public void MakeLemonade(Player player, Recipe recipe) { recipe.DisplayRecipe(); IsGameOver.Add(CheckForLemons(recipe.LemonsNeeded)); IsGameOver.Add(CheckForCups()); if (IsGameOver[0] == true || IsGameOver[1] == true) { return; } else { AmountOfLemons(recipe.LemonsNeeded); AmountOfSugar(recipe.SugarNeeded); AmountOfIce(recipe.IceNeeded); AmountOfCups(); CostOfLemonade(player); ListOfImperfections(); } }
public void DayStartMenu(Player player, Store store, Recipe recipe, Weather weather, int days) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("{3}'s Lemonade Stand: \n\n" + "It is currently day {0}. \n" + "It should be {1} degrees and {2} today. \n" + "What would you like to do next? \n" + " 1. Display Money and Inventory \n" + " 2. Buy Cups \n" + " 3. Buy Lemons \n" + " 4. Buy Sugar \n" + " 5. Buy Ice Cubes \n" + " 6. Display Lemonade Recipe \n" + " 7. Change Lemonade Recipe \n" + " 8. Change Price per Cup \n" + " 0. Start Day! \n", days, weather.Temperature, weather.weatherEffect,; string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userInput) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("\n\nYou have ${0} remaining. Your current inventory is: \n", String.Format("{0:0.00}",; player.inventory.DisplayInventory(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "2": store.BuyItem(player, new Cup()); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "3": store.BuyItem(player, new Lemon()); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "4": store.BuyItem(player, new Sugar()); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "5": store.BuyItem(player, new Ice()); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "6": recipe.DisplayRecipe(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "7": recipe.ChangeRecipe(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "8": recipe.ChangePrice(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "0": return; default: Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour input was invalid. Press Enter to return to the menu.\n\n"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } } }