public void addKey(StateVarKey<Matrix<double>> keyIn) { if (Mkeys == null) //Only construct what you need { Mkeys = new List<StateVarKey<Matrix<double>>>(); } Mkeys.Add(keyIn); }
public void addKey(StateVarKey<Quat> keyIn) { if (Qkeys == null) //Only construct what you need { Qkeys = new List<StateVarKey<Quat>>(); } Qkeys.Add(keyIn); }
/// <summary> /// Constraint to check a single value of the state of a group or single subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="constraintXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="sub"></param> public SingleConstraint(XmlNode constraintXmlNode, Subsystem sub) { Subsystems = new List <Subsystem>() { sub }; if (constraintXmlNode.ChildNodes[0] == null) { throw new MissingMemberException("Missing StateVarKey for Constraint!"); } _key = new StateVarKey <T>(constraintXmlNode.ChildNodes[0], constraintXmlNode.ParentNode.Attributes["assetName"].Value.ToString()); if (constraintXmlNode.Attributes["value"] == null) { throw new MissingFieldException("Missing Value Field for Constraint!"); } _value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(constraintXmlNode.Attributes["value"].Value, typeof(T)); if (constraintXmlNode.Attributes["type"] == null) { throw new MissingFieldException("Missing Type Field for Constraint!"); } Type = (ConstraintType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintType), constraintXmlNode.Attributes["type"].Value); if (constraintXmlNode.Attributes["subsystemName"] == null) { throw new MissingMemberException("Missing Constraint Name"); } Name = constraintXmlNode.Attributes["subsystemName"].Value.ToLower(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// Defaults: lowQualityPixels = 5000, midQualityPixels = 10000, highQualityPixels = 15000 /// lowQualityTime = 3s, midQyalityTime = 5s, highQualityTime = 7s /// </summary> /// <param name="EOSensorXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public EOSensor(XmlNode EOSensorXmlNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "EOSensor"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(EOSensorXmlNode); PIXELS_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name +"." + "numpixels"); INCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "incidenceangle"); EOON_KEY = new StateVarKey<bool>(Asset.Name + "." + "eosensoron"); addKey(PIXELS_KEY); addKey(INCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(EOON_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List<Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>(); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) _lowQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) _lowQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"] != null) _midQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"] != null) _midQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"] != null) _highQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"] != null) _highQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); dependencies.Add("PowerfromEOSensor"+"."+Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_EOSENSORSUB)); dependencies.Add("SSDRfromEOSensor" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(SSDRSUB_NewDataProfile_EOSENSORSUB)); }
public void TemplatedGetProfileUnitTest() { SystemState state = new SystemState(); HSFProfile<int> intProf = new HSFProfile<int>(0, 1); intProf.Add(1, 2); intProf.Add(2, -1); StateVarKey<int> intKey = new StateVarKey<int>("testIntVar"); state.SetProfile(intKey, intProf); HSFProfile<double> doubleProf = new HSFProfile<double>(0, 1); doubleProf.Add(1, 2); doubleProf.Add(2, -1); StateVarKey<double> doubleKey = new StateVarKey<double>("testDoubleVar"); state.SetProfile(doubleKey, doubleProf); HSFProfile<Matrix<double>> matrixProf = new HSFProfile<Matrix<double>>(0, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, 1)); matrixProf.Add(1, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, 2)); matrixProf.Add(2, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, -1)); var matrixKey = new StateVarKey<Matrix<double>>("testMatrixVar"); state.SetProfile(matrixKey, matrixProf); HSFProfile<int> newIntProf = state.GetProfile(intKey); HSFProfile<double> newDoubleProf = state.GetProfile(doubleKey); HSFProfile<Matrix<double>> newMatrixProf = state.GetProfile(matrixKey); Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystems /// </summary> /// <param name="ADCSNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public ADCS(XmlNode ADCSNode, Asset asset) { Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(ADCSNode); POINTVEC_KEY = new StateVarKey<Matrix<double>>(Asset.Name + "." + "eci_pointing_vector(xyz)"); addKey(POINTVEC_KEY); }
public void addKey(StateVarKey<double> keyIn) { if (Dkeys == null) //Only construct what you need { Dkeys = new List<StateVarKey<double>>(); } Dkeys.Add(keyIn); }
public void addKey(StateVarKey<bool> keyIn) { if (Bkeys == null) //Only construct what you need { Bkeys = new List<StateVarKey<bool>>(); } Bkeys.Add(keyIn); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystems /// </summary> /// <param name="ADCSNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public ADCS(XmlNode ADCSNode, Asset asset) { Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(ADCSNode); POINTVEC_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "eci_pointing_vector(xyz)"); addKey(POINTVEC_KEY); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="CommXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Comm(XmlNode CommXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Comm"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(CommXmlNode); DATARATE_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "datarate(mb/s)"); addKey(DATARATE_KEY); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="CommXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Comm(XmlNode CommXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Comm"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(CommXmlNode); DATARATE_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "datarate(mb/s)"); addKey(DATARATE_KEY); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for use by scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="SSDRXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public SSDR(XmlNode SSDRXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "SSDR"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(SSDRXmlNode); if (SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"] != null) _bufferSize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "databufferfillratio"); addKey(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY); }
//maybe add this functionality to subsystem? but then we would need to pass the state to the constructor public static SystemState setInitialSystemState(List <XmlNode> ICNodes, Asset asset) { // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file //int n = modelInputXMLNode.ChildNode("ASSET"); SystemState state = new SystemState(); foreach (XmlNode ICNode in ICNodes) { string type = ICNode.Attributes["type"].Value; string key = asset.Name + "." + ICNode.Attributes["key"].Value.ToLower(); if (type.Equals("Int")) { int val; Int32.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].Value, out val); StateVarKey <int> svk = new StateVarKey <int>(key); state.AddValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, int>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } //else if (type.Equals("Float")) //{ // float val; // float.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].Value.ToString(), out val); // StateVarKey<double> svk = new StateVarKey<double>(key); // state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair<double, double>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); //} else if (type.Equals("Double")) { double val; Double.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].Value, out val); StateVarKey <double> svk = new StateVarKey <double>(key); state.AddValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, double>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } else if (type.Equals("Bool")) { string val = ICNode.Attributes["value"].Value; bool val_ = false; if (val.Equals("True") || val.Equals("1")) { val_ = true; } StateVarKey <bool> svk = new StateVarKey <bool>(key); state.AddValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, bool>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val_)); } else if (type.Equals("Matrix")) { Matrix <double> val = new Matrix <double>(ICNode.Attributes["value"].Value); StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > svk = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(key); state.AddValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> >(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } else if (type.Equals("Quat")) { // Quaternions still need an initializer from a string, like Matrices } } return(state); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="CommXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Comm(XmlNode CommXmlNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Comm"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(CommXmlNode); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List<Subsystem>(); DATARATE_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "datarate(mb/s)"); addKey(DATARATE_KEY); dependencies.Add("PowerfromComm" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_COMMSUB)); }
public ADCS(XmlNode ADCSNode, Dependencies dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Adcs"; Asset = asset; getSubNameFromXmlNode(ADCSNode); POINTVEC_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "eci_pointing_vector(xyz)"); addKey(POINTVEC_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromADCS", new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ADCSSUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="CommXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Comm(XmlNode CommXmlNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Comm"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(CommXmlNode); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); DATARATE_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "datarate(mb/s)"); addKey(DATARATE_KEY); dependencies.Add("PowerfromComm" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_COMMSUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for use by scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="SSDRXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public SSDR(XmlNode SSDRXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "SSDR"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(SSDRXmlNode); if (SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"] != null) { _bufferSize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "databufferfillratio"); addKey(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY); }
/** * Gets the Matrix value of the state at a certain time. If the exact time is not found, the data is * assumed to be on a zero-order hold, and the last value set is found. * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being looked up. * @param time The time the value is looked up at. * @return A pair containing the last time the variable was set, and the matrix value. */ public KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > getValueAtTime(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, double time) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (Mdata.Count != 0) { // Are there any Profiles in there? if (Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) //see if our key is in there { return(valueOut.DataAtTime(time)); } } return(Previous.getValueAtTime(key, time)); //either no profiles or none that match our keys, try finding it in the previous one }
/// <summary> /// Gets the integer value of the state at a certain time. /// If the exact time is not found, the data is assumed to be on a zero-order hold, and the last value set is found. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <returns></returns> public KeyValuePair <double, bool> GetValueAtTime(StateVarKey <bool> key, double time) { HSFProfile <bool> valueOut; if (Bdata.Count != 0) { // Are there any Profiles in there? if (Bdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut) && Bdata[key].LastTime() <= time) //see if our key is in there { return(valueOut.DataAtTime(time)); } } return(Previous.GetValueAtTime(key, time)); //either no profiles or none that match our keys, try finding it in the previous one }
/** * Gets the last Matrix value set for the given state variable key in the state. If no value is found * it checks the previous state, continuing all the way to the initial state. * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being looked up. * @return A pair containing the last time the variable was set, and the Matrix value. */ public KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > getLastValue(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (Mdata.Count != 0) { // Are there any Profiles in there? if (Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) //see if our key is in there { return(valueOut.Last()); //found it, return it TODO: return last value or pair? } } return(Previous.getLastValue(key)); //either no profiles or none that match our keys, try finding it in the previous one }
/** * Adds a boolean Profile to the state with the given key. If no Profile exists, a new Profile is created * with the corresponding key. If a Profile exists with that key, the Profile is appended onto the end of the Profile. * @param key The key corresponding to the state variable. * @param profIn The Profile to be added to the boolean Profile. */ public void addValue(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > profIn) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one. { Mdata.Add(key, profIn); } else // Otherwise, add this data point to the existing Profile. { valueOut.Add(profIn); } }
/** * Returns the Mastrix Profile matching the key given. If no Profile is found, it goes back one Event * and checks again until it gets to the initial state. * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being looked up. * @return The Profile saved in the state. */ public HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > getProfile(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (Mdata.Count != 0) { // Are there any Profiles in there? if (Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) //see if our key is in there { return(valueOut); } } return(Previous.getProfile(key)); // This isn't the right profile, go back one and try it out! }
/** * Adds a Matrix Profile value pair to the state with the given key. If no Profile exists, a new Profile is created * with the corresponding key. If a Profile exists with that key, the pair is appended onto the end of the Profile. * Ensure that the Profile is still time ordered if this is the case. * @param key The key corresponding to the state variable. * @param pairIn The pair to be added to the matrix Profile. */ public void addValue(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > pairIn) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueIn = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(pairIn); HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one. { Mdata.Add(key, valueIn); } else // Otherwise, add this data point to the existing Profile. { valueOut.Add(pairIn); //TODO: make sure this is ok. was formally } }
/** * Sets the Matrix Profile in the state with its matching key. If a Profile is found already under * that key, this will overwrite the old Profile. * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being set.\ * @param profIn The Matrix Profile being saved. */ public void setProfile(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > profIn) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut; if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one. { Mdata.Add(key, profIn); } else // Otherwise, erase whatever is there, and insert a new one. { Mdata.Remove(key); Mdata.Add(key, profIn); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the integer Profile in the state with its matching key. If a Profile is found already under /// that key, this will overwrite the old Profile. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="profIn"></param> public void SetProfile(StateVarKey <bool> key, HSFProfile <bool> profIn) { HSFProfile <bool> valueOut; if (!Bdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one. { Bdata.Add(key, profIn); } else // Otherwise, erase whatever is there, and insert a new one. { Bdata.Remove(key); Bdata.Add(key, profIn); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// Default: BufferSize = 4098 /// </summary> /// <param name="SSDRXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public SSDR(XmlNode SSDRXmlNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "SSDR"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(SSDRXmlNode); if (SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"] != null) _bufferSize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." +"databufferfillratio"); addKey(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List<Subsystem>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromSSDR" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_SSDRSUB)); dependencies.Add("CommfromSSDR" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(COMMSUB_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB)); dependencies.Add("EvalfromSSDR" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func<Event, double>(EVAL_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="PowerNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Power(XmlNode PowerNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Power"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(PowerNode); DOD_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "depthofdischarge"); POWIN_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "solarpanelpowerin"); addKey(DOD_KEY); addKey(POWIN_KEY); if (PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"] != null) _batterySize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"].Value, typeof(double)); if (PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"] != null) _fullSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); if (PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"] != null) _penumbraSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystems /// Defaults: Slew time: 10s /// </summary> /// <param name="ADCSNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public ADCS(XmlNode ADCSNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Adcs"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(ADCSNode); /*double slewTime; if (ADCSNode.Attributes["timetoslew"].Value != null) { Double.TryParse(ADCSNode.Attributes["slewTime"].Value, out slewTime); _timetoslew = slewTime; }*/ POINTVEC_KEY = new StateVarKey<Matrix<double>>(Asset.Name + "." + "eci_pointing_vector(xyz)"); addKey(POINTVEC_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List<Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromADCS"+"."+Asset.Name, new Func<Event, HSFProfile<double>>(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ADCSSUB)); }
public SSDR(XmlNode SSDRXmlNode, Dependencies dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "SSDR"; Asset = asset; getSubNameFromXmlNode(SSDRXmlNode); if (SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"] != null) { _bufferSize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(SSDRXmlNode.Attributes["bufferSize"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "databufferfillratio"); addKey(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromSSDR", new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_SSDRSUB)); dependencies.Add("CommfromSSDR", new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(COMMSUB_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB)); dependencies.Add("EvalfromSSDR", new Func <Event, double>(EVAL_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// Defaults: batterySize = 1000000, fullSolarPanelPower =150, penumbraSolarPanelPower = 75 /// </summary> /// <param name="PowerNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> public Power(XmlNode PowerNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Power"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(PowerNode); DOD_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "depthofdischarge"); POWIN_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "solarpanelpowerin"); addKey(DOD_KEY); addKey(POWIN_KEY); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List<Subsystem>(); if (PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"] != null) _batterySize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"].Value, typeof(double)); if (PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"] != null) _fullSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); if(PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"] != null) _penumbraSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystems /// Defaults: Slew time: 10s /// </summary> /// <param name="ADCSNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public ADCS(XmlNode ADCSNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Adcs"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(ADCSNode); /*double slewTime; * if (ADCSNode.Attributes["timetoslew"].Value != null) * { * Double.TryParse(ADCSNode.Attributes["slewTime"].Value, out slewTime); * _timetoslew = slewTime; * }*/ POINTVEC_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "eci_pointing_vector(xyz)"); addKey(POINTVEC_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromADCS" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ADCSSUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="EOSensorXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Antenna(XmlNode AntennaNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Antenna"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(AntennaNode); /*double slewTime; * if (AntennaNode.Attributes["timetoslew"].Value != null) * { * Double.TryParse(AntennaNode.Attributes["slewTime"].Value, out slewTime); * _timetoslew = slewTime; * }*/ ANTDATA_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_data"); ANTINCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_incidence"); ANTSTRESS_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_stress"); addKey(ANTSTRESS_KEY); addKey(ANTINCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(ANTDATA_KEY); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// Defaults: lowQualityPixels = 5000, midQualityPixels = 10000, highQualityPixels = 15000 /// lowQualityTime = 3s, midQyalityTime = 5s, highQualityTime = 7s /// </summary> /// <param name="EOSensorXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public EOSensor(XmlNode EOSensorXmlNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "EOSensor"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(EOSensorXmlNode); PIXELS_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "numpixels"); INCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "incidenceangle"); EOON_KEY = new StateVarKey <bool>(Asset.Name + "." + "eosensoron"); addKey(PIXELS_KEY); addKey(INCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(EOON_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) { //Console.WriteLine("inside loop"); _lowQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityTime"] != null) { _lowQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"] != null) { _midQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"] != null) { _midQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"] != null) { _highQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"] != null) { _highQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } dependencies.Add("PowerfromEOSensor" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_EOSENSORSUB)); dependencies.Add("SSDRfromEOSensor" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(SSDRSUB_NewDataProfile_EOSENSORSUB)); }
/* * Returns the Matrix Profile for this state and all previous states merged into one Profile * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being looked up. * @return The full Profile */ public HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > getFullProfile(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key) { HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(); if (Mdata.Count != 0) { // Are there any Profiles in there? if (Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) { //see if our key is in there if (Previous != null) // Check whether we are at the first state { return(HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > .MergeProfiles(valueOut, Previous.getFullProfile(key))); } return(valueOut); } } if (Previous != null) { return(Previous.getFullProfile(key)); // If no data, return profile from previous states } return(valueOut); //return empty profile }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="PowerNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Power(XmlNode PowerNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Power"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(PowerNode); DOD_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "depthofdischarge"); POWIN_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "solarpanelpowerin"); addKey(DOD_KEY); addKey(POWIN_KEY); if (PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"] != null) { _batterySize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"].Value, typeof(double)); } if (PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"] != null) { _fullSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); } if (PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"] != null) { _penumbraSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystems /// Defaults: Slew time: 10s /// </summary> /// <param name="AntennaNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public Antenna(XmlNode AntennaNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Antenna"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(AntennaNode); /*double slewTime; * if (AntennaNode.Attributes["timetoslew"].Value != null) * { * Double.TryParse(AntennaNode.Attributes["slewTime"].Value, out slewTime); * _timetoslew = slewTime; * }*/ ANTDATA_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_data"); ANTINCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_incidence"); ANTSTRESS_KEY = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(Asset.Name + "." + "antenna_stress"); addKey(ANTSTRESS_KEY); addKey(ANTINCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(ANTDATA_KEY); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); dependencies.Add("PowerfromAntenna" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ANTENNASUB)); dependencies.Add("SSDRfromAntenna" + "." + Asset.Name, new Func <Event, HSFProfile <double> >(SSDRSUB_NewDataProfile_ANTENNASUB)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="EOSensorXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public EOSensor(XmlNode EOSensorXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "EOSensor"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(EOSensorXmlNode); PIXELS_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "numpixels"); INCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "incidenceangle"); EOON_KEY = new StateVarKey <bool>(Asset.Name + "." + "eosensoron"); addKey(PIXELS_KEY); addKey(INCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(EOON_KEY); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) { _lowQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) { _lowQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"] != null) { _midQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"] != null) { _midQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"] != null) { _highQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"] != null) { _highQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for scripted subsystem /// </summary> /// <param name="EOSensorXmlNode"></param> /// <param name="asset"></param> public EOSensor(XmlNode EOSensorXmlNode, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "EOSensor"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(EOSensorXmlNode); PIXELS_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "numpixels"); INCIDENCE_KEY = new StateVarKey<double>(Asset.Name + "." + "incidenceangle"); EOON_KEY = new StateVarKey<bool>(Asset.Name + "." + "eosensoron"); addKey(PIXELS_KEY); addKey(INCIDENCE_KEY); addKey(EOON_KEY); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) _lowQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityPixels"] != null) _lowQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["lowQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"] != null) _midQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"] != null) _midQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["midQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"] != null) _highQualityPixels = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityPixels"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); if (EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"] != null) _highQualityTime = (double)Convert.ChangeType(EOSensorXmlNode.Attributes["highQualityTime"].Value.ToString(), typeof(double)); }
public void TemplatedGetProfileUnitTest() { SystemState state = new SystemState(); HSFProfile <int> intProf = new HSFProfile <int>(0, 1); intProf.Add(1, 2); intProf.Add(2, -1); StateVarKey <int> intKey = new StateVarKey <int>("testIntVar"); state.setProfile(intKey, intProf); HSFProfile <double> doubleProf = new HSFProfile <double>(0, 1); doubleProf.Add(1, 2); doubleProf.Add(2, -1); StateVarKey <double> doubleKey = new StateVarKey <double>("testDoubleVar"); state.setProfile(doubleKey, doubleProf); HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > matrixProf = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(0, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, 1)); matrixProf.Add(1, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, 2)); matrixProf.Add(2, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, -1)); var matrixKey = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >("testMatrixVar"); state.setProfile(matrixKey, matrixProf); HSFProfile <int> newIntProf = state.GetProfile(intKey); HSFProfile <double> newDoubleProf = state.GetProfile(doubleKey); HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > newMatrixProf = state.GetProfile(matrixKey); Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for built in subsystem /// Defaults: batterySize = 1000000, fullSolarPanelPower =150, penumbraSolarPanelPower = 75 /// </summary> /// <param name="PowerNode"></param> /// <param name="dependencies"></param> public Power(XmlNode PowerNode, Dependency dependencies, Asset asset) { DefaultSubName = "Power"; Asset = asset; GetSubNameFromXmlNode(PowerNode); DOD_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "depthofdischarge"); POWIN_KEY = new StateVarKey <double>(Asset.Name + "." + "solarpanelpowerin"); addKey(DOD_KEY); addKey(POWIN_KEY); SubsystemDependencyFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>(); DependentSubsystems = new List <Subsystem>(); if (PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"] != null) { _batterySize = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["batterySize"].Value, typeof(double)); } if (PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"] != null) { _fullSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["fullSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); } if (PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"] != null) { _penumbraSolarPanelPower = (double)Convert.ChangeType(PowerNode.Attributes["penumbraSolarPower"].Value, typeof(double)); } }
public static bool setInitialSystemState(XmlNode modelInputXMLNode, List <SystemState> initialStateList) { Console.WriteLine("Setting initial state... "); // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file //int n = modelInputXMLNode.ChildNode("ASSET"); foreach (XmlNode assetNode in modelInputXMLNode["ASSET"].ChildNodes) { // Get the current Asset XML Node, create a new State corresponding to this Asset SystemState state = new SystemState(); // Loop through all the of the Subsystems for this Asset foreach (XmlNode subNode in assetNode["SUBSYSTEM"].ChildNodes) { // Loop through all the IC's in the current Subsystem XML Node, determine their type // create the StateVarKey for it, and add the IC to the initial state foreach (XmlNode ICNode in subNode["IC"].ChildNodes) { string type = ICNode.Attributes["type"].ToString(); string key = ICNode.Attributes["key"].ToString(); if (type.Equals("Int")) { int val; Int32.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].ToString(), out val); StateVarKey <int> svk = new StateVarKey <int>(key); state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, int>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } else if (type.Equals("Float")) { float val; float.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].ToString(), out val); StateVarKey <double> svk = new StateVarKey <double>(key); state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, double>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } //else if (type.Equals("Double")) //{ // double val; // Double.TryParse(ICNode.Attributes["value"].ToString(), out val); // StateVarKey<float> svk = new StateVarKey<float>(key); // state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair<double, float>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); //} else if (type.Equals("Bool")) { string val = ICNode.Attributes["value"].ToString(); bool val_ = false; if (val.Equals("True") || val.Equals("1")) { val_ = true; } StateVarKey <bool> svk = new StateVarKey <bool>(key); state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, bool>(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val_)); } else if (type.Equals("Matrix")) { Matrix <double> val = new Matrix <double>(ICNode.Attributes["value"]); StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > svk = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >(key); state.addValue(svk, new KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> >(SimParameters.SimStartSeconds, val)); } else if (type.Equals("Quat")) { // Quaternions still need an initializer from a string, like Matrices } else { return(false); } } } initialStateList.Add(state); } return(true); }