public static ArrowHelper Create(Renderer renderer, Vector3 dir, Vector3 origin, float length = 1, Color? color = null, float? headLength = null, float? headWidth = null) { var c = color.HasValue ? color.Value : new Color(0xffff00); if (lineGeometry == null) { lineGeometry = new Geometry(); lineGeometry.vertices.Add(Vector3.Zero); lineGeometry.vertices.Add(Vector3.UnitY); lineGeometry.vertexColors = new List<Color>() { c, c, }; } if (coneGeometry == null) { coneGeometry = new CylinderGeometry(0, 0.5f, 1, 5, 1); var m = Matrix4.MakeTranslation(0, -0.5f, 0); coneGeometry.Apply(m); } var arrowHelper = new ArrowHelper(); // dir is assumed to be normalized var head = headLength.HasValue ? headLength.Value : 0.2f * length; var width = headWidth.HasValue ? headWidth.Value : 0.2f * head; arrowHelper.Position = origin; arrowHelper.line = new Line(lineGeometry, new LineBasicMaterial(renderer) { Diffuse = c, VertexColors = Net.Renderers.VertexColorMode.Vertex }); arrowHelper.line.matrixAutoUpdate = false; arrowHelper.Add(arrowHelper.line); arrowHelper.cone = new Mesh(coneGeometry, new MeshBasicMaterial(renderer) { Diffuse = c }); arrowHelper.cone.matrixAutoUpdate = false; arrowHelper.Add(arrowHelper.cone); arrowHelper.SetDirection(dir.Normalized()); arrowHelper.SetLength(length, head, width); return arrowHelper; }
// Project vector onto sphere's surface private VertexInfo Prepare(Vector3 vector, List<VertexInfo> vertexSet) { var p = vector.Normalized(); var i = vertexSet.Count; var u = Azimuth(vector) / 2 / Mathf.Pi + 0.5f; var v = Inclination(vector) / Mathf.Pi + 0.5f; var vertex = new VertexInfo() { Position = p, Index = i, // Texture coords are equivalent to map coords, calculate angle and convert to fraction of a circle. UV = new Vector2(u, 1 - v) }; vertexSet.Add(vertex); return vertex; }
private static void ShouldLookAt(Vector3 direction) { direction = direction.Normalized(); var quaternionLook = Quaternion.LookAt(direction)*Vector3.Forward; Compare(quaternionLook, direction); }
Color4 SunColor ( Vector3 dir ) { Color4 dusk = new Color4(Temperature.Get(2000), 1); Color4 zenith = new Color4(Temperature.Get(Params.SunTemperature), 1); Vector3 ndir = dir.Normalized(); return Color4.Lerp( dusk, zenith, (float)Math.Pow(ndir.Y, 0.5f) ); }
public static void Test_Vector3_Generic_Normalization_Against_Unity3D(float a, float b, float c) { //arrange Vector3<float> genericVec3 = new Vector3<float>(a, b, c); UnityEngine.Vector3 unityVec3 = new UnityEngine.Vector3(a, b, c); //act Vector3<float> genericNormalized = genericVec3.Normalized(); UnityEngine.Vector3 unityNormalized = unityVec3.normalized; //assert //Warning: We provide more accurate normalized components than Unity. Magnitudes are almost exactly the same //For example see: in this case Unity provides nearly even components //we provide exactly what Wolfram does. Assert.AreEqual(unityNormalized.magnitude, genericNormalized.Magnitude(), 1.1E-6, "Normalization failed. Generic:{0} Unity:{1}", genericNormalized, unityNormalized); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="targetID"></param> /// <param name="attackerID"></param> /// <param name="damage"></param> /// <param name="kickImpulse"></param> /// <param name="kickPoint"></param> /// <param name="damageType"></param> public override bool Damage ( uint targetID, uint attackerID, short damage, Vector3 kickImpulse, Vector3 kickPoint, DamageType damageType ) { if (damage<=0) { return false; } var c = controller; var e = Entity; c.SupportFinder.ClearSupportData(); var i = MathConverter.Convert( kickImpulse ); var p = MathConverter.Convert( kickPoint ); c.Body.ApplyImpulse( p, i ); /************************************************** * * 1. Accumulate damage and emit FX according to * maximum inflicted damage. * Probably we have to add new controller stage * for FX processing (e.g. Update and UpdateFX). * * 2. Do not scream at each damage. * Screams should not overlap! * **************************************************/ // // calc health : // var health = e.GetItemCount( Inventory.Health ); health -= damage; var dir = kickImpulse.Normalized(); if (health>75) { World.SpawnFX("PlayerPain25", targetID, kickPoint, dir ); } else if (health>50) { World.SpawnFX("PlayerPain50", targetID, kickPoint, dir ); } else if (health>25) { World.SpawnFX("PlayerPain75", targetID, kickPoint, dir ); } else if (health>0) { World.SpawnFX("PlayerPain100", targetID, kickPoint, dir ); } else if (health>-25) { World.SpawnFX("PlayerDeath", targetID, e.Position, dir ); } else { World.SpawnFX("PlayerDeathMeat", targetID, e.Position, kickImpulse, dir ); } if (health<=0) { World.Kill( targetID ); return true; } e.SetItemCount( Inventory.Health, health ); return false; }
private static bool Combo() { var flags = Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags; if (flags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo) && menuIni.Get<CheckBox>("Combo").CurrentValue) { var qm = ComboMenu.Get<CheckBox>("CUse_Q").CurrentValue; var wm = ComboMenu.Get<CheckBox>("CUse_W").CurrentValue; var em = ComboMenu.Get<CheckBox>("CUse_E").CurrentValue; { if (eTarget == null && E.Handle.ToggleState == 2) { E.Cast(); } if (eTarget != null) { if (em && E.IsReady() && !player.IsZombie) { if (eTarget.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && E.Handle.ToggleState != 2) { E.Cast(); } } } double countmana = W.Handle.SData.Mana; if (wm && W.IsReady() && wTarget.IsValid && wTarget != null) { double ds = 0; if (R.IsReady()) { ds += player.GetSpellDamage(qTarget, SpellSlot.R); countmana += R.Handle.SData.Mana; } while (qTarget != null && ds < qTarget.MaxHealth) { var qd = player.GetSpellDamage(qTarget, SpellSlot.Q); ds += qd; if (Q.Handle != null) { countmana += Q.Handle.SData.Mana; } } var predW = W.GetPrediction(wTarget); if (player.ManaPercent >= LaneMenu.Get<Slider>("LHQPercent").CurrentValue || qTarget.CountAlliesInRange(W.Range) > 3 || player.IsZombie) { W.Cast(predW.CastPosition); } } if (qTarget == null || (!qm || !Q.IsReady() || !qTarget.IsValid)) { return false; } var predQ = Q2.GetPrediction(qTarget); var RDPos = qTarget.ServerPosition.X - Player.Instance.ServerPosition.X; var RDPos2 = qTarget.ServerPosition.Y - Player.Instance.ServerPosition.Y; var RPos = new Vector3(predQ.CastPosition.X + RDPos, predQ.CastPosition.Y + RDPos2, predQ.CastPosition.Z); var RPosn = (RPos.Normalized()); if (!cz && predQ.HitChance >= HitChance.High) { if (ObjectManager.Player.Position.Distance(qTarget.ServerPosition) <= 900) { Q.Cast(predQ.CastPosition); } } else { Q.Cast(predQ.CastPosition); } } } return true; }