Sqrt() public static method

public static Sqrt ( float f ) : float
f float
return float
コード例 #1
 public static float InOut(float k)
     if ((k *= 2f) < 1f)
         return(-0.5f * (Mathf.Sqrt(1f - k * k) - 1));
     return(0.5f * (Mathf.Sqrt(1f - (k -= 2f) * k) + 1f));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Easings.cs プロジェクト: Salwan/1gam_feb18_music
 /// <summary>
 /// Modeled after the piecewise circular function
 /// y = (1/2)(1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - 4x^2))           ; [0, 0.5)
 /// y = (1/2)(Math.Sqrt(-(2x - 3)*(2x - 1)) + 1) ; [0.5, 1]
 /// </summary>
 static public float CircularEaseInOut(float p)
     if (p < 0.5f)
         return(0.5f * (1.0f - Math.Sqrt(1.0f - 4.0f * (p * p))));
         return(0.5f * (Math.Sqrt(-((2.0f * p) - 3.0f) * ((2.0f * p) - 1.0f)) + 1.0f));
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Modeled after the piecewise circular function
 /// y = (1/2)(1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - 4x^2))           ; [0, 0.5)
 /// y = (1/2)(Math.Sqrt(-(2x - 3)*(2x - 1)) + 1) ; [0.5, 1]
 /// </summary>
 static public float CircularEaseInOut(float p)
     if (p < 0.5f)
         return(0.5f * (1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - 4 * (p * p))));
         return(0.5f * (Math.Sqrt(-((2 * p) - 3) * ((2 * p) - 1)) + 1));
コード例 #4
        /** Evaluate gradient and value of the cost function at velocity p */
        Vector2 EvaluateGradient(VOBuffer vos, Vector2 p, out float value)
            Vector2 gradient = Vector2.zero;

            value = 0;

            // Avoid other agents
            for (int i = 0; i < vos.length; i++)
                float w;
                var   grad = vos.buffer[i].ScaledGradient(p, out w);
                if (w > value)
                    value    = w;
                    gradient = grad;

            // Move closer to the desired velocity
            var dirToDesiredVelocity  = desiredVelocity - p;
            var distToDesiredVelocity = dirToDesiredVelocity.magnitude;

            if (distToDesiredVelocity > 0.0001f)
                gradient += dirToDesiredVelocity * (DesiredVelocityWeight / distToDesiredVelocity);
                value    += distToDesiredVelocity * DesiredVelocityWeight;

            // Prefer speeds lower or equal to the desired speed
            // and avoid speeds greater than the max speed
            var sqrSpeed = p.sqrMagnitude;

            if (sqrSpeed > desiredSpeed * desiredSpeed)
                var speed = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrSpeed);

                if (speed > maxSpeed)
                    const float MaxSpeedWeight = 3;
                    value    += MaxSpeedWeight * (speed - maxSpeed);
                    gradient -= MaxSpeedWeight * (p / speed);

                // Scale needs to be strictly greater than DesiredVelocityWeight
                // otherwise the agent will not prefer the desired speed over
                // the maximum speed
                float scale = 2 * DesiredVelocityWeight;
                value    += scale * (speed - desiredSpeed);
                gradient -= scale * (p / speed);

コード例 #5
    public static float Circ_EaseOut(float a, float b, float t)
        if (t > 1.0F)
            t = 1.0F;
        if (t < 0.0F)
            t = 0.0F;

        float x = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - (t - 1f) * (t - 1f)); // F(x) =  sqrt(1 - (x-1)*(x-1)) for x in (0,1)

        return(a + x * (b - a));
コード例 #6
        private static void Reconstruct(byte[] components, out float a, out float b, out float c, out float r, bool shouldNegate)
            a = Read7BitFloat(components[0]);
            b = Read7BitFloat(components[1]);
            c = Read7BitFloat(components[2]);
            r = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - (a * a) - (b * b) - (c * c));

            if (shouldNegate)
                a = -a;
                b = -b;
                c = -c;
コード例 #7
    public static float Circ_EaseIn(float a, float b, float t)
        if (t > 1.0F)
            t = 1.0F;
        if (t < 0.0F)
            t = 0.0F;

        float x = -((float)Math.Sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1.0F); // F(x) =  -(sqrt(1 - x*x) - 1) for x in (0,1)

        return(a + x * (b - a));
コード例 #8
        /** Returns points in a spiral centered around the origin with a minimum clearance from other points.
         * The points are laid out on the involute of a circle
         * \see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involute
         * Which has some nice properties.
         * All points are separated by \a clearance world units.
         * This method is O(n), yes if you read the code you will see a binary search, but that binary search
         * has an upper bound on the number of steps, so it does not yield a log factor.
         * \note Consider recycling the list after usage to reduce allocations.
         * \see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
        public static List <Vector3> GetSpiralPoints(int count, float clearance)
            List <Vector3> pts = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim(count);

            // The radius of the smaller circle used for generating the involute of a circle
            // Calculated from the separation distance between the turns
            float a = clearance / (2 * Mathf.PI);
            float t = 0;

            pts.Add(InvoluteOfCircle(a, t));

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Vector3 prev = pts[pts.Count - 1];

                // d = -t0/2 + sqrt( t0^2/4 + 2d/a )
                // Minimum angle (radians) which would create an arc distance greater than clearance
                float d = -t / 2 + Mathf.Sqrt(t * t / 4 + 2 * clearance / a);

                // Binary search for separating this point and the previous one
                float mn = t + d;
                float mx = t + 2 * d;
                while (mx - mn > 0.01f)
                    float   mid = (mn + mx) / 2;
                    Vector3 p   = InvoluteOfCircle(a, mid);
                    if ((p - prev).sqrMagnitude < clearance * clearance)
                        mn = mid;
                        mx = mid;

                pts.Add(InvoluteOfCircle(a, mx));
                t = mx;

コード例 #9
        void Tick()
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                float deltaTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastUpdate;

                // Right at the start of a transition the deltaTime will
                // not be reliable, so use a very small value instead
                // until the next repaint
                if (value == 0f || value == 1f)
                    deltaTime = 0.001f;
                deltaTime = Mathf.Clamp(deltaTime, 0.00001F, 0.1F);

                // Larger regions fade slightly slower
                deltaTime /= Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(lastRect.height, 100));

                lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                float targetValue = open ? 1F : 0F;
                if (!Mathf.Approximately(targetValue, value))
                    value += deltaTime * animationSpeed * Mathf.Sign(targetValue - value);
                    value  = Mathf.Clamp01(value);

                    if (!fancyEffects)
                        value = targetValue;
                    value = targetValue;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Draw.cs プロジェクト: isoundy000/ETGame
        public void CircleXZ(Vector3 center, float radius, Color color, float startAngle = 0f, float endAngle = 2 *Mathf.PI)
            int steps = 40;

            if (gizmos)
                steps = (int)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Sqrt(radius / UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize((UnityEngine.Gizmos.matrix * matrix).MultiplyPoint3x4(center))) * 25, 4, 40);
            while (startAngle > endAngle)
                startAngle -= 2 * Mathf.PI;

            Vector3 prev = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(startAngle) * radius, 0, Mathf.Sin(startAngle) * radius);
            for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++)
                Vector3 c = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Lerp(startAngle, endAngle, i / (float)steps)) * radius, 0, Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Lerp(startAngle, endAngle, i / (float)steps)) * radius);
                Line(center + prev, center + c, color);
                prev = c;
コード例 #11
    public static float Circ_EaseInOut(float a, float b, float t)
        if (t > 1.0F)
            t = 1.0F;
        if (t < 0.0F)
            t = 0.0F;

        float x = t;

        if (t <= 0.5f)
            x = -0.5F * ((float)Math.Sqrt(1.0F - t * t * 4) - 1.0F);  // x <= 0,5: F(x) = -0.5*(sqrt(1 - x*x*4) - 1) in (0, 0.5)
            x = (float)Math.Sqrt(-(t - 0.5F) * (t - 1.5F)) + 0.5F;  // x > 0,5: F(x) = 0.5*(sqrt(1 - (x-1)*(x-1)*4) +1 ) === (sqrt(-(x-0.5)*(x-1.5)) +0.5) in (0.5, 1)
        return(a + x * (b - a));
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Modeled after shifted quadrant IV of unit circle
 /// </summary>
 static public float CircularEaseIn(float p)
     return(1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - (p * p)));
コード例 #13
    void Update()
        Vec3 pos;
        /* Cosine of the angle on the X-Z ("horizontal") plane */
        float xCosTeta;
        /* Sine of the angle on the Z-Y ("vertical") plane */
        float ySinPhi;

        if (this.player == null)
            GO pl = null;
            this.rootEvent <GetPlayer>((x, y) => x.Get(out pl));
            if (pl != null)
                this.player = pl.transform;

        if (!Input.GetMouseCameraEnabled())
            /* Try to manipulate the camera using a gamepad */
            xCosTeta           = Global.camX * -1.0f * Input.GetCameraX();
            ySinPhi            = Global.camY * Input.GetCameraY();
            this.wasUsingMouse = false;
            if (this.wasUsingMouse)
                /* Move the camera, using a 50px (?) circle around the mouse */
                Vec3 mouseDelta = Input.GetMousePosition() - this.mouse;
                xCosTeta = Global.camX * -1.0f * mouseDelta.x * 0.02f;
                ySinPhi  = Global.camY * -1.0f * mouseDelta.y * 0.02f;
                ySinPhi  = Math.Clamp(ySinPhi, -1.0f, 1.0f);
                /* Use the current position as the mouse's origin */
                this.mouse         = Input.GetMousePosition();
                this.wasUsingMouse = true;
                xCosTeta           = 0.0f;
                ySinPhi            = 0.0f;
        xCosTeta = Math.Clamp(xCosTeta, -0.8f, 0.8f);

        float dist = Math.Sqrt(xCosTeta * xCosTeta + ySinPhi * ySinPhi);

        if (!this.wasUsingMouse && dist < 0.5f)
            pos = new Vec3(this.baseDX, this.baseDY, this.baseDZ);
            float zSinTeta = -1.0f * Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xCosTeta * xCosTeta);
            float zCosPhi  = -1.0f * Math.Sqrt(1.0f - ySinPhi * ySinPhi);

            pos = new Vec3(xCosTeta, ySinPhi, (zSinTeta + zCosPhi) * 0.5f);
        pos          = pos.normalized * this.distance;
        this.lastPos = 0.75f * this.lastPos + pos * 0.25f;

        this.cam.position = this.player.position + this.lastPos;
コード例 #14
        /** Will calculate a number of points around \a center which are on the graph and are separated by \a clearance from each other.
         * The maximum distance from \a center to any point will be \a radius.
         * Points will first be tried to be laid out as \a previousPoints and if that fails, random points will be selected.
         * This is great if you want to pick a number of target points for group movement. If you pass all current agent points from e.g the group's average position
         * this method will return target points so that the units move very little within the group, this is often aesthetically pleasing and reduces jitter if using
         * some kind of local avoidance.
         * \param center The point to generate points around
         * \param g The graph to use for linecasting. If you are only using one graph, you can get this by AstarPath.active.graphs[0] as IRaycastableGraph.
         * Note that not all graphs are raycastable, recast, navmesh and grid graphs are raycastable. On recast and navmesh it works the best.
         * \param previousPoints The points to use for reference. Note that these should not be in world space. They are treated as relative to \a center.
         *      The new points will overwrite the existing points in the list. The result will be in world space, not relative to \a center.
         * \param radius The final points will be at most this distance from \a center.
         * \param clearanceRadius The points will if possible be at least this distance from each other.
         * \todo Write unit tests
        public static void GetPointsAroundPoint(Vector3 center, IRaycastableGraph g, List <Vector3> previousPoints, float radius, float clearanceRadius)
            if (g == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("g");

            var graph = g as NavGraph;

            if (graph == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("g is not a NavGraph");

            NNInfoInternal nn = graph.GetNearestForce(center, NNConstraint.Default);

            center = nn.clampedPosition;

            if (nn.node == null)
                // No valid point to start from

            // Make sure the enclosing circle has a radius which can pack circles with packing density 0.5
            radius           = Mathf.Max(radius, 1.4142f * clearanceRadius * Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count)); //Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count*clearanceRadius*2));
            clearanceRadius *= clearanceRadius;

            for (int i = 0; i < previousPoints.Count; i++)
                Vector3 dir  = previousPoints[i];
                float   magn = dir.magnitude;

                if (magn > 0)
                    dir /= magn;

                float newMagn = radius;                //magn > radius ? radius : magn;
                dir *= newMagn;

                GraphHitInfo hit;

                int tests = 0;
                while (true)
                    Vector3 pt = center + dir;

                    if (g.Linecast(center, pt, nn.node, out hit))
                        if (hit.point == PF.Vector3.zero)
                            // Oops, linecast actually failed completely
                            // try again unless we have tried lots of times
                            // then we just continue anyway
                            if (tests > 8)
                                previousPoints[i] = pt;
                            pt = hit.point;

                    bool worked = false;

                    for (float q = 0.1f; q <= 1.0f; q += 0.05f)
                        Vector3 qt = Vector3.Lerp(center, pt, q);
                        worked = true;
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            if ((previousPoints[j] - qt).sqrMagnitude < clearanceRadius)
                                worked = false;

                        // Abort after 8 tests or when we have found a valid point
                        if (worked || tests > 8)
                            worked            = true;
                            previousPoints[i] = qt;

                    // Break out of nested loop
                    if (worked)

                    // If we could not find a valid point, reduce the clearance radius slightly to improve
                    // the chances next time
                    clearanceRadius *= 0.9f;
                    // This will pick points in 2D closer to the edge of the circle with a higher probability
                    dir   = Random.onUnitSphere * Mathf.Lerp(newMagn, radius, tests / 5);
                    dir.y = 0;
コード例 #15
        RasterizationMesh RasterizeCapsuleCollider(float radius, float height, Bounds bounds, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix)
            // Calculate the number of rows to use
            // grows as sqrt(x) to the radius of the sphere/capsule which I have found works quite well
            int rows = Mathf.Max(4, Mathf.RoundToInt(colliderRasterizeDetail * Mathf.Sqrt(localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(Vector3.one).magnitude)));

            if (rows > 100)
                Debug.LogWarning("Very large detail for some collider meshes. Consider decreasing Collider Rasterize Detail (RecastGraph)");

            int cols = rows;

            Vector3[] verts;
            int[]     trisArr;

            // Check if we have already calculated a similar capsule
            CapsuleCache cached = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < capsuleCache.Count; i++)
                CapsuleCache c = capsuleCache[i];
                if (c.rows == rows && Mathf.Approximately(c.height, height))
                    cached = c;

            if (cached == null)
                // Generate a sphere/capsule mesh

                verts = new Vector3[(rows) * cols + 2];

                var tris = new List <int>();
                verts[verts.Length - 1] = Vector3.up;

                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
                        verts[c + r * cols] = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(c * Mathf.PI * 2 / cols) * Mathf.Sin((r * Mathf.PI / (rows - 1))), Mathf.Cos((r * Mathf.PI / (rows - 1))) + (r < rows / 2 ? height : -height), Mathf.Sin(c * Mathf.PI * 2 / cols) * Mathf.Sin((r * Mathf.PI / (rows - 1))));

                verts[verts.Length - 2] = Vector3.down;

                for (int i = 0, j = cols - 1; i < cols; j = i++)
                    tris.Add(verts.Length - 1);
                    tris.Add(0 * cols + j);
                    tris.Add(0 * cols + i);

                for (int r = 1; r < rows; r++)
                    for (int i = 0, j = cols - 1; i < cols; j = i++)
                        tris.Add(r * cols + i);
                        tris.Add(r * cols + j);
                        tris.Add((r - 1) * cols + i);

                        tris.Add((r - 1) * cols + j);
                        tris.Add((r - 1) * cols + i);
                        tris.Add(r * cols + j);

                for (int i = 0, j = cols - 1; i < cols; j = i++)
                    tris.Add(verts.Length - 2);
                    tris.Add((rows - 1) * cols + j);
                    tris.Add((rows - 1) * cols + i);

                // Add calculated mesh to the cache
                cached        = new CapsuleCache();
                cached.rows   = rows;
                cached.height = height;
                cached.verts  = verts;
                cached.tris   = tris.ToArray();

            // Read from cache
            verts   = cached.verts;
            trisArr = cached.tris;

            return(new RasterizationMesh(verts, trisArr, bounds, localToWorldMatrix));
コード例 #16
 private static float GuassianFunc(float x) => Mathf.Exp((-(x * x)) / 2F) / Mathf.Sqrt(2F * Mathf.PI);
コード例 #17
        /** Called during either Update or FixedUpdate depending on if rigidbodies are used for movement or not */
        protected override void MovementUpdateInternal(float deltaTime, out Vector3 nextPosition, out Quaternion nextRotation)
            float currentAcceleration = maxAcceleration;

            // If negative, calculate the acceleration from the max speed
            if (currentAcceleration < 0)
                currentAcceleration *= -maxSpeed;

            if (updatePosition)
                // Get our current position. We read from transform.position as few times as possible as it is relatively slow
                // (at least compared to a local variable)
                simulatedPosition = tr.position;
            if (updateRotation)
                simulatedRotation = tr.rotation;

            var currentPosition = simulatedPosition;

            // Update which point we are moving towards
            interpolator.MoveToCircleIntersection2D(currentPosition, pickNextWaypointDist, movementPlane);
            var dir = movementPlane.ToPlane(steeringTarget - currentPosition);

            // Calculate the distance to the end of the path
            float distanceToEnd = dir.magnitude + Mathf.Max(0, interpolator.remainingDistance);

            // Check if we have reached the target
            var prevTargetReached = reachedEndOfPath;

            reachedEndOfPath = distanceToEnd <= endReachedDistance && interpolator.valid;
            if (!prevTargetReached && reachedEndOfPath)
            float slowdown;

            // Normalized direction of where the agent is looking
            var forwards = movementPlane.ToPlane(simulatedRotation * (rotationIn2D ? Vector3.up : Vector3.forward));

            // Check if we have a valid path to follow and some other script has not stopped the character
            if (interpolator.valid && !isStopped)
                // How fast to move depending on the distance to the destination.
                // Move slower as the character gets closer to the destination.
                // This is always a value between 0 and 1.
                slowdown = distanceToEnd < slowdownDistance?Mathf.Sqrt(distanceToEnd / slowdownDistance) : 1;

                if (reachedEndOfPath && whenCloseToDestination == CloseToDestinationMode.Stop)
                    // Slow down as quickly as possible
                    velocity2D -= Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D, currentAcceleration * deltaTime);
                    velocity2D += MovementUtilities.CalculateAccelerationToReachPoint(dir.ToUnityV2(), dir.normalized * maxSpeed, velocity2D, currentAcceleration, rotationSpeed, maxSpeed, forwards) * deltaTime;
                slowdown = 1;
                // Slow down as quickly as possible
                velocity2D -= Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D, currentAcceleration * deltaTime);

            velocity2D = MovementUtilities.ClampVelocity(velocity2D, maxSpeed, slowdown, slowWhenNotFacingTarget, forwards.ToUnityV2());


            if (rvoController != null && rvoController.enabled)
                // Send a message to the RVOController that we want to move
                // with this velocity. In the next simulation step, this
                // velocity will be processed and it will be fed back to the
                // rvo controller and finally it will be used by this script
                // when calling the CalculateMovementDelta method below

                // Make sure that we don't move further than to the end point
                // of the path. If the RVO simulation FPS is low and we did
                // not do this, the agent might overshoot the target a lot.
                var rvoTarget = currentPosition.ToPFV3() + movementPlane.ToWorld(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D, distanceToEnd), 0f);
                rvoController.SetTarget(rvoTarget, velocity2D.magnitude, maxSpeed);

            // Set how much the agent wants to move during this frame
            var delta2D = lastDeltaPosition = CalculateDeltaToMoveThisFrame(movementPlane.ToPlane(currentPosition), distanceToEnd, deltaTime);

            nextPosition = currentPosition + movementPlane.ToWorld(delta2D.ToPFV2(), verticalVelocity * lastDeltaTime).ToUnityV3();
            CalculateNextRotation(slowdown, out nextRotation);
コード例 #18
 public static float Out(float k)
     return(Mathf.Sqrt(1f - ((k -= 1f) * k)));
コード例 #19
 public static float In(float k)
     return(1f - Mathf.Sqrt(1f - k * k));
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Modeled after shifted quadrant II of unit circle
 /// </summary>
 static public float CircularEaseOut(float p)
     return(Math.Sqrt((2 - p) * p));
コード例 #21
ファイル: AutoPupil.cs プロジェクト: lfe999/VamAutoPupil
        void Update()
            if (Detector.targetTexture != null)
                // get a copy of the pixels into a Texture2D

                // the script assumes the 2d and rendertexture are the same size if ever minds are changed this is a reminder
                // if (cameraTexture2d.width != cameraRenderTexture.width || cameraTexture2d.height != cameraRenderTexture.height)
                // {
                //     cameraTexture2d.Resize(cameraRenderTexture.width, cameraRenderTexture.height);
                // }

                var previous = RenderTexture.active;
                RenderTexture.active = cameraRenderTexture;
                cameraTexture2d.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, cameraRenderTexture.width, cameraRenderTexture.height), 0, 0);
                cameraTexture2d.Apply(false, false);
                RenderTexture.active = previous;

                // average the colors in the image
                var colors = cameraTexture2d.GetPixels32();
                var total = colors.Length;
                var r = 0; var g = 0; var b = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                    r += colors[i].r;
                    g += colors[i].g;
                    b += colors[i].b;
                var color = new Color(r / total, g / total, b / total);
                // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/596216/formula-to-determine-brightness-of-rgb-color
                var brightness = Math.Sqrt(
                    color.r * color.r * .299f +
                    color.g * color.g * .587f +
                    color.b * color.b * .114f
                    ) / 255;
                if (brightness > 1)
                    brightness = 1;
                else if (brightness < 0)
                    brightness = 0;

                // set our public properties now
                DetectedColor      = color;
                DetectedBrightness = brightness;
                SuperController.LogMessage($"color = {color} brightness = {brightness}");

                // stop capturing the screen
                Detector.targetTexture = null;
                if (PollFrequency > 0)
                    Detector.enabled = false;

            pollCountdown -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (pollCountdown > 0)
                // wait
                // schedule the next update to capture the screen
                if (PollFrequency > 0)
                    Detector.enabled = true;
                pollCountdown          = PollFrequency;
                Detector.targetTexture = cameraRenderTexture;
コード例 #22
 public static float Magnitude(Vector4 a)
     return(Mathf.Sqrt(Vector4.Dot(a, a)));
コード例 #23
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * Note that the segment is directed, the agent will want to be on the left side of the segment.
            public static VO SegmentObstacle(Vector2 segmentStart, Vector2 segmentEnd, Vector2 offset, float radius, float inverseDt, float inverseDeltaTime)
                var vo = new VO();

                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                vo.weightFactor = 1;
                // Just higher than anything else
                vo.weightBonus = Mathf.Max(radius, 1) * 40;

                var closestOnSegment = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart.ToPFV2(), segmentEnd.ToPFV2(), Vector2.zero.ToPFV2());

                // Collision?
                if (closestOnSegment.magnitude <= radius)
                    vo.colliding = true;

                    vo.line1  = closestOnSegment.normalized.ToUnityV3() * (closestOnSegment.magnitude - radius) * 0.3f * inverseDeltaTime;
                    vo.dir1   = new Vector2(vo.line1.y, -vo.line1.x).normalized;
                    vo.line1 += offset;

                    vo.cutoffDir  = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.cutoffLine = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.dir2       = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.line2      = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.radius     = 0;

                    vo.segmentStart = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.segment      = false;
                    vo.colliding = false;

                    segmentStart *= inverseDt;
                    segmentEnd   *= inverseDt;
                    radius       *= inverseDt;

                    var cutoffTangent = (segmentEnd - segmentStart).normalized;
                    vo.cutoffDir   = cutoffTangent;
                    vo.cutoffLine  = segmentStart + new Vector2(-cutoffTangent.y, cutoffTangent.x) * radius;
                    vo.cutoffLine += offset;

                    // See documentation for details
                    // The call to Max is just to prevent floating point errors causing NaNs to appear
                    var startSqrMagnitude = segmentStart.sqrMagnitude;
                    var normal1           = -VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(segmentStart, new Vector2(radius, Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, startSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / startSqrMagnitude;
                    var endSqrMagnitude   = segmentEnd.sqrMagnitude;
                    var normal2           = -VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(segmentEnd, new Vector2(radius, -Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, endSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / endSqrMagnitude;

                    vo.line1 = segmentStart + normal1.ToUnityV2() * radius + offset;
                    vo.line2 = segmentEnd + normal2.ToUnityV2() * radius + offset;

                    // Note that the normals are already normalized
                    vo.dir1 = new Vector2(normal1.y, -normal1.x);
                    vo.dir2 = new Vector2(normal2.y, -normal2.x);

                    vo.segmentStart = segmentStart;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = segmentEnd;
                    vo.radius       = radius;
                    vo.segment      = true;
