private DisplayLayerData GetDisplayData(int[] layerIdx) { if (importDisplay == null || layerIdx == null) { return(null); } DisplayLayerData currentLayer = importDisplay; foreach (int idx in layerIdx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= currentLayer.Childs.Count) { return(null); } currentLayer = currentLayer.Childs[idx]; } return(currentLayer); }
public static void BuildImportLayerData(Object file, ImportUserData importSettings, Action <ImportLayerData, DisplayLayerData> callback) { string filepath = GetPsdFilepath(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) { if (callback != null) { callback(null, null); } return; } using (PsdDocument psd = PsdDocument.Create(filepath)) { ImportLayerData docImportData = new ImportLayerData() { name = DOC_ROOT, indexId = new int[] { -1 }, Childs = new List <ImportLayerData>() }; DisplayLayerData docDisplayData = new DisplayLayerData() { indexId = new int[] { -1 }, Childs = new List <DisplayLayerData>() }; EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine( ParseLayers(psd.Childs, false, onLayer: (layer, indexId) => { // Walk down the index id to get the parent layers // and build the full path string fullPath = ""; ImportLayerData parentLayer = docImportData; DisplayLayerData parentDisplay = docDisplayData; if (indexId.Length > 1) { for (int idIdx = 0; idIdx < indexId.Length - 1; idIdx++) { int idx = indexId[idIdx]; parentLayer = parentLayer.Childs[idx]; parentDisplay = parentDisplay.Childs[idx]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath) == false) { fullPath += "/"; } fullPath +=; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath) == false) { fullPath += "/"; } fullPath += layer.Name; ImportLayerData layerImportData = new ImportLayerData() { name = layer.Name, path = fullPath, indexId = indexId, import = layer.IsVisible, useDefaults = true, Alignment = importSettings.DefaultAlignment, Pivot = importSettings.DefaultPivot, ScaleFactor = importSettings.ScaleFactor, Childs = new List <ImportLayerData>() }; DisplayLayerData layerDisplayData = new DisplayLayerData() { indexId = indexId, isVisible = layer.IsVisible, isGroup = layer.Childs.Length > 0, isOpen = layer.IsFolderOpen }; int layerIdx = indexId[indexId.Length - 1]; int maxLayers = layerIdx + 1; while (parentLayer.Childs.Count < maxLayers) { parentLayer.Childs.Add(null); } parentLayer.Childs[layerIdx] = layerImportData; while (parentDisplay.Childs.Count < maxLayers) { parentDisplay.Childs.Add(null); } parentDisplay.Childs[layerIdx] = layerDisplayData; }, onComplete: () => { if (callback != null) { callback(docImportData, docDisplayData); } }) ); } }
private void DrawLayerEntry(ImportLayerData layer, DisplayLayerData display) { bool isGroup = display.isGroup; bool isSelected = quickSelect.Contains(layer.indexId); GUIStyle entryStyle = isSelected ? styleLayerSelected : styleLayerEntry; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(entryStyle, layerHeight)) { Rect rEntry = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(rTableSize.x, rTableSize.x, rTableSize.y, rTableSize.y); Rect rToggle = new Rect(rImportToggle); Rect rVis = new Rect(rVisible); Rect rLayer = new Rect(rLayerDisplay); Rect rPiv = new Rect(rPivot); Rect rScale = new Rect(rScaling); Rect rReset = new Rect(rMakeDefault); rToggle.y += rEntry.y; rVis.y += rEntry.y; rLayer.y += rEntry.y; rPiv.y += rEntry.y; rScale.y += rEntry.y; rReset.y += rEntry.y; bool parentWillImport = ParentWillImport(layer.indexId); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(parentWillImport == false)) { var displayImport = layer.import && parentWillImport; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); displayImport = GUI.Toggle(rToggle, displayImport, GUIContent.none); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && parentWillImport) { layer.import = displayImport; CollateImportList(); quickSelect.Clear(); selectionCount = 0; lastSelectedLayer = null; } } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { var visStyle = display.isVisible ? styleVisOn : styleVisOff; GUI.Label(rVis, GUIContent.none, visStyle); } rLayer.xMin += indentLevel * indentWidth; GUIContent layerContent = new GUIContent() { image = isGroup ? icnFolder : icnTexture, text = }; if (isGroup) { float min, max; EditorStyles.popup.CalcMinMaxWidth(layerContent, out min, out max); rLayer.width = min; display.isOpen = EditorGUI.Foldout(rLayer, display.isOpen, layerContent); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(rLayer, layerContent); if (isAdvancedMode) { DrawLayerAdvanced(layer, rPiv, rScale, rReset); } } } Rect layerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); layerRect.xMin += 40; layerRectLookup.Add(layer.indexId, layerRect); layerEntryYMax = Mathf.Max(layerEntryYMax, layerRect.yMax); }
public void OpenFile(Object fileObject) { if (isOpeningFile) { return; } importFile = null; importPath = string.Empty; importPreview = null; importPPU = 100; importSettings = new ImportUserData() { DocAlignment = SpriteAlignment.Center }; importDisplay = null; selectionCount = 0; quickSelect.Clear(); lastSelectedLayer = null; var filePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fileObject); if (filePath.ToLower().EndsWith(".psd") == false) { return; } importFile = fileObject; importPath = filePath; importPreview = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(importPath); // Read the texture import settings of the asset file TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(importPath); TextureImporterSettings unityImportSettings = new TextureImporterSettings(); textureImporter.ReadTextureSettings(unityImportSettings); importPPU = unityImportSettings.spritePixelsPerUnit; // Attempt to deserialize string json = textureImporter.userData; bool didGetUserData = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json) == false) { fsData data = fsJsonParser.Parse(json); object deserialObj = null; if (serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeImportUserData, ref deserialObj) .AssertSuccessWithoutWarnings() .Succeeded) { importSettings = (ImportUserData)deserialObj; if (importSettings == null) { importSettings = new ImportUserData(); } else { didGetUserData = true; } } } if (didGetUserData) { settingsChanged = false; } else { settingsChanged = true; showImportSettings = true; } isOpeningFile = true; PsdImporter.BuildImportLayerData(importFile, importSettings, (layerData, displayData) => { importSettings.DocRoot = ResolveData(importSettings.DocRoot, layerData); importDisplay = displayData; isOpeningFile = false; CollateImportList(); Repaint(); }); }