コード例 #1
    //This is where heightmap data is generated for a single vertex
    //The outer loop iterates through each layer, the inner loop iterates
    //through every pass within each layer.
    //x - the x coordinate of the vertex which we need height data for
    //y - the y coordinate of the vertex which we need height data for
    //colorizeVertex - only send color data if this is true, setting this
    //to false allows for getting height data for a single vertex more than
    //once without sending trash color data into the globalColor list
    public float getNoise(float x, float z, bool colorizeVertex)
        //create an array with a size equalling the number of layers
        //this will store the base heights for the vertex for each layer
        float[] origHeight = new float[scale.Count + 1];

        //a way of keeping up with which layer is ultimately displayed in the mesh
        int displayedLayer = 0;

        //We start out with the base layer's color as our final color
        //if the next layer's noise data is higher than the base layer,
        //the color will change to the next layer up.
        //it will continue to bubble up as long as the next layer is higher
        Color finalColor = colorOne [0];

        //initialize a final height which will ultimately be passed to the vertex
        //if a layer's noise data is higher than finalHeight, finalHeight will
        //get that value, otherwise it stays the same, that way the tallest layer
        //at that point of the map gets sent to the vertex
        float finalHeight = 0;

        //will compensate for overheightening with every layer/pass
        float minusScale = 0;

        //The outer loop: iterates through each layer
        for (int layer = 0; layer < scale.Count; layer++)
            //sets a base height for this layer with the brownianNoise method using the height
            //and scale parameters of the layer and its zeroeth pass
            origHeight [layer] = (brownianNoise((x + TerrainRandomizer.getTwoRand(seed [layer] [0]) [0]) / scale [layer] [0], (z + TerrainRandomizer.getTwoRand(seed [layer] [0]) [1]) / scale [layer] [0]) * height [layer] [0]) - offset [layer];

            //aligns he lowest point of the layer with zero by multiplying by masterOffsetMultiplier
            origHeight [layer] -= masterOffsetMultiplier * height [layer] [0];

            //doesn't allow layer to be taller than heightMax parameter
            if (origHeight [layer] > heightMax [layer] [0])
                origHeight [layer] = heightMax [layer] [0];

            //The inner loop: iterates through each pass within each layer of the outer loop
            //Note: this starts at 1, that's because pass 0 is essentially the outer loop's
            //initialization of the layer
            for (int pass = 1; pass < scale[layer].Count; pass++)
                //gets noise for the pass using the passes unique parameters to be added
                //to the layer's base height. This will be repeated for each of the layer's passes
                float noise = (brownianNoise((x + TerrainRandomizer.getTwoRand(seed [layer] [pass]) [0]) / scale [layer] [pass], (z + TerrainRandomizer.getTwoRand(seed [layer] [pass]) [1]) / scale [layer] [pass]) * height [layer] [pass]);

                //the noise is added to the height
                origHeight [layer] += noise - masterOffsetMultiplier * height [layer] [pass];

                //minusScale is incremented for each time this is done and will be subtracted from
                //the total height before it's returned
                minusScale += scale [layer] [pass];

            //Now that all the passes have been iterated over, we check to see if the height generated is
            //above the minimum height for the layer and that it's higher than anything generated so far
            //for previous layers. If the latter is false, the current layer at this point on the map
            //is underneath a previous layer and we default to the previous finalHeight value. If the
            //height didn't meet the minimum requirement for the layer, finalHeight also won't be affected
            //and this layer's data won't represent the height/color for the vertex.
            if (origHeight [layer] > heightMin [layer] [0] && origHeight [layer] > finalHeight)               //supporting only pass 0 now

            //The previously mentioned requirements were met, so the height and color both get pushed up.
            //They could bubble up higher if the succeding layers fit the same requirements on the next
            //iteration of the outer loop(layers)
            //finalColor = (colorOne [layer] + colorTwo[layer]) /
            //	(height[layer][0] /origHeight[layer]); //CURRENTLY NOT ACCOUNTING FOR HEIGHT ADDED BY PASSES OVER THE BASE LEVEL
                finalColor = Color.Lerp(colorOne [layer], colorTwo [layer], (float)((height [layer] [0] - offset [layer]) / (origHeight [layer] * 10)));
                //Debug.Log("color ratio" + (height[layer][0] /(origHeight[layer] *10)));

                finalHeight    = origHeight [layer];
                displayedLayer = layer;

            //Sends diagnostic info to heightDiagnostic
            heightDiagnostic.recordHeight(layer, origHeight [layer]);

        //sends which layer was displayed for this point on the map to the heightDiagnostic class

        //If colorizeVertex was set to true, add the final color data to the globalColor list
        if (colorizeVertex)
            //We add the resulting vertex color to a list that will ultimately store
            //three colors to be averaged and then applied evenly to all three vertices
            //additionally, we add the displayed layer to a second list so we know which
            //layer each color belongs to. This will only take place at borders between layers

            //If all three colors were added to the above list, we can go ahead and average them if necessary
            if (colorsForTriangle.Count == 3)
                //if all the colors are equal, this is not a border between layers,
                //we'll just send in the raw colors
                if (colorsForTriangle [0] == colorsForTriangle [1] &&
                    colorsForTriangle [1] == colorsForTriangle [2])
                    globalColor.Add(colorsForTriangle [0]);
                    globalColor.Add(colorsForTriangle [1]);
                    globalColor.Add(colorsForTriangle [2]);

                //this triangle's verteces belong to more than one layer, therefore we know we're at a border
                //now we begin replacing the colors of the lower layers with averages of the highest layer
                    //list of colors that are within the topmost layer displayed in this triangle
                    List <Color> colorsInTopLayer = new List <Color> ();

                    //temp variable holding highest layer displayed of three vertices, assigned with loop
                    int highest = 0;
                    foreach (int element in layersForTriangle)
                        if (element > highest)
                            highest = element;

                    //add all colors within the highest layer to colorsInTopLayer
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (layersForTriangle [i] == highest)
                            colorsInTopLayer.Add(colorsForTriangle [i]);

                    //this will be the average of all colors contained in the uppermost layer of the triangle
                    Color colorAverage = colorsInTopLayer [0];

                    //add up colors in the highest layer
                    for (int i = 1; i < colorsInTopLayer.Count; i++)
                        colorAverage += colorsInTopLayer [i];

                    //now divide added colors by the number of colors added together
                    colorAverage /= colorsInTopLayer.Count;

                    //find out which colors arent in the uppermost layer and replace
                    //them with the average we just made, then submit color
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (layersForTriangle [i] != highest)
                            colorsForTriangle [i] = colorAverage;

                        globalColor.Add(colorsForTriangle [i]);

                //now we clear the temporary list of colors for the next batch/triangles

            //Debug.Log ("count: " +colorsForTriangle.Count);

        //finally, return the ultimate finalHeight with minusScale subtracted
        return(finalHeight - minusScale / 10);
コード例 #2
 //Alternate addLayer method that automatically generates random seed for that layer
 public void addLayer(float scale, float height, float heightMax, float heightMin, float offset, Color colorOne, Color colorTwo)
     addLayer(scale, height, heightMax, heightMin, offset, colorOne, colorTwo, TerrainRandomizer.getMasterSeed());
コード例 #3
 //Alternate addLayer method that automatically adds random seed for that layer
 public void addPass(int layer, float scale, float height, float heightMax, float heightMin)
     addPass(layer, scale, height, heightMax, heightMin, TerrainRandomizer.getMasterSeed());
コード例 #4
 //Alternate creation method excluding seed input parameter, uses master seed instead
 public void CreateTerrainHeightGenerator(float scale, float height, float heightMax, float heightMin, Color colorOne, Color colorTwo)
     CreateTerrainHeightGenerator(scale, height, heightMax, heightMin, colorOne, colorTwo, TerrainRandomizer.getMasterSeed());