public static CReturnDataDeviate GetDataDeviate(CForGetDataDeviate lstSearch) { CReturnDataDeviate result = new CReturnDataDeviate(); result.lstMonth = new List <CDataDeviate>(); if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { result.lstMonth = SystemFunction.GetDeviate(lstSearch.nIncID, lstSearch.nOprtID, lstSearch.nFacID, lstSearch.sYear).Where(w => lstSearch.lstMonth.Contains(w.nMonth) && w.sRemark.Trim() != "").Select(s => new CDataDeviate { nMonth = s.nMonth, sRemark = s.sRemark.Replace("\n", "<br/>") }).ToList(); result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success; } else { result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired; } return(result); }
private void Export_EXCEL(string sFacility, string sYear) { int nFacility = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacility); string[] alphabet = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" }; MemoryStream fsExport = new MemoryStream(); PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); string[] Arr_Column = { "Indicator", "Unit", "Target", "Q1 : Jan", "Q1 : Feb", "Q1 : Mar", "Q2 : Apr", "Q2 : May", "Q2 : Jun", "Q3 : Jul", "Q3 : Aug", "Q3 : Sep", "Q4 : Oct", "Q4 : Nov", "Q4 : Dec", "Remark" }; double[] Arr_ColumnWidth = { 50, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 50 }; using (XLWorkbook wb = new XLWorkbook()) { #region LG var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("EPIFROM_Intensity"); //สร้างหัวข้อ string sCol = alphabet[Arr_Column.Length - 1].ToUpper(); #region CreatHeadReport ws.Cell("A1").Value = "Indicator : Intensity Denominator "; ws.Cell("A1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; ws.Cell("A1").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; ws.Cell("A1").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; ws.Cell("A2").Value = "Operation Type : Refinery"; ws.Cell("A2").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; ws.Cell("A2").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; ws.Cell("A2").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; var Facility = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 2 && w.ID + "" == sFacility); if (Facility != null) { sFacility = Facility.Name; } ws.Cell("A3").Value = "Sub-facility : " + sFacility; ws.Cell("A3").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; ws.Cell("A3").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; ws.Cell("A3").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; ws.Cell("A4").Value = "Year : " + sYear; ws.Cell("A4").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; ws.Cell("A4").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; ws.Cell("A4").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; #endregion //สร้างหัวตาราง int nRow = 5; var RowsHead = ws; string sCC = "#dbea97"; int nRowna = 1; #region สร้างตาราง var lst = ssTRetunrLoadData_1; lst.lstIn.ForEach(f => { sCC = "#dbea97"; if (f.ProductID != 89 && f.ProductID != 90) { for (int i = 0; i < Arr_Column.Length; i++) { sCol = alphabet[i].ToUpper(); GetCellHead(RowsHead, Arr_ColumnWidth[i], sCol, nRow + "", Arr_Column[i] + "", sCC); } } if (f.ProductID != 89 && f.ProductID != 90) { nRow++; } string sText = ""; XLAlignmentHorizontalValues align = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; for (int j = 0; j < Arr_Column.Length; j++) { sCol = alphabet[j].ToUpper(); sCC = "#dbea97"; if (f.cTotalAll != "Y") { sCC = "#ffedc4"; } #region CaseRow if (f.ProductID != 89 && f.ProductID != 90) { sText = SetText(j, f); } else { sysGlobalClass.T_TIntensity_Other ftemp = new sysGlobalClass.T_TIntensity_Other(); ftemp.sIndicator = f.ProductName; ftemp.sUnit = f.sUnit; ftemp.sTarget = f.Target; ftemp.M1 = f.M1; ftemp.M2 = f.M2; ftemp.M3 = f.M3; ftemp.M4 = f.M4; ftemp.M5 = f.M5; ftemp.M6 = f.M6; ftemp.M7 = f.M7; ftemp.M8 = f.M8; ftemp.M9 = f.M9; ftemp.M10 = f.M10; ftemp.M11 = f.M11; ftemp.M12 = f.M12; sCC = "#FFFFFF"; sText = SetTextDetail(j, ftemp); } align = SetAlign(j); #endregion GetCellText(RowsHead, Arr_ColumnWidth[j], sCol, nRow + "", sText, align, j + "", sCC); } nRow++; f.lstarrDetail.ForEach(f2 => { for (int k = 0; k < Arr_Column.Length; k++) { sCC = "#FFFFFF"; sCol = alphabet[k].ToUpper(); sText = SetTextDetail(k, f2); align = SetAlign(k); GetCellText(RowsHead, Arr_ColumnWidth[k], sCol, nRow + "", sText, align, k + "", sCC); } nRow++; }); }); #endregion #endregion #region Deviate var dv = wb.Worksheets.Add("Deviate"); //สร้างหัวข้อ sCol = alphabet[Arr_Column.Length - 1].ToUpper(); #region CreatHeadReport dv.Cell("A1").Value = "Indicator : Intensity Denominator "; dv.Cell("A1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; dv.Cell("A1").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; dv.Cell("A1").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; dv.Cell("A2").Value = "Operation Type : Refinery"; dv.Cell("A2").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; dv.Cell("A2").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; dv.Cell("A2").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; dv.Cell("A3").Value = "Sub-facility : " + sFacility; dv.Cell("A3").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; dv.Cell("A3").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; dv.Cell("A3").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; dv.Cell("A4").Value = "Year : " + sYear; dv.Cell("A4").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; dv.Cell("A4").Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; dv.Cell("A4").Style.Font.FontSize = 14.00; #endregion //สร้างหัวตาราง nRow = 5; RowsHead = dv; sCC = "#9cb726"; nRowna = 1; #region สร้างตาราง var lstdv = SystemFunction.GetDeviate(nIndicator, nOperationType, nFacility, sYear); GetCellHead(RowsHead, 10, "A", nRow + "", "No." + "", sCC); GetCellHead(RowsHead, 20, "B", nRow + "", "Month" + "", sCC); GetCellHead(RowsHead, 20, "C", nRow + "", "Remark" + "", sCC); GetCellHead(RowsHead, 20, "D", nRow + "", "Action By" + "", sCC); GetCellHead(RowsHead, 20, "E", nRow + "", "Date" + "", sCC); nRow++; sCC = "#ffffff"; lstdv.ForEach(f => { XLAlignmentHorizontalValues align = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; GetCellText(RowsHead, 10, "A", nRow + "", nRowna + "", align, 0 + "", sCC); GetCellText(RowsHead, 20, "B", nRow + "", f.sMonth + "", align, 0 + "", sCC); GetCellText(RowsHead, 20, "C", nRow + "", f.sRemark + "", XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, 0 + "", sCC); GetCellText(RowsHead, 20, "D", nRow + "", f.sActionBy + "", align, 0 + "", sCC); GetCellText(RowsHead, 20, "E", nRow + "", f.sDate + "", align, 0 + "", sCC); nRow++; nRowna++; }); #endregion #endregion wb.SaveAs(fsExport); } string saveAsFileName = "Input_Intensity_" + sFacility + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss", new CultureInfo("en-US")) + ".xlsx"; fsExport.Position = 0; Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + saveAsFileName); Response.ContentType = "application/"; try { Response.BinaryWrite(fsExport.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ee) { } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "SessionExpire", "UnblockUI();", true); Response.End(); }
public void ExportData(string sIncID, string sOprtID, string sFacID, string sYear) { HttpResponse httpResponse = Response; XLWorkbook wb = new XLWorkbook(); int nRow = 1; int nCol = 1; #region Action Action <IXLWorksheet, string, int, int, int, bool, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues, XLAlignmentVerticalValues, bool, int?, double?> SetTbl = (sWorkSheet, sTxt, row, col, FontSize, Bold, Horizontal, Vertical, wraptext, dec, width) => { if (sTxt == null) { sTxt = ""; } sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Value = sTxt; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.Font.FontSize = FontSize; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.Font.Bold = Bold; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = Horizontal; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.Alignment.Vertical = Vertical; if (width != null) { sWorkSheet.Column(col).Width = width.Value; } if (dec != null && sTxt != "0") { string sformate = "#,##"; sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.NumberFormat.Format = sformate; } var nIndex = sTxt.Split('/').Length; if (nIndex == 3) { sWorkSheet.Cell(row, col).Style.DateFormat.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; } }; #endregion #region QUERY PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); List <cReport> lstProduct = new List <cReport>(); string[] arrShortMonth = new string[12] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; int nIndID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sIncID); int nOprtID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sOprtID); int nFacID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacID); string sIncName = db.mTIndicator.Any(w => w.ID == nIndID) ? db.mTIndicator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nIndID).Indicator : ""; string sOprtName = db.mOperationType.Any(w => w.ID == nOprtID) ? db.mOperationType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nOprtID).Name : ""; string sFacName = db.mTFacility.Any(w => w.ID == nFacID) ? db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID).Name : ""; var lstComplaintType = db.TM_ComplaintType.Where(w => w.cDel != "Y").ToList(); bool IsNew = true; var itemEPI_FORM = db.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.sYear == sYear && w.IDIndicator == nIndID && w.OperationTypeID == nOprtID && w.FacilityID == nFacID); int EPI_FORMID = 0; if (itemEPI_FORM != null) { IsNew = false; EPI_FORMID = itemEPI_FORM.FormID; } var lstImpactInFROM = db.TComplaint_Impact.Where(w => w.FormID == EPI_FORMID).ToList(); string sProductName = ""; var dataComplaint = db.mTProductIndicator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.IDIndicator == 2); if (dataComplaint != null) { sProductName = dataComplaint.ProductName; } lstProduct = db.TComplaint.Where(w => w.FormID == EPI_FORMID).OrderBy(o => o.ComplaintDate).Select(s => new cReport { nComplaintID = s.nComplaintID, ComplaintDate = s.ComplaintDate.HasValue ? s.ComplaintDate.Value : (DateTime?)null, sProductName = sProductName, nMonth = s.ComplaintDate.HasValue ? s.ComplaintDate.Value.Month : 0, sIssueBy = s.sIssueBy, sSubject = s.sSubject, sDetail = s.sDetail, nComplaintTypeID = s.nComplaintTypeID, nComplaintByID = s.nComplaintByID, sComplaintByOther = s.sComplaintByOther, sCorrectiveAction = s.sCorrectiveAction, }).ToList(); lstProduct.ForEach(f => { var dataComplaintType = lstComplaintType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nType == 1 && w.nID == f.nComplaintTypeID); var dataComplaintBy = lstComplaintType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nType == 3 && w.nID == f.nComplaintByID); f.sIssueDate = f.ComplaintDate.HasValue ? f.ComplaintDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : ""; f.sComplaintBy = dataComplaintBy != null ? dataComplaintBy.sName + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.sComplaintByOther) ? " (" + f.sComplaintByOther + ")" : "") : ""; lstImpactInFROM.Where(w => w.nComplaintID == f.nComplaintID).ForEach(ipct => { var dataImpact = lstComplaintType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nType == 2 && w.nID == ipct.nImpactTypeID); f.sImpact += dataImpact != null ? " ," + dataImpact.sName + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipct.sOther) ? " (" + ipct.sOther + ")" : "") : ""; }); f.sImpact = f.sImpact.Length > 0 ? f.sImpact.Remove(0, 2) : f.sImpact; f.sComplaintType = dataComplaintType != null ? dataComplaintType.sName : ""; }); var lstDeviate = SystemFunction.GetDeviate(nIndID, nOprtID, nFacID, sYear); #endregion #region BIND DATA IXLWorksheet ws1 = wb.Worksheets.Add("Data"); ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Top = 0.2; ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Bottom = 0.2; ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Left = 0.1; ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Right = 0; ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Footer = 0; ws1.PageSetup.Margins.Header = 0; ws1.Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; nRow = 1; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws1, "Indicator : " + sIncName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; SetTbl(ws1, "Operation : " + sOprtName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; SetTbl(ws1, "Facility : " + sFacName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; SetTbl(ws1, "Year : " + sYear, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; SetTbl(ws1, "Product", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 45); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Month", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 17); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Complaint Type", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 17); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Impact Type", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 17); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Issue date", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 12); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Issued by", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 15); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Subject", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 35); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Complaint by", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 17); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Detail", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 35); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "Corrective action", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 35); ws1.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromHtml("#9cb726"); ws1.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; ws1.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; foreach (var item in lstProduct) { nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sProductName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + arrShortMonth[item.nMonth.Value - 1], nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sComplaintType, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sImpact, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sIssueDate, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sIssueBy, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sSubject, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sComplaintBy, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sDetail, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws1, "'" + item.sCorrectiveAction, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws1.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; ws1.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; } #endregion #region BIND DATA DEVIATE IXLWorksheet ws2 = wb.Worksheets.Add("Deviate"); ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Top = 0.2; ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Bottom = 0.2; ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Left = 0.1; ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Right = 0; ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Footer = 0; ws2.PageSetup.Margins.Header = 0; ws2.Style.Font.FontName = "Cordia New"; nRow = 1; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "Indicator : " + sIncName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws2.Range(nRow, nCol, nRow, nCol + 1).Merge(); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, sIncName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "Operation : " + sOprtName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws2.Range(nRow, nCol, nRow, nCol + 1).Merge(); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, sOprtName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "Facility : " + sFacName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws2.Range(nRow, nCol, nRow, nCol + 1).Merge(); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, sFacName, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "Year : " + sYear, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws2.Range(nRow, nCol, nRow, nCol + 1).Merge(); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, sYear, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "No.", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 10); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, "Month", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 13); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, "Remark", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 50); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, "Action By", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 20); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, "Date", nRow, nCol, 14, true, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, 15); ws2.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromHtml("#9cb726"); ws2.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; ws2.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; for (int i = 0; i < lstDeviate.Count(); i++) { nRow++; nCol = 1; SetTbl(ws2, "'" + (i + 1), nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, lstDeviate[i].sMonth, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, lstDeviate[i].sRemark, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, lstDeviate[i].sActionBy, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); nCol++; SetTbl(ws2, lstDeviate[i].sDate, nRow, nCol, 14, false, XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center, XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center, true, null, null); ws2.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; ws2.Range(nRow, 1, nRow, nCol).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; } #endregion #region CreateEXCEL httpResponse.Clear(); httpResponse.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; string sName = "Input_" + sIncName + "_" + sFacName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss", new CultureInfo("en-US")); httpResponse.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sName + ".xlsx"); // Flush the workbook to the Response.OutputStream using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { wb.SaveAs(memoryStream); memoryStream.WriteTo(httpResponse.OutputStream); memoryStream.Close(); } httpResponse.End(); #endregion }