public Actions(string type, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keys, System.Windows.Forms.Keys modifier, float timer) { // TODO: Complete member initialization this.type = type; this.keys = keys; this.timer = timer; this.keyModifier = modifier; }
internal KeyBoardHookEventArgs(System.IntPtr wParam, System.IntPtr lParam) { int num = (int) wParam; if (!System.Enum.IsDefined(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Keys), (int) num)) { this.virtKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None; } else { this.virtKey = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys) num; } this.keyFlags = (int) lParam; }
public KeyboardKeyDownUpSource( Enums.Keys triggerKey, IObservable<Timestamped<PointAndKeyValue?>> pointAndKeyValueSource) { this.triggerKey = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)triggerKey; //Cast to the Windows.Forms.Keys enum this.pointAndKeyValueSource = pointAndKeyValueSource; keyboardHookListener = new KeyboardHookListener(new GlobalHooker()) { Enabled = true }; /* * Keys: * KeyDown: happens when the person presses a key (when the keyboard first detects a finger on a key, this happens when the key is pressed down). * KeyPress: happens when a key is pressed and then released. * KeyUp: happens when the key is released */ }
protected override bool HandleKeyDown(KeyEventArgs args) { _lastPressedKey = Keys.None; if (args.Modifiers == Keys.None) { Keys Key = args.KeyCode; _lastPressedKey = args.KeyCode; string newFilterStr = null; bool f = false; if (Key == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Delete) { newFilterStr = null; f = true; } else if (Key == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Back) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filterString)) newFilterStr = FilterString.Remove(_filterString.Length - 1, 1); else newFilterStr = null; f = true; } if (f) { this.FilterString = newFilterStr; return true; } } return base.HandleKeyDown(args); }
private static IntPtr KeyboardHookProc(int code, int wParam, ref SSWindowsFunctions.KeyboardHookStruct lParam) { if (code >= 0 && (wParam == SSWindowsFunctions.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == SSWindowsFunctions.WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) { var key = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof (System.Windows.Forms.Keys), lParam.vkCode.ToString()); if (key == Keys.PrintScreen) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Combination: {key}"); ((SSBaseHookSystem)GetHookSystem()).InteractionManager.GetCommand<SSKeyboardProvider>().Publish(new SSKeyboardPayload() { Value = eScreenshotType.Screen }); } else if (LastKey == Keys.LControlKey && key == Keys.NumPad1) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Combination: {LastKey}+{key}"); ((SSBaseHookSystem)GetHookSystem()).InteractionManager.GetCommand<SSKeyboardProvider>().Publish(new SSKeyboardPayload() {Value = eScreenshotType.SelectedArea}); } else if (LastKey == Keys.LControlKey && key == Keys.NumPad2) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Combination: {LastKey}+{key}"); ((SSBaseHookSystem)GetHookSystem()).InteractionManager.GetCommand<SSKeyboardProvider>().Publish(new SSKeyboardPayload() { Value = eScreenshotType.SelectedWindow }); } LastKey = key; } return SSWindowsFunctions.CallNextHookEx( ((SSBaseHookSystem)GetHookSystem()).GetHookPtr() , code, (int)wParam, SSWindowsFunctions.StructToPtr(lParam)); }
private static void AddKeys(WinFormsKeys fromKey, Keys toKey) { if (!mapKeys.ContainsKey(fromKey)) { mapKeys.Add(fromKey, toKey); } }
internal KeyPressedEventArgs(HotKeyboardHook.ModifierKeys modifier, WF.Keys key) { _modifier = modifier; _key = key; }
private bool Instance_ProcessCmdKeyCallback(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { //Add our shortcut if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.A)) { do_parameters(this, null); return(true); } return(false); }
public static int GetKeyCode(string code) { System.Windows.Forms.Keys key = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Keys), code, true); return((int)key); }
private bool Instance_ProcessCmdKeyCallback(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { //Add our shortcut if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.D)) { GetDescription(); UpdateTitleBar(); } return(true); }
public virtual void AddIgnoredKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys shortcutkey) { int key = (int)shortcutkey; this._ignoredKeys.Add(key, key); }
/// <summary> /// Tests if Windows key is an input key by calling ATF IsInputKey with converted argument</summary> /// <param name="keyData">Windows key data</param> /// <returns>True iff key is an input key</returns> protected override bool IsInputKey(WfKeys keyData) { return IsInputKey(KeysInterop.ToAtf(keyData)); }
/// <summary> /// Obs³uga wciœniêcia klawisza klawiatury w przypadku nie wykrycia przez Form /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void Game_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { key_pressed = e.KeyCode; move = true; }
static public SharpDX.DirectInput.Key KeysToSharpKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys ky) // Keys -> Sharp DX { Key k = sharptokeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == ky).Key; // if not found, returns enum 0, or Key.Unknown! return(k); }
public void PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { // Ignore shortcut keys when Config screen is visible // Ignore repeated keys if (this.previousKey == e.KeyCode) { this.previousKey = 0; //Console.WriteLine("PreviousKey:" + e.KeyCode.ToString()); } else { //Console.WriteLine("Key:" + e.KeyCode.ToString()); if (this.config.ActiveControl != null) Console.WriteLine(this.config.ActiveControl.Name); else Console.WriteLine("null"); if (this.config.Visible && this.config.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Escape: if (this.config.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { this.config.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { if (this.action == Actions.Config) { this.config.Config_FormClosing(this, null); //this.OnExit(); } else { this.configHidden = true; this.config.Hide(); } } break; #if (DEBUG) case Keys.F12: this.config.saveDebug(); MessageBox.Show(this.config.jsonAllPersistant()); /*string log = "HTML saved"; foreach(string s in this.debugLog) { log += s + Environment.NewLine; } MessageBox.Show(log, "Debug log:");*/ break; #endif case Keys.S: if (this.config != Form.ActiveForm) { this.config.Activate(); } break; } } else { Keys KeyCode = e.KeyCode; // fix German keyboard codes for [ ] if (e.Alt && e.Control) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.D8: KeyCode = Keys.OemOpenBrackets; break; case Keys.D9: KeyCode = Keys.OemCloseBrackets; break; } } if (e.Control && KeyCode >= Keys.D0 && KeyCode <= Keys.D5) { // Control + 0 ... 5 set Rating this.stopTimers(); int rating = KeyCode - Keys.D0; for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].rateImage(rating); } } this.fileNodes.resetFilter(); this.startTimers(); } else switch (KeyCode) { case Keys.Escape: if (!this.configHidden) { this.OnExit(); } this.configHidden = false; break; case Keys.A: Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"OpenUrl", ""); break; case Keys.B: Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"OpenUrl", ""); //this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Opened in Explorer Window", false, true); //Process.Start(""); break; case Keys.C: string c; if (!e.Control && this.clipboardReady ) c = Clipboard.GetText(); else c = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { if (this.monitors[i].imagePath() != null) { c += this.monitors[i].imagePath() + Environment.NewLine; if (e.Control) { c += this.monitors[i].quickMetadata.getAsString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Metadata copied to clipboard"); } else this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Image path added to clipboard"); } } } if (c != "") { Clipboard.SetText(c); this.clipboardReady = true; } break; case Keys.E: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { if (this.monitors[i].imagePath() != null) { if (e.Control) { if (!File.Exists(Convert.ToString(this.config.getPersistant("externalEditor")))) { this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("External editor: '" + this.config.getPersistant("externalEditor") + "' not found.", true, true); } else { if (Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"OpenInEditor" + Convert.ToString(i), Convert.ToString(this.config.getPersistant("externalEditor")), "\"" + this.monitors[i].imagePath() + "\"")) { this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Opened in external editor", false, true); } } } else { if (Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"OpenInExplorer" + Convert.ToString(i), "explorer.exe", "/e,/select,\"" + this.monitors[i].imagePath() + "\"")) { this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Opened in Explorer Window", false, true); } } } } } if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.config.getPersistantBool("closeAfterImageLocate"))) this.OnExit(); break; case Keys.F: case Keys.NumPad7: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.config.setPersistant("showFilenameM" + (i + 1), Convert.ToString(this.monitors[i].InvokeScript("toggle", new string[] { "#filename" }))); } } break; case Keys.H: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { if (this.monitors[i].imagePath() != null) { FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(this.monitors[i].imagePath()); if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { attributes = attributes & ~FileAttributes.Hidden; this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Showing image<br/>(Hidden file attribute cleared)", false, true); } else { attributes = attributes | FileAttributes.Hidden; this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Hiding image<br/>(Hidden file attribute set and removed from DB)", false, true); this.fileNodes.deleteFromDB(this.monitors[i].imagePath()); } File.SetAttributes(this.monitors[i].imagePath(), attributes); } } } if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.config.getPersistantBool("closeAfterImageLocate"))) this.OnExit(); break; case Keys.I: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].browser.Document.InvokeScript("identify"); } } break; case Keys.M: case Keys.N: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.config.setPersistant("showQuickMetadataM" + (i + 1), Convert.ToString(this.monitors[i].InvokeScript("toggle", new string[] { "#quickMetadata" }))); } } break; case Keys.P: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { if (!this.config.syncMonitors() || i == 0) { this.monitors[i].paused = !this.monitors[i].paused; this.monitors[i].timer.Enabled = !this.monitors[i].paused; } else { this.monitors[i].paused = this.monitors[0].paused; this.monitors[i].timer.Enabled = !this.monitors[0].paused; } if (this.monitors[i].timer.Enabled) this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("|>"); else this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("||"); } } break; case Keys.R: case Keys.NumPad1: if (this.config.changeOrder() == Config.Order.Random) { this.showInfoOnMonitors("Randomising"); } else { int monitor = this.currentMonitor; if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL) monitor = 0; if (this.monitors[monitor].currentImage != null) { this.fileNodes.currentSequentialSeedId = Convert.ToInt32(this.monitors[monitor].currentImage["id"]); } this.showInfoOnMonitors("Sequential"); }; break; case Keys.S: // Don't hide config screen if application is in Config mode if (this.action != Actions.Config) { if (this.config.Visible && this.config.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) this.config.Hide(); else { this.config.Activate(); this.config.Show(); this.config.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } } break; case Keys.T: case Keys.NumPad5: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { string display = "true"; string clockType = "current"; switch(Convert.ToString(this.config.getPersistant("clockM" + (i + 1)))) { case "none": this.config.setPersistant("currentClockM" + (i + 1), "checked"); clockType = "current"; break; case "current": this.config.setPersistant("elapsedClockM" + (i + 1), "checked"); clockType = "elapsed"; break; case "elapsed": this.config.setPersistant("noClockM" + (i + 1), "checked"); clockType = "none"; display = "false"; break; } this.config.setPersistant("clockM" + (i + 1), clockType); this.monitors[i].InvokeScript("setClockType", new string[] { clockType }); this.monitors[i].InvokeScript("toggle", new string[] { "#clock", display }); this.monitors[i].InvokeScript("setClockFormat", new string[] { this.config.getPersistantString("clockFormatM" + (i + 1)) }); } } break; case Keys.U: string updateFilename = this.config.updateFilename(); if (updateFilename == null) { this.showUpdateStatus = true; this.showInfoOnMonitors("Checking for updates.", true, true); this.config.timerCheckUpdates_Tick(this, null); } else { if (e.Control) { string update = this.config.getUpdateVersion(); if (update != null) { this.config.setPersistant("ignoreVersion", update); this.config.setPersistant("ignoreUpdate", Convert.ToString(true)); this.hideUpdateInfo(); this.showInfoOnMonitors("Update " + update + " will be ignored.", true, true); } } else { switch (this.config.isUpdateNewer()) { case true: this.showInfoOnMonitors("Activating update", true, true); if (File.Exists(updateFilename) && Utils.VerifyMD5(updateFilename, this.config.updateFileMD5())) { // Keep call to explorer.exe otherwise update won't start! Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"Run", "explorer.exe", updateFilename); } else { Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"Run", "explorer.exe", this.config.updateDownloadUrl()); } this.OnExit(); break; case false: this.showAllUpToDate(); break; case null: break; } } } break; case Keys.W: string[] paths = new string[this.monitors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { paths[i] = Convert.ToString(this.monitors[i].imagePath()); if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Setting as wallpaper"); } } Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(this); wallpaper.generateWallpaper(this.currentMonitor, paths); break; case Keys.X: this.hideUpdateInfo(); break; case Keys.D0: this.currentMonitor = CM_ALL; for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { this.monitors[i].browser.Document.InvokeScript("identify"); this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Offset (" + this.monitors[i].offset + ")"); } break; case Keys.D1:case Keys.D2:case Keys.D3: case Keys.D4:case Keys.D5:case Keys.D6: case Keys.D7:case Keys.D8:case Keys.D9: int monitorId = e.KeyValue-49; if (monitorId < this.monitors.Length) { this.currentMonitor = monitorId; this.monitors[monitorId].browser.Document.InvokeScript("identify"); this.monitors[monitorId].showInfoOnMonitor("Offset (" + this.monitors[monitorId].offset + ")"); } break; case Keys.NumPad4: case Keys.Left: this.actionPrevious(this.getStep(e)); break; case Keys.NumPad6: case Keys.Right: this.actionNext(this.getStep(e)); break; case Keys.NumPad2: case Keys.Down: this.stopTimers(); for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].timer.Stop(); this.monitors[i].offsetImage(this.getStep(e)); this.monitors[i].showImage(this.config.getPersistantBool("useTransitionsOnInput")); this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("v (" + this.monitors[i].offset + ")"); this.monitors[i].startTimer(); } } this.startTimers(); break; case Keys.NumPad8: case Keys.Up: this.stopTimers(); for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].timer.Stop(); this.monitors[i].offsetImage(this.getStep(e)*-1); this.monitors[i].showImage(this.config.getPersistantBool("useTransitionsOnInput")); this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("^ (" + this.monitors[i].offset + ")"); this.monitors[i].startTimer(); } } this.startTimers(); break; case Keys.F2: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].renameFile(); } } break; case Keys.F12: for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { string path = this.monitors[i].saveDebug(); if (e.Control) { if (Utils.RunTaskScheduler(@"OpenInExplorer" + Convert.ToString(i), "explorer.exe", "/e,/select,\"" + path + "\"")) { this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor("Opened in Explorer Window", false, true); } } } } break; case Keys.OemOpenBrackets: case Keys.OemCloseBrackets: case Keys.Oemplus: this.stopTimers(); int deg = 0; string message = ""; switch (KeyCode) { case Keys.OemOpenBrackets: deg = 270; message = "Rotating 270° clock wise"; break; case Keys.OemCloseBrackets: deg = 90; message = "Rotating 90° clock wise"; break; case Keys.Oemplus: deg = 180; message = "Upside down you're turning me"; break; } for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { this.monitors[i].info = message; this.monitors[i].showInfoOnMonitor(message, true, true); this.monitors[i].rotateImage(deg); } } //this.fileNodes.toggleMetadataTransaction(); this.fileNodes.resetFilter(); this.startTimers(); break; case Keys.Delete: if (this.config.getPersistantBool("deleteKey")) { this.pauseAll(false); for (int i = 0; i < this.monitors.Length; i++) { if (this.currentMonitor == CM_ALL || this.currentMonitor == i) { bool deleteFile = true; string filename = this.monitors[i].imagePath(); if (filename != null && filename.Length > 0 && File.Exists(filename)) { Cursor.Show(); this.monitors[i].Focus(); if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete '" + Path.GetFileName(filename) + "'?", "Confirm File Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)) { deleteFile = true; } else { deleteFile = false; } Cursor.Hide(); if (deleteFile) { BackgroundWorker bgwDeleteFile = new BackgroundWorker(); bgwDeleteFile.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWorkDeleteFile); bgwDeleteFile.RunWorkerAsync(new Object[] {i, filename}); } } } } this.resumeAll(false); } break; default: if (!e.Alt && !e.Control && !e.Shift) { if (!this.config.getPersistantBool("onlyEscapeExits")) { this.OnExit(); } } break; } this.previousKey = e.KeyCode; } } }
/// <summary> /// Translates the WinForms key to Toolkit key and invokes status change /// </summary> /// <remarks>For modifier keys (Shift, Control, Alt) will invoke its Left... analog additionally</remarks> /// <param name="keyCode">WinForms key code to be translated</param> /// <param name="keyAction">delegate to invoke with translated key</param> private static void ProcessKeyEvent(FormsKeys keyCode, Action<Keys> keyAction) { Keys translatedKey; if (!_keysDictionaryForms.TryGetValue(keyCode, out translatedKey)) translatedKey = Keys.None; keyAction(translatedKey); // XNA doesn't have handless modifier keys, so we will map general keys to left ones: // TODO: consider P/Invoke to get pressed keys and/or determine which key was pressed switch (translatedKey) { case Keys.Shift: keyAction(Keys.LeftShift); break; case Keys.Control: keyAction(Keys.LeftControl); break; case Keys.Alt: keyAction(Keys.LeftAlt); break; } }
void Game_Key(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { //if(e.KeyCode==System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter) if (e.KeyCode == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space) // Application.ExitThread(); key_pressed = e.KeyCode; // move = true; }
private static WinFormsKeys GetCorrectExtendedKey(WinFormsKeys virtualKey, long lParam) { if (virtualKey == WinFormsKeys.ControlKey) { // We check if the key is an extended key. Extended keys are R-keys, non-extended are L-keys. return (lParam & 0x01000000) == 0 ? WinFormsKeys.LControlKey : WinFormsKeys.RControlKey; } if (virtualKey == WinFormsKeys.ShiftKey) { // We need to check the scan code to check which SHIFT key it is. var scanCode = (lParam & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; return (scanCode != 36) ? WinFormsKeys.LShiftKey : WinFormsKeys.RShiftKey; } if (virtualKey == WinFormsKeys.Menu) { // We check if the key is an extended key. Extended keys are R-keys, non-extended are L-keys. return (lParam & 0x01000000) == 0 ? WinFormsKeys.LMenu : WinFormsKeys.RMenu; } return virtualKey; }
/// <summary> /// Process Windows message and command key by calling ATF ProcessCmdKey with converted arguments. /// Returning false allows the key press to escape to IsInputKey, OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, etc. /// Returning true means that this key press has been consumed by this method and this /// event is not passed on to any other methods or controls.</summary> /// <param name="msg">Windows message to process</param> /// <param name="keyData">Windows key data</param> /// <returns>False to allow the key press to escape to IsInputKey, OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, etc. /// True to consume this key press, so this /// event is not passed on to any other methods or controls.</returns> protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref WfMessage msg, WfKeys keyData) { AtfMessage atfMsg = MessageInterop.ToAtf(msg); return ProcessCmdKey(ref atfMsg, KeysInterop.ToAtf(keyData)); }
public void ReceiveHotKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key) { switch (key) { case Keys.Up: UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(2); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(0); break; case Keys.Down: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(2); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(1); break; case Keys.Z: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(2); break; case Keys.X: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(2); SetCheSignal(3); break; case Keys.D1: SwitchXianSignal(0); break; case Keys.D2: SwitchXianSignal(1); break; case Keys.D3: SwitchXianSignal(2); break; case Keys.D4: SwitchXianSignal(3); break; case Keys.D5: SwitchXianSignal(4); break; case Keys.D6: SwitchXianSignal(5); break; case Keys.D7: SwitchXianSignal(6); break; case Keys.D8: SwitchXianSignal(7); break; case Keys.Q: SwitchGanSignal(0); break; case Keys.W: SwitchGanSignal(1); break; case Keys.E: SwitchGanSignal(2); break; case Keys.A: SwitchGanSignal(3); break; case Keys.S: SwitchGanSignal(4); break; case Keys.D: SwitchGanSignal(5); break; case Keys.P: break; } }
public static extern int GetAsyncKeyState(System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey);
static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey);
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { // if (keyData != Keys.F2) // return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); // if (msg.HWnd == this.txtKeHu1.Handle) // { // frmQueryCustomer.QueryCondition = this.txtKeHu1.Text; // frmQueryCustomer Customer = new frmQueryCustomer(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Customer.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtKeHu1.Text = frmQueryCustomer.CustomerID; // } // } // else if (msg.HWnd == this.txtKeHu2.Handle) // { // frmQueryCustomer.QueryCondition = this.txtKeHu2.Text; // frmQueryCustomer Customer = new frmQueryCustomer(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Customer.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtKeHu2.Text = frmQueryCustomer.CustomerID; // } // } // else if (msg.HWnd == this.txtYYS1.Handle) // { // frmQueryDepartment.QueryCondition = this.txtYYS1.Text; // frmQueryDepartment Department = new frmQueryDepartment(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Department.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtYYS1.Text = frmQueryDepartment.DepartmentID; // } // } // else if (msg.HWnd == this.txtYYS2.Handle) // { // frmQueryDepartment.QueryCondition = this.txtYYS2.Text; // frmQueryDepartment Department = new frmQueryDepartment(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Department.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtYYS2.Text = frmQueryDepartment.DepartmentID; // } // } // else if (msg.HWnd == this.txtChanPin1.Handle) // { // frmQueryInventory.QueryCondition = this.txtChanPin1.Text; // frmQueryInventory Inventory = new frmQueryInventory(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Inventory.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtChanPin1.Text = frmQueryInventory.InvCode; // } // } // else if (msg.HWnd == this.txtChanPin2.Handle) // { // frmQueryInventory.QueryCondition = this.txtChanPin2.Text; // frmQueryInventory Inventory = new frmQueryInventory(); // if (DialogResult.OK == Inventory.ShowDialog()) // { // this.txtChanPin2.Text = frmQueryInventory.InvCode; // } // } return(base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData)); }
/// <summary> /// Obs³uga wciœniêcia klawisza klawiatury /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void Game_Key(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { key_pressed = e.KeyCode; move = true; }
private void OnKeyEvent(WinFormsKeys keyCode, bool isKeyUp) { Keys key; if (mapKeys.TryGetValue(keyCode, out key) && key != Keys.None) { var type = isKeyUp ? InputEventType.Up : InputEventType.Down; lock (KeyboardInputEvents) { KeyboardInputEvents.Add(new KeyboardInputEvent { Key = key, Type = type }); } } }
internal KeyPressedEventArgs(ModifierKeys modifier, Keys key) { _modifier = modifier; _key = key; }
private bool myDataGrid1_myKeyDown(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { try { DataTable tb = (DataTable)this.myDataGrid1.DataSource; int nrow = this.myDataGrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber; int ncol = this.myDataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber; int nkey = Convert.ToInt32(keyData); string columnName = this.myDataGrid1.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[ncol].HeaderText.Trim(); if (nrow > tb.Rows.Count - 1) { return(true); } // if (Convert.ToInt32(Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[nrow]["fid"].ToString(),"0"))==0) // { // tb.Rows[nrow]["所属上级编目"]=this.treeView1.SelectedNode.Text; // tb.Rows[nrow]["fid"]=this.treeView1.SelectedNode.Tag; // } if (columnName.Trim() == "名称" && nkey == 13) { string coltext = ""; DataGridTextBoxColumn txtCol = (DataGridTextBoxColumn)this.myDataGrid1.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[ncol]; coltext = txtCol.TextBox.Text; if (coltext.Trim() == "") { return(true); } if (nrow >= tb.Rows.Count - 1) { // DataRow row=tb.NewRow(); // row["序号"]=nrow+2; // row["禁用"]=(short)0; // tb.Rows.Add(row); AddNewRow(tb, this.treeView1.SelectedNode); } tb.Rows[nrow]["名称"] = coltext; tb.Rows[nrow]["拼音码"] = PubStaticFun.GetPYWBM(coltext, 0); tb.Rows[nrow]["五笔码"] = PubStaticFun.GetPYWBM(coltext, 1); } if (nkey == 13 && columnName != "禁用") { this.myDataGrid1.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(nrow, ncol + 1); } if (nkey == 13 && columnName == "禁用") { this.myDataGrid1.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(nrow + 1, 2); } if (columnName.Trim() == "所属上级编目" && nkey != 13) { Point point = new Point(this.myDataGrid1.GetCellBounds(nrow, ncol).Left - 50, this.myDataGrid1.GetCellBounds(nrow, ncol).Top + this.myDataGrid1.Top + this.myDataGrid1.GetCellBounds(nrow, ncol).Height); this.treeView2.Location = point; this.treeView2.Visible = true; this.myDataGrid1.Enabled = false; } return(false); } catch (System.Exception err) { MessageBox.Show("错误" + err.Message); return(false); } }
static public extern short GetKeyState(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key_spesial);
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState( System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey); // The keycode to poll for
/// <summary> /// implement IMessageFilter interface /// </summary> /// <param name="m">The message to be dispatched.</param> /// <returns>true to filter the message and stop it from being dispatched; /// false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control.</returns> public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) { if (!modelPictureBox.Focused) { return(false); } if (m.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN) { System.Windows.Forms.Keys k = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)(int) m.WParam; KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs(k); switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Left: m_graphicsData.RotateY(true); break; case Keys.Right: m_graphicsData.RotateY(false); break; case Keys.Up: m_graphicsData.RotateX(true); break; case Keys.Down: m_graphicsData.RotateX(false); break; case Keys.PageUp: m_graphicsData.RotateZ(true); break; case Keys.PageDown: m_graphicsData.RotateZ(false); break; case Keys.S: modelPictureBox.MoveY(true); break; case Keys.W: modelPictureBox.MoveY(false); break; case Keys.A: modelPictureBox.MoveX(true); break; case Keys.D: modelPictureBox.MoveX(false); break; case Keys.Home: modelPictureBox.Scale(true); break; case Keys.End: modelPictureBox.Scale(false); break; default: break; } return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool BasildiMi(System.Windows.Forms.Keys tus) { return(0 != (GetAsyncKeyState((int)tus) & 0x8000)); }
public void ReceiveHotKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key) { switch (key) { case Keys.Up: UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(2); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(0); break; case Keys.Down: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(2); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(1); break; case Keys.Space: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(3); SetCheSignal(2); break; case Keys.X: UnSetCheSignal(0); UnSetCheSignal(1); UnSetCheSignal(2); SetCheSignal(3); break; case Keys.D1: SwitchXianSignal(0); break; case Keys.D2: SwitchXianSignal(1); break; case Keys.D3: SwitchXianSignal(2); break; case Keys.D4: SwitchXianSignal(3); break; case Keys.D5: SwitchXianSignal(4); break; case Keys.D6: SwitchXianSignal(5); break; case Keys.D7: SwitchXianSignal(6); //if (_carType == CheType.BigCar) // signal.SwitchBit(3, s_gan_loc); //else // signal.SwitchBit(3, s_gan_loc); break; case Keys.D8: SwitchXianSignal(7); //if (_carType == CheType.BigCar) // signal.SwitchBit(5, b_gan_loc); //else // signal.SwitchBit(5, s_gan_loc); break; case Keys.D9: SwitchXianSignal(8); //if (_carType == CheType.BigCar) // signal.SwitchBit(3, b_gan_loc); //else // signal.SwitchBit(3, b_gan_loc); break; case Keys.Q: SwitchGanSignal(0); break; case Keys.W: SwitchGanSignal(1); break; case Keys.E: SwitchGanSignal(2); break; case Keys.A: SwitchGanSignal(3); break; case Keys.S: SwitchGanSignal(4); break; case Keys.D: SwitchGanSignal(5); break; case Keys.P: break; } }
private void TabButton_OnClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (sender == null || !typeof(TabButton).IsAssignableFrom(sender.GetType())) { return; } TabButton currentButton = (TabButton)sender; if (!m_Multiselect) { m_LastShiftKeyTab = null; this.SelectedButton = currentButton; } else { // Multiselect System.Windows.Forms.Keys keys = ModifierKeys; bool bCtrlPressed = (keys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control; bool bShiftPressed = (keys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift; if (bCtrlPressed) { m_LastShiftKeyTab = null; if (currentButton != null) { currentButton.Checked = !currentButton.Checked; } if (m_ActiveTab == currentButton) { if (!currentButton.Checked) { m_ActiveTab = null; // m_ActiveTab = first checked foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (typeof(TabButton).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) { TabButton tabButton = (TabButton)c; if (tabButton.Visible && tabButton.Checked) { m_ActiveTab = tabButton; break; } } } // foreach } } else { m_ActiveTab = currentButton; } } else if (bShiftPressed && currentButton != null) { // TODO: ShiftKeyUp -- m_ActiveTab = currentButton m_LastShiftKeyTab = currentButton; int first = -1, last = -1, m = -1; // has no selection ? m_ActiveTab = first item from container if (m_ActiveTab == null) { foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (typeof(TabButton).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) { TabButton tabButton = (TabButton)c; if (tabButton.Visible) { m_ActiveTab = tabButton; break; } } } } // get btn range to be checked if (m_Vertical) { first = currentButton.Top + currentButton.Height / 2; last = m_ActiveTab.Top + m_ActiveTab.Height / 2; } else { first = currentButton.Left + currentButton.Width / 2; last = m_ActiveTab.Left + m_ActiveTab.Width / 2; } if (first > last) { m = last; last = first; first = m; } // check btns foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (typeof(TabButton).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) { TabButton tabButton = (TabButton)c; if (tabButton.Visible) { if (m_Vertical) { m = tabButton.Top + tabButton.Height / 2; } else { m = tabButton.Left + tabButton.Width / 2; } if (first <= m && last >= m) { tabButton.Checked = true; } else { tabButton.Checked = false; } } } } // foreach } else { foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (typeof(TabButton).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) { TabButton tabButton = (TabButton)c; tabButton.Checked = currentButton == tabButton; } } m_ActiveTab = currentButton; } RefreshLayout(); OnSelectedTabChanged(System.EventArgs.Empty); } }
public KeyMap(int code, System.Windows.Forms.Keys key, string name, string settingName, bool valid) { this.Code = code; this.Key = key; this.SettingName = settingName; this.Name = name; this.Valid = valid; }
public HotKeyEventArgs(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key, KeyModifiers modifiers) { this.Key = key; this.Modifiers = modifiers; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (isStarted) { // Allows the game to exit if (!IsPaused) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); updateLabel(gameTime.TotalGameTime.Minutes - lastUpdateMinutes, gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds - lastUpdateSeconds); game_map.Update(gameTime); lastUpdateMinutes = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Minutes; lastUpdateSeconds = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds; if (key_pressed == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None) { if (move) { move = false; game_map.MoveVandal(direction.none); } } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Up) { game_map.MoveVandal(direction.up); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Down) { game_map.MoveVandal(direction.down); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Left) { game_map.MoveVandal(direction.left); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Right) { game_map.MoveVandal(direction.right); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Block) { game_map.GetVandal().changeDirectionToNext(game_map); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Dynamite) { if (player.Dynamite > 0) { game_map.GetVandal().LeftDynamite(game_map, gameTime); key_pressed = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None; } else { SoundEffect null_sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Audio\\null_sound"); if (!player.AudioSettings.IsMuted) { SoundEffect.MasterVolume = (float)player.AudioSettings.SoundVolume; null_sound.Play(); } } } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Pause) { PauseGame(); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Racket) { if (player.Rackets > 0) game_map.GetVandal().AttackWithRacket(game_map); else { SoundEffect null_sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Audio\\null_sound"); if (!player.AudioSettings.IsMuted) { SoundEffect.MasterVolume = (float)player.AudioSettings.SoundVolume; null_sound.Play(); } } } if (game_map.GetVandal().level_up) { int current_level = game_map.gameLevel; if (current_level < 5) { //aktualizacja maksymalnego dopuszczalnego pzoiomu gry if (player.MaxEnabledLevel < current_level + 1) { player.MaxEnabledLevel = current_level + 1; Form.choose_level_panel.EnableTillLevel(player.MaxEnabledLevel); } //ustawianie poziomu inteligencji - jest ta funkcjonalnosc jest wlaczona if (player.CheckIntelligence) { if (player.Points < 500 * current_level) player.IntelligenceLevel = 0; if (player.Points >= 500 * current_level && player.Points < 900 * current_level) player.IntelligenceLevel = 1; else player.IntelligenceLevel = 2; } game_map = new Map.Map(tile_size, map_width, map_height, this.Content, player, current_level + 1); } else { SaveHighScore(); Win(); } } } if (!game_map.GetVandal().is_alive) { IsPaused = true; SaveHighScore(); GameOver(); game_map.GetVandal().is_alive = true; } { base.Update(gameTime); lastUpdateMinutes = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Minutes; lastUpdateSeconds = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds; } } }
public override void OnMouseDown(PointF location, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keys, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons buttons) { base.OnMouseDown(location, keys, buttons); path = new GraphicsPath(); Project.ClearSelection(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a list view item describing this HidEvent /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ListViewItem ToListViewItem() { string usageText = ""; string inputReport = null; foreach (ushort usage in Usages) { if (usageText != "") { //Add a separator usageText += ", "; } //Try to get a name for that usage string name = ""; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Hid.UsagePage), UsagePage)) { UsagePage usagePage = (UsagePage)UsagePage; try { name = Enum.GetName(Utils.UsageType(usagePage), usage); } catch { } } if (name == null || name.Equals("") || Device.IsGamePad) //Gamepad buttons do not belong to Usage enumeration, they are just ordinal { name = usage.ToString("X2"); } usageText += name; } // Get input report for generic HID events if (IsGeneric) { inputReport = InputReportString(); } //If we are a gamepad display axis and dpad values if (Device != null && Device.IsGamePad) { //uint dpadUsageValue = GetUsageValue((ushort)Hid.UsagePage.GenericDesktopControls, (ushort)Hid.Usage.GenericDesktop.HatSwitch); //usageText = dpadUsageValue.ToString("X") + " (dpad), " + usageText; if (usageText != "") { //Add a separator usageText += " (Buttons)"; } if (usageText != "") { //Add a separator usageText += ", "; } usageText += GetDirectionPadState().ToString(); //For each axis foreach (KeyValuePair <HIDP_VALUE_CAPS, uint> entry in UsageValues) { if (entry.Key.IsRange) { continue; } //Get our usage type Type usageType = Utils.UsageType((UsagePage)entry.Key.UsagePage); if (usageType == null) { //Unknown usage type //TODO: check why this is happening on Logitech rumble gamepad 2. //Probably some of our axis are hiding in there. continue; } //Get the name of our axis string name = Enum.GetName(usageType, entry.Key.NotRange.Usage); if (usageText != "") { //Add a separator usageText += ", "; } usageText += entry.Value.ToString("X") + " (" + name + ")"; } } //Handle keyboard events else if (IsKeyboard) { //Get the virtual key System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey = (Keys)RawInput.keyboard.VKey; usageText = vKey.ToString() + " -"; //Get the key flag if (IsButtonUp) { usageText += " UP"; } else if (IsButtonDown) { usageText += " DOWN"; } if (RawInput.keyboard.Flags.HasFlag(RawInputKeyFlags.RI_KEY_E0)) { usageText += " E0"; } if (RawInput.keyboard.Flags.HasFlag(RawInputKeyFlags.RI_KEY_E1)) { usageText += " E1"; } if (HasModifierShift) { usageText += " SHIFT"; } if (HasModifierControl) { usageText += " CTRL"; } if (HasModifierAlt) { usageText += " ALT"; } if (HasModifierWindows) { usageText += " WIN"; } //Put our scan code into our input report field inputReport = "0x" + RawInput.keyboard.MakeCode.ToString("X4"); } //Now create our list item ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new[] { usageText, inputReport, UsagePageNameAndValue(), UsageCollectionNameAndValue(), RepeatCount.ToString(), Time.ToString("HH:mm:ss:fff"), IsBackground.ToString() }); return(item); }
static Keys Find(swf.Keys key) { Keys mapped; return(keymap.TryGetValue(key, out mapped) ? mapped : Keys.None); }
bool isKeyUp(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key) { // TODO: implement return(false); }
private bool Instance_ProcessCmdKeyCallback(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.A)) { MainV2.comPort.setMode("Auto"); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.G)) { MainV2.comPort.setMode("Loiter"); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.U)) { MainV2.comPort.setMode("AltHold"); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.S)) { MainV2.comPort.setMode("Stabalize"); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.H)) { MainV2.comPort.setMode("RTL"); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.T)) { MainV2.comPort.doCommand((byte)MainV2.comPort.sysidcurrent, (byte)MainV2.comPort.compidcurrent, MAVLink.MAV_CMD.TAKEOFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.L)) { MainV2.comPort.doCommand((byte)MainV2.comPort.sysidcurrent, (byte)MainV2.comPort.compidcurrent, MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LAND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.D0)) { MainV2.comPort.SendRCOverride(MainV2.comPort.MAV.sysid, MainV2.comPort.MAV.compid, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return(true); } if (keyData == (Keys.Alt | Keys.F1)) { //MainV2.comPort.doCommand((byte)MainV2.comPort.sysidcurrent, (byte)MainV2.comPort.compidcurrent, MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_SET_SERVO, 1, MainV2.comPort.MAV., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true); return(true); } return(false); }
static public extern short GetKeyState(System.Windows.Forms.Keys nVirtKey);
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { if (keyData == Keys.Enter) { // ON ENTER KEY, GO TO THE NEXT CELL. // WHEN THE CURSOR REACHES THE LAST COLUMN, CARRY IT ON TO THE NEXT ROW. if (ActiveControl.Name == "grid_Master") { // CHECK IF ITS THE LAST COLUMN if (grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == grid_Master.ColumnCount - 1) { // GO TO THE FIRST COLUMN, NEXT ROW. grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentCell.RowIndex + 1] .Cells[0]; } else { // NEXT COLUMN. grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index] .Cells[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1]; } return(true); } else if (ActiveControl is DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl) { // SHOW THE COMBOBOX WHEN FOCUS IS ON A CELL CORRESPONDING TO THE "QUALIFICATION" COLUMN. if (grid_Master.Columns[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Name == "PresentAddress") { grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index] .Cells[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1]; // SHOW COMBOBOX. Show_Combobox(grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index, grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex); SendKeys.Send("{F4}"); // DROP DOWN THE LIST. return(true); } else { // CHECK IF ITS THE LAST COLUMN. if (grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == grid_Master.ColumnCount - 1) { // GO TO THE FIRST COLUMN, NEXT ROW. grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentCell.RowIndex + 1] .Cells[0]; } else { // NEXT COLUMN. grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index].Cells[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1]; } return(true); } } else if (ActiveControl.Name == "ComboBox1") { // HIDE THE COMBOBOX AND ASSIGN COMBO'S VALUE TO THE CELL. ComboBox1.Visible = false; grid_Master.Focus(); // ONCE THE COMBO IS SET AS INVISIBLE, SET FOCUS BACK TO THE GRID. // (IMPORTANT) grid_Master[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex, grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index].Value = ComboBox1.Text; grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentRow.Index].Cells[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1]; } else { SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); } return(true); } else if (keyData == Keys.Escape) // PRESS ESCAPE TO HIDE THE COMBOBOX. { if (ActiveControl.Name == "ComboBox1") { ComboBox1.Text = ""; ComboBox1.Visible = false; grid_Master.CurrentCell = grid_Master.Rows[grid_Master.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells[grid_Master.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex]; grid_Master.Focus(); } return(true); } else { return(base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData)); } }
private static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey); // Keys enumeration
/// <summary> /// To tell the control to receive all possible keys it can. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyData"></param> /// <returns>true to receive all possible key events.</returns> protected override bool IsInputKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { return(true); }
public static bool IsKeyDown(WinForms.Keys key) => KeyStates.Down == (GetKeyState(key) & KeyStates.Down);
public static bool IsKeyToggled(WinForms.Keys key) => KeyStates.Toggled == (GetKeyState(key) & KeyStates.Toggled);
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (!IsPaused) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); updateLabel(gameTime.TotalGameTime.Minutes - lastUpdateMinutes, gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds - lastUpdateSeconds); game_map.Update(gameTime); if (key_pressed == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None) { if (move) { // if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) // vandal.SetFinalPosition(game_map); move = false; game_map.MoveVandal(direction.none); } } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Up) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) game_map.MoveVandal(direction.up); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Down) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) game_map.MoveVandal(direction.down); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Left) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) { game_map.MoveVandal(direction.left); } } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Right) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) game_map.MoveVandal(direction.right); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Block) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0) game_map.GetVandal().changeDirectionToNext(game_map); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Dynamite) { if (player.Dynamite > 0) { game_map.GetVandal().LeftDynamite(game_map, gameTime); key_pressed = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None; } else { SoundEffect null_sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Audio\\null_sound"); SoundEffect.MasterVolume = (float)player.AudioSettings.SoundVolume; null_sound.Play(); } } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Pause) { PauseGame(); } else if (key_pressed == player.KeyboardSettings.Racket) { if (player.Rackets > 0) game_map.GetVandal().AttackWithRacket(game_map); else { SoundEffect.MasterVolume = (float)player.AudioSettings.SoundVolume; SoundEffect null_sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Audio\\null_sound"); null_sound.Play(); } } // vandal.LoadCurrentTexture(game_map); if (game_map.GetVandal().level_up) { int current_level = game_map.gameLevel; if (current_level < 5) { game_map = new Map.Map(tile_size, map_width, map_height, this.Content, player,current_level + 1); } else { SaveHighScore(); Win(); } } } if (!game_map.GetVandal().is_alive) { SaveHighScore(); GameOver(); } else { base.Update(gameTime); lastUpdateMinutes = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Minutes; lastUpdateSeconds = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds; } }
public static bool IsKeyPushedDown(System.Windows.Forms.Keys vKey) { return(0 != (GetAsyncKeyState(vKey) & 0x8000)); }
/// <summary> /// Obs³uga zwolnienia klawisza klawiatury /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void Game_KeyUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { key_pressed = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.None; }
static int GetKeyCode(SWF.KeyEventArgs e) { SWF.Keys code = e.KeyData & SWF.Keys.KeyCode; if ((code >= SWF.Keys.A) && (code <= SWF.Keys.Z)) { return(KEYCODE_A + (code - SWF.Keys.A)); } else if ((code >= SWF.Keys.D0) && (code <= SWF.Keys.D9)) { return(KEYCODE_0 + (code - SWF.Keys.D0)); } else if ((code >= SWF.Keys.NumPad0) && (code <= SWF.Keys.NumPad9)) { return(KEYCODE_NUMPAD_0 + (code - SWF.Keys.NumPad9)); } else if ((code >= SWF.Keys.F1) && (code <= SWF.Keys.F24)) { return(KEYCODE_F1 + (code - SWF.Keys.F1)); } switch (code) { case SWF.Keys.Back: return(KEYCODE_BACK); case SWF.Keys.Tab: return(KEYCODE_TAB); case SWF.Keys.Clear: return(KEYCODE_CLEAR); case SWF.Keys.Enter: return(KEYCODE_ENTER); case SWF.Keys.Escape: return(KEYCODE_ESCAPE); case SWF.Keys.PageUp: return(KEYCODE_PAGE_UP); case SWF.Keys.PageDown: return(KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN); case SWF.Keys.Home: return(KEYCODE_HOME); case SWF.Keys.Left: return(KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT); case SWF.Keys.Right: return(KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT); case SWF.Keys.Up: return(KEYCODE_DPAD_UP); case SWF.Keys.Down: return(KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN); case SWF.Keys.Insert: return(KEYCODE_INSERT); case SWF.Keys.Delete: return(KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL); case SWF.Keys.Multiply: return(KEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY); case SWF.Keys.Add: return(KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADD); case SWF.Keys.Subtract: return(KEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT); case SWF.Keys.Divide: return(KEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDE); case SWF.Keys.Space: return(KEYCODE_SPACE); case SWF.Keys.OemBackslash: return(KEYCODE_BACKSLASH); case SWF.Keys.Oemcomma: return(KEYCODE_COMMA); case SWF.Keys.OemPeriod: return(KEYCODE_PERIOD); case SWF.Keys.OemQuestion: return(KEYCODE_SLASH); case SWF.Keys.OemMinus: return(KEYCODE_MINUS); case SWF.Keys.Oemplus: return(KEYCODE_PLUS); case SWF.Keys.Oem4: return(KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET); case SWF.Keys.OemCloseBrackets: return(KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET); case SWF.Keys.OemSemicolon: return(KEYCODE_SEMICOLON); case SWF.Keys.Oem7: return(KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE); case SWF.Keys.OemPipe: return(KEYCODE_POUND); case SWF.Keys.Oem3: return(KEYCODE_GRAVE); default: Console.WriteLine("GET KEY CODE: {0} {1}", code, (int)code); return(-1); } }
public KeyStroke(Keys KeyCode, bool Ctrl, bool Alt, bool Shift) { this.KeyCode = KeyCode; this.Ctrl = Ctrl; this.Alt = Alt; this.Shift = Shift; }
public void RegisterGlobalHotKey(ModifierKeys modifier, Keys key, Form mainForm) { try { _currentId = _currentId + 1; if (!RegisterHotKey(_window.Handle, _currentId, (uint)modifier, (uint)key)) TraceOps.Out("Couldn’t register the hot key."); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceOps.Out(System.Environment.NewLine + "Target : " + ex.TargetSite.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine + "Message : " + ex.Message.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine + "Stack : " + ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } }