private void GridView3_DataLoad() { using (Mouser.Domain.ApplicationContext dbContext = new Mouser.Domain.ApplicationContext()) { dbContext.ApiSearchSessions .Where(a => a.IsBusy == true || (a.Description != null && a.CreateDate >= DbFunctions.AddMinutes(DateTime.Now, -10))) .OrderByDescending(a => a.Id).Include(a => a.Manufacturer).Include(a => a.Proxy).Include(a => a.ApiRegInfo).Load(); apiSearchSessionsBindingSource.DataSource = dbContext.ApiSearchSessions.Local.ToBindingList(); } }
public static void PopulateCategory(Mouser.Domain.ApplicationContext context) { try { string currentUri = ""; var web = new HtmlWeb(); var doc = web.LoadFromBrowser(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(currentUri), o => { WebBrowser webBrowser = (WebBrowser)o; // WAIT until the dynamic text is set return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("mlnkMailTo").InnerText)); }); var webCategories = new List <WebCategory>(); var categoryNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class=\"panel light-grey-panel\"]"); foreach (var node in categoryNodes) { var categoryName = node.SelectSingleNode(".//h2[1]").InnerText; var subCategoryNameNodes = node.SelectNodes(".//a[@class=\"SearchResultsSubLevelCategory\"]"); foreach (var subCategoryName in subCategoryNameNodes) { webCategories.Add(new WebCategory { Category = categoryName.Replace("&", "&"), SubCategory = subCategoryName.InnerText.Substring(0, subCategoryName.InnerText.LastIndexOf(" ") - 1).Replace("&", "&") }); } } foreach (var wc in webCategories) { List <Category> categories = context.Categories.Include(c => c.Manufacturer).Where(c => !c.IsCategory && c.Name == wc.SubCategory).ToList(); foreach (Category category in categories) { var cat = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsCategory && c.Name == wc.Category && c.Manufacturer.Id == category.Manufacturer.Id); if (cat == null) { cat = new Category { IsCategory = true, Manufacturer = category.Manufacturer, Name = wc.Category }; context.Categories.Add(cat); context.SaveChanges(); } category.ParentId = cat.Id; context.SaveChanges(); } } } finally { } }
public static void PopulateGoodBrowser(Mouser.Domain.ApplicationContext context, Good good) { Random rnd = new Random(); int proxyId = rnd.Next(2, 5); Proxy proxy = context.Proxies.Find(proxyId); if (proxy == null) { return; } WebProxy wp = new WebProxy(proxy.IPAddress, true); if (proxy.UserName != "") { ICredentials credentials = new NetworkCredential(proxy.UserName, proxy.Password); wp.Credentials = credentials; } var web1 = new HtmlWeb(); string url = good.ProductDetailUrl.Replace("ru.", "").Replace("eu.", ""); //NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(proxy.UserName, proxy.Password); //var doc2 = web1.Load(url, "GET", wp, networkCredential); var doc1 = web1.LoadFromBrowser(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(url), o => { var webBrowser = (WebBrowser)o; // WAIT until the dynamic text is set return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("mlnkMailTo").InnerText)); }); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(doc1.Text) && !doc1.Text.Contains("<meta name=\"ROBOTS\" content=\"NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW\">") && !doc1.Text.Contains("{\"success\":false,\"error") ) { good.IsWebDownloaded = true; GoodData goodData = context.GoodDatas.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Good.Id == good.Id); if (goodData != null) { goodData.Response = doc1.Text; goodData.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; goodData.Url = url; } else { context.GoodDatas.Add(new GoodData { CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Good = good, Response = doc1.Text, Url = url }); } } else { context.GoodDataErrors.Add(new GoodDataError { CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Good = good, Response = doc1.Text, Url = url }); } context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public static async Task PopulateGoodWebAsync(Mouser.Domain.ApplicationContext context, Good good) { HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb(); var htmlDoc = await web.LoadFromWebAsync(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(good.ProductDetailUrl)); }