public void Unserialize(UndertaleReader reader) { uint instructionStartAddress = reader.Position; reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); // skip for now, we'll read them later Kind = (Opcode)reader.ReadByte(); reader.Position = instructionStartAddress; switch (GetInstructionType(Kind)) { case InstructionType.SingleTypeInstruction: case InstructionType.DoubleTypeInstruction: case InstructionType.ComparisonInstruction: { DupExtra = reader.ReadByte(); if (DupExtra != 0 && Kind != Opcode.Dup) { throw new IOException("Invalid padding in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } ComparisonKind = (ComparisonType)reader.ReadByte(); if ((Kind == Opcode.Cmp) != ((byte)ComparisonKind != 0)) { throw new IOException("Got unexpected comparison type in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper() + " (should be only in CMP)"); } byte TypePair = reader.ReadByte(); Type1 = (DataType)(TypePair & 0xf); Type2 = (DataType)(TypePair >> 4); if (GetInstructionType(Kind) == InstructionType.SingleTypeInstruction && Type2 != (byte)0) { throw new IOException("Second type should be 0 in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; case InstructionType.GotoInstruction: { uint v = reader.ReadUInt24(); // TODO: This is SO WRONG that I don't even believe it. Is that Int24 or Int23?!?! uint r = v & 0x003FFFFF; if ((v & 0x00C00000) != 0) { r |= 0xFFC00000; } JumpOffset = (int)r; JumpOffsetIsWeird = (v & 0x00800000) != 0; if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; case InstructionType.PopInstruction: { TypeInst = (InstanceType)reader.ReadInt16(); byte TypePair = reader.ReadByte(); Type1 = (DataType)(TypePair & 0xf); Type2 = (DataType)(TypePair >> 4); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } Destination = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleVariable> >(); } break; case InstructionType.PushInstruction: { short val = reader.ReadInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } switch (Type1) { case DataType.Double: Value = reader.ReadDouble(); break; case DataType.Float: Value = reader.ReadSingle(); break; case DataType.Int32: Value = reader.ReadInt32(); break; case DataType.Int64: Value = reader.ReadInt64(); break; case DataType.Boolean: Value = (reader.ReadUInt32() == 1); // TODO: double check break; case DataType.Variable: TypeInst = (InstanceType)val; Value = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleVariable> >(); break; case DataType.String: UndertaleResourceById <UndertaleString> str = new UndertaleResourceById <UndertaleString>("STRG"); str.Unserialize(reader, reader.ReadInt32()); Value = str; break; case DataType.Int16: Value = val; break; } } break; case InstructionType.CallInstruction: { ArgumentsCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } Function = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleFunction> >(); } break; case InstructionType.BreakInstruction: { Value = reader.ReadInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; default: throw new IOException("Unknown opcode " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } }
public void Unserialize(UndertaleReader reader) { DisableDebugger = reader.ReadByte() != 0 ? true : false; BytecodeVersion = reader.ReadByte(); Unknown = reader.ReadUInt16(); Filename = reader.ReadUndertaleString(); Config = reader.ReadUndertaleString(); LastObj = reader.ReadUInt32(); LastTile = reader.ReadUInt32(); GameID = reader.ReadUInt32(); byte[] GuidData = reader.ReadBytes(16); DirectPlayGuid = new Guid(GuidData); Name = reader.ReadUndertaleString(); Major = reader.ReadUInt32(); Minor = reader.ReadUInt32(); Release = reader.ReadUInt32(); Build = reader.ReadUInt32(); DefaultWindowWidth = reader.ReadUInt32(); DefaultWindowHeight = reader.ReadUInt32(); Info = (InfoFlags)reader.ReadUInt32(); LicenseMD5 = reader.ReadBytes(16); LicenseCRC32 = reader.ReadUInt32(); Timestamp = reader.ReadUInt64(); DisplayName = reader.ReadUndertaleString(); ActiveTargets = reader.ReadUInt64(); FunctionClassifications = (FunctionClassification)reader.ReadUInt64(); SteamAppID = reader.ReadInt32(); DebuggerPort = reader.ReadUInt32(); RoomOrder = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <UndertaleSimpleResourcesList <UndertaleRoom, UndertaleChunkROOM> >(); if (Major >= 2) { // Begin parsing random UID, and verify it based on original algorithm GMS2RandomUID = new List <long>(); Random random = new Random((int)(Timestamp & 4294967295L)); long firstRandom = (long)random.Next() << 32 | (long)random.Next(); if (reader.ReadInt64() != firstRandom) { //throw new IOException("Unexpected random UID"); } long infoNumber = (long)(Timestamp - 1000); ulong temp = (ulong)infoNumber; temp = ((temp << 56 & 18374686479671623680UL) | (temp >> 8 & 71776119061217280UL) | (temp << 32 & 280375465082880UL) | (temp >> 16 & 1095216660480UL) | (temp << 8 & 4278190080UL) | (temp >> 24 & 16711680UL) | (temp >> 16 & 65280UL) | (temp >> 32 & 255UL)); infoNumber = (long)temp; infoNumber ^= firstRandom; infoNumber = ~infoNumber; infoNumber ^= ((long)GameID << 32 | (long)GameID); infoNumber ^= ((long)(DefaultWindowWidth + (int)Info) << 48 | (long)(DefaultWindowHeight + (int)Info) << 32 | (long)(DefaultWindowHeight + (int)Info) << 16 | (long)(DefaultWindowWidth + (int)Info)); infoNumber ^= BytecodeVersion; int infoLocation = (int)(Math.Abs((int)(Timestamp & 65535L) / 7 + (GameID - DefaultWindowWidth) + RoomOrder.Count) % 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == infoLocation) { long curr = reader.ReadInt64(); curr = infoNumber; GMS2RandomUID.Add(curr); } else { int first = reader.ReadInt32(); int second = reader.ReadInt32(); first = random.Next(); second = random.Next(); GMS2RandomUID.Add(((long)first << 32) | (long)second); } } GMS2FPS = reader.ReadSingle(); GMS2AllowStatistics = reader.ReadBoolean(); GMS2GameGUID = reader.ReadBytes(16); } reader.undertaleData.UnsupportedBytecodeVersion = BytecodeVersion < 14 || BytecodeVersion > 17; reader.Bytecode14OrLower = BytecodeVersion <= 14; }
public void Unserialize(UndertaleReader reader) { uint instructionStartAddress = reader.Position; reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); // skip for now, we'll read them later Kind = (Opcode)reader.ReadByte(); reader.Position = instructionStartAddress; switch (GetInstructionType(Kind)) { case InstructionType.SingleTypeInstruction: case InstructionType.DoubleTypeInstruction: case InstructionType.ComparisonInstruction: { DupExtra = reader.ReadByte(); if (DupExtra != 0 && Kind != Opcode.Dup) { throw new IOException("Invalid padding in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } ComparisonKind = (ComparisonType)reader.ReadByte(); if ((Kind == Opcode.Cmp) != ((byte)ComparisonKind != 0)) { throw new IOException("Got unexpected comparison type in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper() + " (should be only in CMP)"); } byte TypePair = reader.ReadByte(); Type1 = (DataType)(TypePair & 0xf); Type2 = (DataType)(TypePair >> 4); if (GetInstructionType(Kind) == InstructionType.SingleTypeInstruction && Type2 != (byte)0) { throw new IOException("Second type should be 0 in " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; case InstructionType.GotoInstruction: { uint v = reader.ReadUInt24(); JumpOffsetPopenvExitMagic = (v & 0x800000) != 0; // The rest is int23 signed value, so make sure uint r = v & 0x003FFFFF; if (JumpOffsetPopenvExitMagic && v != 0xF00000) { throw new Exception("Popenv magic doesn't work, call issue #90 again"); } else { if ((v & 0x00C00000) != 0) { r |= 0xFFC00000; } JumpOffset = (int)r; } if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; case InstructionType.PopInstruction: { TypeInst = (InstanceType)reader.ReadInt16(); byte TypePair = reader.ReadByte(); Type1 = (DataType)(TypePair & 0xf); Type2 = (DataType)(TypePair >> 4); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } if (Type1 == DataType.Int16) { // Special scenario - the swap instruction // TODO: Figure out the proper syntax, see #129 SwapExtra = (ushort)TypeInst; TypeInst = 0; } else { Destination = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleVariable> >(); } } break; case InstructionType.PushInstruction: { short val = reader.ReadInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } switch (Type1) { case DataType.Double: Value = reader.ReadDouble(); break; case DataType.Float: Value = reader.ReadSingle(); break; case DataType.Int32: Value = reader.ReadInt32(); break; case DataType.Int64: Value = reader.ReadInt64(); break; case DataType.Boolean: Value = (reader.ReadUInt32() == 1); // TODO: double check break; case DataType.Variable: TypeInst = (InstanceType)val; Value = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleVariable> >(); break; case DataType.String: Value = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <UndertaleResourceById <UndertaleString, UndertaleChunkSTRG> >(); break; case DataType.Int16: Value = val; break; } } break; case InstructionType.CallInstruction: { ArgumentsCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } Function = reader.ReadUndertaleObject <Reference <UndertaleFunction> >(); } break; case InstructionType.BreakInstruction: { Value = reader.ReadInt16(); Type1 = (DataType)reader.ReadByte(); if (reader.ReadByte() != (byte)Kind) { throw new Exception("really shouldn't happen"); } } break; default: throw new IOException("Unknown opcode " + Kind.ToString().ToUpper()); } }