コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WBLogging.Generic.Verbose("In Page_Load for the public doc metadata dialog");

            // Creating the taxonomy objects for later use:
            recordsTypeTaxonomy     = WBTaxonomy.GetRecordsTypes(WorkBox.Site);
            teamsTaxonomy           = WBTaxonomy.GetTeams(recordsTypeTaxonomy);
            seriesTagsTaxonomy      = WBTaxonomy.GetSeriesTags(recordsTypeTaxonomy);
            subjectTagsTaxonomy     = WBTaxonomy.GetSubjectTags(recordsTypeTaxonomy);
            functionalAreasTaxonomy = WBTaxonomy.GetFunctionalAreas(recordsTypeTaxonomy);

            // If this is the initial call to the page then we need to load the basic details of the document we're publishing out:
            if (!IsPostBack)
                ListGUID.Value = Request.QueryString["ListGUID"];
                ItemID.Value   = Request.QueryString["ItemID"];

                // The following variable has its name due to a strange compliation error with the name 'DestinationType'
                TheDestinationType.Value = Request.QueryString["DestinationType"];
                DestinationURL.Value     = Request.QueryString["DestinationURL"];
                DestinationTitle.Text    = Request.QueryString["DestinationTitle"] + " (" + Request.QueryString["DestinationType"] + ")";

                WBLogging.Generic.Verbose("DestinationType = " + TheDestinationType.Value);
                WBLogging.Generic.Verbose("DestinationURL = " + DestinationURL.Value);

            // Now do a check that we do at this stage have the basic details of the document:
            if (ListGUID.Value == null || ListGUID.Value == "")
                errorMessage += "ListGUID hasn't been set. ";

            if (ItemID.Value == null || ItemID.Value == "")
                errorMessage += "ItemID hasn't been set. ";

            if (TheDestinationType.Value == null || TheDestinationType.Value == "")
                errorMessage += "DestinationType hasn't been set. ";

            if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                ErrorMessageLabel.Text = errorMessage;

            // Let's clear out all of the error messages text fields:
            ErrorMessageLabel.Text          = "";
            RecordsTypeFieldMessage.Text    = "";
            FunctionalAreaFieldMessage.Text = "";
            ProtectiveZoneMessage.Text      = "";
            ReferenceIDMessage.Text         = "";
            ReferenceDateMessage.Text       = "";
            SeriesTagFieldMessage.Text      = "";
            ScanDateMessage.Text            = "";
            OwningTeamFieldMessage.Text     = "";
            InvolvedTeamsFieldMessage.Text  = "";

            //OK so we have the basic identity information for the document being published out so let's get the document item:

            Guid sourceListGuid            = new Guid(ListGUID.Value);
            SPDocumentLibrary sourceDocLib = (SPDocumentLibrary)WorkBox.Web.Lists[sourceListGuid];

            sourceDocAsItem = sourceDocLib.GetItemById(int.Parse(ItemID.Value));
            sourceFile      = sourceDocAsItem.File;

            generatingFilename = WorkBox.RecordsType.GeneratePublishOutFilenames;

            // Now, if this is the first time we might need to load up the default metadata values for the document:
            if (!IsPostBack)
                WorkBox.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                WorkBox.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

                // Let's now re-load the item as it's name may have changed:
                sourceDocAsItem       = null;
                sourceDocAsItem       = sourceDocLib.GetItemById(int.Parse(ItemID.Value));
                sourceFile            = sourceDocAsItem.File;
                pageRenderingRequired = true;
                WBLogging.Debug("Setting the subject tags: " + SubjectTagsField.Text);
                sourceDocAsItem.WBxSetMultiTermColumn(WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__SUBJECT_TAGS, SubjectTagsField.Text);

                // If this is a post back - then let's check if the records type has been modified:
                if (NewRecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value != "")
                    WBLogging.Generic.Unexpected("The returned value was: " + NewRecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value);

                    WBRecordsType oldRecordsType = sourceDocAsItem.WBxGetSingleTermColumn <WBRecordsType>(recordsTypeTaxonomy, WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__RECORDS_TYPE);
                    WBRecordsType newRecordsType = new WBRecordsType(recordsTypeTaxonomy, NewRecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value);

                    RecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value = NewRecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value;
                    RecordsType.Text      = newRecordsType.Name;
                    pageRenderingRequired = true;

                    // These are now being done in CaptureAsDocument()
                    // sourceDocAsItem.WBxSetSingleTermColumn(WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__RECORDS_TYPE, NewRecordsTypeUIControlValue.Value);
                    // sourceDocAsItem.WBxSet(WBColumn.Title, this.TitleField.Text);

                    // This is now being done in CaptureAsDocument()
                    // WorkBox.GenerateFilename(newRecordsType, sourceDocAsItem);

                    // If either the old or new records type have an uneditable functional area, then we'll update it to the new default area.
                    if (!oldRecordsType.IsFunctionalAreaEditable || !newRecordsType.IsFunctionalAreaEditable)
                        WBLogging.Debug("Setting the functional area as it's not editable: " + newRecordsType.DefaultFunctionalAreaUIControlValue);
                        this.FunctionalAreaField.Text = newRecordsType.DefaultFunctionalAreaUIControlValue;
                        sourceDocAsItem.WBxSetMultiTermColumn(WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__FUNCTIONAL_AREA, newRecordsType.DefaultFunctionalAreaUIControlValue);

/* This is now being done in CaptureAsDocument()
 *                  else
 *                  {
 *                      WBLogging.Debug("Saving the current functional area selection: " + this.FunctionalAreaField.Text);
 *                      sourceDocAsItem.WBxSetMultiTermColumn(WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__FUNCTIONAL_AREA, this.FunctionalAreaField.Text);
 *                  }

                    WBDocument document = CaptureAsDocument(sourceDocAsItem, newRecordsType);

                    // Let's now re-load the item as it's name may have changed:
                    sourceDocAsItem = null;
                    sourceDocAsItem = sourceDocLib.GetItemById(int.Parse(ItemID.Value));
                    sourceFile      = sourceDocAsItem.File;
                    // Otherwise we are in a normal post back call.
                    pageRenderingRequired = false;

            // Now load up some of the basic details:
            documentRecordsType = sourceDocAsItem.WBxGetSingleTermColumn <WBRecordsType>(recordsTypeTaxonomy, WorkBox.COLUMN_NAME__RECORDS_TYPE);

            destinationType = TheDestinationType.Value;

            // Which of the metadata fields are being used in the form (or will need to be processed in any postback) :
            showReferenceID   = documentRecordsType.DocumentReferenceIDRequirement != WBRecordsType.METADATA_REQUIREMENT__HIDDEN;
            showReferenceDate = documentRecordsType.DocumentReferenceDateRequirement != WBRecordsType.METADATA_REQUIREMENT__HIDDEN;
            showSubjectTags   = true; // documentRecordsType.DocumentSubjectTagsRequirement != WBRecordsType.METADATA_REQUIREMENT__HIDDEN;
            showSeriesTag     = documentRecordsType.DocumentSeriesTagRequirement != WBRecordsType.METADATA_REQUIREMENT__HIDDEN;
            showScanDate      = documentRecordsType.DocumentScanDateRequirement != WBRecordsType.METADATA_REQUIREMENT__HIDDEN;

            if (pageRenderingRequired)