コード例 #1
 public void onUpdateObject(SceneObjectPart sop, bool flag)
     if (objects.ContainsKey(sop.UUID))
         if (objects[sop.UUID].movementChanged(sop.AbsolutePosition, sop.GetWorldRotation(), sop.Velocity, sop.AngularVelocity))
             objects[sop.UUID].updateMovement(sop.AbsolutePosition, sop.GetWorldRotation(), sop.Velocity, sop.AngularVelocity);
             if (isRecording)
                 recordedActions.Enqueue(new ObjectMovedEvent(sop.UUID, sop.AbsolutePosition, sop.GetWorldRotation(), sop.Velocity, sop.AngularVelocity, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Warp3DImageModule.cs プロジェクト: mdickson/opensim
        private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, SceneObjectPart prim)
            if ((PCode)prim.Shape.PCode != PCode.Prim)

            Vector3 ppos = prim.GetWorldPosition();

            if (ppos.Z < m_renderMinHeight || ppos.Z > m_renderMaxHeight)

            warp_Vector     primPos = ConvertVector(ppos);
            warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.GetWorldRotation());
            warp_Matrix     m       = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot);

            float screenFactor = renderer.Scene.EstimateBoxProjectedArea(primPos, ConvertVector(prim.Scale), m);

            if (screenFactor < 0)

            const float log2inv = -1.442695f;
            int         p2      = (int)((float)Math.Log(screenFactor) * log2inv * 0.25 - 1);

            if (p2 < 0)
                p2 = 0;
            else if (p2 > 3)
                p2 = 3;

            DetailLevel lod = (DetailLevel)(3 - p2);

            FacetedMesh renderMesh = null;
            Primitive   omvPrim    = prim.Shape.ToOmvPrimitive(prim.OffsetPosition, prim.RotationOffset);

            if (m_renderMeshes)
                if (omvPrim.Sculpt != null && omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                    // Try fetchinng the asset
                    AssetBase sculptAsset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture.ToString());
                    if (sculptAsset != null)
                        // Is it a mesh?
                        if (omvPrim.Sculpt.Type == SculptType.Mesh)
                            AssetMesh meshAsset = new AssetMesh(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture, sculptAsset.Data);
                            FacetedMesh.TryDecodeFromAsset(omvPrim, meshAsset, lod, out renderMesh);
                            meshAsset = null;
                        else // It's sculptie
                            if (m_imgDecoder != null)
                                Image sculpt = m_imgDecoder.DecodeToImage(sculptAsset.Data);
                                if (sculpt != null)
                                    renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedSculptMesh(omvPrim, (Bitmap)sculpt, lod);
                        m_log.WarnFormat("[Warp3D] failed to get mesh or sculpt asset {0} of prim {1} at {2}",
                                         omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture.ToString(), prim.Name, prim.GetWorldPosition().ToString());

            // If not a mesh or sculptie, try the regular mesher
            if (renderMesh == null)
                renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedMesh(omvPrim, lod);

            if (renderMesh == null)

            string primID = prim.UUID.ToString();

            // Create the prim faces
            // TODO: Implement the useTextures flag behavior
            for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Count; i++)
                Face   face     = renderMesh.Faces[i];
                string meshName = primID + i.ToString();

                // Avoid adding duplicate meshes to the scene
                if (renderer.Scene.objectData.ContainsKey(meshName))

                warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object();

                Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Shape.Textures.GetFace((uint)i);
                Color4 faceColor = teFace.RGBA;
                if (faceColor.A == 0)

                string materialName = string.Empty;
                if (m_texturePrims)
                    // if(lod > DetailLevel.Low)
                        // materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor, teFace.TextureID, lod == DetailLevel.Low);
                        materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor, teFace.TextureID, false, prim);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName))
                        int c = renderer.Scene.material(materialName).getColor();
                        if ((c & warp_Color.MASKALPHA) == 0)
                    materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor);

                if (renderer.Scene.material(materialName).getTexture() == null)
                    // uv map details dont not matter for color;
                    for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Count; j++)
                        Vertex      v    = face.Vertices[j];
                        warp_Vector pos  = ConvertVector(v.Position);
                        warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y);
                    float tu;
                    float tv;
                    float offsetu  = teFace.OffsetU + 0.5f;
                    float offsetv  = teFace.OffsetV + 0.5f;
                    float scaleu   = teFace.RepeatU;
                    float scalev   = teFace.RepeatV;
                    float rotation = teFace.Rotation;
                    float rc       = 0;
                    float rs       = 0;
                    if (rotation != 0)
                        rc = (float)Math.Cos(rotation);
                        rs = (float)Math.Sin(rotation);

                    for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Count; j++)
                        warp_Vertex vert;
                        Vertex      v   = face.Vertices[j];
                        warp_Vector pos = ConvertVector(v.Position);
                        if (teFace.TexMapType == MappingType.Planar)
                            UVPlanarMap(v, prim.Scale, out tu, out tv);
                            tu = v.TexCoord.X - 0.5f;
                            tv = 0.5f - v.TexCoord.Y;
                        if (rotation != 0)
                            float tur = tu * rc - tv * rs;
                            float tvr = tu * rs + tv * rc;
                            tur *= scaleu;
                            tur += offsetu;

                            tvr *= scalev;
                            tvr += offsetv;
                            vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, tur, tvr);
                            tu  *= scaleu;
                            tu  += offsetu;
                            tv  *= scalev;
                            tv  += offsetv;
                            vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, tu, tv);


                for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Count; j += 3)
                        face.Indices[j + 0],
                        face.Indices[j + 1],
                        face.Indices[j + 2]);

                faceObj.scaleSelf(prim.Scale.X, prim.Scale.Z, prim.Scale.Y);

                renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj);
                renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName);
コード例 #3
        public void TestllSetLinkPrimitiveParamsForAgent()
            //            TestHelpers.EnableLogging();

            UUID userId = TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x1);

            SceneObjectPart part = SceneHelpers.AddSceneObject(m_scene).RootPart;

            part.RotationOffset = new Quaternion(0.7071068f, 0, 0, 0.7071068f);

            LSL_Api apiGrp1 = new LSL_Api();

            apiGrp1.Initialize(m_engine, part, null, null);

            ScenePresence sp = SceneHelpers.AddScenePresence(m_scene, userId);

            // sp has to be less than 10 meters away from 0, 0, 0 (default part position)
            Vector3 startPos = new Vector3(3, 2, 1);

            sp.AbsolutePosition = startPos;

            sp.HandleAgentRequestSit(sp.ControllingClient, sp.UUID, part.UUID, Vector3.Zero);

            int entityUpdates = 0;

            ((TestClient)sp.ControllingClient).OnReceivedEntityUpdate += (entity, flags) => { if (entity is ScenePresence)

            // Test position
                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
                apiGrp1.llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_POSITION, newPos));

                Assert.That(sp.OffsetPosition, Is.EqualTo(newPos));

                Assert.That(entityUpdates, Is.EqualTo(1));

            // Test small reposition
                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(1.001f, 2, 3);
                apiGrp1.llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_POSITION, newPos));

                Assert.That(sp.OffsetPosition, Is.EqualTo(newPos));

                Assert.That(entityUpdates, Is.EqualTo(2));

            // Test world rotation
                Quaternion newRot = new Quaternion(0, 0.7071068f, 0, 0.7071068f);
                apiGrp1.llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_ROTATION, newRot));

                    sp.Rotation, new QuaternionToleranceConstraint(part.GetWorldRotation() * newRot, 0.000001));

                Assert.That(entityUpdates, Is.EqualTo(3));

            // Test local rotation
                Quaternion newRot = new Quaternion(0, 0.7071068f, 0, 0.7071068f);
                apiGrp1.llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, newRot));

                    sp.Rotation, new QuaternionToleranceConstraint(newRot, 0.000001));

                Assert.That(entityUpdates, Is.EqualTo(4));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Append a scene object part report to an input StringBuilder
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <param name='sb'></param>
        /// <param name='sop'</param>
        /// <param name='showFull'>
        /// If true then information on each inventory item will be shown.
        /// If false then only summary inventory information is shown.
        /// </param>
        private StringBuilder AddScenePartReport(StringBuilder sb, SceneObjectPart sop, bool showFull)
            ConsoleDisplayList cdl = new ConsoleDisplayList();

            cdl.AddRow("Name", sop.Name);
            cdl.AddRow("Description", sop.Description);
            cdl.AddRow("Local ID", sop.LocalId);
            cdl.AddRow("UUID", sop.UUID);
            cdl.AddRow("Location", string.Format("{0} @ {1}", sop.AbsolutePosition, sop.ParentGroup.Scene.Name));
                sop.IsRoot ? "Is Root" : string.Format("{0} {1}", sop.ParentGroup.Name, sop.ParentGroup.UUID));
            cdl.AddRow("Link number", sop.LinkNum);
            cdl.AddRow("Flags", sop.Flags);

            if (showFull)
                PrimitiveBaseShape s = sop.Shape;
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiDrag", s.FlexiDrag);
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiEntry", s.FlexiEntry);
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiForce", string.Format("<{0},{1},{2}>", s.FlexiForceX, s.FlexiForceY, s.FlexiForceZ));
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiGravity", s.FlexiGravity);
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiSoftness", s.FlexiSoftness);
                cdl.AddRow("HollowShape", s.HollowShape);
                    string.Format("<{0},{1},{2},{3}>", s.LightColorR, s.LightColorB, s.LightColorG, s.LightColorA));
                cdl.AddRow("LightCutoff", s.LightCutoff);
                cdl.AddRow("LightEntry", s.LightEntry);
                cdl.AddRow("LightFalloff", s.LightFalloff);
                cdl.AddRow("LightIntensity", s.LightIntensity);
                cdl.AddRow("LightRadius", s.LightRadius);
                cdl.AddRow("Location (relative)", sop.RelativePosition);
                cdl.AddRow("Media", string.Format("{0} entries", s.Media != null ? s.Media.Count.ToString() : "n/a"));
                cdl.AddRow("PathBegin", s.PathBegin);
                cdl.AddRow("PathEnd", s.PathEnd);
                cdl.AddRow("PathCurve", s.PathCurve);
                cdl.AddRow("PathRadiusOffset", s.PathRadiusOffset);
                cdl.AddRow("PathRevolutions", s.PathRevolutions);
                cdl.AddRow("PathScale", string.Format("<{0},{1}>", s.PathScaleX, s.PathScaleY));
                cdl.AddRow("PathSkew", string.Format("<{0},{1}>", s.PathShearX, s.PathShearY));
                cdl.AddRow("FlexiDrag", s.PathSkew);
                cdl.AddRow("PathTaper", string.Format("<{0},{1}>", s.PathTaperX, s.PathTaperY));
                cdl.AddRow("PathTwist", s.PathTwist);
                cdl.AddRow("PathTwistBegin", s.PathTwistBegin);
                cdl.AddRow("PCode", s.PCode);
                cdl.AddRow("ProfileBegin", s.ProfileBegin);
                cdl.AddRow("ProfileEnd", s.ProfileEnd);
                cdl.AddRow("ProfileHollow", s.ProfileHollow);
                cdl.AddRow("ProfileShape", s.ProfileShape);
                cdl.AddRow("ProjectionAmbiance", s.ProjectionAmbiance);
                cdl.AddRow("ProjectionEntry", s.ProjectionEntry);
                cdl.AddRow("ProjectionFocus", s.ProjectionFocus);
                cdl.AddRow("ProjectionFOV", s.ProjectionFOV);
                cdl.AddRow("ProjectionTextureUUID", s.ProjectionTextureUUID);
                cdl.AddRow("Rotation (Relative)", sop.RotationOffset);
                cdl.AddRow("Rotation (World)", sop.GetWorldRotation());
                cdl.AddRow("Scale", s.Scale);
                    string.Format("{0} bytes", s.SculptData != null ? s.SculptData.Length.ToString() : "n/a"));
                cdl.AddRow("SculptEntry", s.SculptEntry);
                cdl.AddRow("SculptTexture", s.SculptTexture);
                cdl.AddRow("SculptType", s.SculptType);
                cdl.AddRow("State", s.State);

                // TODO, need to display more information about textures but in a compact format
                // to stop output becoming huge.
                for (int i = 0; i < sop.GetNumberOfSides(); i++)
                    Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = s.Textures.FaceTextures[i];

                    UUID textureID;

                    if (teFace != null)
                        textureID = teFace.TextureID;
                        textureID = s.Textures.DefaultTexture.TextureID;

                    cdl.AddRow(string.Format("Face {0} texture ID", i), textureID);

                //cdl.AddRow("Textures", string.Format("{0} entries", s.Textures.

            object itemsOutput;

            if (showFull)
                StringBuilder itemsSb = new StringBuilder("\n");
                itemsOutput = AddScenePartItemsReport(itemsSb, sop.Inventory).ToString();
                itemsOutput = sop.Inventory.Count;

            cdl.AddRow("Items", itemsOutput);

コード例 #5
        private List <SensedEntity> doAgentSensor(SensorInfo ts)
            List <SensedEntity> sensedEntities = new List <SensedEntity>();

            // If nobody about quit fast
            if (m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.GetRootAgentCount() == 0)

            SceneObjectPart SensePoint    = ts.host;
            Vector3         fromRegionPos = SensePoint.GetWorldPosition();

            Quaternion q = SensePoint.GetWorldRotation();

            if (SensePoint.ParentGroup.IsAttachment)
                // In attachments, rotate the sensor cone with the
                // avatar rotation. This may include a nonzero elevation if
                // in mouselook.
                // This will not include the rotation and position of the
                // attachment point (e.g. your head when a sensor is in your
                // hair attached to your scull. Your hair  will turn with
                // your head but the sensor will stay with your (global)
                // avatar rotation and position.
                // Position of a sensor in a child prim attached to an avatar
                // will be still wrong.
                ScenePresence avatar = m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.GetScenePresence(SensePoint.ParentGroup.AttachedAvatar);
                q = avatar.Rotation * q;

            LSL_Types.Quaternion r           = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(q);
            LSL_Types.Vector3    forward_dir = (new LSL_Types.Vector3(1, 0, 0) * r);
            double  mag_fwd  = LSL_Types.Vector3.Mag(forward_dir);
            bool    attached = (SensePoint.ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint != 0);
            Vector3 toRegionPos;
            double  dis;

            Action <ScenePresence> senseEntity = new Action <ScenePresence>(presence =>
//                m_log.DebugFormat(
//                    "[SENSOR REPEAT]: Inspecting scene presence {0}, type {1} on sensor sweep for {2}, type {3}",
//                    presence.Name, presence.PresenceType, ts.name, ts.type);

                if ((ts.type & NPC) == 0 && (ts.type & OS_NPC) == 0 && presence.PresenceType == PresenceType.Npc)
                    INPC npcData = m_npcModule.GetNPC(presence.UUID, presence.Scene);
                    if (npcData == null || !npcData.SenseAsAgent)
//                        m_log.DebugFormat(
//                            "[SENSOR REPEAT]: Discarding NPC {0} from agent sense sweep for script item id {1}",
//                            presence.Name, ts.itemID);

                if ((ts.type & AGENT) == 0)
                    if (presence.PresenceType == PresenceType.User)
                        INPC npcData = m_npcModule.GetNPC(presence.UUID, presence.Scene);
                        if (npcData != null && npcData.SenseAsAgent)
//                            m_log.DebugFormat(
//                                "[SENSOR REPEAT]: Discarding NPC {0} from non-agent sense sweep for script item id {1}",
//                                presence.Name, ts.itemID);

                if (presence.IsDeleted || presence.IsChildAgent || presence.GodLevel > 0.0)

                // if the object the script is in is attached and the avatar is the owner
                // then this one is not wanted
                if (attached && presence.UUID == SensePoint.OwnerID)

                toRegionPos = presence.AbsolutePosition;
                dis         = Math.Abs(Util.GetDistanceTo(toRegionPos, fromRegionPos));

                // Disabled for now since all osNpc* methods check for appropriate ownership permission.
                // Perhaps could be re-enabled as an NPC setting at some point since being able to make NPCs not
                // sensed might be useful.
//                if (presence.PresenceType == PresenceType.Npc && npcModule != null)
//                {
//                    UUID npcOwner = npcModule.GetOwner(presence.UUID);
//                    if (npcOwner != UUID.Zero && npcOwner != SensePoint.OwnerID)
//                        return;
//                }

                // are they in range
                if (dis <= ts.range)
                    // Are they in the required angle of view
                    if (ts.arc < Math.PI)
                        // not omni-directional. Can you see it ?
                        // vec forward_dir = llRot2Fwd(llGetRot())
                        // vec obj_dir = toRegionPos-fromRegionPos
                        // dot=dot(forward_dir,obj_dir)
                        // mag_fwd = mag(forward_dir)
                        // mag_obj = mag(obj_dir)
                        // ang = acos(dot /(mag_fwd*mag_obj))
                        double ang_obj = 0;
                            LSL_Types.Vector3 obj_dir = new LSL_Types.Vector3(
                                toRegionPos - fromRegionPos);
                            double dot     = LSL_Types.Vector3.Dot(forward_dir, obj_dir);
                            double mag_obj = LSL_Types.Vector3.Mag(obj_dir);
                            ang_obj        = Math.Acos(dot / (mag_fwd * mag_obj));
                        if (ang_obj <= ts.arc)
                            sensedEntities.Add(new SensedEntity(dis, presence.UUID));
                        sensedEntities.Add(new SensedEntity(dis, presence.UUID));

            // If this is an avatar sense by key try to get them directly
            // rather than getting a list to scan through
            if (ts.keyID != UUID.Zero)
                ScenePresence sp;
                // Try direct lookup by UUID
                if (!m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.TryGetScenePresence(ts.keyID, out sp))
            else if (ts.name != null && ts.name != "")
                ScenePresence sp;
                // Try lookup by name will return if/when found
                if (((ts.type & AGENT) != 0) && m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.TryGetAvatarByName(ts.name, out sp))
                if ((ts.type & AGENT_BY_USERNAME) != 0)
                        delegate(ScenePresence ssp)
                        if (ssp.Lastname == "Resident")
                            if (ssp.Firstname.ToLower() == ts.name)
                        if (ssp.Name.Replace(" ", ".").ToLower() == ts.name)

コード例 #6
        private List <SensedEntity> doObjectSensor(SensorInfo ts)
            List <EntityBase>   Entities;
            List <SensedEntity> sensedEntities = new List <SensedEntity>();

            // If this is an object sense by key try to get it directly
            // rather than getting a list to scan through
            if (ts.keyID != UUID.Zero)
                EntityBase e = null;
                m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.Entities.TryGetValue(ts.keyID, out e);
                if (e == null)
                Entities = new List <EntityBase>();
                Entities = new List <EntityBase>(m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.GetEntities());
            SceneObjectPart SensePoint = ts.host;

            Vector3 fromRegionPos = SensePoint.GetWorldPosition();

            // pre define some things to avoid repeated definitions in the loop body
            Vector3         toRegionPos;
            double          dis;
            int             objtype;
            SceneObjectPart part;
            float           dx;
            float           dy;
            float           dz;

            Quaternion q = SensePoint.GetWorldRotation();

            if (SensePoint.ParentGroup.IsAttachment)
                // In attachments, rotate the sensor cone with the
                // avatar rotation. This may include a nonzero elevation if
                // in mouselook.
                // This will not include the rotation and position of the
                // attachment point (e.g. your head when a sensor is in your
                // hair attached to your scull. Your hair  will turn with
                // your head but the sensor will stay with your (global)
                // avatar rotation and position.
                // Position of a sensor in a child prim attached to an avatar
                // will be still wrong.
                ScenePresence avatar = m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.World.GetScenePresence(SensePoint.ParentGroup.AttachedAvatar);
                q = avatar.Rotation * q;

            LSL_Types.Quaternion r           = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(q);
            LSL_Types.Vector3    forward_dir = (new LSL_Types.Vector3(1, 0, 0) * r);
            double mag_fwd = LSL_Types.Vector3.Mag(forward_dir);

            Vector3 ZeroVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            bool nameSearch = (ts.name != null && ts.name != "");

            foreach (EntityBase ent in Entities)
                bool keep = true;

                if (nameSearch && ent.Name != ts.name) // Wrong name and it is a named search

                if (ent.IsDeleted) // taken so long to do this it has gone from the scene

                if (!(ent is SceneObjectGroup)) // dont bother if it is a pesky avatar
                toRegionPos = ent.AbsolutePosition;

                // Calculation is in line for speed
                dx = toRegionPos.X - fromRegionPos.X;
                dy = toRegionPos.Y - fromRegionPos.Y;
                dz = toRegionPos.Z - fromRegionPos.Z;

                // Weed out those that will not fit in a cube the size of the range
                // no point calculating if they are within a sphere the size of the range
                // if they arent even in the cube
                if (Math.Abs(dx) > ts.range || Math.Abs(dy) > ts.range || Math.Abs(dz) > ts.range)
                    dis = ts.range + 1.0;
                    dis = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

                if (keep && dis <= ts.range && ts.host.UUID != ent.UUID)
                    // In Range and not the object containing the script, is it the right Type ?
                    objtype = 0;

                    part = ((SceneObjectGroup)ent).RootPart;
                    if (part.ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint != 0) // Attached so ignore

                    if (part.Inventory.ContainsScripts())
                        objtype |= ACTIVE | SCRIPTED; // Scripted and active. It COULD have one hidden ...
                        if (ent.Velocity.Equals(ZeroVector))
                            objtype |= PASSIVE; // Passive non-moving
                            objtype |= ACTIVE; // moving so active

                    // If any of the objects attributes match any in the requested scan type
                    if (((ts.type & objtype) != 0))
                        // Right type too, what about the other params , key and name ?
                        if (ts.arc < Math.PI)
                            // not omni-directional. Can you see it ?
                            // vec forward_dir = llRot2Fwd(llGetRot())
                            // vec obj_dir = toRegionPos-fromRegionPos
                            // dot=dot(forward_dir,obj_dir)
                            // mag_fwd = mag(forward_dir)
                            // mag_obj = mag(obj_dir)
                            // ang = acos(dot /(mag_fwd*mag_obj))
                            double ang_obj = 0;
                                Vector3 diff    = toRegionPos - fromRegionPos;
                                double  dot     = LSL_Types.Vector3.Dot(forward_dir, diff);
                                double  mag_obj = LSL_Types.Vector3.Mag(diff);
                                ang_obj = Math.Acos(dot / (mag_fwd * mag_obj));

                            if (ang_obj > ts.arc)
                                keep = false;

                        if (keep == true)
                            // add distance for sorting purposes later
                            sensedEntities.Add(new SensedEntity(dis, ent.UUID));
コード例 #7
        private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, SceneObjectPart prim,
                                bool useTextures)
            const float MIN_SIZE_SQUARE = 4f;

            if ((PCode)prim.Shape.PCode != PCode.Prim)
            float primScaleLenSquared = prim.Scale.LengthSquared();

            if (primScaleLenSquared < MIN_SIZE_SQUARE)

            FacetedMesh renderMesh = null;
            Primitive   omvPrim    = prim.Shape.ToOmvPrimitive(prim.OffsetPosition, prim.RotationOffset);

            if (m_renderMeshes)
                if (omvPrim.Sculpt != null && omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                    // Try fetchinng the asset
                    byte[] sculptAsset = m_scene.AssetService.GetData(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture.ToString());
                    if (sculptAsset != null)
                        // Is it a mesh?
                        if (omvPrim.Sculpt.Type == SculptType.Mesh)
                            AssetMesh meshAsset = new AssetMesh(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture, sculptAsset);
                            FacetedMesh.TryDecodeFromAsset(omvPrim, meshAsset, DetailLevel.Highest, out renderMesh);
                            meshAsset = null;
                        else // It's sculptie
                            IJ2KDecoder imgDecoder = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IJ2KDecoder>();
                            if (imgDecoder != null)
                                Image sculpt = imgDecoder.DecodeToImage(sculptAsset);
                                if (sculpt != null)
                                    renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedSculptMesh(omvPrim, (Bitmap)sculpt,

            // If not a mesh or sculptie, try the regular mesher
            if (renderMesh == null)
                renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedMesh(omvPrim, DetailLevel.Medium);

            if (renderMesh == null)

            string primID = prim.UUID.ToString();

            // Create the prim faces
            // TODO: Implement the useTextures flag behavior
            for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Count; i++)
                Face   face     = renderMesh.Faces[i];
                string meshName = primID + i.ToString();

                // Avoid adding duplicate meshes to the scene
                if (renderer.Scene.objectData.ContainsKey(meshName))

                warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object();
                for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Count; j++)
                    Vertex      v    = face.Vertices[j];
                    warp_Vector pos  = ConvertVector(v.Position);
                    warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y);

                for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Count; j += 3)
                        face.Indices[j + 0],
                        face.Indices[j + 1],
                        face.Indices[j + 2]);

                Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Shape.Textures.GetFace((uint)i);
                Color4 faceColor    = GetFaceColor(teFace);
                string materialName = String.Empty;
                if (m_texturePrims && primScaleLenSquared > m_texturePrimSize * m_texturePrimSize)
                    materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor, teFace.TextureID);
                    materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor);

                warp_Vector     primPos = ConvertVector(prim.GetWorldPosition());
                warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.GetWorldRotation());
                warp_Matrix     m       = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot);
                faceObj.scaleSelf(prim.Scale.X, prim.Scale.Z, prim.Scale.Y);

                renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj);
                renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName);
コード例 #8
ファイル: UrlModule.cs プロジェクト: ikarosghoste/opensim
        protected Hashtable GetEvents(UUID requestID, UUID sessionID)
            UrlData url = null;

            lock (m_RequestMap)
                if (!m_RequestMap.TryGetValue(requestID, out url))
                    return(NoEvents(requestID, sessionID));

            RequestData requestData = null;

            lock (url.requests)
                requestData = url.requests[requestID];
                if (requestData == null || !requestData.requestDone)
                    return(NoEvents(requestID, sessionID));

                lock (m_RequestMap)

            Hashtable response = new Hashtable();

            if (System.Environment.TickCount - requestData.startTime > 25000)
                response["int_response_code"]   = 500;
                response["str_response_string"] = "Script timeout";
                response["content_type"]        = "text/plain";
                response["keepalive"]           = false;
            //put response
            response["int_response_code"]   = requestData.responseCode;
            response["str_response_string"] = requestData.responseBody;
            response["content_type"]        = requestData.responseType;
            response["keepalive"]           = false;

            if (url.allowXss)
                response["access_control_allow_origin"] = "*";

            Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();

            if (url.scene != null)
                SceneObjectPart sop = url.scene.GetSceneObjectPart(url.hostID);
                if (sop != null)
                    RegionInfo ri       = url.scene.RegionInfo;
                    Vector3    position = sop.AbsolutePosition;
                    Vector3    velocity = sop.Velocity;
                    Quaternion rotation = sop.GetWorldRotation();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_lsl_shard))
                        headers["X-SecondLife-Shard"] = m_lsl_shard;
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"]    = sop.Name;
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"]     = sop.UUID.ToString();
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Region"]         = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", ri.RegionName, ri.WorldLocX, ri.WorldLocY);
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Local-Position"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z);
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000}, {3:0.000000})", rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W);
                    //headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"] = ownerName;
                    headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"] = sop.OwnerID.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_lsl_user_agent))
                        headers["User-Agent"] = m_lsl_user_agent;
            if (url.isSsl)
                headers.Add("Accept-CH", "UA");
            response["headers"] = headers;
コード例 #9
 public ObjectActor(SceneObjectPart sog) : base(sog.UUID, sog.AbsolutePosition, sog.GetWorldRotation(), sog.Velocity, sog.AngularVelocity)
     shape = sog.Shape;
     name  = sog.Name;