public ActionResult Create(Personnel personnel, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { //image upload if (file == null || !isImageValid(file)) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, string.Empty); } else { isActivePersonel(personnel); db.Insert(personnel); //Save Image File to Local string imagePath = "~/Uploads/Images/" + "Image_" + personnel.ID + ".png"; saveImage(file, imagePath); //Save Image Path to DB and Update Personnel personnel.PhotoPath = imagePath; db.Update(personnel); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } return(View(personnel)); }
public void QuestionUpdateOnDbSide(Model.Question q) { var a = _db.SingleOrDefault <Question>($"SELECT * FROM {_tblQ} WHERE question_id={q.Id}"); a.hidden_from_ui = q.HiddenFromUi; a.shown_only_for_doctors = q.ShownOnlyForDoctors; a.text = q.Text; _db.Update(a); }
public void BasicCRUD() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("Chinook"); var newID = db.Insert(new Artist { Name = "Woot" }); var acdcnew = db.Update(new Artist { ArtistId = 1, Name = "AC/DC Blah" }); var acdc = db.Update(new Artist { ArtistId = 1, Name = "AC/DC" }); }
/// <summary> /// 更新单条数据 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="tbName"></param> /// <param name="primaryKeyValue"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int UpdateModel <T>(string tbName, string primaryKeyValue, T t) { int _intRlt = 0; _intRlt = db.Update(tbName, primaryKeyValue, t); return(_intRlt); }
public static void StopAll() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("LocalSQLite"); // stop all running threads\monitors foreach (MonitorClass mc in _monitorRunPool) { // stop the Timer if (!mc.DisableTimer()) { log.WarnFormat("Unable to disable the timer for Monitor ID: {0}", mc.MonitorID); } // TODO: Does the thread need joining back?? // change the monitor state try { Model.Monitor monitor = db.Single <Model.Monitor>("Select * from Monitor WHERE MonitorID = @monitorID", new { monitorID = mc.MonitorID }); monitor.State = Model.MonitorState.Idle.ToString(); db.Update(monitor); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("Unable to set the monitor state to Idle for monitor ID: {0}", mc.MonitorID); log.ErrorFormat(ex.ToString()); } } }
public int UpdateCommonInfoData(CommonInfo model) { using (PetaPoco.Database context = new PetaPoco.Database("DefaultConnection")) { return((int)context.Update(model)); } }
private static void Crud() { var petaPoco = new PetaPoco.Database("Chinook"); var customer = new Customer { FirstName = "Ian", LastName = "Russell", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; petaPoco.Insert(customer); var id = customer.CustomerId; customer = petaPoco.Single <Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); customer.Country = "United Kingdom"; petaPoco.Update(customer); customer = petaPoco.Single <Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); petaPoco.Delete <Customer>(id); customer = petaPoco.SingleOrDefault <Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); }
private static void Crud() { var petaPoco = new PetaPoco.Database("Chinook"); var customer = new Customer { FirstName = "Ian", LastName = "Russell", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; petaPoco.Insert(customer); var id = customer.CustomerId; customer = petaPoco.Single<Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); customer.Country = "United Kingdom"; petaPoco.Update(customer); customer = petaPoco.Single<Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); petaPoco.Delete<Customer>(id); customer = petaPoco.SingleOrDefault<Customer>(id); ObjectDumper.Write(customer); }
public ActionResult Edit(sanpham sp) { try { if (HttpContext.Request.Files.Count > 0) { var hpf = HttpContext.Request.Files[0]; if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) { string filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string fullPathWithFileName = "/images/" + filename + ".jpg"; hpf.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(fullPathWithFileName)); sp.hinhanh = fullPathWithFileName; } } // TODO: Add update logic here //QuanLyBus.CapNhat(id,sp); var dataContext = new PetaPoco.Database("DienThoaiShopConnection"); dataContext.Update("sanpham", "MaSanPham", sp); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public static bool UpdateSettings(Dictionary <string, string> dic) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { try { db.BeginTransaction(); foreach (var d in dic) { var r = db.Query <Models.Settings>(" where title=@0", d.Key).SingleOrDefault(); r.Value = d.Value; db.Update(r); } db.CompleteTransaction(); return(true); } catch { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } } }
public int updateWoodProp(WoodProp prop) { using (PetaPoco.Database context = new PetaPoco.Database("DefaultConnection")) { return((int)context.Update(prop)); } }
public int GeraNovo_NumeroNFiscal() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("stringConexao"); int iNFiscal = 0; try { db.BeginTransaction(); //Buscando o numero da ultima nota fiscal emitida e gerando um novo numero iNFiscal = (this.getNumNFiscal() + 1); //Atualizando o numero da nota fiscal no banco de dados db.Update("Update Controle Set NFiscal_NFCe=" + iNFiscal + " Where ChvControle = 1"); Controle.getInstance.ultima_NFCe = Convert.ToInt32(iNFiscal); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { db.AbortTransaction(); return(0); } return(iNFiscal); }
public int updateBamboo(bamboo bamboo) { using (PetaPoco.Database context = new PetaPoco.Database("DefaultConnection")) { return((int)context.Update(bamboo)); } }
public ActionResult Edit(Contacts contact) { var dataContext = new PetaPoco.Database("sqladdress"); dataContext.Update("contacts", "id", contact); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private void fbLogin(HttpContext context) { string token = context.Request.Params["token"]; Facebook.FacebookClient client = new Facebook.FacebookClient(token); //client.Post() client.UseFacebookBeta = client.IsSecureConnection = true; Facebook.JsonObject o = (Facebook.JsonObject)client.Get("/me"); var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Common.HairStyleConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { try { string first_name = (string)o["first_name"]; string name = (string)o["name"]; decimal id = Convert.ToDecimal(o["id"]); POCOS.Facebook fb = new POCOS.Facebook(); = name; fb.first_name = first_name; fb.gender = (string)o["gender"]; = id; fb.last_name = (string)o["last_name"]; = (string)o["link"]; fb.locale = (string)o["locale"]; fb.timezone = Convert.ToDouble(o["timezone"]); string updatedtime = (string)o["updated_time"]; DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(updatedtime, out dt)) { fb.updated_time = dt; } if (db.Exists <POCOS.Facebook>(id)) { db.Update(fb); } else { db.Insert(fb); } POCOS.AppUser au = POCOS.AppUser.FirstOrDefault("Select top 1 * from AppUsers where facebookid=@0", id); if (au == null) { au = new POCOS.AppUser(); au.FirstName = first_name; au.facebookid = id; db.Insert(au); } scope.Complete(); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = au.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = au.Email, name = au.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(au.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + au.Avatar }), false); } finally { scope.Dispose(); } } }
public static bool UpdateUserInfo(Models.User user) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var u = db.Query <Models.User>("WHERE uid=@0 ", user.Uid).SingleOrDefault(); u = user; return(db.Update(u) >= 0); } }
public static bool DeleteTopic(int fid) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var entity = db.Query <Models.Forums>("where fid=@0", fid).SingleOrDefault(); entity.IsHidden = 1; return(db.Update(entity) > 0); } }
public static bool SetTopicTop(int fid, Int16 istop) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var entity = db.Query <Models.Forums>("where fid=@0", fid).SingleOrDefault(); entity.IsTop = istop; return(db.Update(entity) > 0); } }
public static bool UpdateUserGroup(string groupName, object gid) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var model = db.Query <UserGroup>("where gid=@0", Convert.ToInt32(gid)).SingleOrDefault(); model.GroupName = groupName; return(db.Update(model) > 0); } }
public void UpdateYeZhu(YeZhu yz) { if (yz.log == null) { yz.log = ""; } if (Config.Conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { Config.Conn.Open(); } DB.Update(yz); }
public static bool UpdateLink(Models.Links model) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var entity = db.Query <Models.Links>("where id=@0", model.Id).SingleOrDefault(); entity.IsHidden = model.IsHidden; entity.Logo = model.Logo; entity.Name = model.Name; entity.Url = model.Url; return(db.Update(entity) > 0); } }
public static Models.Forums GetForum(int id) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var f = db.SingleOrDefault <Models.Forums>("WHERE fid=@0", id); if (f != null) { f.Views++; db.Update(f, new string[] { "views" }); } return(f); } }
public void Handle(AccountCreditedEvent domainEvent) { // Update the Read database Console.WriteLine("Updating account record {0}", domainEvent.Amount.ToString("C")); using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database("DemoConnectionString")) { var account = db.Single <BankAccountReadModel>(domainEvent.Id); account.CurrentBalance += domainEvent.Amount; db.Update(account); } }
public object POST([FromBody] Novedad item) { try { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("jlapc"); if (item.NovedadID == 0) { db.Insert(item); } else { db.Update(item); } return (new JsonResult() { Data = new { ok = true, error = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; } catch (Exception e) { return (new JsonResult() { Data = new { ok = false, error = e.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }).Data; } }
public static bool UpdateCategory(Category model) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var entity = GetCategoryInfo(model.CId); entity.CName = model.CName; entity.Content = model.Content; entity.Keywords = model.Keywords; entity.Master = model.Master; entity.Permit = model.Permit; entity.PId = model.PId; return(db.Update(entity) > 0); } }
public void CancelTicket(int id) { using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(ConnectionString, providerName)) { List <int> SeatIds = db.Fetch <int>("SELECT SeatId from Tickets where Id = @0", id); for (int i = 0; i < SeatIds.Count; i++) { var Seat = db.SingleOrDefault <Seat>(SeatIds[i]); Seat.Occupied = false; db.Update(Seat); } db.Delete <Ticket>(id); } }
public static bool AddComment(Models.Comment comment) { var f = GetForum(comment.FId); if (f == null) return false; using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { f.LastReply = DateTime.Now; f.Comments++; f.Ruid = comment.UId; db.Update(f, new string[] { "lastreply", "comments","ruid" }); return db.Insert(comment) != null; } }
private void NotifyVote() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query <Entities.Vote>("Select * From Vote v Where v.UserNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * from Storytimepost Where StorytimePostId = @0", a.StorytimePostId); var c = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", b.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId); if (c.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var e = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId); foreach (var f in db3.Query <Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", e.UserGroupId)) { if (f != null) { var g = db4.SingleOrDefault <Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", f.UserId); if (g != null && g.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + g.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, g.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (c.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var h in db3.Query <Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId)) { var i = db4.SingleOrDefault <Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", h.UserId); if (i != null && i.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + i.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, i.DeviceToken); } } } a.UserNotified = true; db2.Update(a); } }
public Show PostSave(Show show) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("umbShow"); if (show.idShow > 0) { db.Update(show); } else { db.Insert(show); } return(show); }
private void NotifyStoryWinner() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query <Entities.Storytime>("select * from storytime s where (select count(*) from storytimeseries ss where ss.storytimeid = s.storytimeid) = 10 and s.UsersNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.StoryWinner>("Select top 1 sum(sp.votes) as votes, u.username, s.storytimetitle from storytimeseries ss inner join storytimepost sp on ss.StorytimeSeriesId = sp.SeriesId inner join AspNetUsers u on = sp.UserId inner join storytime s on s.storytimeid = ss.storytimeid where ss.storytimeid = @0 group by u.username, s.storytimetitle order by votes desc", a.StorytimeId); if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var c = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault <Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId); foreach (var e in db3.Query <Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId)) { if (e != null) { var f = db4.SingleOrDefault <Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", e.UserId); if (f != null && f.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + f.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", f.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var g in db3.Query <Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId)) { var h = db4.SingleOrDefault <Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", g.UserId); if (h != null && h.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + h.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", h.DeviceToken); } } } a.UsersNotified = true; db4.Update(a); } }
public static bool AddComment(Models.Comment comment) { var f = GetForum(comment.FId); if (f == null) { return(false); } using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { f.LastReply = DateTime.Now; f.Comments++; f.Ruid = comment.UId; db.Update(f, new string[] { "lastreply", "comments", "ruid" }); return(db.Insert(comment) != null); } }
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromUri] string id) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var vote = new Entities.Vote(); vote.StorytimePostId = int.Parse(id); vote.DateCreated = System.DateTime.Now; vote.UserId = Storytime.Providers.UserHelper.GetUserId(this.User.Identity.Name); vote.UserNotified = false; db.Insert(vote); var storytimepost = db.SingleOrDefault <Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * from StorytimePost Where StorytimePostId = @0", id); storytimepost.Votes = storytimepost.Votes + 1; db.Update(storytimepost); return(Ok()); }
public bool Modificar(clsUsuario Obj) { try { if (GetByLogOn(Obj.User_LogOn) == null) { throw new UserException(); } Obj.User_Pasw = EncriptarPass(Obj.User_Pasw); var res = db.Update(Obj); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Utiles.WriteErrorLog("En usuarioManager actualizar " + ex.Message); Obj = null; return(false); } }
public void BookSeats(int MovieId, int TheaterId, string userId, List <int> Seatids) { using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(ConnectionString, providerName)) { for (int i = 0; i < Seatids.Count; i++) { var seat = db.SingleOrDefault <Seat>(Seatids[i]); seat.Occupied = true; db.Update(seat); db.Insert(new Ticket { MovieId = MovieId, TheatreId = TheaterId, UserId = userId, SeatId = Seatids[i] }); } } }
private void NotifyNewStory() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * From StorytimeUserList Where UserNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", a.UserId); var storytime = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); if (storytime.UserId != b.Id && b.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(newstory + storytime.StorytimeTitle, b.DeviceToken); } a.UserNotified = true; db2.Update(a); } foreach (var c in db.Query<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where UsersNotified = 0")) { var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId); var storytime = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId); foreach (var e in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * from UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId)) { var f = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", e.UserId); if (f != null && f.Id != storytime.UserId && f.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(newstory + storytime.StorytimeTitle, f.DeviceToken); } } c.UsersNotified = true; db3.Update(c); } }
private void NotifyVote() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.Vote>("Select * From Vote v Where v.UserNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimePost>("Select * from Storytimepost Where StorytimePostId = @0", a.StorytimePostId); var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.Storytime>("Select * from Storytime Where StorytimeId = @0", b.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId); if (c.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var e = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId); foreach(var f in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", e.UserGroupId)) { if (f != null) { var g = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", f.UserId); if (g != null && g.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + g.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, g.DeviceToken); } } } } else if(c.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var h in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", c.StorytimeId)) { var i = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", h.UserId); if (i != null && i.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = newvote + " " + i.UserName + " has voted for " + b.PostText; CreatePushNotification(newvote, i.DeviceToken); } } } a.UserNotified = true; db2.Update(a); } }
private void NotifyStoryWinner() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.Storytime>("select * from storytime s where (select count(*) from storytimeseries ss where ss.storytimeid = s.storytimeid) = 10 and s.UsersNotified = 0")) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StoryWinner>("Select top 1 sum(sp.votes) as votes, u.username, s.storytimetitle from storytimeseries ss inner join storytimepost sp on ss.StorytimeSeriesId = sp.SeriesId inner join AspNetUsers u on = sp.UserId inner join storytime s on s.storytimeid = ss.storytimeid where ss.storytimeid = @0 group by u.username, s.storytimetitle order by votes desc", a.StorytimeId); if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); var d = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId); foreach (var e in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", d.UserGroupId)) { if (e != null) { var f = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", e.UserId); if (f != null && f.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + f.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", f.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var g in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId)) { var h = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", g.UserId); if (h != null && h.DeviceToken != null) { CreatePushNotification(storywinner + h.UserName + " has won the story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + b.Votes + " !", h.DeviceToken); } } } a.UsersNotified = true; db4.Update(a); } }
private static int Update100Test(string connectionString) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); var homes = db.Query<Home>("SELECT * FROM home WHERE BuildYear=@0", 2014).ToList(); int count = homes.Count(); foreach (var home in homes) { if (home != null) { home.BuildYear = 2015; db.Update("Home", "Id", home); } } return count; }
public static Models.Forums GetForum(int id) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var f = db.SingleOrDefault<Models.Forums>("WHERE fid=@0", id); if (f != null) { f.Views++; db.Update(f, new string[] { "views" }); } return f; } }
private void NotifySeriesWinner() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db3 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); var db4 = new PetaPoco.Database("AGSoftware"); foreach (var a in db.Query<Entities.SeriesWinner>("Select ss.StorytimeSeriesId, s.StorytimeTypeId, s.StorytimeId, s.StorytimeTitle, ss.SeriesText, u.Username, sp1.Votes From StorytimeSeries ss inner join Storytime s on s.StorytimeId = ss.StorytimeId inner join AspNetUsers u on ss.UserId = u.Id inner join StorytimePost sp1 on sp1.SeriesId = ss.StorytimeSeriesId And sp1.Votes = (Select MAX(sp2.Votes) From StorytimePost sp2 Where sp2.StorytimeId = sp1.StorytimeId) Where ss.UsersNotified = 0 And ss.DateCreated < DateAdd(hh, -24, GetDate())")) { if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 1) { var b = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeGroup>("Select * from StorytimeGroup Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId); var c = db2.SingleOrDefault<Entities.UserGroup>("Select * from UserGroup Where UserGroupId = @0", b.UserGroupId); foreach (var d in db3.Query<Entities.UserGroupUser>("Select * From UserGroupUser Where UserGroupId = @0", c.UserGroupId)) { if (d != null) { var e = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", d.UserId); if (e != null && e.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = string.Empty; if (a.Votes > 0) notificationtext = serieswinner + " " + a.Username + " has won the series " + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + a.Votes + " votes!"; else notificationtext = nowinner + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle; CreatePushNotification(notificationtext, e.DeviceToken); } } } } else if (a.StorytimeTypeId == 2) { foreach (var f in db3.Query<Entities.StorytimeUserList>("Select * from StorytimeUserList Where StorytimeId = @0", a.StorytimeId)) { var g = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.AspNetUsers>("Select * from AspNetUsers Where Id = @0", f.UserId); if (g != null && g.DeviceToken != null) { string notificationtext = string.Empty; if (a.Votes > 0) notificationtext = serieswinner + " " + a.Username + " has won the series " + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle + " with " + a.Votes + " votes!"; else notificationtext = nowinner + a.SeriesText + " for Story " + a.StorytimeTitle; CreatePushNotification(notificationtext, g.DeviceToken); } } } var storytimeseries = db4.SingleOrDefault<Entities.StorytimeSeries>("Select * from StorytimeSeries Where StorytimeSeriesId = @0", a.StorytimeSeriesId); storytimeseries.UsersNotified = true; db4.Update(storytimeseries); } }
private void fbLogin(HttpContext context) { string token = context.Request.Params["token"]; Facebook.FacebookClient client = new Facebook.FacebookClient(token); //client.Post() client.UseFacebookBeta = client.IsSecureConnection = true; Facebook.JsonObject o = (Facebook.JsonObject)client.Get("/me"); var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Common.HairStyleConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { try { string first_name = (string)o["first_name"]; string name = (string)o["name"]; decimal id = Convert.ToDecimal(o["id"]); POCOS.Facebook fb = new POCOS.Facebook(); = name; fb.first_name = first_name; fb.gender = (string)o["gender"]; = id; fb.last_name = (string)o["last_name"]; = (string)o["link"]; fb.locale = (string)o["locale"]; fb.timezone = Convert.ToDouble(o["timezone"]); string updatedtime = (string)o["updated_time"]; DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(updatedtime, out dt)) fb.updated_time = dt; if (db.Exists<POCOS.Facebook>(id)) db.Update(fb); else db.Insert(fb); POCOS.AppUser au = POCOS.AppUser.FirstOrDefault("Select top 1 * from AppUsers where facebookid=@0", id); if (au == null) { au = new POCOS.AppUser(); au.FirstName = first_name; au.facebookid = id; db.Insert(au); } scope.Complete(); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = au.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = au.Email, name = au.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(au.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + au.Avatar }), false); } finally { scope.Dispose(); } } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Create a PetaPoco database object var db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlite"); // find the (presumably) most recently created foo int id = db.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT max(id) from foo"); // Get a record var foo = db.SingleOrDefault<foo>("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE Id=@0", id); // Change it = "PetaPoco changed your name!"; // Save it db.Update("foo", "Id", foo); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } this.fooQuery1.Refresh(); }