public void addPoly(EIMAPolygon mypoly){ this._polygons.Add (mypoly); }
public async void proceduralPolygonCall(Position pos){ TKCustomMapPin addedPin = new TKCustomMapPin (); addedPin.IsDraggable = false; addedPin.IsVisible = true; addedPin.Image = "dot.png"; addedPin.Position = pos; addedPin.ShowCallout = false; _pins.Add (addedPin); customAreaPolyPins.Add (addedPin); customAreaPolyPoints.Add (pos); if (customAreaPolyPoints.Count < 3) { return; } else { var action = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet( "Point Added", null, null, "Create Custom Area", "Add Another Point", "Delete Area"); if (action == "Create Custom Area") { EIMAPolygon result = new EIMAPolygon (); result.Color = CONSTANTS.colorOptions[Array.IndexOf(CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions, polyType)]; result.Coordinates = customAreaPolyPoints; result.uid = CONSTANTS.generateUID(); result.type = polyType; result.note = polyNote; _polygons.Add (result); creatingPolygon = false; customAreaPolyPoints = null; foreach (TKCustomMapPin element in customAreaPolyPins) { _pins.Remove (element); } customAreaPolyPins = null; saveData (); } else if (action == "Add Another Point") { return; } else if (action == "Delete Area") { creatingPolygon = false; customAreaPolyPoints = null; foreach (TKCustomMapPin element in customAreaPolyPins) { _pins.Remove (element); } customAreaPolyPins = null; } } }
public AddEditEIMAPolygonPage (MapModel myModel, bool editMode, EIMAPolygon toEdit) { var header = new Label { Text = "Specify DangerZone", FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; var info = new Entry { Placeholder = "Info", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; var typePicker = new Picker { Title = "Danger Zone Type", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; foreach (string s in CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions) { typePicker.Items.Add (s); } var EnterButton = new Button { Text = "Enter", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; var CancelButton = new Button { Text = "Cancel", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; var stackLayout = new StackLayout (){ VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; if (editMode) { header.Text = "Edit DangerZone"; EnterButton.Text = "Confirm Edit"; info.Text = toEdit.note; typePicker.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf (CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions, toEdit.type); } stackLayout.Children.Add (header); stackLayout.Children.Add (typePicker); stackLayout.Children.Add (info); var stackLayout2 = new StackLayout (); stackLayout2.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center; stackLayout2.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; stackLayout2.Children.Add (EnterButton); stackLayout2.Children.Add (CancelButton); stackLayout.Children.Add (stackLayout2); Content = stackLayout; EnterButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if(typePicker.SelectedIndex < 0){ DisplayAlert("Must Select a Danger Zone Type","","Cancel"); return; } if(!editMode){ //start process of selecting points. would need to set vars myModel.creatingPolygon = true; myModel.polyNote = info.Text; myModel.polyType = CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions[typePicker.SelectedIndex]; myModel.startProcedural(); goBack (); } else{ toEdit.type = CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions[typePicker.SelectedIndex]; toEdit.note = info.Text; toEdit.Color = CONSTANTS.colorOptions[typePicker.SelectedIndex]; myModel.saveData (); goBack (); } }; CancelButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => goBack (); }
static void updateMapData (JObject mapData) { var data = DataManager.getInstance (); var assetJArr = (JArray)mapData ["mapAssets"]; var circJArr = (JArray)mapData ["mapCircles"]; var polyJArr = (JArray)mapData ["mapPolygons"]; var polyList = new List<EIMAPolygon> (); var circleList = new List<EIMACircle> (); var assetList = new List<EIMAPin> (); foreach (JObject item in polyJArr.Children()) { var poly = new EIMAPolygon(); poly.note = (string)item ["note"]; poly.uid = (string)item ["uid"]; poly.type = (string)item ["type"]; var cordList = new List<Position> (); JArray coords = (JArray)item ["points"]; foreach (JObject pos in coords.Children()) { cordList.Add(new Position((double)pos["Latitude"],(double)pos["Longitude"])); } List<Position> copied = new List<Position>(cordList); poly.Coordinates = copied; polyList.Add (poly); } foreach(JObject item in assetJArr.Children()){ EIMAPin toAdd = new EIMAPin (); = (string)item["name"]; toAdd.uid = (string)item["uid"]; toAdd.status = (string)item["status"]; toAdd.organization = (string)item["organization"]; toAdd.unit = (string)item ["unit"]; toAdd.Subtitle = "Status:" + toAdd.status; JObject pos = (JObject)item ["position"]; toAdd.Position = new Position ((double)pos["latitude"],(double)pos["longitude"]); toAdd.unitType = (string)item ["type"]; assetList.Add (toAdd); } foreach (JObject item in circJArr.Children()) { var circle = new EIMACircle(); circle.note = (string)item ["note"]; circle.uid = (string)item ["uid"]; circle.Radius = (double)item ["radius"]; circle.type = (string)item ["type"]; circle.Center = new Position ((double)item["center"]["lat"],(double)item["center"]["long"]); circleList.Add (circle); } data.setDangerZoneCircle (circleList); data.setAssets (assetList); data.setDangerZonePoly (polyList); }
//Get polygons public List<EIMAPolygon> getPolyDangerZone(){ var toRet = new List<EIMAPolygon> (); JArray assets = (JArray)dataStore ["incident"] ["mapPolygonDangerZones"]; foreach (JObject item in assets.Children()) { var poly = new EIMAPolygon(); poly.Color = CONSTANTS.colorOptions [Array.IndexOf (CONSTANTS.dzTypeOptions,(string) item ["type"])]; poly.note = (string)item ["note"]; poly.uid = (string)item ["uid"]; poly.type = (string)item ["type"]; var cordList = new List<Position> (); JArray coords = (JArray)item ["coords"]; foreach (JObject pos in coords.Children()) { cordList.Add(new Position((double)pos["lat"],(double)pos["long"])); } List<Position> copied = new List<Position>(cordList); poly.Coordinates = copied; toRet.Add (poly); } return toRet; }