internal void OnStartServer(bool allowNonZeroNetId) { if (m_IsServer) { return; } m_IsServer = true; m_HasAuthority = !m_LocalPlayerAuthority; m_Observers = new Dictionary <int, NetworkConnection>(); CacheBehaviours(); // If the instance/net ID is invalid here then this is an object instantiated from a prefab and the server should assign a valid ID if (netId == 0) { m_NetId = GetNextNetworkId(); } else { if (!allowNonZeroNetId) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Object has non-zero netId " + netId + " for " + gameObject); } return; } } if (LogFilter.logDev) { Debug.Log("OnStartServer " + gameObject + " GUID:" + netId); } NetworkServer.SetLocalObjectOnServer(netId, gameObject); for (int i = 0; i < m_NetworkBehaviours.Length; i++) { NetworkBehaviour comp = m_NetworkBehaviours[i]; try { comp.OnStartServer(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Exception in OnStartServer:" + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace); } } if ( && NetworkServer.localClientActive) { // there will be no spawn message, so start the client here too ClientScene.SetLocalObject(netId, gameObject); OnStartClient(); } if (m_HasAuthority) { OnStartAuthority(); } }