/// <summary> /// Decrypts/Encrypts all account files (depending on DPAPI setting) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateDPAPI() { credMan = CredManifest.GetManifest(); if (UseMaFiles) { string maDir = GetExecutableDir() + "/maFiles/"; for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Count; i++) { ManifestEntry entry = Entries[i]; string filename = maDir + entry.FileName; if (!File.Exists(filename)) { continue; } string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filename); fileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIUnprotect(fileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); string toWriteFileContents = fileContents; if (UseDPAPI == true) { toWriteFileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(toWriteFileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } File.WriteAllText(filename, toWriteFileContents); if (UseWindowsFileEncryption) { File.Encrypt(filename); } else { File.Decrypt(filename); } } } else { foreach (CredManifestEntry entry in credMan.Entries) { string fileContents = entry.Contents; string toWriteFileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIUnprotect(fileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); if (UseDPAPI) { toWriteFileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(toWriteFileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } entry.Contents = toWriteFileContents; } credMan.Save(); } Save(); return(true); }
public bool Save() { string maDir = GetExecutableDir() + @"\maFiles\"; string filename = maDir + "manifest.json"; bool notFirstRun = true; if (!Directory.Exists(maDir)) { try { notFirstRun = false; Directory.CreateDirectory(maDir); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } try { try { if (!UseMaFiles && Entries.Count > 0 && credMan.Entries.Count < Entries.Count) // Move the accounts over to CredMan { credMan = CredManifest.GetManifest(); if (!credMan.ImportAccounts()) { UseMaFiles = true; } } else if (UseMaFiles && notFirstRun) { credMan = CredManifest.GetManifest(); if (credMan.Entries.Count > 0 && Entries.Count < credMan.Entries.Count) { if (!credMan.ExportAccounts()) { UseMaFiles = false; } } } } catch { } if (UseDPAPI) { File.WriteAllText(filename, Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this))); } else { File.WriteAllText(filename, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); } if (UseWindowsFileEncryption) { File.Encrypt(filename); } else { File.Decrypt(filename); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public bool SaveAccount(SteamGuardAccount account, bool encrypt, SecureString passkey = null) { if (encrypt && passkey != null && passkey.Length >= 1) { return(false); } if (!encrypt && this.Encrypted) { return(false); } if (account == null) { return(false); } if (UseMaFiles) { string salt = null; string iV = null; string jsonAccount = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account); if (encrypt) { salt = Encryptor.GetRandomSalt(); iV = Encryptor.GetInitializationVector(); string encrypted = "Encrypted" + Encryptor.EncryptData(passkey, salt, iV, jsonAccount); if (encrypted == null) { return(false); } jsonAccount = encrypted; } if (UseDPAPI) { jsonAccount = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(jsonAccount, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } string maDir = GetExecutableDir() + "/maFiles/"; string filename = account.Session.SteamID.ToString() + ".maFile"; ManifestEntry newEntry = new ManifestEntry() { SteamID = account.Session.SteamID, IV = iV, Salt = salt, FileName = filename, }; bool foundExistingEntry = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.Entries.Count; i++) { if (Entries[i].SteamID == account.Session.SteamID) { Entries[i] = newEntry; foundExistingEntry = true; break; } } if (!foundExistingEntry) { Entries.Add(newEntry); } bool wasEncrypted = Encrypted; Encrypted = encrypt || Encrypted; if (!Save()) { Encrypted = wasEncrypted; return(false); } try { File.WriteAllText(maDir + filename, jsonAccount); if (UseWindowsFileEncryption) { File.Encrypt(maDir + filename); } else { File.Decrypt(maDir + filename); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } else { try { credMan = CredManifest.GetManifest(); string salt = null; string iV = null; string jsonAccount = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account); bool fileEncrypted = false; if (encrypt) { salt = Encryptor.GetRandomSalt(); iV = Encryptor.GetInitializationVector(); string encrypted = "Encrypted" + Encryptor.EncryptData(passkey, salt, iV, jsonAccount); if (encrypted == null) { return(false); } jsonAccount = encrypted; fileEncrypted = true; } if (UseDPAPI) { jsonAccount = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(jsonAccount, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } CredManifestEntry newEntry = new CredManifestEntry() { SteamID = account.Session.SteamID, IV = iV, Salt = salt, Contents = jsonAccount, Encrypted = fileEncrypted, }; bool foundExistingEntry = false; for (int i = 0; i < credMan.Entries.Count; i++) { if (credMan.Entries[i].SteamID == account.Session.SteamID) { credMan.Entries[i] = newEntry; foundExistingEntry = true; break; } } if (!foundExistingEntry) { credMan.Entries.Add(newEntry); } credMan.Save(); bool wasEncrypted = Encrypted; Encrypted = encrypt || Encrypted; if (!Save()) { Encrypted = wasEncrypted; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } }
public bool ChangeEncryptionKey(SecureString oldKey, SecureString newKey) { if (Encrypted) { if (!VerifyPasskey(oldKey)) { return(false); } } bool toEncrypt = newKey != null; credMan = CredManifest.GetManifest(); if (UseMaFiles) { string maDir = GetExecutableDir() + "/maFiles/"; for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Count; i++) { ManifestEntry entry = Entries[i]; string filename = maDir + entry.FileName; if (!File.Exists(filename)) { continue; } string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filename); fileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIUnprotect(fileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); if (fileContents.StartsWith("Encrypted")) { fileContents = Encryptor.DecryptData(oldKey, entry.Salt, entry.IV, fileContents.Remove(0, 9)); } string newSalt = null; string newIV = null; string toWriteFileContents = fileContents; if (toEncrypt) { newSalt = Encryptor.GetRandomSalt(); newIV = Encryptor.GetInitializationVector(); toWriteFileContents = "Encrypted" + Encryptor.EncryptData(newKey, newSalt, newIV, fileContents); } if (UseDPAPI) { toWriteFileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(toWriteFileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } File.WriteAllText(filename, toWriteFileContents); if (UseWindowsFileEncryption) { File.Encrypt(filename); } else { File.Decrypt(filename); } entry.IV = newIV; entry.Salt = newSalt; } } else { foreach (CredManifestEntry entry in credMan.Entries) { string fileContents = entry.Contents; fileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIUnprotect(fileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); if (fileContents.StartsWith("Encrypted")) { fileContents = Encryptor.DecryptData(oldKey, entry.Salt, entry.IV, fileContents.Remove(0, 9)); } string newSalt = null; string newIV = null; string toWriteFileContents = fileContents; if (toEncrypt) { newSalt = Encryptor.GetRandomSalt(); newIV = Encryptor.GetInitializationVector(); toWriteFileContents = "Encrypted" + Encryptor.EncryptData(newKey, newSalt, newIV, fileContents); } else { entry.Encrypted = false; } if (UseDPAPI) { toWriteFileContents = Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(toWriteFileContents, Encryptor.AccountEntropy); } entry.Contents = toWriteFileContents; entry.IV = newIV; entry.Salt = newSalt; } credMan.Key = newKey; credMan.Save(); } Encrypted = toEncrypt; Save(); return(true); }
public bool Save() { if (_originalCred != null) { try { try // To delete the current stuff, you have to know the old stuff... { new PasswordVault().Remove(new PasswordCredential("SteamAuthenticator", "Storage", Encryptor.DPAPIUnprotect(_originalCred))); } catch (Exception) { // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Failed to remove existing manifest!", "CredManifest"); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } if (!Manifest.RememberPasskey) { UnsecureKey = ""; // 'Flush' it from memory then save the manifest. Note: unless the key gets resubmitted to CredManifest, it wont know the key until a program restart } else { Key = Key; // This refreshes the unsecure and secure copy } _originalCred = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); if (Manifest.UseDPAPI) { new PasswordVault().Add(new PasswordCredential("SteamAuthenticator", "Storage", Encryptor.DPAPIProtect(_originalCred))); } else { new PasswordVault().Add(new PasswordCredential("SteamAuthenticator", "Storage", _originalCred)); } return(true); }