public void DrawFootprints() { foreach (var player in new PlayerList()) { if (PlayerFootprints.ContainsKey(player)) { if (player.Character.Position.DistanceToSquared(PlayerFootprints[player]) >= footprintDistance) { PlayerFootprints[player] = player.Character.Position; footprints.Add(new Vector3(player.Character.Position.X, player.Character.Position.Y, player.Character.Position.Z - player.Character.HeightAboveGround)); } } else { PlayerFootprints.Add(player, player.Character.Position); } } foreach (var print in footprints) { if (leftFoot) { ActiveHUD.DrawSpriteOrigin(print, "leftfoot", 0.01f, 0.01f, 0, false); } else { ActiveHUD.DrawSpriteOrigin(print, "rightfoot", 0.01f, 0.01f, 0, false); } leftFoot = !leftFoot; } }
public override void HUD() { ActiveHUD.DrawWeaponSwitch(); ActiveHUD.DrawHealth(); ActiveHUD.DrawScore(); base.HUD(); }
public override void HUD() { HideHudAndRadarThisFrame(); ActiveHUD.DrawWeaponSwitch(); FirstPersonForAlive(); DrawFootprints(); base.HUD(); }
public override void HUD() { HideHudAndRadarThisFrame(); ActiveHUD.DrawWeaponSwitch(); if (Team == (int)Teams.Driver) { ActiveHUD.DrawScore(); } base.HUD(); }
public override void Start() { Game.PlayerPed.IsInvincible = true; playerList = new PlayerList().ToList(); playerList.Remove(Game.Player); ActiveHUD.SetGameTimePosition(0, 0, false); if (Team == (int)Teams.Trucker) { ActiveHUD.SetGoal("Destroy all the bikes", 230, 0, 0, 255, 5); SpawnTruck(); } else { ActiveHUD.SetGoal("Dodge the Monster Trucks\nAvoid getting stuck in water and other vehicles or KABOOM!", 0, 230, 0, 255, 5); SpawnBike(); } base.Start(); }
public override void Start() { Game.PlayerPed.IsInvincible = false; rand = new Random(GetGameTimer()); Game.Player.Character.MaxHealth = 100; Game.Player.Character.Health = 100; ActiveHUD.SetGameTimePosition(0, 0, false); if (Team == (int)Teams.Driver) { ActiveHUD.SetGoal("You are the Ice Cream Man\nDeliver as much ice cream as you can", 230, 0, 0, 255, 5); SpawnTruck(); } if (Team == (int)Teams.Runner) { ActiveHUD.SetGoal("Stop the Ice Cream Man\nBangarang!", 0, 230, 0, 255, 5); SpawnBike(); } base.Start(); }
public override void Start() { NetworkSetVoiceChannel(1); SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 0); SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 20); ActiveHUD.SetGameTimePosition(0, 0, false); Game.Player.Character.MaxHealth = 100; Game.Player.Character.Health = 100; if (Team == (int)Teams.Murderer) { GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), (uint)GetHashKey("WEAPON_KNIFE"), 1, false, false); } else if (Team == (int)Teams.Civilian) { RemoveWeaponFromPed(PlayerPedId(), (uint)GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED")); } base.Start(); }