コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an Ice Spike status animation linked to the Entity's position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statusAnims">The Entity's list of Status Animations.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The Entity's position.</param>
        private void HandleFreezeEffect(CStatusAnimations statusAnims, CPosition pos)
            CStatusAnimation newStatusAnim;
            Bitmap           bmp;
            Animation        anim;
            AnimationScript  animScript;
            float            xOffset;
            float            yOffset;

            if (pos.Width <= 21)
                bmp = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("SmallIceSpike");
                bmp = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("BigIceSpike");

            xOffset = (pos.Width / 2) - (bmp.CellWidth / 2);
            yOffset = pos.Height - bmp.CellHeight;

            anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Freeze", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("IceSpikeAnim"));
            animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("IceSpikeAnim");

            newStatusAnim = new CStatusAnimation(typeof(CFrozen), xOffset, yOffset, bmp, anim, animScript);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a Poison Cloud status animation linked to the Entity's position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statusAnims">The Entity's list of Status Animations.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The Entity's position.</param>
        private void HandlePoisonEffect(CStatusAnimations statusAnims, CPosition pos)
            CStatusAnimation newStatusAnim;
            Bitmap           bmp;
            Animation        anim;
            AnimationScript  animScript;
            float            xOffset;
            float            yOffset;

            if (pos.Width <= 21)
                bmp = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("SmallPoisonCloud");
                bmp = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("BigPoisonCloud");

            xOffset = (pos.Width / 2) - (bmp.CellWidth / 2);
            yOffset = 0;

            anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Poison", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("PoisonZoneAnim"));
            animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("PoisonZoneAnim");

            newStatusAnim = new CStatusAnimation(typeof(CPoison), xOffset, yOffset, bmp, anim, animScript);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components of a Freeze Zone and adds it to the World.
        /// This Entity represents the Freeze Zone created when a Freezing Bullet reaches its target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">The position the Freeze Zone occupies.</param>
        public static void CreateFreezeZone(CPosition pos)
            //Create Entity and add to world.
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            /// <summary>
            /// Adjust position for Sprite size so Freeze Zone spawns at centre of bullet.
            /// </summary>
            float atX = pos.X - (FREEZE_ZONE_SIZE / 2);
            float atY = pos.Y - (FREEZE_ZONE_SIZE / 2);

            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new Entity with just an Animation component to be processed by the Animation Rendering System.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("FreezingBulletSplash");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Splash", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("FreezingBulletSplashAnim"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("FreezingBulletSplashAnim");

            CreateAnimationEntity(atX, atY, anim, bmp, animScript);

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CPlayerTeam());
            components.Add(new CPosition(pos.Centre.X - (FREEZE_ZONE_SIZE / 2), pos.Centre.Y - (FREEZE_ZONE_SIZE / 2), FREEZE_ZONE_SIZE));
            components.Add(new CCollidable());
            components.Add(new CAppliesDebuff());
            components.Add(new CFrozen(FREEZING_BULLET_FREEZE_DURATION, 0));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components of a Battering Ram unit for the Enemy team and adds it to the World.
        /// The unit represents the large units holding Battering Rams which attack the Player's Castle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        public static void CreateBatteringRam(float x, float y)
            //Create Entity and add to world.
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CEnemyTeam());
            components.Add(new CStatusAnimations());
            components.Add(new CPosition(x, y, BATTERING_RAM_WIDTH, BATTERING_RAM_HEIGHT));
            components.Add(new CVelocity(-BATTERING_RAM_SPEED, 0, BATTERING_RAM_SPEED));
            components.Add(new CHealth(BATTERING_RAM_HP));
            components.Add(new CAI(BATTERING_RAM_RANGE, BATTERING_RAM_COOLDOWN, AttackType.Melee, PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID)); //Belongs to the Enemy team - targets the Castle by default
            components.Add(new CDamage(BATTERING_RAM_DAMAGE));
            components.Add(new CLoot(BATTERING_RAM_LOOT_VALUE));
            components.Add(new CCollidable());

            /// <summary>
            /// Details for Animation Component.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("BatteringRam");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Walk", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("BatteringRamAnims"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("BatteringRamAnims");

            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components of an Archer for the Enemy team and adds it to the World.
        /// This represents the unit holding a bow which attacks the Player's Castle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        public static void CreateEnemyArcher(float x, float y)
            //Create Entity and add to World.
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CEnemyTeam());
            components.Add(new CStatusAnimations());
            components.Add(new CPosition(x, y, ARCHER_WIDTH, ARCHER_HEIGHT));
            components.Add(new CVelocity(-ENEMY_ARCHER_SPEED, 0, ENEMY_ARCHER_SPEED));                                         //Is created moving towards the castle.
            components.Add(new CHealth(ENEMY_ARCHER_HP));
            components.Add(new CAI(ENEMY_ARCHER_RANGE, ENEMY_ARCHER_COOLDOWN, AttackType.Bow, PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID)); //Belongs to the Enemy team - attacks the Castle by default.
            components.Add(new CBow(ENEMY_ARROW_SPEED, ENEMY_ARROW_DAMAGE));
            components.Add(new CLoot(ENEMY_ARCHER_LOOT_VALUE));
            components.Add(new CCollidable());

            /// <summary>
            /// Details for Animation Component.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("ArcherMan");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Walk", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ArcherManAnims"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ArcherManAnims");

            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components of a Sword Man and adds it to the World.
        /// This represents the unit holding a sword in the game which attacks the Player's Castle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        public static void CreateSwordMan(float x, float y)
            //Create Entity and add to world
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CEnemyTeam());
            components.Add(new CStatusAnimations());
            components.Add(new CPosition(x, y, SWORD_MAN_WIDTH, SWORD_MAN_HEIGHT));
            components.Add(new CVelocity(-SWORD_MAN_SPEED, 0, SWORD_MAN_SPEED));                                           //Is created moving towards the Castle.
            components.Add(new CHealth(SWORD_MAN_HP));
            components.Add(new CAI(SWORD_MAN_RANGE, SWORD_MAN_COOLDOWN, AttackType.Melee, PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID)); //Sword Men are on Enemy team and target the Castle by default
            components.Add(new CDamage(SWORD_MAN_DAMAGE));
            components.Add(new CLoot(SWORD_MAN_LOOT_VALUE));
            components.Add(new CCollidable());

            /// <summary>
            /// Details for Animation Component.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("SwordMan");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Walk", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("SwordManAnims"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("SwordManAnims");

            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all the Components of a Poison Zone and adds it to the World.
        /// This Entity represents the Poison Zone the Player can create in the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate the Entity will be created at.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate the Entity will be created at.</param>
        public static void CreatePoisonZone(float x, float y)
            //Create Entity and add to world
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CPlayerTeam());
            components.Add(new CPosition(x - (POISON_ZONE_SIZE / 2), y - (POISON_ZONE_SIZE / 2), POISON_ZONE_SIZE));
            components.Add(new CPoison(POISON_ZONE_STRENGTH, POISON_ZONE_POISON_DURATION, 0));
            components.Add(new CLifetime(POISON_ZONE_LIFETIME));
            components.Add(new CAppliesDebuff());
            components.Add(new CCollidable());

            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("PoisonZone");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Poison", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("PoisonZoneAnim"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("PoisonZoneAnim");

            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components for an Explosion Man and adds it to the World.
        /// This Entity represents the exploding wizard the Player can purchase.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateExplosionMan()
            //Create Entity and add to world
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            /// <summary>
            /// Identifies the most populated Enemy Spatial Hash Cell. The Explosion man
            /// will be spawned at the centre of this cell.
            /// </summary>
            CollisionCheckSystem collChkSys = World.GetSystem <CollisionCheckSystem>();
            int     mostPopulatedCell       = collChkSys.EnemyCells.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value.Count > r.Value.Count ? l : r).Key;
            Point2D pos = collChkSys.CentreOfCell(mostPopulatedCell);

            /// <summary>
            /// Adjust position for Sprite size so Explosion Man spawns at centre.
            /// </summary>
            float atX = pos.X - (EXPLOSION_MAN_SIZE / 2);
            float atY = pos.Y - (EXPLOSION_MAN_SIZE / 2);

            /// <summary>
            /// Animation details for Animation component.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("ExplosionMan");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Spawn", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ExplosionAnim"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ExplosionAnim");

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CPlayerTeam());
            components.Add(new CPosition(atX, atY, EXPLOSION_MAN_SIZE));
            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));
            components.Add(new CExplosionMan(mostPopulatedCell));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Entity with all Components of an Archer for the Player team and adds it to the World.
        /// This represents the unit holding a bow which the Player can buy to defend the Castle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate where the Entity will be created.</param>
        public static void CreatePlayerArcher(float x, float y)
            //Create Entity and add to world
            ulong newEntity = _world.NextEntityID;

            //Create components and pass to world to send to Systems
            List <Component> components = new List <Component>();

            components.Add(new CPlayerTeam());
            components.Add(new CPosition(x, y, ARCHER_WIDTH, ARCHER_HEIGHT));
            components.Add(new CAI(PLAYER_ARCHER_RANGE, PLAYER_ARCHER_COOLDOWN, AttackType.Bow));
            components.Add(new CBow(PLAYER_ARROW_SPEED, PLAYER_ARROW_DAMAGE));

            /// <summary>
            /// Details for Animation Component.
            /// </summary>
            Bitmap          bmp        = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("PlayerArcher");
            Animation       anim       = SwinGame.CreateAnimation("Still", SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ArcherManAnims"));
            AnimationScript animScript = SwinGame.AnimationScriptNamed("ArcherManAnims");

            components.Add(new CAnimation(bmp, anim, animScript));

            _world.AddEntity(newEntity, components);