public void AddMarker(Player player, Card card, Guid id, string name, ushort count, ushort oldCount, bool isScriptChange) { var model = Program.GameEngine.GetMarkerModel(id); model.Name = name; var marker = card.FindMarker(id, name); if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { if (marker == null && oldCount != 0) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Cannot create a marker when that marker already exists."); return; } if (marker != null && oldCount != marker.Count) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Marker count invalid."); return; } card.AddMarker(model, count); } if (count != 0) { var newCount = oldCount + count; Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(player, "adds {0} {1} marker(s) on {2}", count, model.Name, card); if (isScriptChange == false) { Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0(card, model.ModelString(), oldCount, newCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1(card, model.ModelString(), oldCount, newCount, isScriptChange); } Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_2(card, model.Name, model.Id.ToString(), oldCount, isScriptChange); } }
public void AddMarker(Player player, Card card, Guid id, string name, ushort count, ushort oldCount, bool isScriptChange) { DataNew.Entities.Marker model = Program.GameEngine.GetMarkerModel(id); DefaultMarkerModel defaultMarkerModel = model as DefaultMarkerModel; if (defaultMarkerModel != null) (defaultMarkerModel).SetName(name); Marker marker = card.FindMarker(id, name); if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { if (marker == null && oldCount != 0) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Cannot create a marker when that marker already exists."); return; } if (marker != null && oldCount != marker.Count) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Marker count invalid."); return; } card.AddMarker(model, count); } if (count != 0) { int newCount = oldCount + count; Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(player, "adds {0} {1} marker(s) on {2}", count, model.Name, card); if (isScriptChange == false) { Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0(card, model.ModelString(), oldCount, newCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1(card, model.ModelString(), oldCount, newCount, isScriptChange); } } }
public void AddMarker(Player player, Card card, Guid id, string name, ushort count) { Data.MarkerModel model = Program.Game.GetMarkerModel(id); if (model is DefaultMarkerModel) ((DefaultMarkerModel)model).SetName(name); // Ignore markers created by oneself (already created for responsiveness issues) if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) card.AddMarker(model, count); if (count != 0) Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, EventIds.Event | EventIds.PlayerFlag(player), "{0} adds {1} {2} marker(s) on {3}", player, count, model, card); }
public void MarkerSetCount(int cardId, int count, string markerName, string markerId) { if (count < 0) { count = 0; } Card card = Card.Find(cardId); Guid guid = Guid.Parse(markerId); Marker marker = card.FindMarker(guid, markerName); int origCount = 0; /*if (card.Controller != Player.LocalPlayer) * Program.GameMess.Warning(String.Format("{0} Can't set markers on {1} because they don't control it.", Player.LocalPlayer.Name, card.Name)); */ // Will add in checks or controls to handle/allow this. -- DS QueueAction(() => { if (marker == null) { DataNew.Entities.Marker model = Program.GameEngine.GetMarkerModel(guid); model.Name = markerName; Program.Client.Rpc.AddMarkerReq(card, guid, markerName, (ushort)count, (ushort)origCount, true); card.AddMarker(model, (ushort)count); } else { origCount = marker.Count; if (origCount < count) { Program.Client.Rpc.AddMarkerReq(card, guid, markerName, (ushort)(count - origCount), (ushort)origCount, true); card.AddMarker(marker.Model, (ushort)(count - origCount)); } else if (origCount > count) { Program.Client.Rpc.RemoveMarkerReq(card, guid, markerName, (ushort)(origCount - count), (ushort)origCount, true); card.RemoveMarker(marker, (ushort)(origCount - count)); } } }); }
public void TransferMarker(Player player, Card from, Card to, Guid id, string name, ushort count, ushort oldCount, bool isScriptChange) { var marker = from.FindMarker(id, name); if (player == null) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Cannot transfer marker to unknown player."); return; } if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { if (marker == null) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Marker not found on card."); return; } if (marker.Count != oldCount) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Missing markers to remove"); } } var newMarker = to.FindMarker(id, name); var toOldCount = 0; if (newMarker != null) { toOldCount = newMarker.Count - 1; } var fromNewCount = oldCount - count; var toNewCount = toOldCount + count; if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { from.RemoveMarker(marker, count); to.AddMarker(marker.Model, count); } Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(player, "moves {0} {1} marker(s) from {2} to {3}", count, name, from, to); if (marker == null) { marker = from.FindRemovedMarker(id, name); } if (marker != null) { if (isScriptChange == false) { Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0( from, marker.Model.ModelString(), oldCount, fromNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0( to, marker.Model.ModelString(), toOldCount, toNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1( from, marker.Model.ModelString(), oldCount, fromNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1( to, marker.Model.ModelString(), toOldCount, toNewCount, isScriptChange); } Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_2( from, marker.Model.Name, marker.Model.Id.ToString(), oldCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_2( to, marker.Model.Name, marker.Model.Id.ToString(), toOldCount, isScriptChange); } }
public void TransferMarker(Player player, Card from, Card to, Guid id, string name, ushort count) { // Ignore markers moved by oneself (already moved for responsiveness issues) if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { Marker marker = from.FindMarker(id, name); if (marker == null) { Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.NonGame, "Inconsistent state. Marker not found on card."); return; } if (marker.Count < count) Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.NonGame, "Inconsistent state. Missing markers to remove"); from.RemoveMarker(marker, count); to.AddMarker(marker.Model, count); } Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, EventIds.Event | EventIds.PlayerFlag(player), "{0} moves {1} {2} marker(s) from {3} to {4}", player, count, name, from, to); }
public void TransferMarker(Player player, Card from, Card to, Guid id, string name, ushort count, ushort oldCount, bool isScriptChange) { Marker marker = from.FindMarker(id, name); if (player == null) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Cannot transfer marker to unknown player."); return; } if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { if (marker == null) { Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Marker not found on card."); return; } if (marker.Count != oldCount) Program.GameMess.Warning("Inconsistent state. Missing markers to remove"); } Marker newMarker = to.FindMarker(id, name); int toOldCount = 0; if (newMarker != null) toOldCount = newMarker.Count - 1; int fromNewCount = oldCount - count; int toNewCount = toOldCount + count; if (player != Player.LocalPlayer) { from.RemoveMarker(marker, count); to.AddMarker(marker.Model, count); } Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(player, "moves {0} {1} marker(s) from {2} to {3}", count, name, from, to); if (marker == null) { marker = from.FindRemovedMarker(id, name); } if (marker != null) { if (isScriptChange == false) { Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0( from, marker.Model.ModelString(), oldCount, fromNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_0( to, marker.Model.ModelString(), toOldCount, toNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1( from, marker.Model.ModelString(), oldCount, fromNewCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_1( to, marker.Model.ModelString(), toOldCount, toNewCount, isScriptChange); } Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_2( from, marker.Model.Name, marker.Model.Id.ToString(), oldCount, isScriptChange); Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMarkerChanged_3_1_0_2( to, marker.Model.Name, marker.Model.Id.ToString(), toOldCount, isScriptChange); } }