コード例 #1
        private static void ShowSettings()
            BGEditorUtility.SwapLabelWidth(300, () =>
                BGEditorUtility.Vertical(new GUIStyle("Box")
                    padding = new RectOffset(Padding, Padding, Padding, Padding)
                }, () =>
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("BG Curve Editor Settings", new GUIStyle("Box")
                        fontSize = 22

                    if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Reset to defaults", "Reset all editor settings to their defaults.")) &&
                        BGEditorUtility.Confirm("Reset settings", "Reset All Editor settings to defaults? It does not affect curve's settings.", "Reset"))

                    //coordinates for points and controls
                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.PopupField(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.InspectorPointCoordinateSpace, "Point Coordinates",
                                                   b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.InspectorPointCoordinateSpace = (BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CoordinateSpaceEnum)b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Coordinate Space for points (for Inspector's fields inder Points tab.)", MessageType.Info);

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.PopupField(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.InspectorControlCoordinateSpace, "Point Controls Coordinates",
                                                   b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.InspectorControlCoordinateSpace = (BGCurveSettingsForEditor.CoordinateSpaceEnum)b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Coordinate Space for points controls (for Inspector's fields inder Points tab.)", MessageType.Info);

                    // disable fields
                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ToggleField(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableSceneViewPointMenu, "Disable SV Point Menu", b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableSceneViewPointMenu = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Disable point's menu, which is activated in Scene View by holding Ctrl over a point.", MessageType.Info);

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ToggleField(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableSceneViewSelectionMenu, "Disable SV Selection Menu", b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableSceneViewSelectionMenu = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Disable selection's menu, which is activated in Scene View by holding Ctrl over a selection handles.", MessageType.Info);

 *                                                                              BGEUtil.VerticalBox(() =>
 *                                                                              {
 *                                                                                  BGEUtil.ToggleField(BGCurveEditorSettings.DisableInspectorPointMenu, "Disable Inspector Points Menu", b => BGCurveEditorSettings.DisableInspectorPointMenu = b);
 *                                                                                  EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Disable points menu, which is located under Points tab in Inspector.", MessageType.Info);
 *                                                                              });

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ToggleField(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableRectangularSelection, "Disable Rectangular Selection", b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.DisableRectangularSelection = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Disable rectangular selection in Scene View, which is activated by holding shift and mouse dragging.", MessageType.Info);

                    // colors
                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ColorField("Rectangular Selection Color", BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForRectangularSelection, b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForRectangularSelection = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Color for Rectangular Selection background", MessageType.Info);

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ColorField("Add and Snap 3D Handles Color", BGCurveSettingsForEditor.HandleColorForAddAndSnap3D, b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.HandleColorForAddAndSnap3D = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Color for handles, shown for 3D curve in Scene View when new point is previewed.", MessageType.Info);

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ColorField("Add and Snap 2D Handles Color", BGCurveSettingsForEditor.HandleColorForAddAndSnap2D, b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.HandleColorForAddAndSnap2D = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Color for handles, shown for 2D curve in Scene View when new point is previewed.", MessageType.Info);

                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ColorField("Points labels back color", BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForLabelBackground, b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForLabelBackground = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Background color for points labels in Scene View.", MessageType.Info);
                    BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() =>
                        BGEditorUtility.ColorField("New section preview color", BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForNewSectionPreview, b => BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForNewSectionPreview = b);
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Color for new section preview in Scene View.", MessageType.Info);
コード例 #2
 protected void NextEnumRow(BGTableView ui, string label, string tooltip, Enum value, Action <Enum> valueSetter)
     ui.NextColumn(label, tooltip);
     ui.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.PopupField(rect, value, valueSetter));
コード例 #3
            public void Ui(BGTableView ui)
                var cursor = 0;

                // ==========================   First row
                ui.NextColumn("" + index, "Field's index", GetWidth(ui, ref cursor));

                ui.NextColumn(rect =>
                    BGEditorUtility.TextField(rect, field.FieldName, s =>
                        if (NameHasError(field.Curve, s))
                        Change(() => field.FieldName = s);
                    }, true);
                }, GetWidth(ui, ref cursor));

                ui.NextColumn(field.Type.ToString(), "Field's Type", GetWidth(ui, ref cursor));

                //show in Points menu
                ui.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.BoolField(rect, BGPrivateField.GetShowInPointsMenu(field), b => Change(() => BGPrivateField.SetShowInPointsMenu(field, b))),
                              GetWidth(ui, ref cursor));

                //delete icon
                ui.NextColumn(rect =>
                    if (!GUI.Button(rect, deleteIcon) || !BGEditorUtility.Confirm("Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete '" + field.FieldName + "' field?", "Delete"))

                    BGPrivateField.Invoke(field.Curve, BGCurve.MethodDeleteField, field, (Action <BGCurvePointField>)Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate);

                }, GetWidth(ui, ref cursor));


                // ==========================   Second row
                //does not support
                if (!SupportHandles(field.Type))

                ui.NextColumn("      Handles", "Field's index", 25);

                //handles type
                    rect => BGEditorUtility.PopupField(rect, (HandlesType)BGPrivateField.GetHandlesType(field), Type2Handles[field.Type],
                                                       b => Change(() => BGPrivateField.SetHandlesType(field, (int)((HandlesType)b)))), 30);

                //Handles color
                ui.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.ColorField(rect, BGPrivateField.GetHandlesColor(field), b => Change(() => BGPrivateField.SetHandlesColor(field, b))), 30);

                //show handles in Scene View
                ui.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.BoolField(rect, BGPrivateField.GetShowHandles(field), b => Change(() => BGPrivateField.SetShowHandles(field, b))), 5);

                //empty column under delete button
                ui.NextColumn(rect => EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, ""), 10);

コード例 #4
        // ================================================================================ Inspector
        public override void OnInspectorGui()
            var settings = BGPrivateField.GetSettings(Curve);

            BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("Curve UI is disabled in settings. All handles are disabled too.", MessageType.Warning, !settings.ShowCurve);

            // Custom fields
            var warning = "";

            BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref customUi, () => new BGTableView("Custom fields", new[] { "#", "Name", "Type", "?", "Delete" }, new[] { 5, 40, 40, 5, 10 }, () =>
                //add row
                customUi.NextColumn(rect => EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Name"), 12);
                customUi.NextColumn(rect => newFieldName = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, newFieldName), 28);
                customUi.NextColumn(rect => BGEditorUtility.PopupField(rect, newFieldType, @enum => newFieldType = (BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum)@enum), 50);
                customUi.NextColumn(rect =>
                    if (!GUI.Button(rect, BGBinaryResources.BGAdd123))

                    if (NameHasError(Curve, newFieldName))

                    BGPrivateField.Invoke(Curve, BGCurve.MethodAddField, newFieldName, newFieldType, (Func <BGCurvePointField>)(() => Undo.AddComponent <BGCurvePointField>(Curve.gameObject)));
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                }, 10);


                if (customFields == null || customFields.Length == 0)
                    customUi.NextRow("Name should be 16 chars max, starts with a letter and contain English chars and numbers only.");

                    var quaternionWithHandlesCount = 0;

                    BGEditorUtility.ChangeCheck(() =>
                        foreach (var customField in customFields)
                            if (customField.Field.Type == BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.Quaternion && BGPrivateField.GetHandlesType(customField.Field) != 0)
                    }, SceneView.RepaintAll);

                    if (quaternionWithHandlesCount > 1)
                        warning = "You have more than one Quaternion field with Handles enabled. Only first field will be shown in Scene View";
                    customUi.NextRow("?- Show in Points Menu/Scene View");

            // System fields
            BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref systemUi, () => new BGTableView("System fields", new[] { "Name", "Value" }, new[] { LabelWidth, 100 - LabelWidth }, () =>
                BGEditorUtility.ChangeCheck(() =>
                    foreach (var field in systemFields)
                }, SceneView.RepaintAll);

            BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref systemFields, () => new[]
                (SystemField) new SystemFieldPosition(settings),
                new SystemFieldControls(settings),
                new SystemFieldControlsType(settings),
                new SystemFieldTransform(settings),

            var fields    = Curve.Fields;
            var hasFields = fields != null && fields.Length > 0;

            if (hasFields && (customFields == null || customFields.Length != fields.Length) || !hasFields && customFields != null && customFields.Length != fields.Length)
                customFields = new PointField[fields.Length];

                for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                    customFields[i] = new PointField(fields[i], i, BGBinaryResources.BGDelete123);

            BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("All handles for positions are disabled.", MessageType.Warning, settings.HandlesSettings.Disabled);
            BGEditorUtility.HelpBox("All handles for controls are disabled.", MessageType.Warning, settings.ControlHandlesSettings.Disabled);

            //====================== Custom fields

            BGEditorUtility.HelpBox(warning, MessageType.Warning, warning.Length > 0);

            //====================== System fields
コード例 #5
        private BGCurveSettingsForEditor()
            AddSetting(new SettingEnum(InspectorPointsCoordinatesKey,
                                       "Point's Coordinate Space",
                                       "Coordinate Space for points (for Inspector's fields inder Points tab.)",
                                       oldValue =>
                var newValue1 = oldValue;
                BGEditorUtility.PopupField((CoordinateSpaceEnum)oldValue, "Point's Coordinate Space", b => newValue1 = Convert.ToInt32(b));
            AddSetting(new SettingEnum(InspectorControlsCoordinatesKey,
                                       "Point Controls Coordinates Space",
                                       "Coordinate Space for points controls (for Inspector's fields inder Points tab.)",
                                       oldValue =>
                var newValue1 = oldValue;
                BGEditorUtility.PopupField((CoordinateSpaceEnum)oldValue, "Point Controls Coordinates Space", b => newValue1 = Convert.ToInt32(b));

            AddSetting(new SettingBool(DisableRectangularSelectionKey,
                                       "Disable Rectangular Selection",
                                       "Disable rectangular selection in Scene View, which is activated by holding shift and mouse dragging.",
            AddSetting(new SettingBool(DisableSceneViewPointMenuKey,
                                       "Disable SV Point Menu",
                                       "Disable point's menu, which is activated in Scene View by holding Ctrl over a point.",
            AddSetting(new SettingBool(DisableSceneViewSelectionMenuKey,
                                       "Disable SV Selection Menu",
                                       "Disable selection's menu, which is activated in Scene View by holding Ctrl over a selection handles.",

            AddSetting(new SettingBool(CcInspectorHandlesOffKey,
            AddSetting(new SettingBool(DisableInspectorPointMenuKey,
            AddSetting(new SettingBool(LockViewKey,
            AddSetting(new SettingInt(CurrentTabKey,

            AddSetting(new SettingColor(HandleColorForAddAndSnap3DKey,
                                        "Add and Snap 3D Handles Color",
                                        "Color for handles, shown for 3D curve in Scene View when new point is previewed.",
                                        new Color32(46, 143, 168, 20)
            AddSetting(new SettingColor(HandleColorForAddAndSnap2DKey,
                                        "Add and Snap 2D Handles Color",
                                        "Color for handles, shown for 2D curve in Scene View when new point is previewed.",
                                        new Color32(255, 255, 255, 10)
            AddSetting(new SettingColor(ColorForRectangularSelectionKey,
                                        "Rectangular Selection Color",
                                        "Color for Rectangular Selection background",
                                        new Color32(46, 143, 168, 25)
            AddSetting(new SettingColor(ColorForLabelBackgroundKey,
                                        "Points labels back color",
                                        "Background color for points labels in Scene View.",
                                        new Color32(255, 255, 255, 25)
            AddSetting(new SettingColor(ColorForNewSectionPreviewKey,
                                        "New section preview color",
                                        "Color for new section preview in Scene View.",
                                        new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255)