コード例 #1
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ApproveWithEditContent(int FormID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities env = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod r = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        int nOperationType = 0;

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            var gData = env.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FormID == FormID);
            if (gData != null)
                r.Msg    = SystemFunction.ReturnPath(gData.IDIndicator, gData.OperationTypeID, gData.FacilityID.ToString(), gData.sYear, "27");
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                r.Msg    = "";
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            r.Msg    = "";
            r.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
コード例 #2
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities epi     = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <Data_Perm>  lstPerm = new List <Data_Perm>();
            int    nRole   = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID;
            int    nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
            string sSearch = CommonFunction.ReplaceInjection(itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower());
            int    nFacID  = 0;
            if (nRole == 3 || nRole == 4)
                #region L1, L2
                string sCondition = "";
                if (itemSearch.nGroupIndID.HasValue)
                    sCondition += " AND f.IDIndicator=" + itemSearch.nGroupIndID.Value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch))
                    sCondition += " AND LOWER(mF.Name) LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%'";

                if (itemSearch.nStatus.HasValue)
                    sCondition += " AND d.nHistoryStatusID =" + itemSearch.nStatus;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemSearch.sFacID))
                    sCondition += " AND p.IDFac = " + itemSearch.sFacID;

                #region SQL L1, L2
                string _Query = "SELECT" +
                                " p.IDFac AS nFacilities" +
                                " ,p.IDIndicator AS nIndicator" +
                                " ,p.L1 AS nL1" +
                                " ,p.L2 AS nL2 " +
                                " ,f.FormID AS nFormID" +
                                " ,f.sYear AS sYear" +
                                " ,d.nMonth AS nMonth" +
                                " ,d.nHistoryStatusID AS nStatus" +
                                " ,d.nReportID AS nReportID" +
                                " ,mF.Name AS sNameFacilities" +
                                " ,mI.Indicator AS sNameIndicator" +
                                " ,CASE " +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 1 THEN 'Jan.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 2 THEN 'Feb.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 3 THEN 'Mar.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 4 THEN 'Apr.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 5 THEN 'May'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 6 THEN 'Jun.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 7 THEN 'Jul.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 8 THEN 'Aug.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 9 THEN 'Sep.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 10 THEN 'Oct.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 11 THEN 'Nov.'" +
                                " WHEN d.nMonth = 12 THEN 'Dec.'" +
                                " ELSE 'Dec.'" +
                                " END sMonth" +
                                " ,d.nHistoryStatusID AS nStatus" +
                                " ,sf.sStatusName AS sStatus" +
                                " ,d.dAction" +
                                " FROM mTWorkFlow p" +
                                " INNER JOIN TEPI_Forms f ON f.FacilityID = p.IDFac AND f.IDIndicator = p.IDIndicator" +
                                " INNER JOIN TEPI_Workflow d ON d.FormID = f.FormID" +
                                " INNER JOIN mTFacility mF ON mF.ID = p.IDFac AND mF.cDel = 'N' AND mF.nLevel = 2" +
                                " INNER JOIN mTIndicator mI ON mI.ID = p.IDIndicator" +
                                " INNER JOIN TStatus_Workflow sf ON sf.nStatustID = d.nHistoryStatusID" +
                                " WHERE p.cDel = 'N' AND (p.L1 = " + nUserID + " OR p.L2 = " + nUserID + ") AND f.sYear=" + itemSearch.nYear + sCondition + " ORDER BY d.dAction DESC "; //f.sYear,d.nMonth,mF.Name,mI.Indicator

                lstPerm = epi.Database.SqlQuery <Data_Perm>(_Query).ToList();

                int[] lstStatusL1 = { 1 };
                int[] lstStatusL2 = { 4, 2 };
                int[] lstStatusL0 = { 0, 8, 9, 24, 18 };

                if (lstPerm.Any())
                    if (nRole == 3)//L1
                        lstPerm = lstPerm.Where(w => w.nL1 == nUserID && lstStatusL1.Contains(w.nStatus)).OrderByDescending(o => o.dAction).ThenBy(o => o.sYear).ThenBy(o => o.nMonth).ThenBy(o => o.sNameFacilities).ThenBy(o => o.sNameIndicator).ToList();
                    else if (nRole == 4)//L2
                        lstPerm = lstPerm.Where(w => w.nL2 == nUserID && lstStatusL2.Contains(w.nStatus)).OrderByDescending(o => o.dAction).ThenBy(o => o.sYear).ThenBy(o => o.nMonth).ThenBy(o => o.sNameFacilities).ThenBy(o => o.sNameIndicator).ToList();
            else if (nRole == 2)
                #region L0
                Func <int, string> GetMonthName = (month) =>
                    string sMonthName = "";
                    if (month >= 1 && month <= 12)
                        sMonthName = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, 1).ToString("MMM", new CultureInfo("en-US"));
                        sMonthName = month + "";

                string sCondition = "";
                if (itemSearch.nGroupIndID.HasValue)
                    sCondition += " AND TUF.nGroupIndicatorID=" + itemSearch.nGroupIndID.Value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemSearch.sFacID))
                    nFacID = int.Parse(itemSearch.sFacID);

                //if (itemSearch.nStatus.HasValue)
                //    sCondition += " AND TEPIWF.nHistoryStatusID =" + itemSearch.nStatus;

                #region sql
                string sqlL0 = @"SELECT TF.ID 'nFacilityID',TF.OperationtypeID,TF.Name 'sFacilityName',TIND.ID 'nIndID',TIND.Indicator 'sIndicator'
,TEPI.FormID,TEPIWF.nReportID,TEPIWF.nMonth,TEPIWF.nHistoryStatusID ,TSWF.sStatusName,TEPIWF.dAction
FROM mTUser_FacilityPermission  TUF
INNER JOIN mTFacility TF ON TUF.nFacilityID=TF.ID AND TF.nLevel=2
INNER JOIN mTIndicator TIND ON TUF.nGroupIndicatorID=TIND.ID
LEFT JOIN TEPI_Forms TEPI ON TUF.nGroupIndicatorID=TEPI.IDIndicator AND TF.ID=TEPI.FacilityID AND TF.OperationTypeID=TEPI.OperationTypeID AND TEPI.sYear='" + itemSearch.nYear + @"'
LEFT JOIN TStatus_Workflow TSWF ON ISNULL(TEPIWF.nHistoryStatusID,0)=TSWF.nStatustID
WHERE TUF.nUserID=" + nUserID + " AND TUF.nRoleID=" + nRole + @" AND TUF.nPermission=2 AND TF.cDel='N' AND TF.cActive='Y' AND TFH.cDel='N' AND TFH.cActive='Y'
AND (TEPIWF.nHistoryStatusID IS NULL OR TEPIWF.nHistoryStatusID IN (0,8,9,24,18)) " + sCondition + @"
order by TEPIWF.dAction DESC";
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt = CommonFunction.Get_Data(SystemFunction.strConnect, sqlL0);
                var Query = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(s => new
                    nFacilityID     = s.Field <int>("nFacilityID"),
                    OperationtypeID = s.Field <int>("OperationtypeID"),
                    sFacilityName   = s.Field <string>("sFacilityName"),
                    nIndID          = s.Field <int>("nIndID"),
                    sIndicator      = s.Field <string>("sIndicator"),
                    FormID          = s.Field <int?>("FormID"),
                    nReportID       = s.Field <int?>("nReportID"),
                    nMonth          = s.Field <int?>("nMonth"),
                    nStatusID       = s.Field <int?>("nHistoryStatusID"),
                    sStatusName     = s.Field <string>("sStatusName"),
                    dAction         = s.Field <DateTime?>("dAction"),

                lstPerm = Query.Where(w => w.FormID.HasValue).Select(s => new Data_Perm
                    nFacilities      = s.nFacilityID,
                    nIndicator       = s.nIndID,
                    sYear            = itemSearch.nYear + "",
                    nFormID          = s.FormID ?? 0,
                    nMonth           = s.nMonth ?? 0,
                    sMonth           = GetMonthName(s.nMonth ?? 0),
                    nReportID        = s.nReportID ?? 0,
                    sNameFacilities  = s.sFacilityName,
                    sNameIndicator   = s.sIndicator,
                    nStatus          = s.nStatusID ?? 0,
                    sStatus          = s.sStatusName,
                    nOperationtypeID = s.OperationtypeID,
                    dAction          = s.dAction

                var QueryNoAction = Query.Where(w => !w.FormID.HasValue).ToList();
                foreach (var item in QueryNoAction)
                    for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                        lstPerm.Add(new Data_Perm
                            nFacilities      = item.nFacilityID,
                            nOperationtypeID = item.OperationtypeID,
                            nIndicator       = item.nIndID,
                            sYear            = itemSearch.nYear + "",
                            nFormID          = item.FormID ?? 0,
                            nMonth           = i,
                            sMonth           = GetMonthName(i),
                            nReportID        = 0,
                            sNameFacilities  = item.sFacilityName,
                            sNameIndicator   = item.sIndicator,
                            nStatus          = -1,
                            sStatus          = "No Action",
                            dAction          = null

                lstPerm = lstPerm.Where(w => (itemSearch.nStatus != null ? w.nStatus == itemSearch.nStatus : true) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemSearch.sFacID) ? w.nFacilities == nFacID : true)).OrderByDescending(o => o.dAction).ThenBy(o => o.sYear).ThenBy(o => o.nMonth).ThenBy(o => o.sNameFacilities).ThenBy(o => o.sNameIndicator).ToList();

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderBy(o => int.Parse(o.sYear)).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderBy(o => o.nMonth).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderBy(o => o.sNameFacilities).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderBy(o => o.sNameIndicator).ToList(); break;
                    //case 5: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderBy(o => o.nStatus).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderByDescending(o => int.Parse(o.sYear)).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderByDescending(o => o.nMonth).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderByDescending(o => o.sNameFacilities).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderByDescending(o => o.sNameIndicator).ToList(); break;
                    //case 5: lstPerm = lstPerm.OrderByDescending(o => o.nStatus).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstPerm.Count);
            lstPerm  = lstPerm.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();
            foreach (var item in lstPerm)
                if (nRole == 3 || nRole == 4)//L1,L2
                    item.sBtn = "<a class='btn btn-primary' href='epi_mytask_view.aspx?strid=" +
                                HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nFormID.ToString())) + "&strlevel=" +
                                HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(nRole.ToString())) + "'>" +
                                "<i class='fa fa-search'></i>&nbsp;View Detail</a>";
                else if (nRole == 2)//L0
                    string shref = SystemFunction.ReturnPath(item.nIndicator, item.nOperationtypeID ?? 0, item.nFacilities + "", item.sYear, "");
                    item.sBtn = "<a class='btn btn-warning btn-sm' title='Action' href='" + shref + "'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></a>";

            result.lstData           = lstPerm;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;