public MonsterEvent(XElement element) : base(element) { characterFile = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "characterfile", ""); minAmount = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "minamount", 1); maxAmount = Math.Max(ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "maxamount", 1), minAmount); var spawnPosTypeStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "spawntype", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnPosTypeStr) || !Enum.TryParse <Level.PositionType>(spawnPosTypeStr, true, out spawnPosType)) { spawnPosType = Level.PositionType.MainPath; } spawnDeep = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "spawndeep", false); if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null) { List <string> monsterNames = GameMain.NetworkMember.monsterEnabled.Keys.ToList(); string tryKey = monsterNames.Find(s => characterFile.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower())); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tryKey)) { if (!GameMain.NetworkMember.monsterEnabled[tryKey]) { disallowed = true; //spawn was disallowed by host } } } }
public BackgroundCreaturePrefab(XElement element) { Speed = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "speed", 1.0f); WanderAmount = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "wanderamount", 0.0f); WanderZAmount = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "wanderzamount", 0.0f); SwarmMin = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "swarmmin", 1); SwarmMax = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "swarmmax", 1); SwarmRadius = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "swarmradius", 200.0f); DisableRotation = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "disablerotation", false); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { if (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() != "sprite") { continue; } Sprite = new Sprite(subElement); break; } }
private Order(XElement orderElement) { Name = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(orderElement, "name", "Name not found"); DoingText = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(orderElement, "doingtext", ""); string targetItemName = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(orderElement, "targetitemtype", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetItemName)) { try { ItemComponentType = Type.GetType("Barotrauma.Items.Components." + targetItemName, true, true); } catch (Exception e) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in " + ConfigFile + ", item component type " + targetItemName + " not found", e); } } ItemName = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(orderElement, "targetitemname", ""); Color = new Color(ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(orderElement, "color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))); UseController = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(orderElement, "usecontroller", false); string optionStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(orderElement, "options", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionStr)) { Options = new string[0]; } else { Options = optionStr.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < Options.Length; i++) { Options[i] = Options[i].Trim(); } } foreach (XElement subElement in orderElement.Elements()) { if (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() != "sprite") { continue; } SymbolSprite = new Sprite(subElement); break; } }
public Explosion(XElement element) { attack = new Attack(element); force = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "force", 0.0f); sparks = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "sparks", true); shockwave = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "shockwave", true); flames = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "flames", true); smoke = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "smoke", true); CameraShake = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "camerashake", attack.Range * 0.1f); }
private void InitializeJobItem(Character character, WayPoint spawnPoint, XElement itemElement, Item parentItem = null) { string itemName = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(itemElement, "name", ""); ItemPrefab itemPrefab = ItemPrefab.list.Find(ip => ip.Name == itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemName + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } Item item = new Item(itemPrefab, character.Position, null); if (GameMain.Server != null && Entity.Spawner != null) { Entity.Spawner.CreateNetworkEvent(item, false); } if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(itemElement, "equip", false)) { List <InvSlotType> allowedSlots = new List <InvSlotType>(item.AllowedSlots); allowedSlots.Remove(InvSlotType.Any); character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, allowedSlots); } else { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots); } if (item.Prefab.Name == "ID Card" && spawnPoint != null) { foreach (string s in spawnPoint.IdCardTags) { item.AddTag(s); } } if (parentItem != null) { parentItem.Combine(item); } foreach (XElement childItemElement in itemElement.Elements()) { InitializeJobItem(character, spawnPoint, childItemElement, item); } }
public BackgroundSpritePrefab(XElement element) { string alignmentStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "alignment", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alignmentStr) || !Enum.TryParse(alignmentStr, out Alignment)) { Alignment = Alignment.Top | Alignment.Bottom | Alignment.Left | Alignment.Right; } Commonness = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "commonness", 1); SpawnOnWalls = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "spawnonwalls", true); Scale.X = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "minsize", 1.0f); Scale.Y = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "maxsize", 1.0f); DepthRange = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "depthrange", new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f)); AlignWithSurface = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "alignwithsurface", false); RandomRotation = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "randomrotation", Vector2.Zero); RandomRotation.X = MathHelper.ToRadians(RandomRotation.X); RandomRotation.Y = MathHelper.ToRadians(RandomRotation.Y); SwingAmount = MathHelper.ToRadians(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "swingamount", 0.0f)); OverrideCommonness = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "sprite": Sprite = new Sprite(subElement); break; case "overridecommonness": string levelType = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(subElement, "leveltype", ""); if (!OverrideCommonness.ContainsKey(levelType)) { OverrideCommonness.Add(levelType, ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(subElement, "commonness", 1)); } break; } } }
public CharacterInfo(XElement element) { Name = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "name", "unnamed"); string genderStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "gender", "male").ToLowerInvariant(); gender = (genderStr == "m") ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female; File = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "file", ""); Salary = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "salary", 1000); headSpriteId = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "headspriteid", 1); StartItemsGiven = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "startitemsgiven", false); int hullId = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "hull", -1); if (hullId > 0 && hullId <= ushort.MaxValue) { this.HullID = (ushort)hullId; } pickedItems = new List <ushort>(); string pickedItemString = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "items", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pickedItemString)) { string[] itemIds = pickedItemString.Split(','); foreach (string s in itemIds) { pickedItems.Add((ushort)int.Parse(s)); } } foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { if (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() != "job") { continue; } Job = new Job(subElement); break; } }
public JobPrefab(XElement element) { Name = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "name", "name not found"); Description = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "description", ""); MinNumber = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "minnumber", 0); MaxNumber = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "maxnumber", 10); Commonness = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "commonness", 10); AllowAlways = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "allowalways", false); ItemNames = new List <string>(); Skills = new List <SkillPrefab>(); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "items": Items = subElement; foreach (XElement itemElement in subElement.Elements()) { string itemName = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(itemElement, "name", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemName)) { ItemNames.Add(itemName); } } break; case "skills": foreach (XElement skillElement in subElement.Elements()) { Skills.Add(new SkillPrefab(skillElement)); } break; } } Skills.Sort((x, y) => y.LevelRange.X.CompareTo(x.LevelRange.X)); }
public EnemyAIController(Character c, string file) : base(c) { targetMemories = new Dictionary <AITarget, AITargetMemory>(); XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(file); if (doc == null || doc.Root == null) { return; } XElement aiElement = doc.Root.Element("ai"); if (aiElement == null) { return; } attackRooms = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, 0.0f, "attackrooms", "attackpriorityrooms") / 100.0f; attackHumans = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, 0.0f, "attackhumans", "attackpriorityhumans") / 100.0f; attackWeaker = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, 0.0f, "attackweaker", "attackpriorityweaker") / 100.0f; attackStronger = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, 0.0f, "attackstronger", "attackprioritystronger") / 100.0f; eatDeadPriority = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "eatpriority", 0.0f) / 100.0f; combatStrength = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "combatstrength", 1.0f); attackCoolDown = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackcooldown", 5.0f); sight = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "sight", 0.0f); hearing = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "hearing", 0.0f); attackWhenProvoked = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(aiElement, "attackwhenprovoked", false); fleeHealthThreshold = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "fleehealththreshold", 0.0f); attachToWalls = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(aiElement, "attachtowalls", false); outsideSteering = new SteeringManager(this); insideSteering = new IndoorsSteeringManager(this, false); steeringManager = outsideSteering; state = AIState.None; }
public void StartServer() { XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(GameServer.SettingsFile); if (doc == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("File \"" + GameServer.SettingsFile + "\" not found. Starting the server with default settings."); Server = new GameServer("Server", 14242, false, "", false, 10); return; } Server = new GameServer( ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root, "name", "Server"), ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(doc.Root, "port", 14242), ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "public", false), ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root, "password", ""), ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "enableupnp", false), ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(doc.Root, "maxplayers", 10)); }
public void Load(string filePath) { XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(filePath); if (doc == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("No config file found"); MasterServerUrl = ""; SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Any() ? ContentPackage.list[0] : new ContentPackage(""); return; } MasterServerUrl = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root, "masterserverurl", ""); AutoCheckUpdates = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "autocheckupdates", true); WasGameUpdated = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "wasgameupdated", false); VerboseLogging = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "verboselogging", false); InitProjSpecific(doc); foreach (XElement subElement in doc.Root.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "contentpackage": string path = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(subElement, "path", ""); SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Find(cp => cp.Path == path); if (SelectedContentPackage == null) { SelectedContentPackage = new ContentPackage(path); } break; } } }
public FishAnimController(Character character, XElement element) : base(character, element) { waveAmplitude = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "waveamplitude", 0.0f)); waveLength = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "wavelength", 0.0f)); flip = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "flip", true); mirror = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "mirror", false); float footRot = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "footrotation", float.NaN); if (float.IsNaN(footRot)) { footRotation = null; } else { footRotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(footRot); } rotateTowardsMovement = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "rotatetowardsmovement", true); }
public EnemyAIController(Character c, string file) : base(c) { targetMemories = new Dictionary <AITarget, AITargetMemory>(); XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(file); if (doc == null || doc.Root == null) { return; } XElement aiElement = doc.Root.Element("ai"); if (aiElement == null) { return; } attackRooms = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackrooms", 0.0f) / 100.0f; attackHumans = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackhumans", 0.0f) / 100.0f; attackWeaker = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackweaker", 0.0f) / 100.0f; attackStronger = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackstronger", 0.0f) / 100.0f; attackCoolDown = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "attackcooldown", 5.0f); sight = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "sight", 0.0f); hearing = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(aiElement, "hearing", 0.0f); attackWhenProvoked = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(aiElement, "attackwhenprovoked", false); outsideSteering = new SteeringManager(this); insideSteering = new IndoorsSteeringManager(this, false); steeringManager = outsideSteering; state = AiState.None; }
public static Mission LoadRandom(Location[] locations, MTRandom rand, string missionType = "", bool isSinglePlayer = false) { missionType = missionType.ToLowerInvariant(); var files = GameMain.SelectedPackage.GetFilesOfType(ContentType.Missions); string configFile = files[rand.Next(files.Count)]; XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(configFile); if (doc == null) { return(null); } int eventCount = doc.Root.Elements().Count(); //int[] commonness = new int[eventCount]; float[] eventProbability = new float[eventCount]; float probabilitySum = 0.0f; List <XElement> matchingElements = new List <XElement>(); if (missionType == "random") { matchingElements = doc.Root.Elements().ToList(); } else if (missionType == "none") { return(null); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(missionType)) { matchingElements = doc.Root.Elements().ToList(); } else { matchingElements = doc.Root.Elements().ToList().FindAll(m => m.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Replace("mission", "") == missionType); } if (isSinglePlayer) { matchingElements.RemoveAll(m => ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(m, "multiplayeronly", false)); } else { matchingElements.RemoveAll(m => ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(m, "singleplayeronly", false)); } int i = 0; foreach (XElement element in matchingElements) { eventProbability[i] = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "commonness", 1); probabilitySum += eventProbability[i]; i++; } float randomNumber = (float)rand.NextDouble() * probabilitySum; i = 0; foreach (XElement element in matchingElements) { if (randomNumber <= eventProbability[i]) { Type t; string type = element.Name.ToString(); try { t = Type.GetType("Barotrauma." + type, true, true); if (t == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in " + configFile + "! Could not find a mission class of the type \"" + type + "\"."); continue; } } catch { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in " + configFile + "! Could not find a mission class of the type \"" + type + "\"."); continue; } ConstructorInfo constructor = t.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(XElement), typeof(Location[]) }); object instance = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { element, locations }); Mission mission = (Mission)instance; return(mission); } randomNumber -= eventProbability[i]; i++; } return(null); }
public ItemPrefab(XElement element, string filePath) { configFile = filePath; ConfigElement = element; name = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "name", ""); if (name == "") { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Unnamed item in " + filePath + "!"); } DebugConsole.Log(" " + name); Description = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "description", ""); pickThroughWalls = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "pickthroughwalls", false); pickDistance = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "pickdistance", 0.0f); isLinkable = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "linkable", false); resizeHorizontal = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "resizehorizontal", false); resizeVertical = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "resizevertical", false); focusOnSelected = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "focusonselected", false); offsetOnSelected = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "offsetonselected", 0.0f); CanUseOnSelf = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "canuseonself", false); FireProof = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "fireproof", false); ImpactTolerance = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "impacttolerance", 0.0f); string aliases = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "aliases", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aliases)) { Aliases = aliases.Split(','); } MapEntityCategory category; if (!Enum.TryParse(ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "category", "Misc"), true, out category)) { category = MapEntityCategory.Misc; } Category = category; string spriteColorStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "spritecolor", "1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0"); SpriteColor = new Color(ToolBox.ParseToVector4(spriteColorStr)); price = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "price", 0); Triggers = new List <Rectangle>(); DeconstructItems = new List <DeconstructItem>(); DeconstructTime = 1.0f; tags = new List <string>(); tags.AddRange(ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "tags", "").Split(',')); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "sprite": string spriteFolder = ""; if (!ToolBox.GetAttributeString(subElement, "texture", "").Contains("/")) { spriteFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); } canSpriteFlipX = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "canflipx", true); sprite = new Sprite(subElement, spriteFolder); size = sprite.size; break; case "deconstruct": DeconstructTime = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(subElement, "time", 10.0f); foreach (XElement deconstructItem in subElement.Elements()) { string deconstructItemName = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(deconstructItem, "name", "not found"); bool requireFullCondition = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(deconstructItem, "requirefullcondition", false); DeconstructItems.Add(new DeconstructItem(deconstructItemName, requireFullCondition)); } break; case "trigger": Rectangle trigger = new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10); trigger.X = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(subElement, "x", 0); trigger.Y = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(subElement, "y", 0); trigger.Width = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(subElement, "width", 0); trigger.Height = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(subElement, "height", 0); Triggers.Add(trigger); break; } } list.Add(this); }
protected StatusEffect(XElement element) { requiredItems = new List <RelatedItem>(); #if CLIENT particleEmitters = new List <ParticleEmitterPrefab>(); #endif IEnumerable <XAttribute> attributes = element.Attributes(); List <XAttribute> propertyAttributes = new List <XAttribute>(); foreach (XAttribute attribute in attributes) { switch (attribute.Name.ToString()) { case "type": try { type = (ActionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActionType), attribute.Value, true); } catch { string[] split = attribute.Value.Split('='); type = (ActionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActionType), split[0], true); string[] containingNames = split[1].Split(','); onContainingNames = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < containingNames.Length; i++) { onContainingNames.Add(containingNames[i].Trim()); } } break; case "target": string[] Flags = attribute.Value.Split(','); foreach (string s in Flags) { targetTypes |= (TargetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TargetType), s, true); } break; case "disabledeltatime": disableDeltaTime = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(attribute, false); break; case "setvalue": setValue = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(attribute, false); break; case "targetnames": string[] names = attribute.Value.Split(','); targetNames = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { targetNames.Add(names[i].Trim()); } break; case "duration": duration = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(attribute, 0.0f); break; #if CLIENT case "sound": sound = Sound.Load(attribute.Value.ToString()); break; #endif default: propertyAttributes.Add(attribute); break; } } int count = propertyAttributes.Count; propertyNames = new string[count]; propertyEffects = new object[count]; int n = 0; foreach (XAttribute attribute in propertyAttributes) { propertyNames[n] = attribute.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); propertyEffects[n] = ToolBox.GetAttributeObject(attribute); n++; } foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "explosion": explosion = new Explosion(subElement); break; case "fire": FireSize = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(subElement, "size", 10.0f); break; case "use": case "useitem": useItem = true; break; case "requireditem": case "requireditems": RelatedItem newRequiredItem = RelatedItem.Load(subElement); if (newRequiredItem == null) { continue; } requiredItems.Add(newRequiredItem); break; #if CLIENT case "particleemitter": particleEmitters.Add(new ParticleEmitterPrefab(subElement)); break; #endif } } }
public CharacterInfo(string file, string name = "", Gender gender = Gender.None, JobPrefab jobPrefab = null) { this.File = file; headSpriteRange = new Vector2[2]; pickedItems = new List <ushort>(); SpriteTags = new List <string>(); //ID = -1; XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(file); if (doc == null) { return; } if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "genders", false)) { if (gender == Gender.None) { float femaleRatio = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(doc.Root, "femaleratio", 0.5f); this.gender = (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f, Rand.RandSync.Server) < femaleRatio) ? Gender.Female : Gender.Male; } else { this.gender = gender; } } headSpriteRange[0] = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(doc.Root, "headid", Vector2.Zero); headSpriteRange[1] = headSpriteRange[0]; if (headSpriteRange[0] == Vector2.Zero) { headSpriteRange[0] = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(doc.Root, "maleheadid", Vector2.Zero); headSpriteRange[1] = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(doc.Root, "femaleheadid", Vector2.Zero); } int genderIndex = (this.gender == Gender.Female) ? 1 : 0; if (headSpriteRange[genderIndex] != Vector2.Zero) { HeadSpriteId = Rand.Range((int)headSpriteRange[genderIndex].X, (int)headSpriteRange[genderIndex].Y + 1); } this.Job = (jobPrefab == null) ? Job.Random() : new Job(jobPrefab); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { this.Name = name; return; } name = ""; if (doc.Root.Element("name") != null) { string firstNamePath = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root.Element("name"), "firstname", ""); if (firstNamePath != "") { firstNamePath = firstNamePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (this.gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : ""); this.Name = ToolBox.GetRandomLine(firstNamePath); } string lastNamePath = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root.Element("name"), "lastname", ""); if (lastNamePath != "") { lastNamePath = lastNamePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (this.gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : ""); if (this.Name != "") { this.Name += " "; } this.Name += ToolBox.GetRandomLine(lastNamePath); } } Salary = CalculateSalary(); }
public static StructurePrefab Load(XElement element) { StructurePrefab sp = new StructurePrefab(); = element.Name.ToString(); sp.tags = new List <string>(); sp.tags.AddRange(ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "tags", "").Split(',')); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString()) { case "sprite": sp.sprite = new Sprite(subElement); if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "fliphorizontal", false)) { sp.sprite.effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "flipvertical", false)) { sp.sprite.effects = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically; } sp.canSpriteFlipX = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "canflipx", true); break; case "backgroundsprite": sp.BackgroundSprite = new Sprite(subElement); if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "fliphorizontal", false)) { sp.BackgroundSprite.effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "flipvertical", false)) { sp.BackgroundSprite.effects = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically; } break; } } MapEntityCategory category; if (!Enum.TryParse(ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "category", "Structure"), true, out category)) { category = MapEntityCategory.Structure; } sp.Category = category; sp.Description = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "description", ""); sp.size = Vector2.Zero; sp.size.X = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "width", 0.0f); sp.size.Y = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "height", 0.0f); string spriteColorStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "spritecolor", "1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0"); sp.SpriteColor = new Color(ToolBox.ParseToVector4(spriteColorStr)); sp.maxHealth = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "health", 100.0f); sp.resizeHorizontal = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "resizehorizontal", false); sp.resizeVertical = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "resizevertical", false); sp.isPlatform = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "platform", false); sp.stairDirection = (Direction)Enum.Parse(typeof(Direction), ToolBox.GetAttributeString(element, "stairdirection", "None"), true); sp.castShadow = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "castshadow", false); sp.hasBody = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "body", false); return(sp); }
public GUIComponentStyle(XElement element) { Sprites = new Dictionary <GUIComponent.ComponentState, List <UISprite> >(); foreach (GUIComponent.ComponentState state in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GUIComponent.ComponentState))) { Sprites[state] = new List <UISprite>(); } ChildStyles = new Dictionary <string, GUIComponentStyle>(); Padding = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "padding", Vector4.Zero); Vector4 colorVector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "color", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); Color = new Color(colorVector.X, colorVector.Y, colorVector.Z, colorVector.W); colorVector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "textcolor", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); textColor = new Color(colorVector.X, colorVector.Y, colorVector.Z, colorVector.W); colorVector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "hovercolor", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); HoverColor = new Color(colorVector.X, colorVector.Y, colorVector.Z, colorVector.W); colorVector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "selectedcolor", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); SelectedColor = new Color(colorVector.X, colorVector.Y, colorVector.Z, colorVector.W); colorVector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(element, "outlinecolor", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); OutlineColor = new Color(colorVector.X, colorVector.Y, colorVector.Z, colorVector.W); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "sprite": Sprite sprite = new Sprite(subElement); bool maintainAspect = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "maintainaspectratio", false); bool tile = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(subElement, "tile", true); string stateStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(subElement, "state", "None"); GUIComponent.ComponentState spriteState = GUIComponent.ComponentState.None; Enum.TryParse(stateStr, out spriteState); UISprite newSprite = new UISprite(sprite, tile, maintainAspect); Vector4 sliceVec = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector4(subElement, "slice", Vector4.Zero); if (sliceVec != Vector4.Zero) { Rectangle slice = new Rectangle((int)sliceVec.X, (int)sliceVec.Y, (int)(sliceVec.Z - sliceVec.X), (int)(sliceVec.W - sliceVec.Y)); newSprite.Slice = true; newSprite.Slices = new Rectangle[9]; //top-left newSprite.Slices[0] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Location, slice.Location - newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Location); //top-mid newSprite.Slices[1] = new Rectangle(slice.Location.X, newSprite.Slices[0].Y, slice.Width, newSprite.Slices[0].Height); //top-right newSprite.Slices[2] = new Rectangle(slice.Right, newSprite.Slices[0].Y, newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Right - slice.Right, newSprite.Slices[0].Height); //mid-left newSprite.Slices[3] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Slices[0].X, slice.Y, newSprite.Slices[0].Width, slice.Height); //center newSprite.Slices[4] = slice; //mid-right newSprite.Slices[5] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Slices[2].X, slice.Y, newSprite.Slices[2].Width, slice.Height); //bottom-left newSprite.Slices[6] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Slices[0].X, slice.Bottom, newSprite.Slices[0].Width, newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Bottom - slice.Bottom); //bottom-mid newSprite.Slices[7] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Slices[1].X, slice.Bottom, newSprite.Slices[1].Width, newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Bottom - slice.Bottom); //bottom-right newSprite.Slices[8] = new Rectangle(newSprite.Slices[2].X, slice.Bottom, newSprite.Slices[2].Width, newSprite.Sprite.SourceRect.Bottom - slice.Bottom); } Sprites[spriteState].Add(newSprite); break; default: ChildStyles.Add(subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), new GUIComponentStyle(subElement)); break; } } }
public Limb(Character character, XElement element, float scale = 1.0f) { this.character = character; wearingItems = new List <WearableSprite>(); dir = Direction.Right; doesFlip = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "flip", false); this.scale = scale; body = new PhysicsBody(element, scale); if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "ignorecollisions", false)) { body.CollisionCategories = Category.None; body.CollidesWith = Category.None; ignoreCollisions = true; } else { //limbs don't collide with each other body.CollisionCategories = Physics.CollisionCharacter; body.CollidesWith = Physics.CollisionAll & ~Physics.CollisionCharacter & ~Physics.CollisionItem; } body.UserData = this; refJointIndex = -1; Vector2 pullJointPos = Vector2.Zero; if (element.Attribute("type") != null) { try { type = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), element.Attribute("type").Value, true); } catch { type = LimbType.None; DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in " + element + "! \"" + element.Attribute("type").Value + "\" is not a valid limb type"); } pullJointPos = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "pullpos", Vector2.Zero) * scale; pullJointPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(pullJointPos); stepOffset = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "stepoffset", Vector2.Zero) * scale; stepOffset = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(stepOffset); refJointIndex = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "refjoint", -1); } else { type = LimbType.None; } pullJoint = new FixedMouseJoint(body.FarseerBody, pullJointPos); pullJoint.Enabled = false; pullJoint.MaxForce = ((type == LimbType.LeftHand || type == LimbType.RightHand) ? 400.0f : 150.0f) * body.Mass; GameMain.World.AddJoint(pullJoint); steerForce = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "steerforce", 0.0f); //maxHealth = Math.Max(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "health", 100.0f),1.0f); armorSector = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "armorsector", Vector2.Zero); armorSector.X = MathHelper.ToRadians(armorSector.X); armorSector.Y = MathHelper.ToRadians(armorSector.Y); armorValue = Math.Max(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "armor", 0.0f), 0.0f); if (element.Attribute("mouthpos") != null) { MouthPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "mouthpos", Vector2.Zero)); } body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic; body.FarseerBody.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping; foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "sprite": string spritePath = subElement.Attribute("texture").Value; string spritePathWithTags = spritePath; if (character.Info != null) { spritePath = spritePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (character.Info.Gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : ""); spritePath = spritePath.Replace("[HEADID]", character.Info.HeadSpriteId.ToString()); if (character.Info.HeadSprite != null && character.Info.SpriteTags.Any()) { string tags = ""; character.Info.SpriteTags.ForEach(tag => tags += "[" + tag + "]"); spritePathWithTags = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(spritePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spritePath) + tags + Path.GetExtension(spritePath)); } } if (File.Exists(spritePathWithTags)) { sprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", spritePathWithTags); } else { sprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", spritePath); } break; case "damagedsprite": string damagedSpritePath = subElement.Attribute("texture").Value; if (character.Info != null) { damagedSpritePath = damagedSpritePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (character.Info.Gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : ""); damagedSpritePath = damagedSpritePath.Replace("[HEADID]", character.Info.HeadSpriteId.ToString()); } damagedSprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", damagedSpritePath); break; case "attack": attack = new Attack(subElement); break; } } InitProjSpecific(element); }
public void Load(string filePath) { XDocument doc = ToolBox.TryLoadXml(filePath); if (doc == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("No config file found"); GraphicsWidth = 1024; GraphicsHeight = 678; MasterServerUrl = ""; SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Any() ? ContentPackage.list[0] : new ContentPackage(""); JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (JobPrefab job in JobPrefab.List) { JobNamePreferences.Add(job.Name); } return; } XElement graphicsMode = doc.Root.Element("graphicsmode"); GraphicsWidth = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(graphicsMode, "width", 0); GraphicsHeight = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(graphicsMode, "height", 0); VSyncEnabled = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(graphicsMode, "vsync", true); if (GraphicsWidth == 0 || GraphicsHeight == 0) { GraphicsWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; GraphicsHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; } //FullScreenEnabled = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(graphicsMode, "fullscreen", true); var windowModeStr = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(graphicsMode, "displaymode", "Fullscreen"); if (!Enum.TryParse <WindowMode>(windowModeStr, out windowMode)) { windowMode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; } MasterServerUrl = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(doc.Root, "masterserverurl", ""); AutoCheckUpdates = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "autocheckupdates", true); WasGameUpdated = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "wasgameupdated", false); SoundVolume = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(doc.Root, "soundvolume", 1.0f); MusicVolume = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(doc.Root, "musicvolume", 0.3f); VerboseLogging = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "verboselogging", false); EnableSplashScreen = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(doc.Root, "enablesplashscreen", true); keyMapping = new KeyOrMouse[Enum.GetNames(typeof(InputType)).Length]; keyMapping[(int)InputType.Up] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.W); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Down] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.S); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Left] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.A); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Right] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Run] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.LeftShift); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Chat] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.Tab); keyMapping[(int)InputType.CrewOrders] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.C); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Select] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.E); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Use] = new KeyOrMouse(0); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Aim] = new KeyOrMouse(1); foreach (XElement subElement in doc.Root.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "contentpackage": string path = ToolBox.GetAttributeString(subElement, "path", ""); SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Find(cp => cp.Path == path); if (SelectedContentPackage == null) { SelectedContentPackage = new ContentPackage(path); } break; case "keymapping": foreach (XAttribute attribute in subElement.Attributes()) { InputType inputType; if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Name.ToString(), true, out inputType)) { int mouseButton; if (int.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), out mouseButton)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(mouseButton); } else { Keys key; if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), true, out key)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(key); } } } } break; case "gameplay": JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (XElement ele in subElement.Element("jobpreferences").Elements("job")) { JobNamePreferences.Add(ToolBox.GetAttributeString(ele, "name", "")); } break; } } foreach (InputType inputType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InputType))) { if (keyMapping[(int)inputType] == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Key binding for the input type \"" + inputType + " not set!"); keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D1); } } UnsavedSettings = false; }