private void EnumModes() { int numModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoInputModes(_deviceIndex); for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < numModes; modeIndex++) { int width, height; float frameRate; string modeDesc; string pixelFormatDesc; long frameDuration; int fieldMode; if (DeckLinkPlugin.GetVideoInputModeInfo(_deviceIndex, modeIndex, out width, out height, out frameRate, out frameDuration, out fieldMode, out modeDesc, out pixelFormatDesc)) { DeviceMode mode = new DeviceMode(this, modeIndex, width, height, frameRate, frameDuration, (DeviceMode.FieldMode)fieldMode, modeDesc, pixelFormatDesc); _inputModes.Add(mode); } } numModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoOutputModes(_deviceIndex); for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < numModes; modeIndex++) { int width, height; float frameRate; string modeDesc; string pixelFormatDesc; long frameDuration; int fieldMode; if (DeckLinkPlugin.GetVideoOutputModeInfo(_deviceIndex, modeIndex, out width, out height, out frameRate, out frameDuration, out fieldMode, out modeDesc, out pixelFormatDesc)) { DeviceMode mode = new DeviceMode(this, modeIndex, width, height, frameRate, frameDuration, (DeviceMode.FieldMode)fieldMode, modeDesc, pixelFormatDesc); _outputModes.Add(mode); } } }
private void EnumDevices() { _devices = new List <Device>(8); int numDevices = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumDevices(); if (numDevices == 0) { uint apiVersionCode = DeckLinkPlugin.GetDeckLinkAPIVersion(); string apiVersionString = "" + ((apiVersionCode >> 24) & 255) + "." + ((apiVersionCode >> 16) & 255) + "." + ((apiVersionCode >> 8) & 255) + "." + ((apiVersionCode >> 0) & 255); Debug.LogWarning("[AVProDeckLink] Unable to find any DeckLink Devices, It is possible that your Desktop Video is out of date. Please update to version " + apiVersionString); } for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < numDevices; deviceIndex++) { int numInputModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoInputModes(deviceIndex); int numOutputModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoOutputModes(deviceIndex); if (numInputModes > 0 || numOutputModes > 0) { string modelName = DeckLinkPlugin.GetDeviceName(deviceIndex); string displayName = DeckLinkPlugin.GetDeviceDisplayName(deviceIndex); Device device = new Device(modelName, displayName, deviceIndex); _devices.Add(device); if (_logDeviceEnumeration) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink] Device" + deviceIndex + ": " + displayName + "(" + modelName + ") has " + device.NumInputModes + " video input modes, " + device.NumOutputModes + " video output modes"); if (device.SupportsInputModeAutoDetection) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports input video mode auto-detection"); } if (device.SupportsInternalKeying) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports internal keyer"); } if (device.SupportsExternalKeying) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports external keyer"); } for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < device.NumInputModes; modeIndex++) { DeviceMode mode = device.GetInputMode(modeIndex); Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\t\tInput Mode" + modeIndex + ": " + mode.ModeDescription + " " + mode.Width + "x" + mode.Height + " @" + mode.FrameRate + " (" + mode.PixelFormatDescription + ") "); } for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < device.NumOutputModes; modeIndex++) { DeviceMode mode = device.GetOutputMode(modeIndex); Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\t\tOutput Mode" + modeIndex + ": " + mode.ModeDescription + " " + mode.Width + "x" + mode.Height + " @" + mode.FrameRate + " (" + mode.PixelFormatDescription + ") "); } } } } }
private void EnumDevices() { _devices = new List <Device>(8); int numDevices = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumDevices(); for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < numDevices; deviceIndex++) { int numInputModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoInputModes(deviceIndex); int numOutputModes = DeckLinkPlugin.GetNumVideoOutputModes(deviceIndex); if (numInputModes > 0 || numOutputModes > 0) { string modelName = DeckLinkPlugin.GetDeviceName(deviceIndex); string displayName = DeckLinkPlugin.GetDeviceDisplayName(deviceIndex); Device device = new Device(modelName, displayName, deviceIndex); _devices.Add(device); if (_logDeviceEnumeration) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink] Device" + deviceIndex + ": " + displayName + "(" + modelName + ") has " + device.NumInputModes + " video input modes, " + device.NumOutputModes + " video output modes"); if (device.SupportsInputModeAutoDetection) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports input video mode auto-detection"); } if (device.SupportsInternalKeying) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports internal keyer"); } if (device.SupportsExternalKeying) { Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\tSupports external keyer"); } for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < device.NumInputModes; modeIndex++) { DeviceMode mode = device.GetInputMode(modeIndex); Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\t\tInput Mode" + modeIndex + ": " + mode.ModeDescription + " " + mode.Width + "x" + mode.Height + " @" + mode.FrameRate + " (" + mode.PixelFormatDescription + ") "); } for (int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < device.NumOutputModes; modeIndex++) { DeviceMode mode = device.GetOutputMode(modeIndex); Debug.Log("[AVProDeckLink]\t\tOutput Mode" + modeIndex + ": " + mode.ModeDescription + " " + mode.Width + "x" + mode.Height + " @" + mode.FrameRate + " (" + mode.PixelFormatDescription + ") "); } } } } }