public void TestPoint() { Point pointObj = new Point(); pointObj.AddPoint(); pointObj.AddPoint(); Assert.AreEqual(2, pointObj.GetPoints()); }
public void Die() { dead = true; if (replaceWhenDead) { Instantiate(deadReplacement, transform.position, transform.rotation); } if (makeExplosion) { Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation); } if (isPlayer && deathCam != null) { deathCam.SetActive(true); } animator.SetBool("Death", true); Destroy(gameObject); GameObject pointObj = GameObject.Find("point"); Point point = pointObj.GetComponent <Point>(); point.AddPoint(1); zombieGen.DecreaseZombieNum(); }
//void StopChase() //{ // if(isHate) // { // if((transform.position-target.transform.position).magnitude>LoveRange) // { // isHate = false; // Move(new Vector2(0, 0)); // } // } //} protected void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Player player = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Player>(); if (player.isPowerUP) { SoundMgr.Instance().PlaySoundEffect(3); // 揍飞 isfly = true; GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().enabled = false; Vector2 dir = player.rg.velocity; Move(dir * fly_speed); // 特效 GameObject a = Instantiate(effect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(a, 0.4f); LevelPanel.levelPanel.BottomFrame(); LevelPanel.levelPanel.ShakeObj(transform); //得分 Point.AddPoint(100 * player.kill_number); player.kill_number++; } else { player.Damage(attack); } } }
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Player player = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Player>(); if (player.isPowerUP) { // 揍飞 isfly = true; GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().enabled = false; Vector2 dir = player.rg.velocity; Move(dir * fly_speed); //得分 Point.AddPoint(100 * player.kill_number); player.kill_number++; //顿帧 LevelPanel.levelPanel.BottomFrame(); LevelPanel.levelPanel.ShakeObj(transform); } else { player.Damage(attack); } } }
public void AddPoint(Point p) { if (SplinePoints.Contains(p)) { return; } // p.transform.parent=transform; // p.transform.position=pos; // point.tension=tension; // point.bias=bias; // point.continuity=continuity; p.AddSpline(this); int newIndex = 0; //ADDING POINTS OFF THE BACK OF THE START POINT if (SplinePoints.Count > 1 && Services.Player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour>().curPoint == StartPoint()) { SplinePoints.Insert(0, p); p.AddPoint(MiddlePoint()); MiddlePoint().AddPoint(p); if (closed) { p.AddPoint(SplinePoints [SplinePoints.Count - 1]); SplinePoints [SplinePoints.Count - 1].AddPoint(p); } } else { newIndex = SplinePoints.Count; SplinePoints.Insert(newIndex, p); if (newIndex == 1) { StartPoint().AddPoint(p); p.AddPoint(StartPoint()); } else if (newIndex == 2) { MiddlePoint().AddPoint(p); p.AddPoint(MiddlePoint()); } else if (newIndex == SplinePoints.Count - 1 && SplinePoints.Count > 2) { p.AddPoint(SplinePoints [newIndex - 1]); SplinePoints [newIndex - 1].AddPoint(p); } else if (newIndex > 0 && newIndex < SplinePoints.Count - 1) { p.AddPoint(SplinePoints [newIndex + 1]); p.AddPoint(SplinePoints [newIndex - 1]); SplinePoints [newIndex - 1].AddPoint(p); SplinePoints [newIndex + 1].AddPoint(p); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine(); Question questionObj = new Question(); Answer answerObj = new Answer(); Point pointObj = new Point(); while (true) { var currentQuestion = questionObj.GetQuestion(); if (currentQuestion == null) { break; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Word to guess : {currentQuestion.ShuffleWord}"); Console.Write("Answer : "); var userInput = Console.ReadLine(); var flag = answerObj.CheckAnswer(userInput, currentQuestion.OriginWord); if (flag) { pointObj.AddPoint(); Console.WriteLine($"Good Job ! You get a point for correct answer."); continue; } Console.WriteLine(answerObj.GetReason(userInput, currentQuestion.OriginWord)); Console.WriteLine($"Correct Letters : {answerObj.GetCorectLetters(userInput, currentQuestion.OriginWord)}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Game over. Yout Get : {pointObj.GetPoints()} Points."); Console.WriteLine($"Hit enter to exit.."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void TouchScreen() { if (Input.touchCount > 0) { foreach (Touch t in Input.touches) { PointerEventData eventData = GetPED(t.fingerId); if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Began && eventData.pointerEnter == gameObject) { RaycastHit2D hit = DropRay(t.position); if (hit.collider == null) { Point.AddPoint( PositionToWorldFromCamera( Camera.main, t.position) , prefPoint); } } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { PointerEventData eventData = GetPED(-1); if (eventData.pointerEnter != this.gameObject) { return; } RaycastHit2D hit = DropRay(Input.mousePosition); if (hit.collider == null) { Point.AddPoint( PositionToWorldFromCamera( Camera.main, Input.mousePosition) , prefPoint); } } }
public void PointSwitch() { Spline nextSpline = null; Point nextPoint = null; bool newSpline = false; bool newPoint = false; float angleToSpline = Mathf.Infinity; if (curPoint.HasSplines()) { bool forward = true; Spline closestSpline = null; Point pointDest = null; foreach (Spline s in curPoint.GetSplines()) { foreach (Point p in curPoint.GetNeighbours()) { if (!p._connectedSplines.Contains(s)) { //do nothing if the point is in another spline } else { float curAngle; int indexDifference = s.SplinePoints.IndexOf(p) - s.SplinePoints.IndexOf(curPoint); if (indexDifference == -1 || indexDifference > 1) { curAngle = s.CompareAngleAtPoint(cursorDir, p, true); } else { curAngle = s.CompareAngleAtPoint(cursorDir, curPoint); } if (curAngle < angleToSpline) { angleToSpline = curAngle; closestSpline = s; pointDest = p; } } } } int indexdiff = closestSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(pointDest) - closestSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(curPoint); if (indexdiff == -1 || indexdiff > 1) { closestSpline.Selected = pointDest; forward = false; Services.Player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour> ().SetProgress(1f); } else { Services.Player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour> ().SetProgress(0f); forward = true; closestSpline.Selected = curPoint; } if (angleToSpline <= StopAngleDiff) { nextSpline = closestSpline; } } if (Input.GetButton("x") && nextSpline == null && angleToSpline > LineAngleDiff) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(cursor.transform.position)); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Point") { Point hitPoint = hit.collider.GetComponent <Point> (); if (hitPoint == curPoint) { //you clicked on the node you are currently on } else { newPoint = true; nextPoint = hitPoint; } } } else if (inventory.Count > 0) { //DOUBLE POINT ERROR IS ONLY HAPPENING IN THE MIDDLE OF LINES? newPoint = true; nextPoint = CreatePoint(cursor.transform.position); } if (newPoint) { if (curSpline != null && (curPoint == curSpline.StartPoint() || curPoint == curSpline.EndPoint())) { //EDGE CASE //Creating endpoint when you're on startpoint //make it so that the start/midpoint get shifted down one index, insert at startpoint newSpline = false; if (nextPoint == curSpline.StartPoint() || nextPoint == curSpline.EndPoint() && !curSpline.closed) { curSpline.closed = true; curSpline.LoopIndex = curSpline.SplinePoints.IndexOf(nextPoint); curPoint.AddPoint(nextPoint); nextPoint.AddPoint(curPoint); if (curSpline.GetPointIndex(nextPoint) - curSpline.GetPointIndex(curPoint) > 1) { curSpline.Selected = nextPoint; } } else { curSpline.AddPoint(nextPoint); } nextSpline = curSpline; = nextSpline.SplinePoints [0].name + "—" + curSpline.EndPoint().name; } else { newSpline = true; //YOU CANT JUST ADD THE NEW POINT INTO THE OLD SPLINE IF YOU'RE DOING SO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SPLINE //IT WILL CREATE PROBLEMS. IT WONT KNOW THE PROPER NEIGHBOURS //MAYBE INSERT IT AT A POSITION //If at the end or start of the current line, insert the new point at the ends //if not, don't insert it // if (curSpline != null && !curSpline.SplinePoints.Contains (nextPoint)) { // curSpline.AddPoint (nextPoint); // } nextSpline = CreateSpline(nextPoint); } } } //BREAK OUT OF FUNCTION BEFORE THE NEXT SPLINE IS SET TO THE CURRENT SPLINE if (!newPoint && nextSpline == null) { flow = Mathf.Lerp(flow, 0, decay * Time.deltaTime); // transform.position = curPoint.transform.position; return; } else { //SET NEXT SPLINE TO CURRENT SPLINE curSpline = nextSpline; curSpline.OnSplineExit(); if (newPoint) { if (curPoint == curSpline.Selected) { if (!goingForward) { // flow = -flow; } goingForward = true; progress = 0; } else { if (goingForward) { // flow = -flow; } goingForward = false; progress = 1; } } traversing = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑会员积分 /// </summary> public void UserPoint_Edit() { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); SearchUser su = new SearchUser(CurrentAdmin, CurrentLanguage.Code); if (id > 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("user_point_edit", "编辑会员积分")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } Lebi_User_Point model = B_Lebi_User_Point.GetModel(id); Lebi_User user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(model.User_id); Log.Add("编辑会员积分", "User_Point", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, user.UserName); if (user == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("会员账号不存在") + "\"}"); return; } model.Point = RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0); model.Type_id_PointStatus = RequestTool.RequestInt("Type_id_PointStatus", 0); model.Admin_UserName = CurrentAdmin.UserName; model.Admin_id =; model.Remark = RequestTool.RequestString("Remark"); model.Time_Update = DateTime.Now; B_Lebi_User_Point.Update(model); Point.UpdateUserPoint(user); } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("user_point_add", "添加会员积分")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } string Mode = RequestTool.RequestString("mode"); string User_Name_To = RequestTool.RequestString("User_Name_To"); string UserLevel_ids = RequestTool.RequestString("UserLevel_ids"); string User_ids = RequestTool.RequestString("User_ids"); string UserName_ids = RequestTool.RequestString("UserName_ids"); if (Mode == "user") { Lebi_User user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel("UserName = lbsql{'" + User_Name_To + "'}"); if (user == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("会员账号不存在") + "\"}"); return; } Log.Add("添加会员积分", "User_Point", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, User_Name_To + " ->" + RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0)); Point.AddPoint(user, RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0), RequestTool.RequestInt("Type_id_PointStatus", 0), CurrentAdmin, RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Remark")); } else { string where = ""; int i = 0; if (User_ids == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("没有选择任何数据") + "\"}"); return; where = "1=1 " + su.SQL; Log.Add("添加会员积分", "User_Point", "", CurrentAdmin, su.Description + " ->" + RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0)); } else { where = "id in (" + User_ids + ")"; Log.Add("添加会员积分", "User_Point", "", CurrentAdmin, UserName_ids + " ->" + RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0)); } List <Lebi_User> modellist = B_Lebi_User.GetList(where, ""); foreach (Lebi_User user in modellist) { Point.AddPoint(user, RequestTool.RequestDecimal("Point", 0), RequestTool.RequestInt("Type_id_PointStatus", 0), CurrentAdmin, RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Remark")); } } } string result = "{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"; Response.Write(result); }