingElement = buildingElement_Aperture; } if (!dictionary_Aperture.TryGetValue(aperture.Guid, out List <TBD.zoneSurface> zoneSurfaces_Aperture) || zoneSurfaces_Aperture == null) { zoneSurfaces_Aperture = new List <TBD.zoneSurface>(); dictionary_Aperture[aperture.Guid] = zoneSurfaces_Aperture; } zoneSurfaces_Aperture.Add(zoneSurface_Aperture); } } zoneSurface_Panel.type = Query.SurfaceType(panelType); if (!dictionary_Panel.TryGetValue(panel.Guid, out List <TBD.zoneSurface> zoneSurfaces_Panel) || zoneSurfaces_Panel == null) { zoneSurfaces_Panel = new List <TBD.zoneSurface>(); dictionary_Panel[panel.Guid] = zoneSurfaces_Panel; } zoneSurfaces_Panel.Add(zoneSurface_Panel); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> > keyValuePair in dictionary_Panel) { if (keyValuePair.Value == null || keyValuePair.Value.Count <= 1) { continue; } keyValuePair.Value[1].linkSurface = keyValuePair.Value[0]; keyValuePair.Value[0].linkSurface = keyValuePair.Value[1]; if (keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination == 0 || keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination == 180) { float inclination = keyValuePair.Value[1].inclination; inclination -= 180; if (inclination < 0) { inclination += 360; } keyValuePair.Value[1].inclination = inclination; keyValuePair.Value[1].reversed = 1; } else { float orientation = keyValuePair.Value[1].orientation; orientation += 180; if (orientation >= 360) { orientation -= 360; } keyValuePair.Value[1].orientation = orientation; keyValuePair.Value[1].reversed = 1; float inclination = keyValuePair.Value[1].inclination; if (inclination > 180) { inclination -= 180; } keyValuePair.Value[1].inclination = inclination; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <System.Guid, List <TBD.zoneSurface> > keyValuePair in dictionary_Aperture) { if (keyValuePair.Value == null || keyValuePair.Value.Count <= 1) { continue; } keyValuePair.Value[1].linkSurface = keyValuePair.Value[0]; keyValuePair.Value[0].linkSurface = keyValuePair.Value[1]; if (keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination == 0 || keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination == 180) { float inclination = keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination; inclination -= 180; if (inclination < 0) { inclination += 360; } keyValuePair.Value[0].inclination = inclination; keyValuePair.Value[0].reversed = 1; } else { float orientation = keyValuePair.Value[1].orientation; orientation += 180; if (orientation >= 360) { orientation -= 360; } keyValuePair.Value[1].orientation = orientation; keyValuePair.Value[1].reversed = 1; } } return(result); }