private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("tencentcloud"); //To query a scalar foreach(var a in db.Query<article>("select * from articles")) { listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("{0}-{1}", a.article_id, a.title)); } listBox1.Items.Add("\r\n"); long count = db.ExecuteScalar<long>("select Count(*) from articles"); listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("count: {0}",count )); listBox1.Items.Add("\r\n"); //@0 代表占位符 SingleOrDefault var abc = db.SingleOrDefault<article>("select * from articles where article_id=@0",1); listBox1.Items.Add(abc); listBox1.Items.Add("\r\n"); //Paged Fetches 分页 var result = db.Page<article>(1, 3, "select * from articles where draft=1 order by date_created "); foreach (var temp in result.Items) { listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("title: {0}", temp.title)); } listBox1.Items.Add("\r\n"); listBox1.Items.Add("结束"); }
public IHttpActionResult Get(string id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); System.Collections.Generic.List<Entities.StorytimePost> storytimepostlist = new List<Entities.StorytimePost>(); string UserId = ""; foreach (Entities.StorytimePost c in db.Query<Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * From StorytimePost Where SeriesId = @0 Order By DateCreated Desc", id)) { c.ImagePath = Providers.ImageHelper.GetImagePath(c.ImagePath); c.ImagePath = c.ImagePath.Replace(@"\", @"/"); UserId = Providers.UserHelper.GetUserId(this.User.Identity.Name); var voted = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Vote>("Select * From Vote Where StorytimePostId = @0 And UserId = @1", new object []{c.StorytimePostId, UserId}); if (voted != null) c.Voted = true; else c.Voted = false; if (c.UserId == UserId) c.UserPostedImage = true; c.PhoneNumber = Providers.UserHelper.GetPhoneNumberById(c.UserId); storytimepostlist.Add(c); } if (storytimepostlist.Count > 0) return Ok(storytimepostlist); else return NotFound(); }
private void SelectAll() { // Create a PetaPoco database object var db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlite"); string query = "SELECT * FROM foo"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(query); sb.AppendLine("--------------"); try { // Show all foo foreach (var a in db.Query<foo>(query)) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}", a.Id,; } } catch (Exception ex) { sb.AppendLine(ex.Message); sb.Append(ex.StackTrace); } this.richTextBox1.Text = sb.ToString(); }
public static List<Models.Page> GetAllPages() { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { return db.Query<Models.Page>("").ToList(); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有的 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<Settings> GetAllSetting() { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { return db.Query<Models.Settings>("").ToList(); } }
public static List<string> GetAllTag() { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { return db.Query<string>("SELECT tag_title FROM jexus_tags ORDER BY tag_title DESC").ToList(); } }
public static List<Models.Category> GetAllCategory() { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { return db.Query<Models.Category>("").ToList(); } }
public void InitDataBase(string connectionString) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); db.Execute(Const.DBCreateScript); foreach (var province in ProvinceData.GetProvinces()) { db.Insert("Province", "Id", new{Name = province.Name, Code = province.Code}); } var provinces = db.Query<dynamic>(@"SELECT * from Province").ToList(); BulkUploadToSql bulk = BulkUploadToSql.Load( HomeData.GetHomes() .Select( i => new Bulk.Home { AddTime = DateTime.Now, BuildYear = i.BuildYear, City = i.City, Description = i.Description, Price = i.Price, Surface = i.Surface, ProvinceId = provinces.First(j => j.Code == i.HomeProvince.Code).Id, }), "Home", 10000, connectionString); bulk.Flush(); }
public IEnumerable<HoiVien> GetCustomers() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("MyConnection"); IEnumerable<HoiVien> kq; if (TempData["dieukienloc"] == null)//truy van mac dinh { kq = db.Query<HoiVien>("select * from HoiVien where Disable = '0'"); } else//Truy van khi da co tempdata(da co dieu kien loc) { TempData.Keep("dieukienloc"); string[] frmc = (string[])TempData["dieukienloc"]; //Thiet lap cau truy van dua tren dieu kien loc string qr = "select * from HoiVien where 1=1"; if (frmc[0] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and DivisionID like N'%{0}%'", frmc[0]); } if (frmc[1] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Address like N'%{0}%'", frmc[1]); } if (frmc[2] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Phone like N'%{0}%'", frmc[2]); } if (frmc[3] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and MemberID like N'%{0}%'", frmc[3]); } if (frmc[4] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Identify like N'%{0}%'", frmc[4]); } if (frmc[5] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Fax like N'%{0}%'", frmc[5]); } if (frmc[6] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and MemberName like N'%{0}%'", frmc[6]); } if (frmc[7] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Tel like N'%{0}%'", frmc[7]); } if (frmc[8] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Email like N'%{0}%'", frmc[8]); } if (frmc[9] == "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Disable = '0'"); } kq = db.Query<HoiVien>(qr); } return kq; }
public void GetYueSaoList() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("BBTDataBaseConnection"); var hotelList = db.Query<dat_sclient_base>("select * from dat_sclient_base"); foreach (var item in hotelList) { Console.Write(item.c_addr); } }
public object GET(int id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT N.*") .Append("FROM Novedad N") .Append("WHERE N.NovedadID=@0", id); var items = db.Query<dynamic>(sql); return (new JsonResult() { Data = new { data = items }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; }
private static void FilteredQuery() { var petaPoco = new PetaPoco.Database("Chinook"); var customers = petaPoco.Query<Customer>("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE Country = 'United Kingdom'"); foreach (var customer in customers) ObjectDumper.Write(customer); }
public object getAll() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT SEC.*") .Append("FROM SubEstadoContacto SEC"); var items = db.Query<SubEstadoContacto>(sql); JsonResult rta = new JsonResult() { Data = items, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; return rta.Data; }
public object get(int id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT SEC.*") .Append("FROM SubEstadoContacto SEC") .Append("WHERE EC.SubEstadoContactoID=@0", id); var items = db.Query<SubEstadoContacto>(sql); return (new JsonResult() { Data = items, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; }
public object GET(int id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT C.*") .Append("FROM Contacto C") .Append("WHERE C.ContactoID=@0", id); var items = db.Query<Contacto>(sql); return (new JsonResult() { Data = new { data = items }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; }
public ActionResult Customers_Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request) { IEnumerable<HoiVien> kq; TempData.Keep("frmc"); if (TempData["frmc"] == null) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("MyConnection"); //PetaPoco.Page<HoiVien> rs = MyConnectionDB.GetInstance().Page<HoiVien>(1, 2, "select * from HoiVien"); kq = db.Query<HoiVien>("select * from HoiVien"); } else { FormCollection frmc = (FormCollection)TempData["frmc"]; var db = new PetaPoco.Database("MyConnection"); //Thiet lap cau truy van dua tren dieu kien loc string qr = "select * from HoiVien where 1=1"; if (frmc["donvi"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and DivisionID like N'%{0}%'", frmc["donvi"]); } if (frmc["diachi"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Address like N'%{0}%'", frmc["diachi"]); } if (frmc["sodienthoai"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Phone like N'%{0}%'", frmc["sodienthoai"]); } if (frmc["mahoivien"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and MemberID like N'%{0}%'", frmc["mahoivien"]); } if (frmc["cmnd"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Identify like N'%{0}%'", frmc["cmnd"]); } if (frmc["fax"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Fax like N'%{0}%'", frmc["fax"]); } if (frmc["tenhoivien"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and MemberName like N'%{0}%'", frmc["tenhoivien"]); } if (frmc["dtdd"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Tel like N'%{0}%'", frmc["dtdd"]); } if (frmc["email"] != "") { qr = qr + string.Format(" and Email like N'%{0}%'", frmc["email"]); } kq = db.Query<HoiVien>(qr); } return Json(kq.ToDataSourceResult(request)); }
public object Login([FromBody] LoginRequest req) { string conn = Config.SQLConnectionFor(req.loginname, req.password); try { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(conn, Config.providerName); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT top 1 *") .Append("FROM Usuario U") .Append("WHERE U.LogIn=@0", req.loginname); var user = db.Query<dynamic>(sql).First(); DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Config.authSessionExpirationLengthInSeconds); var tokenObj = new { E = expirationDate, U = user.UsuarioID, G = user.GrupoID, P = user.PerfilID }; var token = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(tokenObj); token = EncodeTo64(token); var data = new { UsuarioID = user.UsuarioID, GrupoID = user.GrupoID, PerfilID = user.PerfilID, Nombre = user.Nombre, Apellido = user.Apellido, expirationDate = expirationDate }; return (new JsonResult() { Data = new LoginResponse { ok = true, data = data, token = token, error = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; } catch (Exception e) { return (new JsonResult() { Data = new LoginResponse() { ok = false, data = new { }, token = "", error = e.Message + "[Conn=" + conn + "]" }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; } }
public object GET(int id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT T.*,G.Descripcion as GrupoDescripcion") .Append("FROM Tema T") .Append("INNER JOIN Grupo G on G.GrupoID = T.GrupoID") .Append("WHERE T.TemaID=@0", id); var items = db.Query<Tema>(sql).First(); return (new JsonResult() { Data = new { data = items }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; }
private static void SelectProcedure() { var petaPoco = new PetaPoco.Database("Chinook"); var customers = petaPoco.Query<Customer>( PetaPoco.Sql.Builder.Append("SELECT * FROM customer").Append("WHERE country=@0", "USA")); foreach (var item in customers) ObjectDumper.Write(item); }
private void NotifyNewStory() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * From StorytimeUserList Where UserNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", a.UserId); var storytime = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); if (storytime.UserId != b.Id && b.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(newstory + storytime.StorytimeTitle, b.DeviceToken); } a.UserNotified = true; db2.Update(a); } foreach (var c in db.Query<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where UsersNotified = 0")) { var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId); var storytime = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId); foreach (var e in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * from UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId)) { var f = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", e.UserId); if (f != null && f.Id != storytime.UserId && f.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(newstory + storytime.StorytimeTitle, f.DeviceToken); } } c.UsersNotified = true; db3.Update(c); } }
public static HttpResponseMessage authValidations(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); bool authFail = false; setCORSHeaders(response); var authToken = request.Headers.GetValues("auth-token").FirstOrDefault(); if (authToken == null || authToken.ToString() == "") { response.Content = new StringContent("No se detecto un token de auth"); authFail = true;//VALIDACION TOKEN DE AUTH VACIO } AuthToken tokenObj = null; try { tokenObj = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<AuthToken>(DecodeFrom64(authToken)); } catch (Exception) { response.Content = new StringContent("El token de auth es desconocido"); authFail = true; //VALIDACION: Token desconocido } if (tokenObj.E < DateTime.Now) { response.Content = new StringContent("La fecha expiracion termino"); authFail = true; //VALIDACION DE FECHA DE EXPIRACION DE TOKEN } //RECUPERA EL USUARIO DE LA BD var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Config.connectionStringName()); var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Append("SELECT top 1 *") .Append("FROM Usuario U") .Append("WHERE U.UsuarioID=@0", tokenObj.U); var user = db.Query<Usuario>(sql).First(); if (tokenObj.G.ToString().ToLower() != user.GrupoID.ToString().ToLower()) { response.Content = new StringContent("Intento de cambio de grupo de impl detectado"); authFail = true; //VALIDACION DE GRUPO } if (tokenObj.P.ToString().ToLower() != user.PerfilID.ToString().ToLower()) { response.Content = new StringContent("Intento de cambio de perfil detectado"); authFail = true; //VALIDACION DE PERFIL } return authFail ? response : null; }
public IHttpActionResult Get(string id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); System.Collections.Generic.List<Entities.StorytimePost> storytimepostlist = new List<Entities.StorytimePost>(); foreach (Entities.StorytimePost c in db.Query<Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * From StorytimePost Where StorytimeId = @0 Order By DateCreated Desc", id)) { c.ImagePath = Providers.ImageHelper.GetImagePath(c.ImagePath); c.ImagePath = c.ImagePath.Replace(@"\", @"/"); storytimepostlist.Add(c); } if (storytimepostlist.Count > 0) return Ok(storytimepostlist); else return NotFound(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a PetaPoco database object var db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlite"); fooQuery1.SetDisplay("SELECT * from foo where Id=1"); try { // Show all foo foreach (var a in db.Query<foo>("SELECT * from foo where Id=1")) { fooQuery1.AppendDisplay("\r\n" + string.Format("{0} - {1}", a.Id,; Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", a.Id,; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get(string id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); System.Collections.Generic.List<Entities.AspNetUsers> contactlist = new List<Entities.AspNetUsers>(); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.ContactList>("Select * from ContactList Where UserId = @0", Storytime.Providers.UserHelper.GetUserId(this.User.Identity.Name))) { //todo see if there is a better way to do this with normalization and/or one connection. var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", a.ContactId); contactlist.Add(b); } if (contactlist.Count > 0) { return Ok(contactlist); } else { return NotFound(); } }
public List <NotificationDTO> GetNotificationAlertList(string sConnectionString, int inp_iLoggedInUserId, string sCalledFrom) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; List <NotificationDTO> res = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <NotificationDTO>("exec st_cmu_NotificationAlertList @inp_nLoggedInUserId,@inp_sCalledFrom,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_nLoggedInUserId = inp_iLoggedInUserId, @inp_sCalledFrom = sCalledFrom, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <NotificationDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); return(res); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
public IEnumerable <RoleMasterDTO> GetList(RoleMasterDTO m_objRoleMasterDTO, string sConnectionString) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { var res = db.Query <RoleMasterDTO>("exec st_usr_RoleMasterList @inp_iRoleId,@inp_sRoleName,@inp_sDescription,@inp_iStatusCodeId,@inp_sLandingPageURL,@inp_iUserTypeCodeId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iRoleId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.RoleId, @inp_sRoleName = m_objRoleMasterDTO.RoleName, @inp_sDescription = m_objRoleMasterDTO.Description, @inp_iStatusCodeId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.StatusCodeId, @inp_iUserTypeCodeId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.UserTypeCodeId, }).ToList <RoleMasterDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); e.Data[0] = out_nReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastCommand.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res); } #endregion Error Values } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
public List <RoleActivityDTO> GetDetails(string sConnectionString, int m_nRoleId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; //bool bReturn = true; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; //nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { var res = db.Query <RoleActivityDTO>("exec st_usr_RoleActivityDetails @inp_iRoleId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iRoleId = m_nRoleId, out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage, }).ToList <RoleActivityDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } //bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastCommand.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res); } #endregion Error Values } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
private static int SelectPartTest(string connectionString) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); return db.Query<Home>("SELECT * FROM Home where BuildYear<@0", 2000).ToList().Count(); }
public bool SaveDetails(string sConnectionString, DataTable db_tblTradingWindowEventType, int i_FinancialPeriodTypeCodeId, int i_nLoggedInUserID) { #region Paramters bool bReturn = false; int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; List <TradingWindowEventDTO> res = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Size = 500; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; var inp_tblTradingWindowEventType = new SqlParameter(); inp_tblTradingWindowEventType.DbType = DbType.Object; inp_tblTradingWindowEventType.ParameterName = "@inp_tblTradingWindowEventType"; inp_tblTradingWindowEventType.TypeName = "dbo.TradingWindowEventType"; inp_tblTradingWindowEventType.SqlValue = db_tblTradingWindowEventType; inp_tblTradingWindowEventType.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; #endregion Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <TradingWindowEventDTO>("exec st_rul_TradingWindowFinancialYearSave @inp_tblTradingWindowEventType,@inp_iFinancialPeriodTypeCodeId,@inp_iLoggedInUserId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_tblTradingWindowEventType = inp_tblTradingWindowEventType, @inp_iFinancialPeriodTypeCodeId = i_FinancialPeriodTypeCodeId, @inp_iLoggedInUserId = i_nLoggedInUserID, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <TradingWindowEventDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } return(bReturn); }
public bool DeleteOtherEventDetails(string sConnectionString, int nTradingWindowEventID, int nLoggedInUserId) { #region Paramters bool bReturn = false; int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; List <TradingWindowEventDTO> res = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <TradingWindowEventDTO>("exec st_rul_TradingWindowEventOtherDelete @inp_iTradingWindowEventId,@inp_nUserId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iTradingWindowEventId = nTradingWindowEventID, @inp_nUserId = nLoggedInUserId, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <TradingWindowEventDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { //return bReturn; throw exp; } finally { } return(bReturn); }
public CODashboardDTO_OS GetDashboardDetails_OS(string sConnectionString, int nLoggedInUserId) { CODashboardDTO_OS res = null; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <CODashboardDTO_OS>("exec st_tra_DashBoardForCO_OS @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage, }).FirstOrDefault <CODashboardDTO_OS>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
public void FillRetailStock(PetaPoco.Database db) { vendorRetailStocks = db.Query <VendorStockResult>("EXECUTE sp_FetchVendorRetailStock @0, @1", _xdoc.ToString(), _connectorID).ToList(); }
public List <ActivityResourceMappingDTO> GetActivityResourceMappingDetails(string i_sConnectionString, int inp_iUserInfoId) { List <ActivityResourceMappingDTO> res = null; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; PetaPoco.Database db = null; #endregion Paramters try { var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; // nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; using (db = new PetaPoco.Database(i_sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <ActivityResourceMappingDTO>("exec st_usr_ActivityResourceMappingList @inp_iUserInfoID, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { inp_iUserInfoID = inp_iUserInfoId, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <ActivityResourceMappingDTO>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); return(res); } } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } }
public bool InsertDeleteApplicability(string sConnectionString, int i_nMapToTypeCodeId, int i_nMapToId, int i_nAllEmployeeFlag, int i_nAllInsiderFlag, int i_nAllEmployeeInsiderFlag, int i_nAllCoFlag, int i_nAllCorporateInsiderFlag, int i_nAllNonEmployeeInsiderFlag, DataTable i_tblApplicabilityFilterType, DataTable i_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType, DataTable i_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers, int i_nLoggedInUserID, out int nOutCountOverlapPolicy) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; bool bReturn = true; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy = new SqlParameter("@out_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy.Value = 0; var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; //nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Size = 1000; var inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType = new SqlParameter(); inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType.DbType = DbType.Object; inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType.ParameterName = "@inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType"; inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType.TypeName = "dbo.ApplicabilityFilterType"; inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType.SqlValue = i_tblApplicabilityFilterType; inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; var inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType = new SqlParameter(); inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType.DbType = DbType.Object; inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType.ParameterName = "@inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType"; inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType.TypeName = "dbo.NonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType"; inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType.SqlValue = i_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType; inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; var inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers = new SqlParameter(); inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers.DbType = DbType.Object; inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers.ParameterName = "@inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers"; inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers.TypeName = "dbo.ApplicabilityUserIncludeExcludeType"; inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers.SqlValue = i_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers; inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { var res = db.Query <Test_OS>("exec st_rul_ApplicabilityAssociationSave_OS @inp_nMapToTypeCodeId, @inp_nMapToId, @inp_nAllEmployeeFlag, @inp_nAllInsiderFlag, @inp_nAllEmployeeInsiderFlag ,@inp_nAllCoFlag , @inp_nAllCorporateInsiderFlag , @inp_nAllNonEmployeeInsiderFlag, @inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType, @inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType, @inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers, @inp_nUserId, @out_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy OUTPUT, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_nMapToTypeCodeId = i_nMapToTypeCodeId, @inp_nMapToId = i_nMapToId, @inp_nAllEmployeeFlag = i_nAllEmployeeFlag, @inp_nAllInsiderFlag = i_nAllInsiderFlag, @inp_nAllEmployeeInsiderFlag = i_nAllEmployeeInsiderFlag, // ,@inp_nAllCoFlag , @inp_nAllCorporateInsiderFlag , @inp_nAllNonEmployeeInsiderFlag @inp_nAllCoFlag = i_nAllCoFlag, @inp_nAllCorporateInsiderFlag = i_nAllCorporateInsiderFlag, @inp_nAllNonEmployeeInsiderFlag = i_nAllNonEmployeeInsiderFlag, @inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType = inp_tblApplicabilityFilterType, @inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType = inp_tblNonInsEmpApplicabilityFilterType, @inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers = inp_tblApplicabilityIncludeExcludeUsers, @inp_nUserId = i_nLoggedInUserID, @out_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy = nout_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy, @out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage, }).SingleOrDefault <Test_OS>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); nOutCountOverlapPolicy = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nCountUserAndOverlapTradingPolicy.Value); return(bReturn); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
private void NotifyStoryWinner() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.Storytime>("select * from storytime s where (select count(*) from storytimeseries ss where ss.storytimeid = s.storytimeid) = 10 and s.UsersNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StoryWinner>("Select top 1 sum(sp.votes) as votes, u.username, s.storytimetitle from storytimeseries ss inner join storytimepost sp on ss.StorytimeSeriesId = sp.SeriesId inner join AspNetUsers u on = sp.UserId inner join storytime s on s.storytimeid = ss.storytimeid where ss.storytimeid = @0 group by u.username, s.storytimetitle order by votes desc", a.StorytimeId); if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId); foreach (var e in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId)) { if (e != null) { var f = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", e.UserId); if (f != null && f.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + f.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", f.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var g in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId)) { var h = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", g.UserId); if (h != null && h.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + h.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", h.DeviceToken); } } } a.UsersNotified = true; db4.Update(a); } }
public IEnumerable <JobTitle> Get() { return(db.Query <JobTitle>(Constants.JobTitle.GetJobTitles)); }
public bool UpdateStatus(string sConnectionString, int nLoggedInUserId, int nDashboardId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; bool bReturn = true; int res; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <int>("exec st_tra_DashBoardForCOUpdate @inp_nDashboardCountId,@inp_nLoggedInUserId ,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_nDashboardCountId = nDashboardId, @inp_nLoggedInUserId = nLoggedInUserId, @out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage }).Single <int>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); e.Data[0] = out_nReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastCommand.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } return(bReturn); }
public bool DeleteRoleMasterDetails(string sConnectionString, int m_nRoleId, int nLoggedInUserId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; bool bReturn = true; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { var res = db.Query <RoleMasterDTO>("exec st_usr_RoleMasterDelete @inp_iRoleId,@inp_nUserInfoId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iRoleId = m_nRoleId, @inp_nUserInfoId = nLoggedInUserId, @out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <RoleMasterDTO>(); //TO DO.... Exception occured while Deleting the Role.. that NULL value is recived for nout_nReturnValue. #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastCommand.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } return(bReturn); }
public DMATAccountHolderDTO GetDMATHolderDetails(string sConnectionString, int nDMATAccountHolderID) { List <DMATAccountHolderDTO> res = null; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <DMATAccountHolderDTO>("exec st_usr_DMATAccountHolderDetails @inp_iDMATAccountHolderId, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { inp_iDMATAccountHolderId = nDMATAccountHolderID, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage, }).ToList <DMATAccountHolderDTO>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res.FirstOrDefault()); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used for save the DMATDetails /// </summary> /// <param name="i_sConnectionString">Connection string for which database</param> /// <param name="m_objDMATDetailsDTO">DMAT Type Object</param> /// <param name="nLoggedInUserId">Logged In User</param> /// <returns>Boolean value based on the result</returns> public DMATDetailsDTO SaveDMATDetails(string sConnectionString, DMATDetailsDTO m_objDMATDetailsDTO, int nLoggedInUserId) { List <DMATDetailsDTO> res = null; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; sSQLErrMessage.Size = 1000; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <DMATDetailsDTO>("exec st_usr_DMATDetailsSave @inp_iUserInfoID, @inp_sDEMATAccountNumber, @inp_sDPBank, @inp_sDPID, @inp_sTMID, @inp_sDescription, @inp_iAccountTypeCodeId, @inp_iLoggedInUserId, @inp_iDPBankCodeId, @inp_iDmatAccStatusCodeId, @inp_iDMATDetailsID OUTPUT, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { inp_iUserInfoID = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.UserInfoID, inp_sDEMATAccountNumber = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DEMATAccountNumber, inp_sDPBank = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DPBank, inp_sDPID = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DPID, inp_sTMID = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.TMID, inp_sDescription = (m_objDMATDetailsDTO.Description == null ? "" : m_objDMATDetailsDTO.Description), inp_iAccountTypeCodeId = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.AccountTypeCodeId, inp_iLoggedInUserId = nLoggedInUserId, inp_iDPBankCodeId = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DPBankCodeId, inp_iDmatAccStatusCodeId = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DmatAccStatusCodeId, inp_iDMATDetailsID = m_objDMATDetailsDTO.DMATDetailsID, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage, }).ToList <DMATDetailsDTO>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res.FirstOrDefault()); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
public EventDTO GetCurrentEvent(string sConnectionString, int UserInfoID = 0) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; //bool bReturn = false; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; EventDTO res = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <EventDTO>("exec st_rul_GetCurrentEvent @inp_nUserInfoID, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_nUserInfoID = UserInfoID, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).FirstOrDefault <EventDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } //bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); //bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } return(res); }
public IEnumerable <T> GetList(string sql) { return(db.Query <T>(sql)); }
public TradingWindowEventDTO SaveOtherEventDetails(string sConnectionString, TradingWindowEventDTO m_objTradingWindowEventDTO, int i_nLoggedInUserID) { #region Paramters //bool bReturn = false; int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; TradingWindowEventDTO res = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; sSQLErrMessage.Size = 1000; #endregion Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <TradingWindowEventDTO>("exec st_rul_TradingWindowEventOtherSave @inp_iTradingWindowEventId, @inp_sTradingWindowId, @inp_iTradingWindowEventCodeId,@inp_dtResultDeclarationDate,@inp_dtWindowCloseDate,@inp_dtWindowOpenDate ,@inp_iDaysPriorToResultDeclaration,@inp_iWindowClosesBeforeHours,@inp_iWindowClosesBeforeMinutes,@inp_iDaysPostResultDeclaration,@inp_iWindowOpensAfterHours,@inp_iWindowOpensAfterMinutes ,@inp_iTradingWindowStatusCodeId, @inp_iLoggedInUserId ,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iTradingWindowEventId = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.TradingWindowEventId, @inp_sTradingWindowId = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.TradingWindowId, @inp_iTradingWindowEventCodeId = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.TradingWindowEventCodeId, @inp_dtResultDeclarationDate = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.ResultDeclarationDate, @inp_dtWindowCloseDate = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowCloseDate, @inp_dtWindowOpenDate = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowOpenDate, @inp_iDaysPriorToResultDeclaration = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.DaysPriorToResultDeclaration, @inp_iWindowClosesBeforeHours = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowClosesBeforeHours, @inp_iWindowClosesBeforeMinutes = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowClosesBeforeMinutes, @inp_iDaysPostResultDeclaration = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.DaysPostResultDeclaration, @inp_iWindowOpensAfterHours = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowOpensAfterHours, @inp_iWindowOpensAfterMinutes = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.WindowOpensAfterMinutes, @inp_iTradingWindowStatusCodeId = m_objTradingWindowEventDTO.TradingWindowStatusCodeId, @inp_iLoggedInUserId = i_nLoggedInUserID, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).SingleOrDefault <TradingWindowEventDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } //bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); //bReturn = true; } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="i_sConnectionString"></param> /// <param name="inp_iDefaulterReportID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DefaulterReportOverrideDTO GetDetails(string i_sConnectionString, long inp_iDefaulterReportID) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; List <DefaulterReportOverrideDTO> res = null; PetaPoco.Database db = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Output Param var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Output Param using (db = new PetaPoco.Database(i_sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <DefaulterReportOverrideDTO>("exec st_rpt_DefaulterReportOverrideDetails @inp_iDefaulterReportID,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { inp_iDefaulterReportID = inp_iDefaulterReportID, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <DefaulterReportOverrideDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); return(res.FirstOrDefault()); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } }
private static int SelectJoinTest(string connectionString) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); return db.Query<dynamic>(@"SELECT h.* from Home h inner join Province p on h.ProvinceId=p.Id where p.Code=@0", 10).ToList().Count(); }
public bool InsertDeleteRoleActivities(string sConnectionString, DataTable i_tblRoleActivity, int i_nLoggedInUserID) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; bool bReturn = true; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; //nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Size = 500; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; var inp_tblRoleActivityType = new SqlParameter(); inp_tblRoleActivityType.DbType = DbType.Object; inp_tblRoleActivityType.ParameterName = "@inp_tblRoleActivityType"; inp_tblRoleActivityType.TypeName = "dbo.RoleActivityType"; inp_tblRoleActivityType.SqlValue = i_tblRoleActivity; inp_tblRoleActivityType.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { var res = db.Query <int>("exec st_usr_RoleActivitySaveDelete @inp_tblRoleActivityType,@inp_iLoggedInUserId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_tblRoleActivityType = inp_tblRoleActivityType, @inp_iLoggedInUserId = i_nLoggedInUserID, @out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage, }).SingleOrDefault <int>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); return(bReturn); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } //return bReturn; }
private static int Update100Test(string connectionString) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); var homes = db.Query<Home>("SELECT * FROM home WHERE BuildYear=@0", 2014).ToList(); int count = homes.Count(); foreach (var home in homes) { if (home != null) { home.BuildYear = 2015; db.Update("Home", "Id", home); } } return count; }
/// <summary> /// This method is used for delete the DMATDetails /// </summary> /// <param name="i_sConnectionString">Connection string for which database</param> /// <param name="inp_iDMATAccountHolderID">DMATAccountHolderID</param> /// <param name="nLoggedInUserId">Logged In User</param> /// <returns>Boolean value based on the result</returns> public bool DeleteDMATHolder(string i_sConnectionString, int inp_iDMATAccountHolderID, int nLoggedInUserId) { List <DMATAccountHolderDTO> res = null; bool bReturn = false; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; // nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(i_sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <DMATAccountHolderDTO>("exec st_usr_DMATAccountHolderDelete @inp_iDMATAccountHolderId, @inp_iUserId, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { inp_iDMATAccountHolderId = inp_iDMATAccountHolderID, inp_iUserId = nLoggedInUserId, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <DMATAccountHolderDTO>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } bReturn = false; Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { bReturn = true; } } } catch (Exception exp) { bReturn = false; throw exp; } finally { } return(bReturn); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get applicability count for user /// </summary> /// <param name="sConnectionString"></param> /// <param name="nUserId"></param> /// <param name="nMapToTypeCodeId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int UserApplicabilityCount(string sConnectionString, int nUserInfoId, int nMapToTypeCodeId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; int res = 0; PetaPoco.Database db = null; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; #endregion Out Paramter using (db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { res = db.Query <int>("exec st_usr_UserApplicabilityCount_OS @inp_iUserInfoId,@inp_nApplicabilityType, @out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iUserInfoId = nUserInfoId, @inp_nApplicabilityType = nMapToTypeCodeId, @out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).SingleOrDefault <int>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { //return bReturn; throw exp; } finally { } return(res); }
public RoleMasterDTO InsertUpdateRoleMasterDetails(string sConnectionString, RoleMasterDTO m_objRoleMasterDTO, int nLoggedInUserId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { var res = db.Query <RoleMasterDTO>("exec st_usr_RoleMasterSave @inp_iRoleId,@inp_sRoleName,@inp_sDescription,@inp_iStatusCodeId,@inp_iUserTypeCodeId,@inp_iIsDefault,@inp_iLoggedInUserId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iRoleId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.RoleId, @inp_sRoleName = m_objRoleMasterDTO.RoleName, @inp_sDescription = m_objRoleMasterDTO.Description, @inp_iStatusCodeId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.StatusCodeId, @inp_iUserTypeCodeId = m_objRoleMasterDTO.UserTypeCodeId, @inp_iIsDefault = (m_objRoleMasterDTO.IsDefault ? 1 : 0), @inp_iLoggedInUserId = nLoggedInUserId, @out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, @out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, @out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage, }).SingleOrDefault <RoleMasterDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookUpPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { scope.Complete(); return(res); } #endregion Error Values } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }
private void NotifyVote() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.Vote>("Select * From Vote v Where v.UserNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * from Storytimepost Where StorytimePostId = @0", a.StorytimePostId); var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", b.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId); if (c.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var e = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId); foreach(var f in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", e.UserGroupId)) { if (f != null) { var g = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", f.UserId); if (g != null && g.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + g.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, g.DeviceToken); } } } } else if(c.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var h in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId)) { var i = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", h.UserId); if (i != null && i.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + i.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, i.DeviceToken); } } } a.UserNotified = true; db2.Update(a); } }
public IEnumerable <PopulateComboDTO> GetPopulateDataTable(string sConnectionString, int inp_iGridType, int inp_iPageSize, int inp_iPageNo, string inp_sSortField, string inp_sSortOrder, string inp_sParam1, string inp_sParam2, string inp_sParam3, string inp_sParam4, string inp_sParam5, string inp_sParam6, string inp_sParam7, string inp_sParam8, string inp_sParam9, string inp_sParam10, string inp_sParam11, string inp_sParam12, string inp_sParam13, string inp_sParam14, string inp_sParam15, string inp_sParam16, string inp_sParam17, string inp_sParam18, string inp_sParam19, string inp_sParam20, out int out_iTotalRecords, string sLookupPrefix) { List <PopulateComboDTO> res = null; #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { var nTotalRecords = new SqlParameter("@out_iTotalRecords", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nTotalRecords.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nTotalRecords.Value = 0; var nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; // nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sSQLErrMessage.Value = ""; using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { res = db.Query <PopulateComboDTO>("exec st_com_populateCombo @inp_iComboType, @inp_sParam1, @inp_sParam2, @inp_sParam3, @inp_sParam4, @inp_sParam5" + ",@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT, @out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT, @out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT ", new { inp_iGridType, inp_sParam1, inp_sParam2, inp_sParam3, inp_sParam4, inp_sParam5, out_nReturnValue = nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sSQLErrMessage }).ToList <PopulateComboDTO>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nReturnValue.Value); string sReturnValue = sLookupPrefix + out_nReturnValue; e.Data[0] = sReturnValue; if (nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastSQL.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { if (nTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) { out_iTotalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(nTotalRecords.Value); } else { out_iTotalRecords = 0; } } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } return(res); }
private void NotifySeriesWinner() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.SeriesWinner>("Select ss.StorytimeSeriesId, s.StorytimeTypeId, s.StorytimeId, s.StorytimeTitle, ss.SeriesText, u.Username, sp1.Votes From StorytimeSeries ss inner join Storytime s on s.StorytimeId = ss.StorytimeId inner join AspNetUsers u on ss.UserId = u.Id inner join StorytimePost sp1 on sp1.SeriesId = ss.StorytimeSeriesId And sp1.Votes = (Select MAX(sp2.Votes) From StorytimePost sp2 Where sp2.StorytimeId = sp1.StorytimeId) Where ss.UsersNotified = 0 And ss.DateCreated < DateAdd(hh, -24, GetDate())")) { if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", b.UserGroupId); foreach (var d in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId)) { if (d != null) { var e = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", d.UserId); if (e != null && e.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = string.Empty; if (a.Votes > 0) notificationtext = serieswinner + " " + a.Username + " has won the series " + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + a.Votes + " votes!"; else notificationtext = nowinner + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle; CreatePushNotification(notificationtext, e.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var f in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId)) { var g = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", f.UserId); if (g != null && g.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = string.Empty; if (a.Votes > 0) notificationtext = serieswinner + " " + a.Username + " has won the series " + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + a.Votes + " votes!"; else notificationtext = nowinner + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle; CreatePushNotification(notificationtext, g.DeviceToken); } } } var storytimeseries = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeSeries>("Select * from StorytimeSeries Where StorytimeSeriesId = @0", a.StorytimeSeriesId); storytimeseries.UsersNotified = true; db4.Update(storytimeseries); } }
public UserRoleDTO SaveDetails(UserRoleDTO m_objUserRoleDTO, string sConnectionString, int nLoggedInUserId) { #region Paramters int out_nReturnValue; int out_nSQLErrCode; string out_sSQLErrMessage; #endregion Paramters try { #region Out Paramter var nout_nReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@out_nReturnValue", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nReturnValue.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nReturnValue.Value = 0; var nout_nSQLErrCode = new SqlParameter("@out_nSQLErrCode", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); nout_nSQLErrCode.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; nout_nSQLErrCode.Value = 0; var sout_sSQLErrMessage = new SqlParameter("@out_sSQLErrMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); sout_sSQLErrMessage.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value = string.Empty; #endregion Out Paramter using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(sConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") { EnableAutoSelect = false }) { var res = db.Query <UserRoleDTO>("exec st_usr_UserRoleSave @inp_iUserRoleID,@inp_iUserInfoID,@inp_iRoleID,@inp_nUserInfoId,@out_nReturnValue OUTPUT,@out_nSQLErrCode OUTPUT,@out_sSQLErrMessage OUTPUT", new { @inp_iUserRoleID = m_objUserRoleDTO.UserRoleID, @inp_iUserInfoID = m_objUserRoleDTO.UserInfoID, @inp_iRoleID = m_objUserRoleDTO.RoleID, @inp_nUserInfoId = nLoggedInUserId, out_nReturnValue = nout_nReturnValue, out_nSQLErrCode = nout_nSQLErrCode, out_sSQLErrMessage = sout_sSQLErrMessage, }).Single <UserRoleDTO>(); #region Error Values if (Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value) != 0) { Exception e = new Exception(); out_nReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nReturnValue.Value); e.Data[0] = out_nReturnValue; if (nout_nSQLErrCode.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_nSQLErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(nout_nSQLErrCode.Value); e.Data[1] = out_nSQLErrCode; } if (sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value != System.DBNull.Value) { out_sSQLErrMessage = Convert.ToString(sout_sSQLErrMessage.Value); e.Data[2] = out_sSQLErrMessage; } Exception ex = new Exception(db.LastCommand.ToString(), e); throw ex; } else { return(res); } #endregion Error Values } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { } }