void OnAddPoints(int pointsCount) { if (IsGameOver) { return; } D.Log("Ball_OnBallInBasket"); _isNextLevel = true; _points.AddPoint(pointsCount); // _poinsBmScript.AddPoints (pointsCount); }
private void Ball_OnGoal(int pointsCount) { if (IsGameOver) { return; } D.Log("Ball_OnBallInBasket"); _isNextLevel = true; //int _pointsCount = DefsGame.bubbleMaxSize - _bubble.GetStartSize () + 1; _points.AddPoint(pointsCount); _poinsBmScript.AddPoints(pointsCount); }
public void UpdateWinner() { //Time.timeScale = 0.001f; resultsUI.SetActive(true); winnertext.text = PlayerSelect.GetWinner() + " wins!"; Debug.Log(PlayerSelect.GetWinnerID()); Points.AddPoint(PlayerSelect.GetWinnerID()); Debug.Log(Points.p1); Debug.Log(Points.p2); pointstext.text = "WINS\nP1: " + Points.p1 + "\nP2: " + Points.p2 + "\nP3: " + Points.p3 + "\nP4: " + Points.p4; StartCoroutine(Timer(5)); }
public void UpdateWinner() { //Time.timeScale = 0.001f; resultsUI.SetActive(true); winnertext.text = PlayerSelect.GetWinner() + " (P" + PlayerSelect.GetWinnerID() + ") wins!"; Points.AddPoint(PlayerSelect.GetWinnerID()); pointstext.text = "WINS\nP1: " + Points.p1 + "\nP2: " + Points.p2 + "\nP3: " + Points.p3 + "\nP4: " + Points.p4; if (Points.p1 >= 3 || Points.p2 >= 3 || Points.p3 >= 3 || Points.p4 >= 3) { winnertext.text = PlayerSelect.GetWinner() + " (P" + PlayerSelect.GetWinnerID() + ") is the ultimate winner!"; StartCoroutine(Timer(starttimer)); SceneManager.LoadScene("MenuScene"); } StartCoroutine(Timer(starttimer)); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { if (isShot == true) { return; } else { if (desiredSpray == shooter.SodaType) { //Reward player for correct drink Debug.Log("yay!"); //change faces to reward yum.SetActive(true); yuck.SetActive(false); //disables the parent sprite this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; //Create Thanks bubble and sets parent to face thanksBubble = GameObject.Instantiate(thanksBubble, speechBubbleObject.transform.position, speechBubbleObject.transform.rotation); thanksBubble.transform.parent = this.transform; //disactivate original speech bubble with order speechBubbleObject.SetActive(false); // add a point to the score points.AddPoint(); //cannot be shot again isShot = true; } else { //Changes face to "yuck" Debug.Log("boo!"); //enable lose face, disable win face yuck.SetActive(true); yum.SetActive(false); //disables the parent sprite this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; //removes order speech bubble speechBubbleObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private void Input(Event e, Vector3 mouse) { Points points = (Points)target; Rect rect = new Rect(5, 5, width + 10, height + 10); #region Input while over point if (!rect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverPoint != null) { if (mouseOverPoint != null) { if (dragging) { Undo.RecordObject(points, "Point Moved"); points.paths[currentPath].points[(int)mouseOverPoint] = mouse; if (autoBuild) { points.BuildCollider(); } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && e.modifiers != EventModifiers.Shift) { if (e.modifiers != EventModifiers.Control) { dragging = true; } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && e.button == 0) { dragging = false; } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Control) { Undo.RecordObject(points, "Point Removed"); points.paths[currentPath].points.RemoveAt((int)mouseOverPoint); if (autoBuild) { points.BuildCollider(); } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 1 && e.modifiers != EventModifiers.Control) { positionSettingStart = e.mousePosition; GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Set Position"), false, Callback, 1); string str = showPositionSetting ? "Close" : "Cancel"; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(str), false, Callback, 2); menu.ShowAsContext(); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 1 && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Control) { Undo.RecordObject(points, "Remove Path"); points.RemovePath(currentPath); if (autoBuild) { points.BuildCollider(); } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if ((int)mouseOverPoint != rightClickPoint) { showPositionSetting = false; } } } } #endregion #region Input while not over point if (!rect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverPoint == null) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { handleSize = points.useGlobal ? points.settings.handleSize : points.handleSize; float closestLine = handleSize; int index = -1; Vector2 m2 = new Vector2(mouse.x, mouse.y); for (int i = 0; i < points.paths.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < points.paths[i].points.Count; j++) { Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(points.paths[i].points[j].x, points.paths[i].points[j].y); Vector2 p2 = Vector2.zero; if (j > 0) { p2 = new Vector2(points.paths[i].points[j - 1].x, points.paths[i].points[j - 1].y); } else { p2 = new Vector2(points.paths[i].points[points.paths[i].points.Count - 1].x, points.paths[i].points[points.paths[i].points.Count - 1].y); } float dist = HandleUtility.DistancePointToLineSegment(m2, p1, p2); if (dist < closestLine) { closestLine = dist; index = j; } } } Undo.RecordObject(points, "Add Point"); if (index > -1) { points.InsertPoint(m2, index, currentPath); } else { points.AddPoint(m2, currentPath); } SceneView.RepaintAll(); if (autoBuild) { points.BuildCollider(); } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 1 && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { Undo.RecordObject(points, "Add Path"); points.AddPath(); currentPath = points.paths.Count - 1; points.AddPoint(mouse, currentPath); if (autoBuild) { points.BuildCollider(); } } } #endregion }