コード例 #1
    public void BindDDL()
        SystemFunction.ListYearsDESC(ddlYear, "", "en-US", "th-TH", short.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["startYear"].ToString()));

        int[]  arrStatusID = new int[] { };
        string sqlFac      = "";

        int nRole   = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID;
        int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;

        if (nRole == 3) // L1
            arrStatusID = new int[] { 1 };
            sqlFac      = @"SELECT B.ID 'nFacID',B.Name 'sFacName'
                        FROM mTWorkFlow A
                        INNER JOIN mTfacility B ON A.IDFac=B.ID
                        WHERE A.L1=" + nUserID + @"
                        AND B.cDel='N' AND B.cActive='Y' AND B.nLevel=2
                        GROUP BY B.ID,B.Name
                        ORDER BY B.Name";
        else if (nRole == 4)                  // L2
            arrStatusID = new int[] { 4, 2 }; //5, 9
            sqlFac      = @"SELECT B.ID 'nFacID',B.Name 'sFacName'
                        FROM mTWorkFlow A
                        INNER JOIN mTfacility B ON A.IDFac=B.ID
                        WHERE A.L2=" + nUserID + @"
                        AND B.cDel='N' AND B.cActive='Y' AND B.nLevel=2
                        GROUP BY B.ID,B.Name
                        ORDER BY B.Name";
        else if (nRole == 2)                             // L0
            arrStatusID = new int[] { 0, 8, 9, 24, 18 }; //0, 8, 9, 24, 18
            sqlFac      = @"SELECT B.ID 'nFacID',B.Name 'sFacName'
                        FROM mTUser_FacilityPermission A
                        INNER JOIN mTfacility B ON A.nFacilityID=B.ID
                        WHERE A.nUserID=" + nUserID + @"AND A.nRoleID=2 AND A.nPermission IN (2)
                        AND B.cDel='N' AND B.cActive='Y' AND B.nLevel=2
                        GROUP BY B.ID,B.Name
                        ORDER BY B.Name";

        ddlGroupIndicator.DataSource     = db.mTIndicator.OrderBy(o => o.nOrder).ToList();
        ddlGroupIndicator.DataValueField = "ID";
        ddlGroupIndicator.DataTextField  = "Indicator";
        ddlGroupIndicator.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Select Indicator -", ""));

        ddlStatus.DataSource     = db.TStatus_Workflow.Where(w => arrStatusID.Contains(w.nStatustID)).OrderBy(o => o.sStatusName).ToList();
        ddlStatus.DataValueField = "nStatustID";
        ddlStatus.DataTextField  = "sStatusName";
        ddlStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Select Status -", ""));

        if (nRole == 2)
            ddlStatus.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("No Action", "-1"));

        SystemFunction.ListDBToDropDownList(ddlFacility, sqlFac, "- Select Sub-facility -", "nFacID", "sFacName");