public bool Update() { bool result = false; //RenderTexture prev =; if (!_isBuilt) { if (DeckLinkPlugin.GetLastCapturedFrameTime(_deviceHandle) > 0) { if (!Build()) { return(false); } } return(false); } /* #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER * Flip(); #endif */ if (_uvsDirty) { _requiresTextureCrop = (_usedTextureWidth != _rawTexture.width || _usedTextureHeight != _rawTexture.height); if (_requiresTextureCrop) { CreateUVs(_flipX || false, !_flipY && true); } else { Flip(_flipX || false, !_flipY && true); } _uvsDirty = false; } // Wait until next frame has been uploaded to the texture int lastFrameUploaded = (int)DeckLinkPlugin.GetLastFrameUploaded(_deviceHandle); if (_lastFrameUploaded != lastFrameUploaded) { RenderTexture prev =; if (!_deinterlace) { // Format convert if (DoFormatConversion(_finalTexture)) { result = true; } } else { // Format convert and Deinterlace RenderTexture tempTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(_finalTexture.width, _finalTexture.height, 0, _finalTexture.format, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default); tempTarget.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; tempTarget.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; if (DoFormatConversion(tempTarget)) { DoDeinterlace(tempTarget, _finalTexture); result = true; } RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempTarget); } if (_linearToGammaMat) { Graphics.Blit(_finalTexture, _linearToGammaTexture, _linearToGammaMat); } = prev; _lastFrameUploaded = lastFrameUploaded; } else if (!_finalTexture.IsCreated()) { Debug.LogError("GPU Reset"); // If the texture has been lost due to GPU reset(from full screen mode change or vsync change) we'll need fill the texture again Reset(); } return(ValidPicture && result); }
public bool Update() { bool result = false; //RenderTexture prev =; bool build = !_isBuilt; #if AVPRODECKLINK_UNITYFEATURE_EXTERNALTEXTURES build |= _externalTexturePtr != DeckLinkPlugin.GetTexturePointer(_deviceHandle); #endif if (build) { if (DeckLinkPlugin.GetLastCapturedFrameTime(_deviceHandle) > 0) { if (!Build()) { return(false); } } return(false); } /* #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER * Flip(); #endif */ if (_uvsDirty) { _requiresTextureCrop = (_usedTextureWidth != _rawTexture.width || _usedTextureHeight != _rawTexture.height); if (_requiresTextureCrop) { CreateUVs(_flipX || false, !_flipY && true); } else { Flip(_flipX || false, !_flipY && true); } _uvsDirty = false; } // Wait until next frame has been uploaded to the texture int lastFrameUploaded = (int)DeckLinkPlugin.GetLastFrameUploaded(_deviceHandle); if (_lastFrameUploaded != lastFrameUploaded) { RenderTexture prev =; if (!_deinterlace) { // Format convert result = DoFormatConversion(_finalTexture, _rawTexture); if (_enable3D && _rightEyeRawTexture != null && _rightEyeFinalTexture != null) { result = result && DoFormatConversion(_rightEyeFinalTexture, _rightEyeRawTexture); } } else { // Format convert and Deinterlace RenderTexture tempTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(_finalTexture.width, _finalTexture.height, 0, _finalTexture.format, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default); tempTarget.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; tempTarget.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; if (DoFormatConversion(tempTarget, _rawTexture)) { DoDeinterlace(tempTarget, _finalTexture); result = true; } if (_enable3D && _rightEyeRawTexture != null && _rightEyeFinalTexture != null) { if (DoFormatConversion(tempTarget, _rightEyeRawTexture)) { DoDeinterlace(tempTarget, _rightEyeFinalTexture); result = result && true; } } RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempTarget); } = prev; _lastFrameUploaded = lastFrameUploaded; } else if (!_finalTexture.IsCreated() || (_enable3D && _rightEyeFinalTexture != null && !_rightEyeFinalTexture.IsCreated())) { Debug.LogError("GPU Reset"); // If the texture has been lost due to GPU reset(from full screen mode change or vsync change) we'll need fill the texture again Reset(); } if (_conversionMaterial != null && _mode != null) { _conversionMaterial.SetFloat("_TextureWidth", _mode.Width); } return(ValidPicture && result); }