public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //adjust math if needed AdjustMath(BGPrivateField.GetSettings(Curve), Math); //styles BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref stickerStyle, () => new GUIStyle("Label") {fontSize = 18, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, normal = new GUIStyleState {textColor = Color.white}}); serializedObject.Update(); // =========== Header DrawLogo(); // =========== lock view BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(() => { var temp = BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView; BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView = BGEditorUtility.ButtonOnOff(ref temp, "Lock view", "Disable selection of any object in the scene, except points", LockViewActiveColor, new GUIContent("Turn Off", "Click to turn this mode off"), new GUIContent("Turn On", "Click to turn this mode on")); if (GUILayout.Button(BGBinaryResources.BGSettingsIcon123, GUILayout.MaxWidth(24), GUILayout.MaxHeight(24))) BGCurveSettingsForEditorWindow.Open(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.I); }); //warning BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("You can not chose another objects in the scene, except points.", MessageType.Warning, BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView, () => GUILayout.Space(8)); // =========== Tabs var currentTab = BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab; if (currentTab < 0 || currentTab > headers.Length - 1) currentTab = 0; var newTab = GUILayout.Toolbar(currentTab, headers, GUILayout.Height(ToolBarHeight)); //do not move this method(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect() is used) ShowStickers(); if (currentTab != newTab) GUI.FocusControl(""); BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab = newTab; editors[newTab].OnInspectorGui(); if (!GUI.changed) return; // if no change- return foreach (var editor in editors) editor.OnApply(); transformMonitor.CheckForChange(); }
// ================================================================================ Inspector public override void OnInspectorGui() { var settings = Settings; editorSelection.Reset(); // ======================================== Top section InspectorTopSection(); // ======================================== Points GUILayout.Space(5); if (Curve.PointsCount > 0) { BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() => { var temp = BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableInspectorPointMenu; BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableInspectorPointMenu = BGEditorUtility.ButtonOnOff(ref temp, "Points menu [" + Curve.PointsCount + "]", "Show points in Editor inspector", HiddenPointMenuColor, new GUIContent("Show", "Click to show points menu"), new GUIContent("Hide", "Click to hide points menu"), () => { const string title = "Reverse points"; if (!GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(title, "Reverse all points, but keep curve intact"))) { return; } if (Curve.PointsCount < 2) { BGEditorUtility.Inform(title, "There should be at least 2 points. Curve has " + Curve.PointsCount); return; } if (!BGEditorUtility.Confirm(title, "Are you sure you want to reverse the order of " + Curve.PointsCount + " points? Curve will remain intact.", "Reverse")) { return; } Curve.Reverse(); }); //show points! if (!BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableInspectorPointMenu) { SwapVector2Labels(Curve.Mode2D, () => Curve.ForEach((point, index, count) => editorPoint.OnInspectorGui(point, index, settings))); } }); // ======================================== Selections operations editorSelection.InspectorSelectionOperations(); //warning BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("Selection mode is on", MessageType.Warning, !editorSelection.Changed && editorSelection.HasSelected()); } else { BGEditorUtility.HorizontalBox(() => { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No points!"); if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(BGBinaryResources.BGAdd123, "Add new point at (0,0,0) local coordinates")) { BGCurveEditor.AddPoint(Curve, new BGCurvePoint(Curve,, settings.ControlType, Vector3.right, Vector3.left), 0); } }); } if (!editorSelection.Changed) { return; } Editor.Repaint(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //adjust math if needed AdjustMath(BGPrivateField.GetSettings(Curve), Math); //styles BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref stickerStyle, () => new GUIStyle("Label") { fontSize = 18, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = Color.white } }); BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref settingsTexture, () => BGEditorUtility.LoadTexture2D(BGEditorUtility.Image.BGSettingsIcon123)); serializedObject.Update(); // =========== Header DrawLogo(); // =========== lock view BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(() => { var temp = BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView; BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView = BGEditorUtility.ButtonOnOff(ref temp, "Lock view", "Disable selection of other objects in the scene", LockViewActiveColor, new GUIContent("Turn Off", "Click to turn this mode off"), new GUIContent("Turn On", "Click to turn this mode on")); if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(settingsTexture, "Open BGCurve Editor Settings", 24, 24)) { BGCurveSettingsForEditorWindow.Open(); } }); //warning BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("You can not chose another objects in the scene, except points.\r\n Use rectangular selection without pressing shift", MessageType.Warning, BGCurveSettingsForEditor.LockView, () => GUILayout.Space(8)); // =========== Tabs if (BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab < 0 || BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab > headers.Length - 1) { BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab = 0; } BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab = GUILayout.Toolbar(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab, headers, GUILayout.Height(ToolBarHeight)); //do not move this method(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect() is used) ShowStickers(); editors[BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CurrentTab].OnInspectorGui(); if (!GUI.changed) { return; // if no change- return } foreach (var editor in editors) { editor.OnBeforeApply(); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(Curve); foreach (var editor in editors) { editor.OnApply(); } transformMonitor.Check(); }